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Bigelow, UFOs, MUFON and ‘DeLonge’ Road to AATIP

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posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Kevin2024

good to see you back on the forums here.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: BASSPLYR
a reply to: The GUT

hey GUT thank you for the link. somethings stand out and corroborate somethings I've come across over the years.

You're welcome, BP. Looking forward to any thoughts you might share.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

TY my friend. You too.

I like having friends who don't agree with me, or me with them.
It keeps my horizons expanded, and me more humble.

I do learn things, even from people I don't agree with.


posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Kevin2024
It led to an empty universe, like the one we apparently live in.

We have all the pieces. It's unlikely that I'm the only one trying to put them together.


However there are a few ways the Universe we appear to live in might present as it does:

1) Zoo hypothesis (or quarantine.. us humans are so mentally ill and destructive).
2) Time-scaped (as you and Isaac Asimov surmised).
3) Most life is "energy" (sorry to say it --- plasma) living in the 95% of the hidden universe,
so us extremely rare organic sentients (maybe one species per galaxy at most, or maybe
one species only) see the apparent empty universe.
4) The last real species, 1 second before the universe detonates due to the big rip, is time-dilating
themselves to eek out a little more life, and running ancestor simulations for fun / escapism.
5) Other variations or in combination.

Fun to discuss for sure.


posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: Kevin2024

Kevin, we have to allow our friends to fill their holes the best way they know how.

I want to say, I am proud of the people here who usually partake of this discussion because it is so amiable mostly and filled with people who want to really know some truth. Not just win an argument.
Boy that's rare and GREAT...

We all have deep differences of opinion, and I’ll dare say I cannot recall much invective or fighting at all amongst this varied crew of, imo, exceptionally intelligent people.

Folks for some strange reason here, as in the past when we discuss this, we just seem to really connect…!

I think some where along this journey, maybe in this environment, amongst the people here, some truth might be uncovered because the camaraderie here is wonderful and exceptional.

edit on 8-1-2018 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-1-2018 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: Kevin2024

Kevin, we have to allow our friends to fill their holes the best way they know how.

I want to say, I am proud of the people here who usually partake of this discussion because it is so amiable mostly and filled with people who want to really know some truth. Not just win an argument.
Boy that's rare and GREAT...

We all have deep differences of opinion, and I’ll dare say I cannot recall much invective or fighting at all amongst this varied crew of, imo, exceptionally intelligent people.

Folks for some strange reason here, as in the past when we discuss this, just seem to really connect…!

I think some where along this journey, maybe in this environment, amongst the people here, some truth might be uncovered because the camaraderie here is wonderful and exceptional.

You are correct. Your post almost put a little tear on my face.

I think that many of us in this thread are a little battle scarred and weary.. we just want to get this sheis
ironed out, at least a little.. and don't care what the ultimate answer is.. so long as a little grey can be
turned a darker or lighter shade.

Thanks for that great observation.


posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: Kevin2024
I think some where along this journey, maybe in this environment, amongst the people here, some truth might be uncovered because the camaraderie here is wonderful and exceptional.

The old gang getting together for one last job...

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: 1ofthe9

The old gang getting together for one last job...

The Birds & Bigelow came flying back onto the radar like never before...somebody has to do it lol.

edit on 8-1-2018 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: Kevin2024

Kevin, you’re contribution is always exceptional and needed.

You, my friend, are an integral part of something good I detect in this environment.

It’s no doubt about it.

But if you get some pain here, for whatever reason, dont let it gt you down it will go away.

Many times in my journey for the search for truth, I’ve thrown out the window all my books, only to start over again.

Just be happy, my friend.

Something exiting may be happening here; just come and go as you please and if something makes you feel bad, like GUT said, just turn off the PC and do something that gives you more peace.

Maybe go watch the knicks

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

originally posted by: 1ofthe9

The old gang getting together for one last job...

They came flying back onto the radar like never before...somebody has to do it lol.

On that note, did you guys notice that mystery aircraft on the west coast last month? Got the air national guard in a tizzy, snap readiness exercises that haven't been seen since the cold war.

Interesting timing.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

what mystery aircraft? I'd enjoy a link.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

A squadron in California also got the snap readiness thing, but I can't find the link at the moment.
edit found it: rcise/

I noted this reddit comment (

Yeah, this "mystery jet" basically flew right over the 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field (KLMT) where there's a dozen F-15's sitting on the tarmac, and I'm supposed to believe the following... 1) The 173rd let some mystery plane drag its nuts across their face, they didn't know about it. Or they did, and just didn't care. 2) The 142nd, which is roaring around PDX all day, routinely intercepts Russian/Foreign aircraft off the coast, and always has a couple F-15's on standby... is (arguably) late getting off the ground, goes the wrong direction, and doesn't find anything.

hmmm... Flying back into the radar indeed GUT.

edit on 12018f3106America/Chicago9 by 1ofthe9 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12018f3106America/Chicago9 by 1ofthe9 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12018f3106America/Chicago9 by 1ofthe9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 06:27 PM
Back on closer topic and considering the information in this OP: It appears AATIP was "NIDS with a private slush-fund" and like MUFON and other instances, Bigelow has no intention of enlightening us to any of the research gathered as has been noted by a few here.

That also tells us much about the weight we should give to AATIP itself: Not much. One Bigelow production tooting the horn of another Bigelow production funded by Sen. Woo-Woo Reid.

Pretty much the whole darn cast of modern ufo-mythology is back. George Knapp is even dusting off Lazar! While in process of being dusted off himself.

This whole thing is one big feed-back loop unto itself.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
Back on closer topic and considering the information in this OP: It appears AATIP was "NIDS with a private slush-fund" and like MUFON and other instances, Bigelow has no intention of enlightening us to any of the research gathered as has been noted by a few here.

That also tells us much about the weight we should give to AATIP itself: Not much. One Bigelow production tooting the horn of another Bigelow production funded by Sen. Woo-Woo Reid.

Pretty much the whole darn cast of modern ufo-mythology is back. George Knapp is even dusting off Lazar! While in process of being dusted off himself.

This whole thing is one big feed-back loop unto itself.

Mr. Bigelow is trying to monetize "woo" even more aggressively than TDL.
If he thinks he's actually on to something, whether he is or not.. then
hell or high water, he won't release any useful info, if there's money
to be made...

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Willtell

You are most kind.

But it's a team effort.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: Kevin2024
4) The last real species, 1 second before the universe detonates due to the big rip, is time-dilating
themselves to eek out a little more life, and running ancestor simulations for fun / escapism.

That's my old theory that the instant before we die our lives "flash before us," but in real time. Hence deja vu. It's us remembering fragments of our lives that we have lived over and over eternally. Now there's a bummer.

I'll let you get back to the topic.
edit on 8-1-2018 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift

originally posted by: Kevin2024
4) The last real species, 1 second before the universe detonates due to the big rip, is time-dilating
themselves to eek out a little more life, and running ancestor simulations for fun / escapism.

That's my old theory that the instant before we die our lives "flash before us," but in real time. Hence deja vu. It's us remembering fragments of our lives that we have lived over and over eternally. Now there's a bummer.

I'll let you get back to the topic.

When I realized that the Multiverse or whatever you want to call the giant canvas seems to be setup to roll the dice endlessly, churning out the same things repeatedly.. that would include you and me and all of us.

Death loses it's sting.

We are eternally typing away on ATS --- now that's scary.

Let's the big kids who do real research get back to it, agreed.


posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:48 PM
Bigelow is a tight lipped fellow. I mean wouldn’t he want to spread his revelations. Of course, maybe its his personality, introverted type.

I would ask Bigelow,

“since you’ve had all this private access to so much information can you intelligently form a working hypothesis of what the Ufo phenomenon is all about?

If he says no.

Good grief man what have you been looking at ?

edit on 8-1-2018 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 07:57 PM
Surely, most of you have the faculty of discernment? Some call it colloquially as the bull# detector, because bull# give itself away, it isn't a good enough liar to convince the discerning of their normal perceptual stance. So how the hell does a story that states the Russians were behind Roswell gain any form of credence is beyond me.

Two years after world war 2, the Russians didn't have much of a pot to piss in, they had only just begun to rebuild their infrastructure that was decimated during the war. Don't forget, they lost 20 million people, but hey, I suppose they had to get their priorities in order, and make sure the Americans turned paranoid with alien fever first, before they started to heal what country they had left to build around.

My point of course, is that you don't give credence to obvious disinformation. You just don't allow yourself to be played with and entertain the ludicrous.

Back in the mid to late seventies I had a 'UFO' sighting, you can read about it here... became the start of an off/on interest that has stayed with me into my very late 50's. I consider myself an open-minded sceptic, and I'm not easily persuaded to change my viewpoint without genuine credible evidence. As this kind of sceptic that I am, I can categorically state with an experient's confidence that 'UFO's' do exist! What they are, and who or what is piloting them I cannot say as I don't have any evidence to answer such questions. Of course, from the behaviour of the ufo's 'imputations' arise as to what they could be, but that is all the phenomena can do - imply certain aspects, our imaginations then take over and muddy the waters if we let them. I personally, won't allow my own imagination to run riot and treat it's creativity as fact. I know when someone is trying to convince me that their lie is true, even when they have convinced themselves that it is true. We are often gullible to our own experiences, and it is something the discerning have to be aware of.

Certain other aspects in ufology, certain claims made, raise my hackles of suspicion. Claims of wormholes are one such aspect, and teleportations through solid objects are another that a number of 'abductees' have reported on. Inter-dimensional travel is another aspect I find hard to accept. Others report time travel aspects, which is not the same as 'missing time'. They are all nothing but unresolved theories, yet a number of people treat them as fact. We are probably centuries away from doing so, as we are no way near to having the knowledge to create the materials and resources for such advances. What I mean by 'resolved' is that we discover they can't done.

I mean, wormholes for instance, taking two vastly separated spatial coordinates in space and pulling them towards each other to make our trip through space shorter. How would you even go about such a thing? How could you manipulate such vast spatial vectors, with all the content in between, suns, planets, interstellar dust, etc, how could you weave an unobtrusive vector line through all that without affecting it all? Where would you get the energy from to do it?

At the quantum level particles behave the weird and counter-intuitive way they do because nature allows them to do so at that level only, at the macro classical level, nature doesn't. Spooky-at-a-distance communication may or may not occur at quantum level, but it doesn't in our everyday reality, nature prohibits it and filters it out. There is not a single instance where nature's laws can be circumnavigated.

Inter-dimensionality is another issue. Fundamental particles pop up randomly from the background noise, again because nature allows it at that level. Atoms and molecules don't as their existences rely heavily on the energy-exchange mechanisms occurring between sub-quanta to form 'allowed for' relationships out of which atoms and molecules arise, and they are orders of dimensional magnitude of existence way above the sub-quantum world, and our classical macro world is dimensionally magnitudes above them. Are there dimensions above ours that are populated with intelligences and life?

I think not. I tend to think that no matter where you are on the wide and infinite spectrum of vibration and wavelength, the optimum amount of dimensions that allow for existence at all is three, because from three dimensions you get length, width and depth, and that is all any form of objective existence requires, further dimensions are pretty much a redundant exercise in thought. You don't need further dimensions for particles to form energy relationships between each other to bond and create atoms, which in turn create molecules that in turn bond to create all the forms of meaningful existences out there. What objective existence requires more or less than three dimensions to exist?

So, it is probable from a hypothetical viewpoint that so-called inter-dimensional travel is based solely on increasing or reducing the natural vibration and wavelength of your own structure to appear at a higher or lower vibration of existence, but you will always abide in three dimensions only, nor matter where you are on the spectrum. Mass and its motion only requires an extension in three dimensions only. Let us also take note that 'time' has no existential reality of its own. It doesn't observe itself. Time is nothing more than 'our' observations and measurements of events that have duration. In other words, time is an abstract human construct culled out of our perceivings, and you cannot manipulate an abstraction, let alone travel through it. For us to travel through time, we need memory, as that is the only abstract universe time travel can occur.

So the point of all this is that if none-earth intelligences are visiting us, they are from other planets in this universe, and that their nomadic travels became their norm, rather than living on planets that have expiry dates, just like ours. If we survive ourselves and all the multiple threats that can end us on and off our planet, we will have to leave it one day. In the great cosmic scheme of things, planets are temporary tenancies only during the period they are safe and stable to be used.

posted on Jan, 8 2018 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: elysiumfire
Certain other aspects in ufology, certain claims made, raise my hackles of suspicion. Claims of wormholes are one such aspect, and teleportations through solid objects are another that a number of 'abductees' have reported on. Inter-dimensional travel is another aspect I find hard to accept. Others report time travel aspects, which is not the same as 'missing time'. They are all nothing but unresolved theories, yet a number of people treat them as fact. We are probably centuries away from doing so, as we are no way near to having the knowledge to create the materials and resources for such advances. What I mean by 'resolved' is that we discover they can't done.

I mean, wormholes for instance, taking two vastly separated spatial coordinates in space and pulling them towards each other to make our trip through space shorter. How would you even go about such a thing? How could you manipulate such vast spatial vectors, with all the content in between, suns, planets, interstellar dust, etc, how could you weave an unobtrusive vector line through all that without affecting it all? Where would you get the energy from to do it?

Wormholes are a testable hypothesis. I'm not sure how the vibration stuff could be.

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