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Flat earth theory?

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posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

. . . Moon appears the other way up in the Southern Hemisphere . . .
This is the sort of silliness that all die hard sphere believers engage in, they imagine because you can explain an observed thing through a sphere, that it is exclusive to a sphere.
This is totally wrong, anything that can be explained through a spherical model of the earth can also be explained on the flat earth model as has been done for thousands of years.
There is no reason whatsoever that you cannot explain the exact same phenomenon as described in your post concerning the Moon using the flat earth.
Because you can explain it on a sphere does not automatically exclude the ability to explain it on the plane.
Anyway, concerning the apparent size of the Sun, I posted two videos on this thread showing the sun getting smaller close to the horizon. I guess I need to post those again for those who missed them.


edit on 2018827 by LolliKum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: LadyButterfly
a reply to: Akragon

I'm sorry I just dont get the anger over this it doesnt mean anything to me. Why people argue over this as violently as they do politics. Life isn't politics and people are missing so much of the good and focusing on the bad, by arguing over silly things no one cares about.

The only silly thing is flat Earth and it's believers as stated physics goes out the window with a flat Earth. Have a look at youtube videos re the flat Earth there is not one single model to expalin how it works, they can't agree on the size or distance to the Moon or Sun they claim all images of the globe are fake. The main problem is that flat Earthers can't undestand scale and that's why the horzon looks flat we are on average 5-6ft tall standing on a Planet almost 8,000 miles in dia.

The Globe model works is predictable and repeatable.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 09:43 AM
I like the hollow Earth theory much better than the flat Earth theory.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

How long is a day in your opinion? 12 hours from dusk till dawn?
I am talking about actually seeing the sun, not just dim light before or after sunrise or sunset.
If you have a globe that shows two places on opposite sides of it and people in both places can see the sun at the same time, then either the earth is not a sphere or places are not properly being shown on the globe, making it a unreliable way to determine locations of specific places.
I found a website page called "How is it possible to see sun from London, USA and Australia at the same time?" It is saying that as the Sun is setting in London, the Sun is rising in Western Australia. OK, could be right as far as a globe goes, but what they are not explaining is how it is rising in New Zealand which is a lot further to the East.
The page seems to be presenting a rebuttal to flat earth claims, while ignoring the one that is not explainable on a globe earth.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

I found a website page called "How is it possible to see sun from London, USA and Australia at the same time?" It is saying that as the Sun is setting in London, the Sun is rising in Western Australia. OK, could be right as far as a globe goes, but what they are not explaining is how it is rising in New Zealand which is a lot further to the East.

Where has New Zealand come from?

You mentioned the US the UK and Australia.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: LolliKum

So why do I see only half of the Sun above the horizon?

According to the FE logic, it should be a full circle the entire time. Why would the horizon line of (say, for example) the ocean get in the way of being able to see the entire circle? How could it get behind my view of the ocean?

As for why a person can more easily look at the sun without a filter at sunrise and sunset, that's because the sunlight is passing through (and getting absorbed by) more of the thicker surface atmosphere before striking my eyes.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Damla

. . . claim you are a graphic from a game?
Are you 4 small Buddhist children? Your graphic says you are.
Just saying, my abovetopsecret "avatar" is a graphic, or a snapshot of what appears graphically while playing an online video game, and it just happens to be depicting a avatar I use in that game. If you were to go in that game and look for a person who looks like that picture then you could talk to me exactly the same as you can in this forum.
Anyway, as to what I can only guess is your point, no I am not playing it safe here because I state my actual opinion and do not just copy and paste random stuff with no explanation.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

The simplest proof the earth is round is when you get to see its shadow on the moon.
It might be if you were already a believer in the spherical earth theory.
If you already believe that the earth is a sphere then it is easier for you to believe that what you are seeing during an eclipse is actually the shadow of the earth.
Obviously for many thousands of years no one made that automatic connection, and believed something else was making the moon go dark. You need to first indoctrinate the world into the sphere earth theory, then they will go along with the idea that the earth is casting a shadow. But you cannot just take a phenomenon like the lunar eclipse and derive from that as if it was purely logical, that it is the earth's shadow since people are not stupid, or at least not in the more distant past and were well aware of a lot of times during an eclipse the sun and the moon are both visible.
It really takes an authoritative government hell bent on promoting a tremendous falsehood on the earth's population to pull off the regular thought processes to suppress the free exchange of ideas that normally would inform everyone that it could not be the earth's shadow since it is clear that the one is not in the path to cast such a thing.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: LolliKum
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

. . . we don't need to have 100% of everything charted to have a map showing where Australia, Europe, North and South America are.
Are you implying that such a map already exists? Do you mean, like a globe? Do you think a globe accurately places the various land masses where they are in real life?

No one but you is talking about a Globe. I am asking for the map of flat Earth. It does not even have to be 100% accurate, just reasonably accurate. I want to know where the major landmasses are in relation to each other. This is very easy to determine by any amateur with a few thousand dollars to buy some airplane tickets.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

It might be if you were already a believer in the spherical earth theory. If you already believe that the earth is a sphere then it is easier for you to believe that what you are seeing during an eclipse is actually the shadow of the earth.

What about when its not an eclipse and just a certain phase of the moon?

It really takes an authoritative government hell bent on promoting a tremendous falsehood on the earth's population to pull off the regular thought processes to suppress the free exchange of ideas that normally would inform everyone that it could not be the earth's shadow since it is clear that the one is not in the path to cast such a thing.

So everyone's thought process is manipulated by the government and you flat earthers are the real free thinkers?

Yet you cannot answer basic questions about going outside and need a YouTube video instead?

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

. . . I think the video is the one by D Marble and it was him in the west of USA (sun overhead) talking to someone in Yorkshire England and Australia . . .
That could be what it is talking about in the page I found about England and Western Australia, with the sun setting in the one and rising in the other.
Anyway, there was another video, though, that I was thinking of, probably by Globebusters, where they were talking about New Zealand and England without any mention of anyone in the US. I need to try to find that just by looking at some of them in my history and listen for a minute or two of them talking about it in a 2 or 3 hour long video.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Soylent Green Is People

According to the FE logic, it should be a full circle the entire time.
No, it isn't part of FE logic.
If you are on the earth's plane, then you will see part of the sun or all of it disappear into the vanishing point according to the ordinary law of perspective.
There could be times when it doesn't, like in the first video I posted in the post above, where you have a good vantage point and you are looking over the dry land of the desert, then it does not have the large amount of clutter and atmospheric moisture to cause the light refraction that would push the apparent sun location down beyond the horizon.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

This is very easy to determine by any amateur with a few thousand dollars to buy some airplane tickets.
Anyway, the defenders here of the sphere are really going of the edge of absurdity and not worth talking to at this point.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

i picked my avatar what you call randomly i suppose. i think my avatar will say to you the same thing if you listen that i have four 'friends'.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

On a flat earth you could never have a sunset and a sunrise at the same time. This can only occur on a globe. Also moon phases can only be explained if the earth is round. The problem with flat earthers is they use bad math to attack science and hope people don't realize how stupid the idea actually is.

In order for flat earth to exist gravity cannot exist. And well we know it does or when we drop things it wouldn't hit the floor. We have proven the connection to mass and gravity in the lab. In order for the flat earth to be true every aspect of physics would have to be wrong and we know through experimentation thats just not true physics is describing reality.

So lets flip the table instead of attacking science to prove your assumptions. Explain how gravity would work on a flat earth. And explain how we could get a sunset and a sunrise at the same time anywhere on earth.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: LolliKum

So you are refusing to produce the flat Earth map. Like I said before, you are not an actual believer, just here to troll and argue.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: LolliKum

So you are refusing to produce the flat Earth map. Like I said before, you are not an actual believer, just here to troll and argue.

Its impossible to make an accurate map of the globe on a flat surface. The distances won't add up or the shape of the land mass will be different. I have no doubt he knows this and has been trolling people. You coild make the arctic the center for example. Problem is flights out of australia would become longer than the fuel they can store. A flight from day Australia to peru would be days in the air.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

They don't believe in gravity

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Akragon

It's why no one lives on the flip side of FE.

There, gravity works as a repelling force.

posted on Aug, 27 2018 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: LolliKum

pls come back, tell us more i want to go back to real flat earthers in inqusition, hold hands with them and cry at the moment.

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