Hi Steve and all contributors of Steve's Superthread.
Just checking in, first to say hi and I hope you are all well, grounded and enjoying the beautiful gift of life, whatever that may be in true
I'm still working on the remote view project I mentioned earlier, but sadly as it involves many professional participants that must each be paid for
their time, it's taking a little longer than expected for me to raise the funding, as a project of this nature and complexity apparently doesn't come
cheap. Hopefully though, following a few Crypto investments, I should attain the sum required in approx 1-2 months.
Apart from that, I'm still trying to actively track down Debbie Oakes and a few of Kens former work colleagues, in the hope of obtaining a little more
information/ corroboration of the events and to glean any additional data that may have been omitted from the book.
I would also really like to speak with Gary Rowe directly or via e-mail but despite numerous attempts to contact him via Facebook, I have not received
a reply which is a great shame. I think my next step will be to attend one of his UFO presentations in North Wales, with the hope of getting to chat
personally with him after the event.
I do believe that Gary's reference to numerology is a significant factor and so far it appears to be a little researched topic in this case.
I have a hard drive full of information and research regarding TVP but as there are a multitude of interlocking rabbit holes to investigate, it's
sometimes quite difficult to pull all the information together into an easy to read, organised source/ re-source.
I can spend days/ weeks on one single line of investigation, only to accrue 20-30 other spin off lines of additional information, each of which
requires it's own investigation and thorough analysis. The Canada link being just one example that springs to mind.
TVP is a strange book. Strange in the way that it draws one in, chews us up and spits us out, before drawing us back in again for another mauling.
Strange in the way that it always springs back into the mind when reading, learning or investigating other topics that on the surface seem unrelated,
yet develop to appear firmly intertwined.
All consuming one minute, like an addictive substance - that we the addict eagerly consume, to the detriment of ourselves and all too often of our
loved ones as we become inebriated by words in a book.
I find it best these days to allocate a strict amount of set time to this subject, rather like the time restrictions one may place on a child playing
Fortnite or any other all consuming video game.
Despite my reservations and acknowledgements, I shall continue forward with my research but treat it more as a hobby than a self requirement.
One of the hardest parts of investigation, is trying to convince others of the merit and significance of finding Thomas's book. A book that may or may
not exist in a fable that may or may not even be real, although I myself, suspect it is.
As a retired police officer, I have investigated and solved thousands of cases in my time, but this case is on a completely different level. The worst
part for me, is the lack of witnesses who are willing to be interviewed or go on record. Sure, Debbie herself has commented on the odd forum here and
there as has Gary, but as always, we only receive tiny snippets of information that could well be expanded upon, given an avenue of communication and
the right investigative techniques.
I place Gary Rowe as one of the most credible witnesses, but his creditability accounts for little unless he is willing to speak, expand and assist in
our endeavours to reach a conclusion.
Heck, I sometimes even question whether a conclusion is possible or what exactly I'm trying to prove or achieve.
Let's say the team of remote viewers conduct the R.V session on this event and say "yes, it was a real event, it did happen and there appears to be a
document of sorts that proves this. The document appears to be sitting amongst other books in a vault or in a bookstore somewhere in the UK.
We would not still be in the same position we are today, standing before a needle in a giant nationwide sized haystack of book deposits.
I know I'm rambling a little today, writing this just before I go out to work (Should have left an hour ago), but once gain TVP gripped me this
morning after a lengthy out of the blue dream, following which I felt compelled to visit our longstanding thread. Drawn in one again to the words of
2109 which for me are my enigma and the reason for my willing and at times unwilling perseverance.
Anywhooo, got that off my chest lol.
I hope you are all well. I don't even need to ask if anyone is still thinking about the book, because I know the answer.
The question is, is the book thinking about us?
Have a great day friends, catch you later.
edit on 6-9-2021 by studio500 because: text