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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I am more concerned about your pre-programming....
You are hopefully aware that,
your thoughts are all recorded and will be used against you,
in connection with "you move on to a better/worse world"
is very Christian.

While my point was, your recorded experiences get altered to stimulate you emotionally. Steer you in this or that direction.
If ree will means "make conscious decisions" I would dare to say: we don't got much.
An awareness problem.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Truth in body, speech and of course the ever changing mind as awareness of the senses occuring. Grasping that as oneself is a silly notion as there is no past of reality just a sensory impression. Whether that leaves a mark as emotion or logic stands to all reason. Can't have logic or ration as either extreme and also have reason, both must be inbalance or else there is imbalance...

Conceptual grasping... nest to grab words out of the air like recombinate dna mix them up as required to communicate then let them go right back into the aether to which they arose before the mix.

None of these words are mine, however the order put to them conveys a concept that is mine... it is from discriminating thought as the wisdom of experience of this form in relation to contact with other forms.

All beings have the same capacities of contact what their impression is varies... as said when going back through past lives, when I hit the "germ" phase(still life mind you) the sensation was a giant orgy the form may have been different but all squiring sqeeming and connected and then bump the awareness that was there vanished and then poof into another form, the same as a consciousness jump into a cow on the slaughter line as an OBE but yet in body experience(that of a cow) I could see the cows the gates being unloaded and pulled along and the pressure of the air unit to my head and then all just went dark no pain awareness just jumped into another form the same as the past life as a bacteria.

In Buddhism there is consciouness transferance which is basically that flow... it is something that in my experince gets abused at times by those most depserate to keep life or a form instead of making that jump; and they practice OBE to do just that.

The mind seal is a good thing it is knowing who the guest is and who the host is, and like a bar keeper; you don't have to go home but you can't stay here after last call and the doors are closing.

Otherwise not knowing the difference? Then one is a conglomerate easily taken over, consciouness grasped as a self and not knowing what a self entails is programming. Like people used to not clap after movies, then they did... Um, not a live play so who the hell are you all clapping for? I quit going too annoying because peers ruined the experience, cell phones, you can see everyone, non stop talking and then the clapping.

ffs people can ruin anything if given the chance.

So this we business... no one can tell my tongue if my food is good or not, they can use theirs to say theirs is they can use it again to suggest to me that it is, and in my own consciousness of the tongue? I can disagree. I will not put on a fake facade and say yes indeed it is good when it is not, however a compliment can be made about what is good like the bread is good instead of getting into some argument. There was time and trouble put into it, and rude to pick faults when the sense does that already as a witness... it needs no other source of validation. The one asking however seems to need not only tongue and the second guess of the tongue but someone elses too... when other than conversation? It does not matter.

I perfer to spend time in pleasant company and quiet is sometimes difficult to come by even when "alone" a simple smile conveys more meaning than any discourse of words ever could.

The mask? The whole world is a stage business can take a flying leap, I do not do nor care for fake, or the facades that people put up. It not only masks but it bottles up... saying the bread is good, if the person cares in honesty they would inquire further... if they planned on making it and serving it to me again. If they did inquire further then it shows they care and not just putting on a mask.

Tact is what seems to be lost and why so many wear that fake thing of stupidity, and I do not mind calling such as that stupidity. When original personalities are emmulated and copied that is not a sincere form of flattery that is just a clone a facimile and not the genuine article.

How many love a great work of art? Of course one would rather have the original but for most? A reasonible representation will do becaus they love it. Best to make oneself and their life an artwork then who needs a mold to be cast into? The only reason one would do such a thing outside of a job of acting? Would be for deciet due to an insecurity.

Honesty, when I turned 18 I realized the I or self I presented was a lie. I just did not find anything about my life that facinating and there were the stories plausible... but then there is memory. If it actually happened? Nothing to remember no stress in recall. If it didn't? One just set their own neck into a noose to be hung at a later date.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 06:13 PM
Some music for the cafe as I am about to make some cafe, after a tastee smoke(personal tobbaco blend)

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Don't flatter yourself, brother, you're just as stuck on your story.

Sorry I am a bitch.

*Just fyi I loved it, many truly interesting points give me a moment to digest...

edit on 1-7-2017 by Peeple because: Add

My only concern is you give Buddhism too much weight, it's just a tool, not the "way".

edit on 1-7-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

edit on 1-7-2017 by Peeple because: 2.add

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Not the only way, I have seen so many other paths hit and smash like so many atoms or should I say Adams? But apples still bob in water best to just take them out and say Gin!

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Peeple

You already stated you met 'others' during an NDE. Where those spririts? You can stop linking me with churchians anytime, if you want to remain polite and all...

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness there is no past or reality just a sensory impression.

For real? Try using that as defense in a courtroom.

Bullies, murderers, rapists, and thieves would love that to be true. "Hey, just forget about it, It never happened. Its all 'Good'.


There will be a reckoning, one day.
edit on 1-7-2017 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Peeple

You already stated you met 'others' during an NDE. Where those spririts? You can stop linking me with churchians anytime, if you want to remain polite and all...

I'm just saying your pet looks old. I'm not even having one. I keep bringing up the retrograde satellites. How much of these god experiences are substance induced, I met them between life and death, but stuff like the spacex incident, the helicopters of Vietnam and many personal reports of experiences with BT, demons, ghosts, etc, the Scole Experiment,.... there's just so much stuff going on and my intention is more to make that a fact for everybody.
Undeniably proving it's there.
Then we can assume what it is.

The Hessdalen Lights, electro-magnetic fields causing hallucinations, god is just our connected subconsciousness ... all that can swing towards swamp gas.
But there is definitely something there and I mean as far as I am concerned we could be "the sims" to them.
Who knows what they learned from the Vietnam war?

To say they could be here since forever and are just spirits doesn't change the fact that humanity is having serious issues and we really don't know what a spirit is, how they function, where they exist, their agenda, ...
I can't tell you how badly I want to know.
That's everything I want, the truth.

Sure you can say, some ancient folks had a name and a few fancy stories about it, but the stuff suddenly doesn't count anymore, Vimāna no but Noah got 950 years old. It's annoying and I just wish people wouldn't put so much weight on stuff they can't know. No matter who chooses which favourite story, there were some wild things going on in our past on this planet.
Drugs played a role in it. But don't explain everything.
Might be that there is more spirit in us than we consciously know.
But I feel we are steered towards an important point in the story.

But I am lacking the testable prediction. So please let's focus on that, how do we get a verifiable reaction from it? Does it want a goodie?

And this is the place where we are in a friendly manner unfriendly with eachother as long as we keep it on topic. You may shoot back if you think I'm rude. But trust me I just tell you my thoughts.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

It works that's what matters. Just hard work... I will try an hour of Qigong and also yoga this week. Should be interesting.
Focus tense relax....

edit on 1-7-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I'm just saying your pet looks old. I'm not even having one. I keep bringing up the retrograde satellites. How much of these god experiences are substance induced, I met them between life and death, but stuff like the spacex incident, the helicopters of Vietnam and many personal reports of experiences with BT, demons, ghosts, etc, the Scole Experiment,.... there's just so much stuff going on and my intention is more to make that a fact for everybody.
Undeniably proving it's there.
Then we can assume what it is.

Yah, churchianity is old, religion is a control trip.

You claimed you had an encounter with 'spirits', now thats just gubment tech?

Make ups ones mind. If that wasn't 'proven to you' (and you know it was) then you can only claim you don't know anything, even thought you have been shown directly.

Is that what you are doing? First claiming a spirit encounter during an NDE or disclaiming it as hallucination?

I just want to understand were you are coming from because I have seen beyond too, and I know it them they there exists.

Are you denying that now? Say it aloud for they are listening.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I hope I didn't say spirits? Blurry grey-ish meeple, could have been mental projections from me or someone else. The only part of the conversation I remember is "do you want to continue to play?"
The control loop is a thing, tricksters, I learned a very painful lesson that your desires can make reality look different than it is.
And whatever it is, it controls the weather, can alter internet pages in seconds, write on the laptop for you, make firealarms go off, ...but it's not exactly obedient.
"OK camera's running go!" doesn't work.
People start reacting to my thoughts again is making me very nervous. They tend to get aggressive if they do.
I just don't pretend I know sh1t, I want to know what sh1t is.
And therefore I have to find a way to prove it.
Because it's serious. Possibly dead serious.
I want it to be measured and counted before I can ignore it, or live with it, or experiment with it.
I couldn't even decide if I think it's nice or bad. Human or not? Mechanical? Holographic? Interdimensional?
But first we have to establish it's real.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness there is no past or reality just a sensory impression.

For real? Try using that as defense in a courtroom.

Bullies, murderers, rapists, and thieves would love that to be true. "Hey, just forget about it, It never happened. Its all 'Good'.


There will be a reckoning, one day.

Personally, I try to avoid courtrooms I have already been inconvienanced enough by whatever action it is... so why waste time to be even further inconvienanced?

Of course, karma will handle them in the hells... would you really want to be tied to someone in this life or the next... perhaps several, because of a silly grudge or occurance that has past? Let it be past... but of course; self defense is a choice... others helpless to defence of their form or property like a child; should have protection. As adults we have choice... to do, not to do, or to do something else.

Government of course, wants to treat adults like children; because of the lack of control over emotions and irresponsibility. So one bad apple spoils the bunch, and everyone keeps crying over spilled milk... instead of removing the apple, or cleaning up the mess and being done with it.

I heard so many gripes and complaints of pet peeves growing up... like people not flattening out the toothpaste tube or putting the cap back on etc. it takes all of 5 seconds to perform both of those tasks oneself and more time and stupidity to complain about it than simply the doing.

This is the kind of society we live in where a word is free and any task is monumental instead of simply done. Personal responsibility even when others are not is a way to show how one cares and respects life regardless of others actions.
edit on 1-7-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: sp

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 03:39 PM
Mandela strikes again, Bernstein Bears?(2links)
The "a/the" confusion takes its 2nd run first the interview with a vampire, now this musician dude...we'll see where it lands next time I guess?

Imagine they throw Trump out of office....

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I think a good muscle group by muscle group squeese and release is very relaxing; especially before bed starting at the fet and going up, then finishing with a full body clench until it can barely be held then released... then it is melt right into the mattress.

The above is something I should do more of and since it is not a habit? I forgot until passing this along.

Note; cramps... if the calf or foot cramps point you toes towards your chin and if the one under your chin cramps(typically in a yawn) jut your bottom jaw outward... I rarely have other sorts of cramps... cramping when running?(something I have absolutely no use for under any circumstances maybe a slight jog in a cross walk from time to time but that's it) Change the breath on foot fall to an inhale instead of an exhale.

Research upper and lower "Dan t'ian" the root four finger breadths below the navel and imagine the rest rooted as a tree downward and the upper sways and draws energy into the upper... the upper and lower ganglia coinside with these areas. The horse stance in kungfu is a great practice for Q-jong stand there in that poistion baxk stacked straight like coins as long as possible... picture oneslf drawing water up to the lower Dan... it is said eventually one becomes "immovible" being so rooted in the dan t'ian. I sit in meditative posture most of the day so rooted is a given.

Steel wheels spinning... lol some sound more like a shoe knocking around in a dryer; in my personal experience of one type... sort of like an MRI knock.. btw greys feel like a hairless cat, if you've never had an MRI I highly suggest one it aligns the magentic field of the body I felt amazing after one like almost giddy for no reason.

edit on 1-7-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: extra

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Mri? Had a few actually. The first one was horrible.

And we're back to electromagnetic fields. Maxwell, who proved Faraday, had long conversations with his dog. That's true. And Cantor he stated that there are more than one infinite.
It's all old news, but we seem to be unable to digest it.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Oh infinite... past is infinite, present is infinite, future is infinite, knowledge is infinite, what the eye sees moment to moment is infinite the same with the other senses.

I think it more difficult to find what is not infinite except for maybe forms that life falls into and does not adapt it's way out. But yet life itself is infinite...

So it's more what some life tries to limit itself too 0r is limited too that makes things finite.

Impermanence that is the very nature of suffering to all existence... so what is or permanent infinite being? All that is attached or finite such as a self, and I an ego. How permanence actually manifests in enlightenment of being in and of itself... in non-differentiation of the force that is life choosing one's form regardless of the reality of that form, many could be ducks, chickens snakes and yet not aware of that thinking themselves "human" better to be simply awake.

That is the flow, the chi, the pranna all of this other business is just something to pass the time, all of it will change the infinite you will too as long as there is no you, just the moment passing and the experience while it continually passes... no beginning and no end except in grasping at what has already gone as still existant as a permanent unchangible thing. Memory degrades on every recall, it is added to embellished and shifted to suit the ego instread of something arose and something passed and that something is always infinity itself called constant change or impermanence.

The road out of that? Stop grasping at some narritive as you say... conversation; we wouldn't be having one if you did not hold some meaning to me and vice versa. Same goes with others out of empathy I sit here and point to what grasping and attachment does. It creates all suffering once the moment is passed...

Taking comfort in things past makes for a future habit; grasping at nothing but the moment in which things arise in awareness? It is also contiinually released back into the infinite that arises and passes without cease. That grasping is the condition for that future to arise if oneself is not doing the grasping? Then it is of course others doing that for whatever reason...

How could one possibly take rebirth when one is not grasping at any future left undone or suffer when the past has no regrets? Continually arising and passing whether attached or not.

edit on 1-7-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: sp.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

But if I don't try to grasp things I wouldn't move at all?
The problem is maybe more "I'm lacking the tools to make the next step"?
Freaking everything is electromagnetic. Light, radio, ... but that's not what we mean really is it?
Can you imagine a world where positrons circle the core of atoms?
Where mass is the gas and vice versa?
A negative of us. (Picture that)
Where suns and pulsars are black holes.

I think I remember I read somewhere all that was necessary on a molecular level to start live came from there. Suns.
I also wish I had better communication. I'm so f*cked up I envy people who hear voices.

I like supersymmetry. I imagine there is potential of at least 3 other symmetrical universes,

each has a different "strong force", like others got gravity, or electromagnetism,...and their negative black teddy with white lines....
The potential for this being a sincere breakthrough is big.

But I won't be the one who does the math. I often wonder how it happened that I find math "entertaining" now? Why I bother with physics and programming and sh1t? I always hated it. Now it's "fun". That's crazy.
Talking about crazy around 1920 there was an increase of a psychosis where people thought "the machine" was taking control over them. All they "remembered" was being put in a box and "measured" or injected.
It's funny what kind of experiments people made at that time and up until the late 80's kept eugenics programmes, Delgado, the Soviet dog without body, ... & suddenly they stop.
Am I seriously supposed to believe we're all so good Democrats now we're just not doing these things anymore?

On a funnier note, Nicolas Cage really must have lived many lifes.


Sorry that was funny, because that

is Cantor. It reminds me of someone and then the Cage thingy happened...

Which makes you really think...
Was Faraday an alien?
Ah haha, no but seriously do souls while they possess a body and maybe grow stronger put their "style" on the appearance of their hosts face?
Who am I? What's my soul? Why do I seem to have one?
Because that's plausible, right? I'm here, but in mind altered states I meet others somewhere else.
There is a facettes of me thing going on, that's true, but how much of me is them, is very questionable.
Unfortunately a lot of my experiences seem to be technological. I tried so many drugs not once did I have a hallucination as good as the once I had when I was sober and in a "naturally high" state, the so called good mood.
I still struggle with the blue ribbon and where it came from...

edit on 1-7-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 07:55 PM

May the yellowstone Caldera not errupt in a most untimely fashion. Please have mercy on our souls.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Peeple

But first we have to establish it's real.

if that NDE wasn't real enough, then what is? Is that your only encounter, none where you were fully awake and of sound mind.. and with others, who saw the same thing(s)?

Theres this phrase, "I know what I saw". You either do or don't.

Of course this is subjective and all, we don't know each others real state of mind or pov.

I have this past experience I relate once and a while, to polite and serious peeples.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Just my 2cents but there is no eternal suffering hell. Well sort of.

The sun will unmake souls, the remaining subatomic particles will be in there for pretty much forever as far as it goes.

Nobody is leaving this gravity well that isn't supposed to.

The first minute into here...

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