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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Jeez Peeps!

As BBD has said before, you can't demand answers because the low hanging fruit are the first ones there. Seeking is the thing; it's the trip not the destination; the map is not the territory; the menu is not the meal. Those answers you are seeking will not be fulfilling because you didn't learn to be authentic along the way. Aghh! I've said, "learning how to learn is what schools should teach." See? It is more "meta" stuff. Hard to explain. You are well down the path. See. Be. Breath. Relax. Only then can you be.

The societal trappings: jobs, money, keeping up with our Joneses (hehe), is the BS they want you to focus on. They interfere with you becoming the true you.

"You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your #ing khakis. You're the all seeing, all dancing, crap of the world"

Don't worry. We are all waiting for "it" whatever "it" is too. Patience young padwan.

Did you do too many drugs?
I did too many drugs.
Did you too many drugs, too... baby
You were born too late,
I was born too soon...

-Violent Femmes, American Music

Frickin' synchronicities! The post I'm responding to I was listening was Miracle Drug but the one I posted is more profound and inline with I'm trying to say. I went back and re-listened to Lies and was coming to the end of the post when those lyrics popped up in the next song! Today, I've seen two different guys walking around carrying a plastic case for a power drill in two different spots in town--they were dressed the same! Universe has her good days!

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I'm not the centre of the universe. Earth is not. Therefore
The centre of the universe has to be somewhere outside me.

If the Universe is infinite then everywhere is the center of it all. And not.

There is no center or edge to infinity.

Life is what matters most.

Edit: In all that infinite Universe there is only one you. You are one of a kind, singularly unique. How special is that? Don't let it go to your head, everyone else is just as special.
edit on 29-6-2017 by intrptr because: Edit:

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I think if you examine the you that others hold as you? You will find that they are not you at all. The you that I have found that most people hold as a concept of you is only their perfect dream of concept of you, that you could never actually be.

Pop goes the bubble of those, expectations and assumptions...

Staying true to oneself in body speech and mind is extremely difficult and painful in regards to others. Even in a monastic setting there are rules to adhere to as an expectation but at least they are the same for everyone ordained regardless from abbot to initiate all stand on the very same ground from day one.

Outside of that in personal freedom? One has to stand on their own ground, so many want to be someone or anyone other than who they are... and that is when the dream begins. Want a title here's a title and now you have some responsibility to hold up that title even if it be man woman a child gay or straight everyone has their own image or expectation of what all of those things hold in their own little bubble of unless you fit that role or expectation you do not meet that image or requirement and therefore by default you are a fraud. A variable you is not a you either, one can remain a constant almost like a force of nature itself as in there is no real self, but acting as if that self is anyone else is still acting and not simply being.

With well over 7 billion people and likely to double that as water levels rise in the next 20 years? Some more essential common ground in equality or live and let live must be made.

So hey greater than oneself is the care that says I only expect you to be you even if that be a liar a cheat a tyrant most of the time? At least it is not and could not be all of the time... and therein lay the window for change and compassion and empathy sees that it stays open and wisdom says in time? Change is the inevitability that is unavoidable for the all of everything known and unknown.

Best to embrace that as soon as possible.

posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Kind of talking in circles. it okay, just try and keep it simple-r.

Life is very simple, only the vain and ambitious make it more complex than it has to be. Its really easy to be simple, once you discard all those expectations others have of you.

I think I said earlier that the forms we are poured into and pressured by the world to become, I resisted that my whole life, from early childhood.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 04:06 AM
Look guys!

I made me/us a logo.

Awwwwww, right?

Magic, Reiki etc...

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Peeple

I'm not the centre of the universe. Earth is not. Therefore
The centre of the universe has to be somewhere outside me.

If the Universe is infinite then everywhere is the center of it all. And not.

There is no center or edge to infinity.

Life is what matters most.

Edit: In all that infinite Universe there is only one you. You are one of a kind, singularly unique. How special is that? Don't let it go to your head, everyone else is just as special.

Aha, point is to make an estimation of your surroundings you have to set yourself as the point of reference.
Now the relations, what can we count, verify, record, in a nutshell?
Especially since personal experience doesn't count.
Because dude it is the one thing, the only thing, that would open peoples eyes: Direct Experience.
(I had a pretty serious argument once on that topic, because the key question to me, concerning consciousness and "life" is do we have free will?)

So what we see here is kind of like Heinz G. Konsalik(none of his books is available in English? Curious...)Ein Komet fällt vom Himmel
"Sometime around January the 5th 1982 a comet will strike central Europe. A journalist wants to warn the public, all those who know go to Australia, the scientists behind the discovery are all suddenly "mentally unstable", or under state watch and ...
it's a newspaper bringing the news, panic spreads, all leave for the mountains..."
I just remember it's one day before or after my birthday, so might be 6th or 4th. And what you can do for me, even if people will look at you funny,
tell them to exercise breathing, attention exercises, make an emergency kit, mostly a psychological one, what will you do if panic spreads, what are your exits (haha important one) do you have a grab and run suitcase prepared, pack it and most of all
prepare for the worst and party at the less.
Channel your chi towards the belly
Be vigilant, awake, aware
Remeber they want us to be violent
if you strike try to make it quick and on point

A revolution can't be nonviolent.
A revelation will prevent worse.
There's light at the end of the tunnel.

...Sorry I got carried away
Anyhoo, if I'm 0 how do I set my coordinates? What is it I notice that makes me a believer? Synchronicities, songs, book, other people saying what I think and reacting to my thoughts is huge....
Flickering lights in the smoker room...
607...What's 6? What 7?

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 04:56 AM

*ramming my tongue down your throat "that was awesome!" I love this stuff! It's oracle business.
Don't worry I am really at a sweet spot, it takes always a while until I am balanced again, but I am confident we're making progress. Baby-steps ...

I just keep spamming, jump on board whenever you like.

And please I'm much more comfortable if you keep challenging my thoughts. Scream your opinion, where are my mistakes and such, that goes for all you

Also, what the hell am I talking about here:

a reply to: spinalremain

Maybe they took a more "plant like" approach? Clone themselves as reproduction?
Saplings no seeds, but then went hyper intelligent,
but more like trees a slower experience of time, different senses,
and it was much more logical to leave the planet,
open up new spaces, drive the daring heroes, the attention seekers of the group
and everybody without any other purpose, poster gals/guys
sacrificing their existence which is reproducible and kept in stock
They are all the same guy, like a mushroom
they all think about the same problem, creating a feedback,
they're sending all the same signal, (like plants remember?)

Sh1t..?! What am I talking about?

sorry I'll go spaming somewhere else now...

So many questions!

Also interesting: Daniel Paul Schreber
Loved the Vertigo-Years-Europe
There are other interesting psychological phenomenon noticeable, like "the machine that learns to control humans bodies...
War is in the air, we are fundamentally "nervous".
I'm not saying I know the reason, or the source.
But it's building up. More with a slower, but more violent stroke.
Maybe this reaping (Rick&Morty) serves a purpose and is genetically imprinted?
Like the way we breathe, digest, etc

edit on 30-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

In my "queen of the milkyway moments" I feel like I should have a personal biographer... ah the brain...
...keeping records for the history books. Indoctrinating the young.
Build me a pyramid.

And I said somewhere "I only remember that a large foot in the desert was my everything" once, about a possible memory from "before"

Maybe it wasn't a desert, but Rome? Felt like a desert.

edit on 30-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:14 AM
Wanna know something scary? The word WE

It is hive mind... grasshopper knows when to jump the question is when some scamp has squeezed the joint to make it naturally release it's rear legs does it still register to jump when feeling threatened? Some of them have wings I do not suggest such experiemnts due to it being cruelty to life as it's time in that prison is short enough, but they also have wings but in order to use them they likely have to jump first.

When at the top of that thousand foot pole grasshopper? Do you apply the brakes or simply fly away...

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Bubbles of you not you that people hold you mean?

A monk asked Master Joshu, "All existences return to ONE, but where will ONE itself return to?" Joshu said, "When I was in the district of Sei, I made a cotton dress. It weighed seven jin."

The blue dress Peeple made weighs a bit more in reality as water and lighter than air when folded into a plane as concept.

edit on 30-6-2017 by BigBrotherDarkness because: sp.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: intrptr

Bubbles of you not you that people hold you mean?

Depends on what 'image' we present. Is it an 'acceptable' image. Our word personality comes from the greek root Persona, meaning "mask".

How do we fit in, do we go along, do we pass, did we get good grades, are we part of the 'class'?

So many are all about keeping up 'appearances' these days, because more and more we judge a book by its cover. We have become shallow, self serving and vain. No wonder we wage endless war to the tune of endless debt and endless bicker?

edit on 30-6-2017 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

grass'hoppers' become locusts when they multiply to the point of resource depletion and need to move farther to find food.

Their genetic disposition includes a metamorphosis to winged insect, at that point. Depending on food supply this can be a blessing, or a plague.

I prefer the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to butterfly, personally.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Especially since personal experience doesn't count.
Because dude it is the one thing, the only thing, that would open peoples eyes: Direct Experience.
(I had a pretty serious argument once on that topic, because the key question to me, concerning consciousness and "life" is do we have free will?)

Our brains are way bigger capacity than needed for day to day life. The rest is storage for a life time of events, recorded verbatim like a ccd camera on a wall.

Everything you see, hear and feel, everything you do, all recorded , it will be with you forever, so will everything we have done unto others.

As far as free will, we have that once we overcome our lifetime of pre conditioning.

Ultimately though, even still fettered by some worldly 'programming' , we are still aware of the excess baggage, still want to be relieved of it, even though we continue to struggle...Keeps us humble.

Perfection is unattainable, subject to control freaks will imposed on all of use from their twisted idea of 'civilization'.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: intrptr

But why is memory so often false then? If I can't play the records, or at least seldomly accurate, why am I recording them?

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: intrptr

But why is memory so often false then? If I can't play the records, or at least seldomly accurate, why am I recording them?

Its only our recall of it that is flawed. We are geared to living 'currently' if that makes sense. Can only focus on so much at once.

But some have 'photographic recall, right? Like savants that can remember the weather on any given day?

They did experiments on humans back when, inserted little electric needle probes into their brain, eliciting memories , long 'forgotten'.

You can remember things if you try, proving it is still 'in there'. Usually though we have to have an attachment to certain memories to keep them in the fore front. Because we are divided into short and long term memory some things slip away and become buried, (like trauma for instance), but are still there, affecting us negatively even though we might not remember the trauma... other pleasant events remind us for their joy and happiness attached to them.

If you try real hard you can remember things you thought you forgot, memory lane is well paved, it is permanent. Even though we grow old and our physical selves decay and our recollection fails, we still have that memory secure, attached to our higher being, by whatever route. So don't worry about it, everything you experienced will be there when you pass...

ever hear of lives flashing before our eyes?

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Peeple

As far as why are we recording them, so that every single thing ever done ever did to another human being will be recorded by the participants.

There will be no more denial or excusing what happened , or false accusations. he record is like I said, the cdd camera of every mind here.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
There will be no more denial or excusing what happened , or false accusations....

Where's "there"?

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: Peeple

originally posted by: intrptr
There will be no more denial or excusing what happened , or false accusations....

Where's "there"?

Everywhere, all around us. Right next to you, right now.

Back up, 2 d flatland is but a thin slice of 3 d land here, right? 3d land is but one aspect of the real all encompassing space of 'over there'.

Difficult to find words, we can't explain it with words anymore than 2d flatlanders can explain 'up'.

Back to the hypercube and Carl Sagans descriptions.

edit on 30-6-2017 by intrptr because: sorry, spelling

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Heres my representation of our 'logo'...


Now, remove the square, then the page, then the screen, then close your eyes, and imagine the Universe-- not this, this is only one tiny bit full of sparks...

Hubble deep field

Now stretch out your arm, past the solar system, the galaxy, the hubble deep field, past the farthest known galaxy , keep on going until the whole Universe reduces to a dot in the distance and look around. What do you see?


posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: intrptr

No. That's just as stupid as this god created the universe story. All is one. All is me. No.

And my memories get recorded as evidence? No.

I can't offer an explanation, but I am really not the centre of the universe. Just a fixpoint. For my theoretical interpretation of the universe. I can't even directly see, just reflections.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Peeple

No. That's just as stupid as this god created the universe story. All is one. All is me. No.

Don't confuse what I said with religion. We are talking spirituality, the real , not a confused twisted dogma taught by organized religion. Thats as bad as tv, school and politics.

Be careful you don't fall to the wayside because of that 'pre programming'. Thats why its there, to get you to stop exploring.

Yours not a 'minds made up' are you?

Gotta go, worldly chains beckon.

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