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Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO, Feb 24th on ABC.

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posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

At least they aren't toting out Meier or Adamski as far as I can tell....but if we see Klass at the end of this thing.....

I hear you on that man.

I was happy to hear Mr. Friedman did interviews for the show. He always does a great job at retorting to the skeptics claims, and is a voice of rationality and logic on the believer's side.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 11:28 AM
I hate to break this to ya fellas, but my official Peter Jennings-UFO special- watching chair (my Lazy-Boy) broke last night. This is not a good omen. Sorry.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 11:47 AM
Peter Jennings was interviewed on MSNBC this morning and and admitted that he was skeptical going into this documentary. He says he now believes that there are UFO's but they are not piloted by ET's. They showed some of the footage with some good animations and reinactments. Don't expect any great revelations. Probably just more of the same fluff. It'll be good for taping and viewing later. Not worth missing 'Survivor' over.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Yorga
...He says he now believes that there are UFO's but they are not piloted by ET's.

Uh oh, they might just be willing to acknowledge the existence of UFOs, but not aliens, maybe for a long time, maybe never. Depending on how you look at this, it could be another form of twisting the facts in order to debunk, ala the JFK special. They're going to try to lead us to believe that none are piloted by EBEs, thus giving all non-believers and debunkers even more ammunition while cutting the legs out from under all the believers.

If this is the case, then I can't wait to hear what Stan Friedman has to say after all is said and done.


[edit on 23-2-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 12:40 PM
So, if they aren't piloted by extra-terrestrials, then we're left with only a few other possibilities....

1. They are terrestrial pilots of terrestrial craft.
2. They are drones (but then from whom?)
3. They are misidentified phenomenon and craft.

Something tells me they're going with 1. and 3. if they are ignoring the alien angle. Even if that's Peter's belief, let's hope the special is not so biased.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
So, if they aren't piloted by extra-terrestrials, then we're left with only a few other possibilities....

1. They are terrestrial pilots of terrestrial craft.
2. They are drones (but then from whom?)
3. They are misidentified phenomenon and craft.

Something tells me they're going with 1. and 3. if they are ignoring the alien angle. Even if that's Peter's belief, let's hope the special is not so biased.

Yeah, but Gazrok, what would be his point in going on MSNBC and the like and telling people his opinion before the thing even airs. It sounds to me like he would be sabotaging his own ratings. Maybe Peter Jennings is just a disinformation stooge for the government. Maybe there's a reason he's the only anchorman of the big 3 left. Rather booted himself and Brokaw retires leaving America with only one old-school anchorman to focus all their trust and attention on.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 01:42 PM
I just hope the show is not biased towards one side, I want to see an intelligent show.....not an ignorant show.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 01:44 PM

Rather booted himself and Brokaw retires leaving America with only one old-school anchorman to focus all their trust and attention on.

Sounds a bit too much like "V" doesn't it? Where the one anchor trusted was the one who was all cushy with the aliens....except in this case, cushy with the government perhaps? Well, we've got only a day left till this thing, so I'm content to simply watch it and see where it goes....

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 02:17 PM
I think it would pretty hard for any documentary to not be at least a little biased towards one side or the other, I dont think I've ever seen a UFO documetary that wasnt somewhat biased towards the skeptics or the believers. I'd guess how the show comes out depends on who's producing it. But I'd think it would be quite challenging to do a show that portrayed each side's arguements evenly.

As for Jenning's personal opinion, I'm not sure how honest a person in his situation could be about such a controversial subject. After all, he is still considered the top anchorman in the U.S. I could see how he may feel he has a reputation to uphold. And I've never seen him in the past take sides with many conspiracy theories (especially after the travesty that was his JFK asassination special).

This idea of mine comes from the fact that he mentions he believes in UFO's, but doesnt believe they are extraterrestrial in he takes both sides so to speak which is totally expected of a man such as Jennings reporting about this kind of subject on a major news network (he's covering his ass). But if this is any indication to how the show's going to be, it confirms they'll be playing it safe by not trying to go over the top claiming things that could be considered controversial and shocking, for example UFO's and aliens are REAL. I think it's safe to say and we all know we wont be seeing anything like that.

And I'll just throw in my thoughts on the UFO's pilots since it was brought up...

It's very possible that most of the UFO's we see are terrestrial piloted. You may remember that even Stanton Friedman mentioned before that some, [not all] UFO's are ET in origin. At first glance one may think what he means is most UFO's are natural phenomenon, but what if he really means most UFO's that are sighted are actually secret military craft. It's a theory that I'm sure has been pondered and discussed many times here at ATS and seems quite plausible.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Meteor_of_War
...At first glance one may think what he means is most UFO's are natural phenomenon, but what if he really means most UFO's that are sighted are actually secret military craft. It's a theory that I'm sure has been pondered and discussed many times here at ATS and seems quite plausible.

Here's my take on that take. I think Stealth technology and it's subsequent successes has given our government another way to cover up the truth. We've all heard people say that back in the day those triangles that people were seeing, believing they were UFOs, were really top secret fighters and bombers. Now that we, the people, have seen what Stealth is capable of, something tangible so to speak, it lulls the public into a false sense of security about our government not divulging information to us being the right thing to do because of national security. They could be using this to take the UFO coverup in a whole new direction, because the old direction leads to a dead end, and they know it.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 02:45 PM
ill bet they pre emp the show wit some stupid "breaking news " story.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 02:45 PM
ill bet they pre emp the show wit some stupid "breaking news " story.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 03:39 PM
They better not disturb the 2 hour show tomorrow night! I'll freak out and break the TV!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 03:49 PM

ill bet they pre emp the show wit some stupid "breaking news " story

Just got UFO CoverUp Live! flashbacks!!!

Doing such an interruption would actually be a boon to the UFO community, as it would reinforce that something important was being covered up...
and that we were being lied to....

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 03:57 PM
I may be straying a bit off topic here but lately I've been entertaining the idea that everything we know about the alledged government/alien conspiracy could indeed be (as some have suggested) nothing more than a smoke screen of disinformation hiding a real, and more sinister truth. Although I've yet to come up with any theories to what that truth might be.

To elaborate more...

The U.S. government intentionally leaked out the idea that they had UFO knowledge, and staged and reported alledged UFO crashes over the past 50 years as well as fabricated the MJ-12 documents as disinformation. All as a cold war strategy to fool the Russians into believing they had their filthy little paws on some advanced UFO tech. The main goal in this would be to trick the Russians into going bankrupt by over spending on their weapons budget to try to keep up with the U.S.--which is what indeed happened and we as the inquiring minds of the UFO community are lost in the shuffle so to speak not knowing what to believe and what to assume is bunk.

I dont know, just an idea.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 04:01 PM
OOooooooooooooooh Maaaaan! Tomorrow is my late night, I have to work till 9 (EST) %$#@% ^%%^ %#@&^% &%$#$# I am gonna miss this! %#@$%^

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 04:22 PM
Evidently they will be no actual videos, everything will be a re-enactment. Get ready for a 2-hour, 21st century version of "Unsolved Mysteries", LOL!

Basically, give the "UFO believers" a bit of public attention since reports of flying triangles are coming in from all over the world (especially in the US). Reputable people have observed them. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last primetime special on UFOs for the next decade.

By the way, I hope I'm wrong.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:12 PM
I saw one of the videos he will have on display tomorrow night... was a little spooky when he claims that "hundreds" of people reported it. I didn't hear them claim specifically it was actual video but I felt it was implied that it was an actual video.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
OOooooooooooooooh Maaaaan! Tomorrow is my late night, I have to work till 9 (EST) %$#@% ^%%^ %#@&^% &%$#$# I am gonna miss this! %#@$%^

Set your VCR to record it, dude.

Originally posted by Kinja
I saw one of the videos he will have on display tomorrow night... was a little spooky when he claims that "hundreds" of people reported it. I didn't hear them claim specifically it was actual video but I felt it was implied that it was an actual video.

You must be talking about the "Phoenix Lights".

That's one of the cases they're going to talk about.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:41 PM
I do agree that the Peter Jennings special on Lee Harvey Oswald was a mockery of our intelligence and should've later been considered a joke by the whole station. That said, one can be quite skeptical on his special on ufo's. One thing for sure is that this subject has no choice but to eventually be discussed by the mainstream media, simply becuase of it's popularity. There is way too much information on this subject that im not even going to bother giving an example. The question I think we're all wondering is "what will be discussed in the special?" My opinion is that they'll be talking with people who've been abducted. Most likely these people won't be of military or government intelligence like they could easily obtain. I think they'll be focusing mainly on average american citizens and very few credible sources. Doing that would create a nice gateway for skeptics and people not educated on the subject to steer away from it.. I think that the government's looking to bide as much time as possible before having to talk about it, and this special could be a step in the right direction. Or it could backfire on them. Expect them to explain the crop circles as merely a hoax created by a couple of guys with nothing better to do. Whatever they talk about Im sure we all can agree that it's something we'll all be watching.

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