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Peter Jennings Reporting: UFO, Feb 24th on ABC.

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posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by XPhiles
Also included are the voices of professional skeptics about UFOs,
They will save this for the end and have all you UFO fanatics throwing bricks at the tv

Personally, I hope it doesn't end this way.

So does my TV!


[edit on 11-2-2005 by Dr Love]

[edit on 11-2-2005 by Dr Love]

[edit on 11-2-2005 by Dr Love]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 12:07 PM
I smell a huge thought out "road map" is coming our way. NASA is returning men to the moon ? Why ? NASA is going to focus on sending men to Mars.... Or is NASA developing a long distance space ship to travel to a possible planet that may contain life. A planet that we may already know exists but has been "hidden" for a few years as they try and figure out a way to reach it.

War of the Worlds remake, a war on this planet that needs to bring the human population back together in a push for democracy... why ? Is Bush's master plan just a pre-emptive attempt to get the world's nations together for one common cause... something that our goverment knows will be inevidable to escape from in say 10 years ? Do they have a fear that "aliens" will be arriving in mass within the next 10 to 15 years and this is the start of the rally cry to prepare the populations of earth.


If this is truely a shift in the policy of the media to now lend credibility to UFO claims then somewhere someone must posses some knowledge that is truely ground breaking in our understanding of what UFO's are. And this has kindled the desire of the Goverment and the media to prepare everyone that no longer can UFO's be debunked that eventually the skeptics are going to have to accept that in this vast universe we are truely no alone.

I really wonder, but we will have to watch the show I guess and judge for ourselves what the overall tone of the programming is. Maybe Jennings just puts it out there and indeed with an equally balanced programming the intent will be just like in a jury to try and at least pursuede those non-believers into now questioning why they do not believe.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
If this is truely a shift in the policy of the media to now lend credibility to UFO claims then somewhere someone must posses some knowledge that is truely ground breaking in our understanding of what UFO's are. And this has kindled the desire of the Goverment and the media to prepare everyone that no longer can UFO's be debunked that eventually the skeptics are going to have to accept that in this vast universe we are truely no alone.

There is no doubt that our government as well as others know exactly what UFOs are and, more importantly, what aliens are doing. There are no intelligence failures here, not when the whole human race is at stake. I don't think the average person could handle the real truth. Even people here at ATS and elsewhere that say they are ready for contact aren't going to be able to digest the truth when it happens. When we finally see a real alien, it's
going to seem like we're dreaming.


posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 01:24 PM
All this report on UFO's will be is to get ratings! Ratings = Money PERIOD. ABC doesn't really give a rats rear end if UFOs exist or not, either does Jennings. ABC nor will Jennings say that the evidence presented in the show PROVES that UFO's exist NO major broadcasting company WILL do that. The show will present some facts and then SAY its up to the viewers to decide. It will be another cop-out RATINGS is all they are after. Don't get to excited about the show. It will cover the same stuff that 99% of us (who follow this stuff) already have heard about.

[edit on 11-2-2005 by Gabbye]

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Gabbye
All this report on UFO's will be is to get ratings! Ratings = Money PERIOD. ABC doesn't really give a rats rear end if UFOs exist or not, either does Jennings. ABC nor will Jennings say that the evidence presented in the show PROVES that UFO's exist NO major broadcasting company WILL do that. The show will present some facts and then SAY its up to the viewers to decide. It will be another cop-out RATINGS is all they are after. Don't get to excited about the show. It will cover the same stuff that 99% of us (who follow this stuff) already have heard about.

[edit on 11-2-2005 by Gabbye]

You are probably right about this being a Ratings grabber. But, look at it this way. Would you rather this kind of thing never get any kind of national air time at all? At least let them show some decent evidence (of course it will be stuff we have heard about here. what haven't we heard about here?
) Normally people don't get exposed to anything like this unless they are watching the scifi or history channel. Whether ABC or Peter Jennings meant to or not, just putting thier name on it gives it validity to a whole new croud of people who may have not been subjected to this kind of topic. Ratings or not, the fact that it's being use to gather ratings says something huge about the mindset change that is slowly taking place in this country.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:10 PM
"You are probably right about this being a Ratings grabber. But, look at it this way. Would you rather this kind of thing never get any kind of national air time at all? At least let them show some decent evidence (of course it will be stuff we have heard about here. what haven't we heard about here? ) Normally people don't get exposed to anything like this unless they are watching the scifi or history channel. Whether ABC or Peter Jennings meant to or not, just putting thier name on it gives it validity to a whole new croud of people who may have not been subjected to this kind of topic. Ratings or not, the fact that it's being use to gather ratings says something huge about the mindset change that is slowly taking place in this country. "

Your right a ... little bit. But, the show will not try to convince anyone of anything. ABC won't cross that line, even if they (ABC) filmed a landing themselves. There is a WHOLE LOT of info. out there now, maybe at least the show will encourage people to research it a little more. As for myself, I know what is true and what isn't.
The sponsors of the show should make millions...
I wouldn't be surprised to see Canon, Kodak, Nikon, etc., show up as one of the sponsors!! I plan to watch the show. Haven't tuned into ABC for years due to their slanted news reporting, but this might be entertaining. This might even help ABC and Jennings pull out of there huge slump in the ratings, at least for a night.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 03:20 PM
I just don't understand all the cyncism. How can it be a bad thing that millions of viewers who have never heard anything remotely objective about this topic will hear, often for the first time, about Roswell, the Phoenix lights, Malstrom AFB, etc. Sure this is old hat for a lot of us but not for most Americans. If this brings exposure (as it surely will) and is at all balanced and objective, people can't help but being a least somewhat impressed by the facts. All many people think of the UFO phenomenon is what they see on the tabloid headlines at the market or on relatively obscure cable channels that they pass while surfing the dial.

Public interest and pressure is the ONLY force that will ever give wind to projects like Greer's and get the ball rolling in Congress.

I see this as only positive for people like many of my family and friends for whom it is much safer to ignore this information then it is to sit down and acutally challenge their paradigms.

I suspect the viewship for this will be HUGE as many people will see legitimacy in ABC's prime time treatment of this topic.

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 04:20 PM
you know I was just thinking and an interesting spin just popped into my head.

Since a lot of people have said they have seen the large low flying ION triangle cruising around which IMO is a top secret Air Force spy plane. Maybe the Goverment is feeling the heat that there top secret project will no longer be able to cruise around under the veil that it is a UFO that people are seeing. Maybe there are too many reports of the TR3B out there for people to put two and two together, hence the population at large as well as other Goverments will be convinced that the US Goverment posses a strange UFO type spy plane. And to counter-act this they have okay the media to produce a prime time special on UFO's with some convincing "evidence" that indeed there might be real "alien' UFO's out there I would look to see how much they talk about the triangles and how the observations, testimonys etc are slanted to give the impression that they are possible "alien" craft.

This is not the first occassion that the Goverment has manipulated the media to keep a top secret project under wraps.

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 03:58 AM
They apparently changed the name from Peter Jennings Reports: Life in the Universe to Peter Jennings Reports: Seeing is Believing. It is pretty common for a name to be changed from what it was during production into something else for final publishing. It happens with books, movies, music albums, sitcoms... But, changes like this are done for a reason and might give clues as to where they are trying to direct the show.

I suspect that the producer made the show a little too shocking by the first title; they may have had to edit content. Or perhaps, the name was chosen as a tentative name for the show that didn't "match" their final production. Maybe 'life in the universe' was seen as too much of a scientifically oriented show (geek squad) and they changed it to a more appealing title. I think the last is the most probable explanation. I think I'm trying to read too much into it

Anyone have any other ideas for why they changed the title?

[edit on 12-2-2005 by Seth76]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 11:30 AM
"Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs — Seeing Is Believing" airs Thursday, Feb. 24 from 8-10 p.m. ET on ABC. The program will be broadcast in High Definition.

This two-hour primetime special reports on the entire scope of the UFO experience — from the first famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 to the present day. The program draws on interviews with police officers, pilots, military personnel, scientists and ordinary citizens who give extraordinary accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Also included are the voices of professional skeptics about UFOs, including scientists who are leading the search for life forms beyond earth elsewhere in the universe.

The program explores the facts behind the enduring mystery of the incident at Roswell, N.M., and looks into the strange stories of alien abductions. Among the UFO cases presented:

* Minot Air Force Base, N.D., October 1968 — Sixteen airmen on the ground and the crew of an airborne B-52 witness a massive unidentified object hovering near the base.

* Phoenix, Ariz., March 1997 — Hundreds witness a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city.

* St. Clair County, Ill., January 2000 — Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude.

Appears to be all the old stuff with Jennings as the new face.

For the full write-up: Scroll down page you'll find it along with other interesting stories.

[edit on 13-2-2005 by Gabbye]

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Gabbye
"Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs — Seeing Is Believing" airs Thursday, Feb. 24 from 8-10 p.m. ET on ABC. The program will be broadcast in High Definition.

This two-hour primetime special reports on the entire scope of the UFO experience — from the first famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 to the present day. The program draws on interviews with police officers, pilots, military personnel, scientists and ordinary citizens who give extraordinary accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Also included are the voices of professional skeptics about UFOs, including scientists who are leading the search for life forms beyond earth elsewhere in the universe.

The program explores the facts behind the enduring mystery of the incident at Roswell, N.M., and looks into the strange stories of alien abductions. Among the UFO cases presented:

* Minot Air Force Base, N.D., October 1968 — Sixteen airmen on the ground and the crew of an airborne B-52 witness a massive unidentified object hovering near the base.

* Phoenix, Ariz., March 1997 — Hundreds witness a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city.

* St. Clair County, Ill., January 2000 — Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude.

Appears to be all the old stuff with Jennings as the new face.

For the full write-up: Scroll down page you'll find it along with other interesting stories.

[edit on 13-2-2005 by Gabbye]

Well I hope he plans to dive deeper into this rather than just pointing out different sightings. But I guess if he goes anymore deeper to suggest the aliens are working with our govt., then he could loose his credibility. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 02:00 PM

They apparently changed the name from Peter Jennings Reports: Life in the Universe to Peter Jennings Reports: Seeing is Believing. It is pretty common for a name to be changed from what it was during production into something else for final publishing. It happens with books, movies, music albums, sitcoms... But, changes like this are done for a reason and might give clues as to where they are trying to direct the show.

Yep, and I for one don't think we're reading too much into this, I think it's becoming quite evident that yes, this will be one we'll want to ready our bricks for...*sigh*... I thought it sounded too good to be true. Will still watch it though, but I doubt I'll be happy, especially if they have anyone from csicop as the last speaker.....

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:03 PM
reply to Ratings Agenda: "Well I hope he plans to dive deeper into this rather than just pointing out different sightings. But I guess if he goes anymore deeper to suggest the aliens are working with our govt., then he could loose his credibility. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

I won't worry to much about Jennings loseing his "credibility" he never had much to start with...

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:31 PM
Sadly enough though...he's about the only major anchorman his words carry a lot of weight, and I'm not looking forward to a major debunk fest....which is what it looks like this is shaping up to be now....

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 05:36 PM
Hey, "My Art Gallery" I checked out your gallery, you do really good work/s!!

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:13 PM
More info from

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:29 PM
Thanks Gabbye!

Interesting article (above)...but I have to disagree on the Phoenix lights case, as it was anything but "perfect" formation. It was either numerous objects, or someone didn't know how to put on lights in a straight line.

Still, it gives an interesting look at what some of us are expecting (but hoping not) to see....

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:43 PM
After the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the actual funeral for any objective reporting, it seems that if Peter Jennings told me the sun was going to rise tommorrow, I would think he is trying to trick us.

So even if he paraded an actual ET and interviewed him, I would not trust him or ABC news as far as I can throw a Steinway Grand piano.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 03:52 PM
As much as i would love for this to be in the open, i highly doubt that this is going to be it, this will most likly be a debunking of everything, ala the JFK story not too long ago.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:07 PM
I saw an alien movie On TV a few months back and it was made in the 1930's or 40's. I even saw a cartoon the other day that was geared for toddlers that had an alien theme. The earth is being set up for an event of "aliens" coming to earth.

[edit on 14-2-2005 by dbrandt]

[edit on 14-2-2005 by dbrandt]

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