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Massive New Leak From Edward Snowden Expected Soon

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posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Thing is, claiming the intention to verify the validity of the supposed key is not claiming to disseminate the information.
Just has you pointed out, people will weight if it is worth it to publish said information. I'm more interested in the research aspect of this, for academic purposes you could say.

Again, it is a very big leap to say that you would like to verify the validity, another to claim the intention to publish after access. I'm not interested in coming into harms way by publishing, that like you said is extremely foolish and would prefer the journalists to do.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:43 AM
Looks like time will tell shortly.

Also tagged for future reference.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 08:54 AM
I have the feeling that whatever Snowden have, will impact our elections this year, I maybe wrong, but if this has to do with the presidential candidates I am sure that the guilty parties of anything will be sweating right now and trying to do anything to stop any information from ever reaching the media in the US.

I think that we should be watching about any possible black outs.

Hopefully the international media will be able to spread some of the information.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: Op3nM1nd3d
a reply to: efabian

The "insurance file" is an encrypted archive using AES-256 encryption. To decode it all that is needed is a program capable of opening compressed and encrypted archives and the encryption key. The one I have can decode AES-128 and 256.

EDIT: Due to the uncommon file type, I may need to acquire an additional program.

Good luck with that because it is not AES encryption but SHA-2, specifically SHA-256. It is one way hash algoritm and you cannot restore the original with it, only authenticate the collected data.

It`s like him saying I have the file and I`m sending you a part of the file so you can verify that what I`m saying is true.

And if I put it all in the context for example. 'It`s time you make a wire transfer to X account or this, that you thought I`m bluffing and do not possess, goes viral.'

SHA-256 encryption is used to encrypt the key used to decrypt the data file. In other words you decrypt the key with SHA-256 and then use that obtained value has the key to decrypt the AES-256 file archive.

Key >>> SHA-256
DATA >>> AES-256

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:08 AM
So why the wait ?
Perhaps some kind of agreement is being made..
if you do not disclose this you will have this
or if you do not disclose this your family will not get harmed

The suspense is killing me...
Where should these things even pop up when its ready ?

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: efabian

I don't know about all that but the key he posted appears to be a private PGP key.

I imagine that way back in 2013 Snowden disseminated many encrypted files to his trusted inner circle of media professionals. I assume that this is they key to decrypt them.

Of course this key would be useless, unless you were one of the 'few' who got the encrypted packages. Otherwise you would have nothing to apply the key to.

So people on the internet trying to decode or decrypt that tweet are just wasting their efforts. If the key was meant to help someone, that someone would know by now and already be carrying out Snowden's plan set in motion three years ago.

edit on 8/6/2016 by ColdWisdom because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:13 AM
I have been thinking about this all morning and came up with a somewhat crazy alternate theory:

IF this is actually the information for the trigger, what if he "disappeared" himself? Maybe he has information pertinent to the election and he really needs to get out said info. If he throws his last ace on the table....he is pretty much dead anyway. So, he makes it look like he is missing, fails to do a check in and the info gets released.

Meanwhile, he is in a remote location hiding out.

Maybe I'm giving him too much credit.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: nikkib0421
I have been thinking about this all morning and came up with a somewhat crazy alternate theory:

IF this is actually the information for the trigger, what if he "disappeared" himself? Maybe he has information pertinent to the election and he really needs to get out said info. If he throws his last ace on the table....he is pretty much dead anyway. So, he makes it look like he is missing, fails to do a check in and the info gets released.

Meanwhile, he is in a remote location hiding out.

Maybe I'm giving him too much credit.

If not.. they should make a movie about that, great story

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:17 AM
hi there i found a valid explanation from an unknown dude as i concider it revelent i ll copy paste it below.

The first password is in the hands of those selected news outlets. When they use it they get a few cables and another large encrypted block for which they then wait to get a second password. Rinse and repeat, so any valid password could be published and then rubbished if not tried along with a whole raft of other passwords in exactly the right order. Thus, for those outside of this select group, the value of the insurance file is reduced to zero because no one will believe any password is correct. Insurance is a two-way street because the initial passwords never need to be known for the charade to continue

so for those who stress out to try or to download it, well no problem here as we can't use it ( at least for now ) if all concerned people where to die and let their key to the public then yes we would all be able to check it.

edit on 6-8-2016 by lagunalionheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:19 AM
People forget that back in may it was rumors of Russia releasing the Hillary Hacked e mails, but nothing happen, in July the claim was that Russia was waiting for some message or green light to release the e mails.

So many things to think about of the possibilities, but I am sure and still believe this link to our presidential candidates at least one of them.
edit on 6-8-2016 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:21 AM
I think those who said it's a hash are right.. don't think it's a PGP key. Here is for example, Green Greenwald's public PGP key: 734A 3680 A438 DD45 AF6F 5B99 A4A9 28C7 69CD 6E44

Snowden's code was 64 characters long.. so it's almost certainly a secure hash.

But I think we must be prepared to accept the possibility that Snowden's cat was walking across his keyboard as well.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: fleabit

Also this seemed directed at a person or group - a single source. Not the supposed many sources he released encrypted data to, for that purpose.

Exactly. If I further explain how it works so people may get a clear picture.

Let`s say that the hash is a password for example. Anyone reading this would not be able to restore it because it is impossible if you don`t already know the password. Only those who have it can convert it to hash, like he did, and then compare the hashes to see if they match. This way they would know that he indeed has it.

Theoretically, only way to restore it is to have what is called a password dictionary cracker which tries all possible combinations, converts them to hash and then compares the hashes to find a match. But without knowing the length of the password and what signs are being used is like floating through the universe searching for a specific set of planets. It could take ages

So to me, you or any other party this is pretty much useless. Even so, I don`t think this is a password because as paranoid as Snowden must be thesedays, I don`t think he would send it over a social network even though chances are very slim to get cracked by a third party, especially if time is limited. I think it`s just a specific part of the file he wants to bargain with...which is even more useless to anyone who do not have access to the file.

Unless he didn't actually release everything as said. But if he did, I sort of doubt he has access to any new information. Unless of course, others are now leaking information to him.. or maybe he working with Russian hackers. Who knows. He obviously wanted this to be public.. so it's like he is putting on a show. He would not have to resort to Twitter to pass along critical info, that's a ridiculous notion. So why draw attention to this? Is he trying to get the U.S. to shake in its shoes? What is his agenda for going public with cryptic messages?

I don`t think he has, for a man like Snowden one would always have to have bargain chips
Once he runs out, he is a dead man. But he is a smart man and knows this better than anyone...

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: efabian

I don't think that's legit. If you're in possession and with awareness viewing information that's deemed classified or above, and without the proper authorization to possess and view, I'm pretty sure you're already breaking the law.

This is kinda like poking around on the tor network and hoping you don't run across some warez that'll make you wanna puke your guts out. Odds are, the more information is available to view, the more likely you are of having a really bad day (or life).

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

That is why I want to verify the file that was linked in the first few pages, it has 87.6GB of data and could be a copy of the distributed private files you mention. The only way to know is to test it, hence, my true interest here.

But it still has a LONG way to go in the download... when certain type of secure proxy connections are used, the download rate falls considerably since it has multiple relays through the connection.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: JacKatMtn
Figured Assange's latest appearance on Maher's show might be relevant since some folks are trying to inject a possible feud between Snowden and Assange...

Fair warning... some salty language..

It seems the salt is on Maher's part. Assange is just stating the truth. WikiLeaks did save Snowden from what was almost assured capture.
edit on 6-8-2016 by daaskapital because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

Holding onto the leak until now suggests to me that it's more about sinking the Dems, so that Trump gets in.

I think it's much bigger than just sinking one party.

I'd say it's about trying to sink the whole corrupt ship, with all the rats on board at once, so why not do it at the cusp of the 2016 elections when most people are paying attention.

This has been perfectly calculated and played out, if this is truly the case.

Interesting times for sure.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: pl3bscheese

This applies only if these are the actual files and the key correct. Secondly, in a worst case scenario to evade any disclosed evidence that could be prosecutable will be encrypted on my own end for plausible deniability.

I've weighted through the legal consequences.
But let's not jump to conclusions just yet! We don't know if this is real or not just yet.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: Realtruth

I agree, but in an interview of Snowden recently with Aljazeera, he was asked about the Hillary claims and the leaked e-mails, he call Hillary claims ludicrous, but when asked about what he think About Trump he really didn't said much just that with Trump running for the presidential seat was still too early.

I wonder how he feels about Trump now that he is the GOP presidential candidate. So whatever Snowden have on our presidential candidates seems to lean more to Hillary and perhaps the Obama administraiton.

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: nikkib0421
Meanwhile, he is in a remote location hiding out.

I think the only place remote enough is a Blockbuster store (if any are left), or maybe an Ecuadorian embassy!

posted on Aug, 6 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth

originally posted by: McGinty

Holding onto the leak until now suggests to me that it's more about sinking the Dems, so that Trump gets in.

I think it's much bigger than just sinking one party.

I'd say it's about trying to sink the whole corrupt ship, with all the rats on board at once, so why not do it at the cusp of the 2016 elections when most people are paying attention.

This has been perfectly calculated and played out, if this is truly the case.

Interesting times for sure.

Maybe so, but if it is just aimed at Hilary i think Trump's relationship with Russia is again called into question. Are they afraid of Hilary, or keen on Trump?

edit on 6-8-2016 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

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