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The Truth of Sanders is That He Is a Socialist.

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posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

Contrary to popular belief, such as yours, it's not about govt. power. When govt. errs there is someone who is an elected official who can be blamed and prosecuted. What you failed to recognize is the criminal behavior of Wall St. The power of Wall St. Working with big govt. That's called Fascism. It's nothing new. In fact, they were caught red handed in 1933 in conspiring a coup to destroy the Constitution and bring a model of Italy's fascist govt. to America. They have been working hard since to try again. JFK's murder gave them their chance and what we see now is the fruit of their labors.

Face it. You now live in a fascist police state. Period. Govt. hides it's complicity with blaming others while corporations dictate public policies. Don't you find it suspicious when big bank and investment firms bask in the collective bail-outs while China executes billionaires for corruption? Not only did Wall St. Bankers "demand" bail-outs, they sued the federal govt. for more. This was told to you and I'm sure you are aware bonuses were paid to their top executives. In fact, while I'm on the issue, you may wish to research the ramifications of TTIP. It may be hard, for the negotiations are behind closed doors and officials are closed-lipped on the issue. But it's another garden variety trade agreement where the constitution is ignored and you are alone dealing with the fact that you no longer have the protections written in stone in 1776.

You may also wish to contemplate the 800 lb. gorilla sitting on the sofa. It's apparent Big Govt. i.e., Homeland Security is poised armed and ready for all dissent. FEMA camps dot the heart-line and govt. agencies received huge supplies of ammunition. Despite of the fact many people are angry and demanding justice, big govt's. massive military equipped and trained police forces are shooting unarmed people on the streets. In other words, the American public is forced to eat a # sandwich while bafoons argue politics in chat rooms.

I have lived long enough to have seen the difference. America entertained a vast percentage of cooperative citizens back in the day to now being one of the biggest sites on the globe embroiled with hate and distrust. Actually it reminds me of all I read about pre-WW-II Germany. The Patriot Act, Homeland Security and FEMA stands as the equivalent of Hitler's Enabling Act. To me, it's apparent both Germany and America share the same desire to control with a strict fascist state and America's Grand Experiment will soon be a foot-note in world history.

Now, in conclusion, watching these nit-wits arguing in their quest to separate flea # from pepper, I find it only as a futile waste of time and resources. Both parties are involved and Wall St. rules. The "real" problems are never discussed and morons who drank too much of FOX News kool-aid are still rabid on the net. They are too stupid to realize the game for what it is. Ironically, I see the youth as more intelligent on these matters. They know how they are being played and it's the result of what they see coming from above.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: dagann

" When govt. errs there is someone who is an elected official who can be blamed and prosecuted."
How's the prosecution going with Hillary? When was the last time there was a corruption case (won) involving a federal politician and a crony?

"What you failed to recognize is the criminal behavior of Wall St."
Actually, I didn't fail to recognize that. My solution just gets rid of that behavior, or at least drastically reduces it. It's the same as putting the money from the till into the safe and making deposits regularly throughout the day. It removes the larger incentive for bad behavior. Those who are desperate will not be stopped but those looking for the big payout will be deterred.

"The power of Wall St. Working with big govt. That's called Fascism."
Fascism by it's very definition must have a dictator, authority must be centralized. If it's not, it's not fascism. Therefore, removing government power also removes the possibility of fascism.

"Face it. You now live in a fascist police state."
I understand the sentiment here but those aren't the proper words. We neither live in a fascist state nor a police state. We are headed towards a police state and we may be about to arrive, but we are no where near fascism. If you believe we are near fascism you really need to study what fascism is.

"Don't you find it suspicious when big bank and investment firms bask in the collective bail-outs while China executes billionaires for corruption?"
LOL you want us to be more like china? Maybe we ought to stop people from shorting the market too. Now, I don't want to come off as completely discounting your argument because I would love to see more corruption cases get thoroughly vetted, but this comparison to china is just laughable. Most of those people executed weren't to blame, it was the system. Tell me, how many high ranking chinese officials got executed along with those billionaires? Doesn't corruption require two willing parties?

On another note, I absolutely have been against the bailouts since day one. There is no such thing as too big to fail.

"But it's another garden variety trade agreement where the constitution is ignored and you are alone dealing with the fact that you no longer have the protections written in stone in 1776."

So granting more power to the same entities that have allowed this to happen will do what?

"It's apparent Big Govt. i.e., Homeland Security is poised armed and ready for all dissent. FEMA camps dot the heart-line and govt. agencies received huge supplies of ammunition"
Lay off the conspiracies for a while, it'll do your head a world of good. Homeland security is definitely an overpowered beast, but fema camps are not a real thing, at least the way you are portraying them. As for the ammo purchases, do a little research that's actually not much ammo over a multi-year stretch.

" Despite of the fact many people are angry and demanding justice, big govt's. massive military equipped and trained police forces are shooting unarmed people on the streets."

The stats unequivocally reject this notion. Sorry to burst your bubble.

"Actually it reminds me of all I read about pre-WW-II Germany. The Patriot Act, Homeland Security and FEMA stands as the equivalent of Hitler's Enabling Act."

How did the third reich rise? Let's think about that. The markets crashed in 1929. So the citizens gave control to the socialist parties. The socialists stoked the fires of unrest and violence, nearly plunging germany into a civil war.

So do we really want to give the reins to a socialist at this point in time? History sure looks like it wants to repeat.

"To me, it's apparent both Germany and America share the same desire to control with a strict fascist state"
And you're arguing in favor of more power to the government? Fascinating.

"Now, in conclusion, watching these nit-wits arguing in their quest to separate flea # from pepper, I find it only as a futile waste of time and resources. Both parties are involved and Wall St. rules. The "real" problems are never discussed and morons who drank too much of FOX News kool-aid are still rabid on the net. They are too stupid to realize the game for what it is. Ironically, I see the youth as more intelligent on these matters. They know how they are being played and it's the result of what they see coming from above."

Ahh the typical anti-fox rant. I never see an anti-cnn or anti-abc rant that so easily dismisses any point made by them. Do you want to know why they are still all over the net? Because you haven't beaten their ideas (admittedly many of their ideas are false and easily disproven) but you dismiss their entire argument with an ad-hominem attack on fox. As if, due to the source, the substance couldn't possibly be correct.

Of course you cover that in the following sentence when you just flat out call these people stupid, yeah, that's going to win you a lot of arguments.

Finally, Your faith in the youth is misguided. these are the people who have had their lives so easy they can't hardly comprehend consequences.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: luthier

I don't see a difference in "corporate" welfare and "normal" welfare. But if I have to pick one of the two I would pick corporate. At least with that one something gets produced and expands the economy. I would reather the government take all that welfare money and put it into public works and then hire people then just hand them a check for doing nothing. That was the orginal plan of FDRs "welfare" system. People worked for the WPA and then got a check for working.

WPA build almost all the national parks and very many of the power-plants and electrical systems in this country. WWII killed the program due to the fact that the unemployment rate was down so much. The two programs where not linked, but were designed together. We lost the work part but keep the welfare part.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

WOW! The same arguments NEOCON's are famous for. Again talking about politics with NEOCON supporters is like a Jew discussing the same with "Brown Shirts." With your methodical dissection of all i stated, it changes nothing in the truth. The idea of allowing personal fortunes to dwarf Govt. power to maintain a even playing field is as ridiculous now as it was then. Govt. who's power was the result of the Constitution and the democratic republic was the result of people who knew of the possibility of corruption and demanded govt. force to maintain a barrier between the rights of the individual vs the corrupt machines of greed.

First you claim a dictator is needed to have fascism. That in itself is a flawed definition. Now you sound like my brother who is a lover of Obama. He says the same as you. Where fascism failed back in the day did so by being led by dictators. In today's world, fascism "by committee" is used to get the same results. The Eastern Establishment" is the committee under suspicion. In fact, it's the same as all NEOCON supporters hate and it exists on both sides of the isle. Noteworthy authors and researchers along with political pundits are aware of fascism by committee. So again, you're logic is flawed and outdated.

Next you claim my world-view is the result of being a conspiracy theorist. Again you're assumption is flawed. Often conspiracy thinking is proven correct when the evidence dictate otherwise. What I've found when dealing with FOX enthusiasts, they deny the possibility of conspiracy until they see conspiracies on the other end of the spectrum. Then conspiracies are everywhere. Sometimes they are correct but often are victims of wild imaginations. There is a big difference in conspiracy theories that can be proven and conspiracies from wild assumptions.

One area we agree is the lack of proper investigations and or prosecuting offenders. I've noticed that all my life. It is extremely frustrating aspect of living in the U.S. and is the result of corruption and fascist mentality. If all people demanded such treatment, using the tools of the division of powers within the govt. would alleviate the problem. Unfortunately the experts of mass mind control uses their methods of propaganda to divide the nation and nothing is done. And, it offers the cannon fodder in chat rooms. Obviously they assume the same as FOX News that such rooms are for entertainment purposes only and not areas of fact finding.

Bush Jr. decided to expand big govt. and added Homeland Security as another large agency to scrutinize everybody and obviously you and other FOX enthusiasts want to downplay the significance. Used along with the Patriot Act and NSA means massive power and expense we all must pay for this fascist police state. Contrary to your assumptions FEMA camps "do" exists and dot the heartland.

As far as my statements of military equipped and trained police agencies, it is what it is. The fact is "unarmed" people are shot way too many times in current America. I am a ex-police officer and i know what i speak. Right now most if not all municipalities are paying huge amounts of money in out of court decisions and such. Also, this happens as a result of "loose" language of State Laws the GOP authored in every state to "get tough on crime" legislation from the eighties and nineties. Like the case of Rodney King, L.A. would be richer today if the officers stuck with their training from the academy and used only the force necessary to effect an arrest. Stupid is as stupid does and as a result they did time. They also created a Wall St. dream by privately owned correction facilities and now we have more people in prison than China does with a billion people So, I stand on my comments concerning America vs Germany scenarios.

Then you attack on the notion of Germany's rise of fascism and socialism and it was the result of the crash in "29." Again I agree. However, the crash of 29 was engineered by Wall St. according to Bernake. In fact, central banking is very good at doing such things. Also. had it not been the greed of allied powers bankers at the end of WW-I, Hitler's name would unrecognized today. Also, Wall ST. interests created Hitler just like they created communism in Russia. They are also involved in the demise of America by authoring "free trade" and the exodus of America's manufacturing to China. Of course the labor movement was blamed and hard working people were added to gays and tree-huggers according to the GOP. In truth, free trade and the exodus was well planned since the twenties. Now the elite enjoys multiple nationalities and hide their fortunes in foreign bank accounts. The middle class has been offered as a "tribute" or burnt offering to the gods and the rest of us must pay the taxes necessary to fund the whimsical wars concocted by Wall St. Bankers and the GOP stooges paid to do their bidding.

You know, now that i think about it, you NEOCON's has done a good job if your mission was to destroy America.

As to you're comment concerning FOX News and the others, again i agree. All main stream media is guilty because they are owned by globalists. Fox on the other hand is the worse of all for they have never said any truth since their birth. Hell...all concerned of Fox pay checks are signed my Rupert...need i say more?'re comment concerning that I have not beaten NEOCON enthusiasts on the web, i beg to differ. The vast majority suffer the same with those who suffer from the lack of abstract reasoning. I'd bet my last dollar they are rotten chess players. Their logic lacks and it's easy to corner them in debate. My advice to you is to stop watching the propaganda of FOX News. Learn to think for yourself.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Anyone willing to trade what we have for Govt controlled Socialism is a moron.

Let's have this. All you Bernie supporters please, go and spend the day at the DMV, call the IRS, interact with the ATF, try to chat with someone from DOL and tell me what experience you had. You know, all those Govt controlled entities.

Imagine when everyone trying to get a health care issue resolved dealing with a Tri-Care like department.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: macman

yeah...well...try calling customer reps for answers or complaints in the private sector. Good luck with that. If you are lucky and someone answers, it will be a person in India with little English vocabulary. Only sales departments have personnel who is ready and friendly awaiting your call. Everyone else in the company, who all have cell phones, can't be reached and all you get is phone mail. You people are pathetic with you're rants of govt. incompetence. The post office was usually the target and according to NEOCON supporters we needed private companies to deliver the mail. It was incredibly stupid when one knows a first class letter on one coast can be received on the other coast within two days. Maybe three at peak holiday traffic. AND for twelve cents (at the time) in postage. You brought up health care. I sold health insurance for Mutual of Omaha. I was sent thirty miles out of town to sell a major health policy to a customer. Of course the manager failed to tell me the customer was hostile with the company. When i got there the woman who answered the door laughed and informed me they needed a major health policy so her son can play high school football. The same son was covered with a accident policy from my company. She informed me her son cut his hand during yard work. He was seen at the local hospital and received stitches. They made a claim with the accident policy and was denied. The reason? The stitches was considered surgery and surgery is not covered in the accident policy. She told me it will snow in hell before she does business with my company again. I went back and the manager said "you should have called the office...we may have reimbursed the costs denied in the previous policy." Everyone hates govt. yet dreams of govt. contracts in business. A good friend of mine owned a computer store. He also had contracts with the govt. of supplying computers to govt. offices and the IRS. He was young rolling in dough. He was married with three tykes. Owned a beautiful home with big screen televisions in every room. He drove a new Escalade with all the bells and whistles. They went out of state twice a year on vacations. He started smoking meth and lost all contracts and his store. His wife divorced him. Later he was claiming unemployment benefits. When he exhausted his benefits the fed. govt. released funds to the state to extend unemployment benefits. He was getting the benefits and working under the table. His ex-wife snitched and he was charged with a felony and stood before a fed. judge. He was convicted and spent time at a fed. penn. He was shocked that he was treated so bad considering he was a die-hard I think he became pen-pals with can't make this # Excuse me for laughing at your stupidity and ignorance. You NEOCON supporters make me roll with laughter!...lolol

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: dismanrc

Considering the difference between "corporate" and "normal" welfare, I would say too often "normal" welfare comes directly from corporations and is equal to "corporate" welfare.

For example, let us take minimum wage. The corporation on purpose pays minimum wage which is much lower than living wage knowing that in the end people need to survive and government will take over (in some instances food stamps actually increase the revenue of the corporation). Paying the employees less while having the government give them checks to purchase products from the same corporation.

You are talking about public works. From where do these people find the time for it? There are far too many people already working full time and still being dependent on welfare. Do they have to work to death? Not spend any time with family or friends?

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: dagann

I can always get a supervisor on the phone from UPS or FedEx. try that with USPS.

I always have better service from anyone not associated with a Govt Department.

I personally roll with laughter when people tell their horror stories about trying to get signed up for 0bamacare, only to wait on the phone for what, 90 minutes?
Or the DMV wait, 60 minutes. Or the on hold with the IRS, 60 minutes.

Your storytime was a decent read, but lacking anything worth any value. Can I have my 90 seconds back?

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:04 PM
Could members please go back to the topic?

Deny the fact that Bernie Sanders wants to deny Americans the right to defend themselves and wants to ban all firearms, even hunting rifles can kill, and Sanders wants to ban all firearms that can kill...

Deny the fact that Sanders wants to give himself the power to nominate who will control the Fed, which is more unconstitutional than the Fed which "progressive democrats" voted in favor of taking control over the U.S. economy in 1913...

Socialism = the complete destruction of the U.S. Constitution.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Now you are just msking stuff an apparent effort to demonize Bernie.

No suprise to me, given your posting history.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Synchronicity11

Err, are you sure you know what your own country is?...

Germany is a federal, parliamentary, representative democratic republic.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: jrod

I didn't make anything up... This comes straight from Sanders...

Your statement only shows how blinded Sanders' supporters are that you don't even want to believe him when he says exactly what he wants...

The evidence is in the op and it shows Sanders stating what I wrote...
edit on 17-2-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Deny the fact that Bernie Sanders wants to deny Americans the right to defend themselves and wants to ban all firearms, even hunting rifles can kill, and Sanders wants to ban all firearms that can kill...

Deny the fact that Sanders wants to give himself the power to nominate who will control the Fed, which is more unconstitutional than the Fed which "progressive democrats" voted in favor of taking control over the U.S. economy in 1913...

I deny it.

He's not talking about taking anyone's guns......

Overall, Bernie Sanders believes in a middle-ground solution in the national gun debate, saying in a recent interview:

“Folks who do not like guns [are] fine. But we have millions of people who are gun owners in this country — 99.9 percent of those people obey the law. I want to see real, serious debate and action on guns, but it is not going to take place if we simply have extreme positions on both sides. I think I can bring us to the middle.”

Gun Control: Gun control legislation should ultimately fall on individual states, with the exception of instant background checks to prevent firearms from finding their way into the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, and a federal ban on assault weapons.

Manufacturer Liability: Gun manufacturers should not be held liable for the misuse of their products, just as any other industry isn’t held accountable for how end-consumers use their products.

And here's him talking about 'the Fed':
Bernie Sanders: To Rein In Wall Street, Fix the Fed

Financial reforms must not stop with the central bank. We must reinstate Glass-Steagall and break up the too-big-to-fail financial institutions that threaten our economy. But we need to start with fundamental change. The sad reality is that the Federal Reserve doesn’t regulate Wall Street; Wall Street regulates the Fed. It’s time to make banking work for the productive economy and for all Americans, not just a handful of wealthy speculators. And it begins by making the Federal Reserve a more democratic institution, one that is responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans rather than the billionaires on Wall Street.

So -

WHERE are you getting this stuff????
He wants to "take over"? No.....nono.....

he wants to Audit. Regulate. Monitor.
I see NOT ONE THING wrong with that.

edit on 2/17/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs

I deny it.

He's not talking about taking anyone's guns......
And I haven't heard him talk about 'the Fed' either.

WHERE are you getting this stuff???? you just claiming you deny it?...

Bernie Sanders wrote this article on the New York times which I posted in the op together with the interview...

Bernie Sanders: To Rein In Wall Street, Fix the Fed

If I were elected president, the foxes would no longer guard the henhouse. To ensure the safety and soundness of our banking system, we need to fundamentally restructure the Fed’s governance system to eliminate conflicts of interest. Board members should be nominated by the president and chosen by the Senate. Banking industry executives must no longer be allowed to serve on the Fed’s boards and to handpick its members and staff. Board positions should instead include representatives from all walks of life — including labor, consumers, homeowners, urban residents, farmers and small businesses.

You will find the above sources in the op. if you are going to deny an argument, make sure you read, and watch the information provided before you make false claims.

edit on 17-2-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

GD it!
I just edited my post and provided you with his own words. I even posted the link to that SAME ARTICLE.......

Take it or leave it.
It is what it is.

Just stop lying about it -
edit on 2/17/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

You left out this part:

The sad reality is that the Federal Reserve doesn’t regulate Wall Street; Wall Street regulates the Fed.

It’s time to make banking work for the productive economy and for all Americans, not just a handful of wealthy speculators.

And it begins by making the Federal Reserve a more democratic institution, one that is responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans rather than the billionaires on Wall Street.

Please read it. Then read it again - I broke up the paragraph for your reading convenience......and I added the emphasis for you to especially notice - the emboldened part - now.............

WHAT is the issue you have with this?

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

And this part:

“Folks who do not like guns [are] fine. But we have millions of people who are gun owners in this country — 99.9 percent of those people obey the law. I want to see real, serious debate and action on guns, but it is not going to take place if we simply have extreme positions on both sides. I think I can bring us to the middle.”

Gun Control: Gun control legislation should ultimately fall on individual states, with the exception of instant background checks to prevent firearms from finding their way into the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, and a federal ban on assault weapons.

Manufacturer Liability: Gun manufacturers should not be held liable for the misuse of their products, just as any other industry isn’t held accountable for how end-consumers use their products.[/ex[
NOT talking about taking your guns.
Unless you are insane.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Sanders states that board members of the Fed should be nominated by him as President... To make it easier on the Sanders' fans I even put in bold the fact that he wants to control the Fed himself by nominating who can run it...

The interview shows a lot about the truth of Sanders. During the interview he got mad at the questions the reported did, and when people get mad, without realizing it they tell the truth of their claims.

Bernie Sanders Calls for Sweeping Gun Ban That Would Outlaw All Self-Defense Firearms

On Sunday's episode of NBC's Meet the Press, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders told Chuck Todd that guns designed primarily to kill people, rather than to hunt animals, should be banned nationwide.
In the above-embedded clip from Meet the Press, which is featured on Bernie Sanders’ YouTube channel, he said, “Nobody should have a gun who has a criminal background, who’s involved in domestic abuse situations. People should not have guns who are going to hurt other people, who are unstable. And second of all I believe that we need to make sure that certain types of guns used to kill people, exclusively, not for hunting, they should not be sold in the United States of America, and we have a huge loophole now with gun shows that should be eliminated.”

While most of the positions that he advocated for on guns on Meet the Press fall within the mainstream of the Democratic Party, Media Research Center points out the fact that calling for a ban on all firearmsused to kill peopleandnot for huntingimplies a ban on all weapons that are impractical for hunting but used primarily for self defense, including handguns, shotguns, and specific classes of rifles.

In the two occasions that Sanders says "nobody should have a gun.." he made a pause, and then added "who has a criminal background, who’s involved in domestic abuse situations"...

When politicians get mad, the truth behind their claims are known...

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse
You are taking something the man said, then going offf the deep end with it.

Bernie is not going to disarm the population, however the epidemic of gun.violence in the US is something that needs to be addressed.

I'm sure you screaming the same thing about Obama when he was running.

I'm still waiting for Obama's great gun grab that people like you promised would come.

posted on Feb, 17 2016 @ 09:50 PM

originally posted by: jrod

Bernie is not going to disarm the population, however the epidemic of gun.violence in the US is something that needs to be addressed.

But he will continue to make more and more gun related laws and regulations.

And those will be as non-effective as the laws already.....why?

because 100% of the crimes committed with guns are committed by ..... wait for it ..


Wait for the soon to be military presence in the big city high crime areas. Coming sooner than you might think.

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