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Serious Question: Why are so Many People Afraid/Unaccepting of Transgender People?

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posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: izero
But there is still that something that makes me feel awkward. I'm thankful that I'm rationale enough to not turn it into prejudice.

Honestly, if you didn't feel just a little bit awkward - - I'd say you were lying.

I grew up with disabled people. My mom belonged to a disabled club starting when I was about 6.

I still feel a bit awkward around disabled people because everyone is different. You do not know what their needs, emotions, attitude, reason for their disability, etc are. It takes time to get to know someone.

We are human.

But, making sure they are treated Equally with Dignity is the goal for yourself and society.

edit on 19-5-2015 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:18 PM
Note: the discussion is currently focusing on "natural". As if "natural" makes something right or wrong.

Ill again point everyones attention to my aforementioned Uncanny Valley, as the discussion seems to indicate that "natural" is for many a test for the extremity of the "ick factor".

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:20 PM
Relative this subjective that I think therefore I am but everything is imaginary but imaginary things are real too nanny nanny boo boo a reply to: tony9802

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:20 PM

edit on CDTTue, 19 May 2015 14:20:45 -0500pmppAmerica/Chicago19-05:00Tue, 19 May 2015 14:20:45 -050020 by TrappedPrincess because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

I have vast life experience. I have worked in environments of extremities of human nature, front line style mental health issues etc, I have heard of things from LGBT communities that would make you vomit. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I work in education, I do not discriminate. I am also extremely aware of contemporary ideology.

Fear it is not.

Bitch fest comments of ''dusty bygone era dinosaurs that need everything in squares and a bible'' doesn't work either. Similarly for many that question agendas that are irrational.

As I have said again and again on this thread and others, mudslinging those that don't agree to definitions and approaches to gender identity issues (based on sound scientific research and fact) is really low.

Society is sick enough. People of gender identity issues do not need some grotesque, dysfunctional, surgical agenda thrust upon their insecurities and issues as a snake oil 'solution'. The general public norm (non gender identity issues) majority have the right to informed opinions regardless of agenda bullies.
edit on 19-5-2015 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: tony9802

To me, there is only one way something is natural and only one way it is unnatural. Does it violate the laws of physics? If it is something that can possibly done in the universe then it is natural if not then it is unnatural.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: OpenMindedRealist

Agreed. Which is why people get irritated when others make a public display out of their sexual identity crises.

Like hetero men in tight pants with their shirt open to their naval.

Or, a hetero female in mini skirt and low cut blouse with abundant cleavage?

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: theabsolutetruth
a reply to: MystikMushroom

I have vast life experience. I have worked in environments of extremities of human nature, front line style mental health issues etc, I have heard of things from LGBT communities that would make you vomit. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I work in education, I do not discriminate. I am also extremely aware of contemporary ideology.

Fear it is not.

Bitch fest comments of ''dusty bygone era dinosaurs that need everything in squares and a bible'' doesn't work either. Similarly for many that question agendas that are irrational.

As I have said again and again on this thread and others, mudslinging those that don't agree to definitions and approaches to gender identity issues (based on sound scientific research and fact) is really low.

Society is sick enough. People of gender identity issues do not need some grotesque, dysfunctional, surgical agenda thrust upon their insecurities and issues as a snake oil 'solution'. The general public norm (non gender identity issues) majority have the right to informed opinions regardless of agenda bullies.

If that is an example of the general public having an informed consensus, then the general public is not informed at all. Actually that entire statement is an irrational opinion formed by someone who has no experience with the situation and hearing a couple of wackos from any group doesn't make for real experience.

After all exactly who is thrusting surgery on anyone? As a transgender person, one who actually has dealt with both doctors and other people in the transgender community I can attest no one is forcing or trying to convince me or those i have been around not even once, that they have to have surgery or that surgery will even fix them.

It is completely elective meaning the individual has to want it and pay for it. Not only that even if you do want SRS you have to jump through hoops to get it. You have to jump through a few hoops to get hormones as well. The idea that anyone is thrusting surgery on anyone is just uniformed and ignorant.

edit on 19-5-2015 by prisoneronashipoffools because: fix quote

edit on 19-5-2015 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

edit on 19-5-2015 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typo

edit on 19-5-2015 by prisoneronashipoffools because: fix quote again

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: TrappedPrincess
Oh my, the really hateful ones have come out since I've been gone lol and seamrog you unhappy bitter little man I sincerely feel sympathy for you. Your just going to be stuck in the cycle until you get it right one day but don't worry you will eventually get it.

Nice descript.

Avoidance is a good word to stick in here right about now.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 02:51 PM
To be honest I think we are totally off of the topic.. it is legal and accepted for TG's of most industrialized societies and other societies, to have a gender choice.. that's just a fact whether one likes it, or not. I do not think any of this stems from psychological problems..I do not think that homosexuality is someone's psychological problem either.. we can go all the way back to Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece to investigate the normalcy of homosexual or homoerotic's just been around since forever on numerous continents..and has existed in normalized manner since then, if not since much, much earlier..

Transgendered society, and Gay society, does not need people to tell them that they have "mental problems.." They are natural as they are (hence interest in the natural vs. unnatural argument..) and comfortable with their nature. There are doctors, lawyers, engineers, PhD Professors, Journalists, Chefs, Artists, Composers that are Gay and they do not have any mental problems.. on the contrary they are exceptional role models and distinguished mentors of the world..

I haven't conducted much research yet on the TG community, but it is likely that they likewise are healthy functional, professional social creatures.. I met a TG once who was a LAWYER.. there are TG's that are PhD Professors as other words they are healthy, rational, intelligent individuals and I find it a bit offensive to read these random statements that claim that the TG community is purportedly somehow "mentally unfit" and so on..

Reducing this to some type of "mental" issue while we flippantly pop and chew our bubble gum is just entirely a little bit off..

What is more important to ackwoledge is that members of this community are excessively mistreated: For god's sake, they are tortured, murdered, maimed, killed, just because they are different looking.. that is what is wrong. No one has the right to injure, harm, take advantage of, misuse, and mistreat these people. I think that is what bothers me: that some individuals that we consider somehow "wholesome" and "mentally sound" because they are heterosexually "fit," that they are the ones who commit these heinous, atrocious crimes against this very vulnerable yet MOST resilient segment of society.

That is the reason that consciousness raising needs to occur, to disspell myths about the TG community, and to foster acceptance, tolerance (do not kill me tolerance), and finally respect.

I don't think that's so difficult..

edit on 19-5-2015 by tony9802 because: typo

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Seamrog

"its in there" isn't discussion. Its a jettison of the burden of proof that is carried with your assertions.

I won't apologize for not carrying around a mental note of every cited review I've read to feed the harpies here. Not going to waste one second of my life doing it, or demonstrating to you that I have documentation that informs my opinion.

I've yet to ask one homosexualist on this website to substantiate any of their ridiculous assertions - it is not necessary for my assessment of their posting.

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan

In essence you and I aren't very far apart. The only difference is one of us says what they have to say in the most abrasive and rude manner possible.

My original post to this topic was neither rude, nor abrasive - I would not say the same for your reply to that post.

I will tell you that you and are not close to agreement on transexuals.

I do not believe that surgical mutilation is appropriate for any man under any circumstance in an attempt to present himself as a woman. I believe that in every instance, it is a serious mental disorder that can never be rectified by mutilating / modifying the body.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

I'm not sure you know what the definition of "natural" is if you are describing spiders as unnatural... Why does this argument of "naturalness" even come up? What exactly IS natural and what isn't? To me, people who put out this argument are really saying, "it's not the majority, therefore I don't like it."

You are correct and my choice of "natural" was based upon that the poster said that I was referring to. So to explain that a bit better...there are things people don't like, or things that people are scared of, concerned about. Often, people have no control of these emotions of warning. Very much like being afraid of a spider, snake, etc. Typically there is no rational or logical reason for the emotion, but it is an emotion none-the-less and not at the control of the one experiencing it. In other can't blame them for that feeling.

I would think most of you would agree that someone who doesn't like another person or group typically does so based upon their experiences with that person or group. Those who don't...are bigots.

But there are people and things that cause people to feel, that something is "wrong" or scary or worrisome. I'm sure this applies to this topic to some extent. If the way another person acts or dresses is alien to may recoil. Not out of hate, but out of an emotional response to something so different or alien to them.

This isn't meant as an answer to the OP as much as a better explanation to my statement that was to a particular person's words.
edit on 5/19/2015 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Seamrog

you are claiming that transexualism is, in and of itself, a psychiatric problem. So do have a burden of proof if you wish to consider making those assertions unchallenged.

Now, you don't have to put up anything to support your position. True. But when you only have opinions without facts.....

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:15 PM
You know the really sad part for me is that I already make many concessions to the intolerant and unaccepting populace (at least while in my backwoods redneck home town with no a limited palate of culture and diversity). Yet Im treated like a monster when I simply ask to be treated with dignity.

I walk around wearing as accepted by society (it is all just cloth in the end really anyway right?) male clothes with stereotypically male colors while my ever effeminate appearance is slightly masked by my 5 O'Clock shadow. I walk with a masculine strut not allowing my hair to swing as it is tied up and sometimes tucked under my hat. I put bass in my voice and suppress my natural inclination to sway my hips.

I allow the fear of the intolerant and unaccepting to cause me to live in fear and ultimately suppress my own happiness. Its ok though I do this for you, you the intolerant and unaccepting. I do this because I have for so long, I do this because I am strong enough for both of us, I do this to protect both of us from what could ultimately be a permanent goodbye for either one of us, I do this because I LOVE you ALL and I accept you and care about you ( I don't even kill or react uncomfortably to spiders either)

It is not until I am in the lovely cities of America that I am able to let my hair down and shine with the warmth and brightness of the star I am, Namaste.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Seamrog

Once again SRS is not body mutilation..
Heart surgery is not mutilation..
Liver surgery is not mutilation..

Mascectomy is not mutilation..

It is simply surgery..

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE

But there are people and things that cause people to feel, that something is "wrong" or scary or worrisome. I'm sure this applies to this topic to some extent. If the way another person acts or dresses is alien to may recoil. Not out of hate, but out of an emotional response to something so different or alien to them.

But, isn't what's important - - is what you do after you have a "natural" response to something different or foreign to you?

That's when the Dignity of others and treating people equally should kick in.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:29 PM

originally posted by: TrappedPrincess
You know the really sad part for me is that I already make many concessions to the intolerant and unaccepting populace (at least while in my backwoods redneck home town with no a limited palate of culture and diversity). Yet Im treated like a monster when I simply ask to be treated with dignity.

I walk around wearing as accepted by society (it is all just cloth in the end really anyway right?) male clothes with stereotypically male colors while my ever effeminate appearance is slightly masked by my 5 O'Clock shadow. I walk with a masculine strut not allowing my hair to swing as it is tied up and sometimes tucked under my hat. I put bass in my voice and suppress my natural inclination to sway my hips.

I allow the fear of the intolerant and unaccepting to cause me to live in fear and ultimately suppress my own happiness. Its ok though I do this for you, you the intolerant and unaccepting. I do this because I have for so long, I do this because I am strong enough for both of us, I do this to protect both of us from what could ultimately be a permanent goodbye for either one of us, I do this because I LOVE you ALL and I accept you and care about you ( I don't even kill or react uncomfortably to spiders either)

It is not until I am in the lovely cities of America that I am able to let my hair down and shine with the warmth and brightness of the star I am, Namaste.

I love the TG community.. I think it is a beautiful, inspirational, and kind loving community..i am thankful this thread was created..

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: tony9802
a reply to: Seamrog

Once again SRS is not body mutilation..
Heart surgery is not mutilation..
Liver surgery is not mutilation..

Mascectomy is not mutilation..

It is simply surgery..

Is it really necessary to point out the obvious here?


If a woman with aggressive breast cancer does not have a mastectomy, the cancer will kill her.

If a woman who hates her breasts and wants them gone so she can have a flat chest like a man - she will not DIE if she does not mutilate herself. She'll still wake up next Tuesday with breasts and breath.

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:38 PM
Thank you for the support kind sir a reply to: tony9802

posted on May, 19 2015 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: TrappedPrincess

You betcha..

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