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Oh yes, I am *soooo* unamerican *cough*

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posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:56 PM
I am just along for the ride; you're right, you did hijack my post lol.

I'm surprised to see so many replies so fast. How'd that happen?

Now then; time to be pissy again:
"...we have too many civil liberties..."
Ahem...don't worry, bub, we're steadily losing them. No longer is the Feddle Gummint run by the people, for the people; it's for the...gummint. By the...gummint. Paid for by...the people.

Anyway - this has become quite amusing: "your ignorant" "your an idiot" -- what the hell does this kind of thing prove, other than you can't develop a vocabulary worthy of "defending yourself"? Give me a break - come on, children. Quit flaming people and come up with a way to respond intelligently - not immaturely... jeezuz kryst!

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:50 PM

Where can people have sex in public? Show me!!!!!!!!! I need to find this spot

Really,. jedi, you claim t love America, yet youre against the very thing that made america american, the First amendment.

So what if someone wants to use crap for art? is anyone making u buy it? art is art to whoever sees it as suck.

Burning the American flag is a symbolic gesture. and act of free speech, eyt anpother fundimental right. And u oppose it. I dont like flag burners anymore than i like rabid flag wavers. But both have a right to thier opinion, and thus, I shall defend both of them, regardless. Burning a flag, as long as its your property, is not causing physical harm to a person. Thus, its protected. It dont matter what you like. Free speech isnt about what pleases u.

If you want a Theocracy, then go to Israel. Youre about as anti American as it gets!

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:52 PM

Well its true! People can have sex in public, masturbate in public.

Yeah, people can pretty much do anything in public, although they will probably get arrested for it.

People can use feces as art.

What exactly is wrong with this? Is it your feces? Are they offending feces somehow? It's their feces, if they want to paint, draw, write or eat with it, how does this affect you? Leave these people and their feces alone.

Porn has gotten to graphic over the years.

Sexuality is a big part of what makes us human. Just because this doesn't fit into your Stalinist views of how American's should be don't make it a bad thing.

Maybe we should all hide our genitalia behind a guilded pair of underwear. You want to know what causes sexual disorders? Being told from infancy that those are our "bad" and naughty" parts that should be hidden because there is something inherently wrong with them.

People can be traitotors and get away with it.

I bet you consider me and Skadi traitors. Or anyone that may have something critical to say about America.

People can burn flags, and get away with it.

If you have people burning the American flag in America, maybe, just maybe there is something wrong. I think it can send a very powerful statement.

People can support the enemy and get away with it.

What do you consider supporting the enemy and getting away with it? Protesting a war? Not wanting civilians and soldiers killed because of a few political leaders? Haven't enough people died at the expense of the few?

Graphic vilolence and sex is rampant in the media. Look at Eminem, and wrestling. Wrestling used to be good and I enjoyed it in the late 80s early 90s until Vince made it horrible.

What would you suggest be on TV? 24 hour Mr. Rogers? Or perhaps television should be controlled by one media source. We could have the same exact programming everyday and at high noon we would all have to watch the "Worship America and God hour." That would make alot of politicians very happy...

[Edited on 5-6-2003 by Thorfinn Skullsplitter]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:09 PM
Yeah damn it. Fecal rights world wide!

Oh, and jedi, whats this about porn being too graphic? Last time i checked, porn was suppsoed to be graphic, otherwise, it aint porn

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:17 PM

Oh, and jedi, whats this about porn being too graphic? Last time i checked, porn was suppsoed to be graphic, otherwise, it aint porn

Very true LMAO!!!

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Well its true! People can have sex in public, masturbate in public. People can use feces as art. Porn has gotten to graphic over the years. People can be traitotors and get away with it. People can burn flags, and get away with it. People can support the enemy and get away with it. Graphic vilolence and sex is rampant in the media. Look at Eminem, and wrestling. Wrestling used to be good and I enjoyed it in the late 80s early 90s until Vince made it horrible.

I do though agree with you that every aspect these days of American life has become tasteless. I don't see it changing anytime soon. This isn't the 80s anymore.

It's like a virus of evil, but if everyone didn't take part in it by demand there wouldn't be such filth. You can always turn off your TV, sometimes I think about taking it out back and putting a bowling ball through it.

I have no problem with sex or porn though, as a matter of fact I have worked with porn before.

It's all part of freedom, so if you are going to love your country I suppose you will just have to except it.

[Edited on 6-6-2003 by Total Enslavement]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:44 PM
LOL. I guess next your going to tell me being gay is normal, and I should be a hippie.

Burning the flag is defiance and treason. It is wrong. The Flag Code states that the flag must not be burned, unless you are going to properly throw it away if it is damaged beyond repair.

Feces as art is crap! (No pun intended). Its sick and disgusting to see literaly crap be put on display.

Porn, hmm we have all this bizare things now. Bondage, blood, pain. We have sadists beating masochists. We have women being treated like sex toys.

I would rather see, better programs in the media. Less violence, less sex. I think parents need to control thier kids, and spank them when they are bold.

I would rather, a religious state than a non-religious one. Preferbly a Judeo-Chirstian one.

Now Elf, I am not anti-American. I just don't agree with you anarchistic views.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by FLNELKO

"The constitution is based upon NAtural law, that is to say, God's law."

TC what ever happended to seperation of church and state? I'm pretty sure that's what our founding father's wanted and for good reason! This government is fascism at its best. This country is just like a little kid. When 9/11 happened somebody was going to pay. It's like we got hit from behind and we threw a punch before opening our eyes. Bush wanted to finish the war his father didn't, and now WE are paying for it as American citizens. Bush is the worse thing to happen since Richard Nixon. We all complained when Clinton was in office, but now I'm BEGGING!!! PLEASE COME BACK! Someone besides this war-monger we have now, and yes I'm proud to be an American. I believe we were blessed to have the founding fathers we did, but now one administration is destroying everything they tried to teach us. Bush needs to learn his history! As do a lot of us!

Do you have a copy of the constitution handy? When you get one out, cite me where that is. My copies don't have that.

Where was such a notion mentioned? In a letter from Tom Jefferson to a Christian church, and its intent is not as it has been twisted. As a matter of fact, you'll find plenty of evidence from other documents that will make it clear that Jefferson's meaning was not as it has been twisted by one letter.

Your calling this the best example of fascism indicates to me that you either have no idea what fascism is or you are merely trying to be dramatic. I prefer to think it is the latter, but the dramaticism is over the top.

Your likening America to a little kid is also misplaced and without thought. Had this nation decided to throw a temper tantrum, the carnage would have been horrendous and the investigative time would have been considerably shorter. Your insinuation that Jr is only trying to finish what his daddy started is not only baseless, but skips eight years of international debauchery before Shrub's election that greatly increased the danger to us and led us to this place.

As far as Shrub being the worst president since Nixon, you seem to once again be skipping other administrations that really warrant examining.

In a nutshell, I'd say more study might be an idea, not only in the area of American history, but also in international history and politics.

I respect your right to your opinion, but I know that your knowledge on American history is deficient and your accusations against the U.S. is seriously askew.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:39 PM
It's an old ploy: dare to oppose the government and you're a traitor. Garbage. Infantile rantings from people who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if it came up and greeted them...and who can refer to only the second Amendment, - and only in part to support their mantra. The Bush supporters NEVER defend a policy or an issue, because they can't. The information on which they base their blind worship of the Bush Cartel is minimal, at best, and totally false, at worst. I defy any of them to go to and read about the LIES that they've been fed. The truth is documented and explained clearly. Let's see if any one of the blind Bushbabies can come back and challenge ANY fact on that site ....with anything other than "...but Rush said...." or " I heard it on FOX News..." I'll be eager to see the responses. or the silence. Once again...... Enjoy.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:42 PM
Dem babies, same old garbage, attack and insult. I have a better clue of the constitution than most. I'd better after devoting years and thousands of dollars to the topic.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:46 PM
Interesting, a dem-baby points to an internet site as the Almighty truth and tries to whip anyone who watches Fox News and agrees with the policies of this administration.

Here we go again, another brainwashed militant dem-baby that is going to get me to sounding like a defender of a man instead of an objective evaluater of policies and law.

Please, someone else handle this brainwashed militant, I grow weary of the baseless banter.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 09:10 PM
Can't we all be friends?

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 09:33 PM
orginally posted by jedimaster:

Porn, hmm we have all this bizare things now. Bondage, blood, pain. We have sadists beating masochists. We have women being treated like sex toys.

How do you know this for a fact? Seems like you have been doing a lot of research on the subject. I suppose you have a through knowledge of the history of pornogarphy (which goes back to cave art). As for the subject of bad art and tasteless TV programs. I am reminded of what Larry Flint was said to those people who were criticizing Hustler magazine, "If you don't like my magazine, then don't buy it." Nobody is forced to look at porn, go to tasteless art shows, or to watch bad TV programs.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:41 PM
Not being very humble are you, Thomas Crowne. Since when were you the authority on what's right or wrong with anything?

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 07:57 AM
*** Has the A, Q, U, L, B, H, and T keys imbedded in his head - and still bashing away on his poor ol' keyboard ***

posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by LOBO
*** Has the A, Q, U, L, B, H, and T keys imbedded in his head - and still bashing away on his poor ol' keyboard ***

Don't worry LOBO, you'll have your turn to drive again. How soon....well who knows. Just be glad you started a thread worth hijacking!

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 05:39 AM
No, Jedi, u dont have to be a hippie. BUt u do have to let people who wanna be hippies or whatever be.

So u dont want America, you want a sick twisted theocracy. You want people tortured and executed for not be christians. I see.

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 09:37 AM
Did I ever say that? Did I ever say I wanted a sick theocracy with non-Chirstians dieing? No. I would like a Judeo-Chirstian state, thats all.

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 09:53 AM
Yeah, how pleasant a Judeo-Christian state would be. Because we all know what good christianity has done to the human psyche...

posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Thorfinn Skullsplitter
Not being very humble are you, Thomas Crowne. Since when were you the authority on what's right or wrong with anything?

No, I suppose I'm not being humble, but the thing is, its elementary. I don't feel the need to be humble about being right on the basic facts.

To be honest, I get tired, sick and freakin' tired of half-wits and know-littles screaming about rights and the constitution and this and that when they have such little knowledge.

Thorfinn, we've allowed ourselves to be stupified, ignorant, complacent and lied to. We have people who can't even spell "Federalist Papers", much less have read them. Some can't count to 27 much less know there are 27 amendments to the constitution, and I'll bet less than 1% can tell me which were properly ratified, honest to goodness amendments and which are not. And most have forgotten upon what law this government was based.

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