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QUESTION to ALL Atheists!

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:09 AM
Atheists? This label is put upon me and millions of others and then stories are made up how we 'believe' in atheism...what a load of tosh.
An Atheist shouldn't need to be labelled because all we are is people who are people, the basic human so to say, just as we were born. Believers on the other hand have something added, they believe something because they were born into a believers family and were taught to believe, and hence should be labelled believers.

I am not going to answer again what proof I'd need to believe in a biblical god because I am wasting my time here.
Why are total believers so pushy?
I was once read the bible at work by a believer, it was quite annoying.
What is it to you?
Why worry?
Why does your omnipotent god need your measly help at all?
Can he not convince us by himself?

The biblical god makes no sense and what was written by humans and mistranslated has many a times been proven wrong and contradictory.
Yet OP doesn't discuss anything, it's his way or we are all morons, regardless of decent arguments, evidence of the fallacies in the bible; it all gets ignored.

Either you are very uncertain about your own belief and have to verify it constantly by telling us how wrong we are, or you feel that you need your god's work [one of many gods BTW that supposedly exist] because he can't be asked and needs his lackeys to do the work for him.

One thing I can say for sure, if I ever had evidence of your god's existence and everything in the bible was true, I'd run a mile and would want nothing to do with it, because frankly from what I have read he/she/it is a complete psycho.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

Do I want, or do I not want there to be a God?

Honestly I'm impartial.

Does our existence and intelligence demand a creator?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: Daedalus
a reply to: TechUnique

i'm fine either way. if there is a "god" then he/she/it/wtfever has a LOT of explaining to do...if there isn't one, nothing changes, and i'm not surprised...

i just hate when people assert something as fact, that has no basis other than personal opinion and beliefs...

God doesn't have ANY explaining to do to you. That's like going up to your boss and telling him how to do his Job. You just don't do it, otherwise you lose your Job. It's disrespectful is what I'm saying. Both not acknowledging Gods existence AND stating what you just stated means YOU would have a lot of explaining to do if God showed up.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: TechUnique

Do I want, or do I not want there to be a God?

Honestly I'm impartial.

Does our existence and intelligence demand a creator?

How would you react if there was a God and you had the chance to address?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

why is faith necessary? why is religion necessary? why is worship necessary?

i submit that these are all man-made concepts...intended to maintain control over mankind..

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique
a reply to: Sparkymedic

I used to think exactly like this! Then I realized that it would be impossible to do it on such a scale. I guess a lot of it depends on interpretation and we probably wouldn't agree to any extent.

Hahahahaha... What??

Do what on such a scale? Have a gods creating gods ad infinitum? Yes it is ridiculous. Which is my point!

And basically your saying butt nuts to logical debate? Yeah, no need to have a debate if one mind is closed.

Face palm*

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

and there it is....THE question....

if god created the universe, and the earth, and everything on it....and, if you can't have something from nothing, then what created god?

when confronted with this question, the standard cop-out answer is either "god is eternal", or "that's where faith comes in"

it allows them to justify their belief, without any kind of proof, and without having to think about how much sense it doesn't make....

it is a logical paradox, so they ignore, or write off anything that might create doubt, as that would create a state of cognitive dissonance....

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: kelbtalfenek

originally posted by: TechUnique
What would be proof of God existing for you?

IF just for one single day no one starved to death, no one was beaten to death, no one died because they were too poor to pay for treatment, no one was killed because of their beliefs, no one was persecuted because of who they love...I think that would be a good start.

That is impossible whilst we are in the presence of sin. Once this is rectified there won't be any of these problems that you can attribute to the falling, or evil, of man.

If God was to just 'stop those things from happening' we wouldn't have free will.

Well according to your own claims, god stopped some things from happenning to you. Wouldn't that be taking free will from you?

Another poster said you have to submit your will to god to understand him. Do you agree with that statement?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique
a reply to: WhiteAlice

Me talking to you now is another chance

right, because you're THAT important...

and you will get many more before your time is up.

i'm sure we will all encounter many more self-aggrandizing individuals with an opinion, in our lifetimes...

This is precisely your problem. You think this is about me. You think I'm somehow gaining something from this. This doesn't make me feel any more important or 'grand'. It makes me feel more hopeless because a lot of you are ADAMANT not to believe.

You've said it yourselves, it wouldn't matter what God did if he turned up, you'd still all turn your backs on him.

To be honest I think this will probably be my last thread about Christianity. I don't care about the alienation, I just don't want to ram something down your throats when you're not even hungry. You'll just be sick.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique
God doesn't have ANY explaining to do to you. That's like going up to your boss and telling him how to do his Job. You just don't do it, otherwise you lose your Job. It's disrespectful is what I'm saying. Both not acknowledging Gods existence AND stating what you just stated means YOU would have a lot of explaining to do if God showed up.

we know. people having been praying for thousands of years without an answer

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

because it's ALWAYS about either money, power, or control...and sometimes, all of the above...

it is the most logical solution to the question....and it also satisfies the requirements of means, motive, opportunity, and benefit...

getting a criminal to confess to a crime, when they feel no remorse, is most often impossible...common sense, and deductive reasoning allows one to calculate the solution..

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: TechUnique

originally posted by: kelbtalfenek

originally posted by: TechUnique
What would be proof of God existing for you?

IF just for one single day no one starved to death, no one was beaten to death, no one died because they were too poor to pay for treatment, no one was killed because of their beliefs, no one was persecuted because of who they love...I think that would be a good start.

That is impossible whilst we are in the presence of sin. Once this is rectified there won't be any of these problems that you can attribute to the falling, or evil, of man.

If God was to just 'stop those things from happening' we wouldn't have free will.

Well according to your own claims, god stopped some things from happenning to you. Wouldn't that be taking free will from you?

Another poster said you have to submit your will to god to understand him. Do you agree with that statement?

I don't think we will ever understand God because we are inferior compared to him. You might not like what I just said but he CREATED us. Man is superior to his car right? Even if his car can break and kill him. Not saying that we can kill God but we can kill God from our minds.

God didn't take away my freewill. I still made those mistakes and trust me they had consequences. Taking away my free will would have been to change my decisions at the relevant times to avoid those situations. You are using twisted logic.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

if god created us in his image, than we are equals..

and by explaining, i mean answers to questions.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

I have been debating on YouTube the past few days and after grueling hours of stubbornness on both parts, gained one piece of insight. Atheists want tangible evidence that they can all mutually agree is from God.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: Bisman

originally posted by: TechUnique
God doesn't have ANY explaining to do to you. That's like going up to your boss and telling him how to do his Job. You just don't do it, otherwise you lose your Job. It's disrespectful is what I'm saying. Both not acknowledging Gods existence AND stating what you just stated means YOU would have a lot of explaining to do if God showed up.

we know. people having been praying for thousands of years without an answer

Actually people do receive answer to prayer. When they tell you about it you don't believe them because 'Theoretically, that could have been this or blah blah'.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: TechUnique
I've got another question for you guys.

Do you want there to be a God or would you prefer that there wasn't a god, and why? I'm assuming that you will say something along the lines of, 'No, because if there was a God why is the world so bad?' but I could be wrong.

I would personally love it if there was a god, a super powerful being that looked after the world and it's people. It sounds a bit like a superman.....

But the barbaric and debased gods of the abrahamic religions? hell no....

A god shouldn't desire worship, prayer or indeed anything like that unless it's a particularly pathetic creature that needs constant reassurance and attention like a narcissistic facebook diva IMO.

It should however come down to earth and smite anyone that willingly spreads lies, dishonesty and misinformation to children and the easily influenced.

Just a gentle but firm smiting.

And proof? just come down from space/whatever and take a selfie with me.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: Daedalus
a reply to: TechUnique

because it's ALWAYS about either money, power, or control...and sometimes, all of the above...

it is the most logical solution to the question....and it also satisfies the requirements of means, motive, opportunity, and benefit...

getting a criminal to confess to a crime, when they feel no remorse, is most often impossible...common sense, and deductive reasoning allows one to calculate the solution..

Wait, what are you talking about?!

I'm starting to fail at keeping up with so many different conversations at once. Apologies. Please repost what you said with a more detailed explanation as to what you are referring to.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

I'd ask him why he made foreskin only to demand we cut it off.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: TechUnique

you might wanna fix your post.....she didn't say those things to you, i did.

and you're free to talk about whatever you want....but you can't go around asserting your personal opinions are fact, and then insult people for not sharing those opinions.

no one's saying "don't talk about Christianity", we're saying "stop mocking people who don't believe what you believe" you started this.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: Daedalus
a reply to: TechUnique

if god created us in his image, than we are equals..

and by explaining, i mean answers to questions.

He created us to be like him. We didn't listen. Instead we listened to the Devil. (The snake in the garden of Eden)

In his image doesn't mean he cloned himself billions of times. It's like an artist doing a piece of work that epitomizes himself. He doesn't just clone another one of himself.

It's like, representative of, rather than 'Traced'

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