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Anthropological Effects: From acid rain to chemtrials and the mediation methods

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(post by MagnumOpus removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:23 PM


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:30 PM
The issue is chemtrails persist and are designed to shade the planet.

Technically, every jet leaves a trail of chemicals and a short lived fog, which dissipates and doesn't leave an 8 hour fog.

The issue for your shallow thought might be so simple, but the issue for chemtrails is persistence of the plume and special additives that create that persistence.

You live in your little simple world that shows nothing of value and attempt to dodge the well known difference all know about chemtrails.

All you have is more faked up non-sense.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 3

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Perhaps you need to learn how to speak intelligible before you go for science.

The irony is overwhelming. You want to use the adverb "intelligibly" here, not "intelligible" which is an adjective. If you weren't being so hypocritical and condescending I wouldn't have mentioned it. Your writing is less than stellar so you really should avoid throwing that stone.

Show all of us persistence.

OK, how much boron do you claim is in the jet fuel?

edit on 11-3-2014 by DenyObfuscation because: spelen iz kuntajus

ETA: In the spirit of your post, WTF are chemtrials?
edit on 11-3-2014 by DenyObfuscation because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2014 by DenyObfuscation because: adverb is not adjective

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:35 PM


posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

you said there could not be any contrails from car exhaust - I showed you them.

You said there could not be contrails from exhausts at the South Pole - you were showed them.

Your claims were not about persistent contrails - they were about any contrails at all.

And now you have changed your story .........again.

You have already seen long duration plumes - the ones that the chemtrail believers say aer chemtrails - without one single piece of verifiable evidence that chemtrails even exist.

those are contrails because they look like contrails, they behave like contrails, they are generated like contrails.

contrails are known to last for hours - unlike you some people who know what they are talking about have actually studied them, eg Transformation of Contrails into Cirrus

Three contrail systems were analyzed with geostationary satellite data to document the conversion of the
contrails to cirrus clouds. Two unique contrails, a pair of figure eights and a NASA DC-8 oval, were tracked for more than 7
hours. A cluster of contrails from commercial aircraft lasted over 17 hours.

and I note, again, that you provide no evidence, post no citations, address nothing that actually exists in the real world.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 08:47 PM


Technically, every jet leaves a trail of chemicals and a short lived fog, which dissipates and doesn't leave an 8 hour fog.


Three contrail systems were analyzed with
geostationary satellite data to document the conversion of the
contrails to cirrus clouds. Two unique contrails, a pair of figure
eights and a NASA DC-8 oval, were tracked for more than 7
hours. A cluster of contrails from commercial aircraft lasted over
17 hours.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:01 PM

Aloysius the Gaul


Technically, every jet leaves a trail of chemicals and a short lived fog, which dissipates and doesn't leave an 8 hour fog.


Three contrail systems were analyzed with
geostationary satellite data to document the conversion of the
contrails to cirrus clouds. Two unique contrails, a pair of figure
eights and a NASA DC-8 oval, were tracked for more than 7
hours. A cluster of contrails from commercial aircraft lasted over
17 hours.

Yes, you are wrong. Because, the thread demonstrated that Commercial aircraft used chemtrail methods.

Just because NASA didn't include that chemtrails methods exist for Commercial aircraft fuels, just means they missed that point.

They needed to say if the planes used Boron loaded fuels or not.

They did note:

Contrails, as anthropogenic cirrus clouds, affect both the
radiation and hydrological cycle in a manner similar to other
cirrus clouds except that they may have different microphysical
properties [e.g., Gayet et al., 1996]. I

The microphysical property might be Boron seeded clouds.

When jet plumes run for that long---they are chemically helped.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: -2

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

When jet plumes run for that long---they are chemically helped.

What makes you so sure about that? Do you realize that you are using "Contrail Science" to explain the persistence of the trails?


The microphysical property might be Boron seeded clouds.

MIGHT be? OK then, the difference in microphysical properties is likely to be found in the naturally occurring nucleating particles in the atmosphere vs those found in ordinary jet exhaust.
edit on 11-3-2014 by DenyObfuscation because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:40 PM


Yes, you are wrong. Because, the thread demonstrated that Commercial aircraft used chemtrail methods.

lol - you saying there are some sort of "chemtrail methods" is not demonstrating it!!

Just because NASA didn't include that chemtrails methods exist for Commercial aircraft fuels, just means they missed that point.

more likely they know what they are talking about, and you are inventing stuff

They needed to say if the planes used Boron loaded fuels or not.

Why? Because you have decided that it is important on the basis of your own opinion??


They did note:

Contrails, as anthropogenic cirrus clouds, affect both the
radiation and hydrological cycle in a manner similar to other
cirrus clouds except that they may have different microphysical
properties [e.g., Gayet et al., 1996]. I

The microphysical property might be Boron seeded clouds.

"might be"??

are you now suggesting that your new theory might not be true?

well let's look at that - the citation mentions " gayet et al 1996", and of course we all "know" that chemtrails only started in obviously whatever was happening before then wasn't chemtrails!!

Searching for "cirrus cloud jf gayet et al 1996" gets you heap of links to papers from 1996 onwards - eg Quantitative measurement of the microphysical and optical properties of cirrus clouds with four different in situ probes: Evidence of small ice crystals or
On the transition from contrail to cirrus cloud.....the abstract of which reads:

In situ observations of the microphysical properties of upper-tropospheric contrails and cirrus clouds have been performed during more than 15 airborne missions over central Europe. Experimental and technical aspects concerning in situ characterization of ice clouds with the help of optical and nonoptical detection methods (preferably FSSP-300 and Hallet-type replicator) are addressed. The development of contrails into cirrus clouds on the timescale of 1 h is discussed in terms of a representative set of number densities, and size distributions and surface area distributions of aerosols and cloud elements, with special emphasis on small ice crystals (diameter 100 cm−3) of nearly spherical ice crystals with mean diameters in the range 1–10 μm. Young cirrus clouds, which mostly contain small regularly shaped ice crystals in the range 10–20-μm diameter and typical concentrations 2–5 cm−3, have been observed. Measurement results are compared to simple parcel model calculations to identify parameters relevant for the contrail–cirrus transition. Observations and model estimates suggest that contrail growth is only weakly, if at all, affected by preexisting cirrus clouds.

lol - the microphysical properties - yeah...size, shape...oddly enough nothing about boron.....

When jet plumes run for that long---they are chemically helped.

Yeah - so a whole lot of believers in chemtrails say - but they have no evidence to support such a statement, and neither do you.

Clouds can last for hours, and contrails are made up of the same stuff as clouds - you claim logic - well why is it not logical that contrails would last as long as clouds?
edit on 11-3-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: quote tag

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:46 PM
What Edward Teller told for the Sun Screen was that it would make a huge amount of scattering material to do the job. Teller propsed 1 million tons of scattering material and these designs did the job with mere fractions of the material suggested by Teller's aluminum approach.

In the course of talking about chemtrail methods we have shown an intelligent way to lift very little material to generate a lot of scattering material in the atmosphere.

One Atom of Boron combined with Nitrogen can seed the accumulation of thousands of water molecules to make scattering material.

It was a method to make the Edward Teller Sun Screen actually possible.

The technique even made it more than possible, as it added the Boron to soak up fluorine and chlorine from the tropopause area of the skies and curb the ozone depletion effect. It added the Mie Scattering of IR heat back into space and help cooling. It added Boron to the Earth's soils as the seeding material rained out of the skies. It made a mass multiplier effect on top of all those serendipitous qualities.

The world was rapidly heading for incineration, if the warming effects went unabated, leading to methane hydrate releases. But the chemtrials methods are holding back the methane hydrate releases that are considered potentially catastrophic.

All it has been largely about is chemistry of Boron, partly how to generate hygroscopic compounds of Boron, then use planes to put the Boron in the same area that Freon was affected by UV-b, and then have Boron mediate the soils affected by fluoride deposition from coal emissions.

It all fit together so well that it was a like gift from God himself to save the Humans on Earth. The balance is still tedious and there is still 50 more years to deal with the problems, yet the solution is working by nothing short of a major miracle.

Now, since the dam break has been averted, the next moves are to get the public up to speed on what happened and how it was addressed. Now comes the end of the times of secrecy and time to inform all the citizens of the world, so all know how close the world came to what could well have been a serious end for too many.

Problems remain, and the solutions are possible. Secrecy is not part of the sustainability solutions. Openness of information and a world sharing the load is what comes next. A new awakening as to how vulnerable life is held in the balance of Earth's Environment driven off balance by anthropological effects.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

The technique even made it more than possible, as it added the Boron to soak up fluorine and chlorine from the tropopause area of the skies and curb the ozone depletion effect.

Again, how much boron do you claim is in the fuel?

The science explains why contrails form, persist and spread without the need for chemical additives to the fuel. I'm not a fan of pollution but I'm not going to fret if trace amounts of biocides containing boron are used.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 10:18 PM


One Atom of Boron combined with Nitrogen can seed the accumulation of thousands of water molecules to make scattering material.


And source for this please?

If you google
Boron nitride nucleation what you get is trsults on how to grow crystals of boron nitride.

Making Boron Nitride is not just a matter of adding boron to air and combining with nitrogen - it takes high temperature, and ammonia or urea carbon monoxide or Calcium hexaboride

B2O3 + 2 NH3 → 2 BN + 3 H2O (T = 900 °C)
B(OH)3 + NH3 → BN + 3 H2O (T = 900 °C)
B2O3 + CO(NH2)2 → 2 BN + CO2 + 2 H2O (T > 1000 °C)
B2O3 + 3 CaB6 + 10 N2 → 20 BN + 3 CaO (T > 1500 °C)

so you don't know how to make the stuff, don't know that it doesn't "just" react with nitrogen, can't show any evidence that it ist a nucleation site for anything except itself......

Boron nitride is not mentioned in Teller's theory - not even by Rense

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Killer thread! BUT...I have some questions and, of course, just to be completely up front - I am totally against the ongoing geo-engineering which you have the audacity to describe as a miracle from God. far as a geo-engineering solution that is working: that's just nutty - look around and look up. And as far as being up front and honest - what is it with you guys?: is it always just baby steps and baby food? Every year the "truth of the hour" is revealed.

I'm still pondering the Mason part: Masons would have been employees in this Freon scandal, not players. Nations were players and there were two, at the time - the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Perhaps not a plot, just abject ignorance?

How was Freon mistaken? Why was it thought to be inert and then not?

Whose brilliant idea was it to add ultrafine particles to the mix? How do geo-engineers propose to restrain micro-system events, which can't even be seen or even predicted or even known about, when macro events escape them?

Without knowledge of what precipitated the last ice age, how do geo-engineers propose to avoid that? Because, without anthropological interference, the earth quite handily survived a cooling cycle: 3550 BC to 1850 AD, without going into full blown ice. Unlike what happened 12,000 BC to 8,000 BC. And handily survived the intervening warming cycle as well.

If sudden stratospheric warming is by device, what assurances are given that the troposphere will cool proportionately? It's not happening in Australia. And if you all create regional atmospheric climates, where is the global impact statement? And does it come back to bite?

And what about the bad ozone? The ozone that deflates your basketball overnight (lol). Only curbing emissions will stop that.

The Good, the Bad and the Ozone

P.S.: forgot one question. If benevolent boron is in such high usage, why is the stratosphere filled with aluminum?
edit on 12-3-2014 by luxordelphi because: forgot one question

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 02:45 AM


Aloysius the Gaul


Technically, every jet leaves a trail of chemicals and a short lived fog, which dissipates and doesn't leave an 8 hour fog.


Three contrail systems were analyzed with
geostationary satellite data to document the conversion of the
contrails to cirrus clouds. Two unique contrails, a pair of figure
eights and a NASA DC-8 oval, were tracked for more than 7
hours. A cluster of contrails from commercial aircraft lasted over
17 hours.

Yes, you are wrong. Because, the thread demonstrated that Commercial aircraft used chemtrail methods.

You just saying something is not a demonstration. It is a baseless claim and can be easily dismissed as just that

Just because NASA didn't include that chemtrails methods exist for Commercial aircraft fuels, just means they missed that point.

No, it means they have no interest in stupid fantasies

They needed to say if the planes used Boron loaded fuels or not.

They did note:

Contrails, as anthropogenic cirrus clouds, affect both the
radiation and hydrological cycle in a manner similar to other
cirrus clouds except that they may have different microphysical
properties [e.g., Gayet et al., 1996]. I

The microphysical property might be Boron seeded clouds.

When jet plumes run for that long---they are chemically helped.

You may well think that, but there is nothing to support your belief, are cirrus clouds chemically helped to persist when they do? How about before aviation? Or do you think cirrus clouds only existed after about 1910?
edit on 12-3-2014 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

P.S.: forgot one question. If benevolent boron is in such high usage, why is the stratosphere filled with aluminum?

One more question. Why do you say the stratosphere filled with aluminum?

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 04:04 AM
Since the chemtrails technique for cloud seeding / making efforts use hygroscopic materials, it is good to review the previous methods for cloud seeding. Silver Iodide was one of the most well known.

Weather modification has been in widespread use for many decades and the science is extremely advanced. It was high used in the Vietnam war to impede Communist supply lines.

A version of the hygroscopic materials methods is used in some chemtrail techniques, but at altitudes just above the range of most normal natural cloud systems. Chemtrails use the tropopause regions with much tinner levels of water, which don't make the rain, but do form considerable cloud cover, which falls out of the tropopause region after the Sun well sets at night.


The most common chemicals used for cloud seeding include silver iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide). Liquid propane, which expands into a gas, has also been used. This can produce ice crystals at higher temperatures than silver iodide. The use of hygroscopic materials, such as table salt, is becoming more popular[citation needed] after promising research.[2]
Cloud seeding to increase snowfall is done when temperatures within the clouds are between 19 and minus-4 degrees Fahrenheit (between minus-7 and minus-20 degrees Celsius). This is the range at which silver iodide does its best work, as demonstrated by decades of research.[3] Introduction of a substance such as silver iodide, which has a crystalline structure similar to that of ice, will induce freezing nucleation.


Cloud seeding is no longer considered a fringe science, and is considered a mainstream tool to improve rain precipitation and snow. New technology and research have produced reliable results that make cloud seeding a dependable and affordable water-supply practice for many regions.[3]


To his astonishment, as soon as he breathed into the deep freezer, a bluish haze was noted, followed by an eye-popping display of millions of microscopic ice crystals, reflecting the strong light rays from the lamp illuminating a cross-section of the chamber. He instantly realized that he had discovered a way to change supercooled water into ice crystals. The experiment was easily replicated and he explored the temperature gradient to establish the −40˚C[21] limit for liquid water.


Cloud Making hygroscopic Property


Leading experts speaks on how little material is needed for cloud seeding methods. The original Time Mag article isn't out there completely, but excerpts speak to the issue.


Dr. Irving Langmuir, high priest of scientific rainmaking, sounded a solemn warning last week: those who sow too many rainstorms may reap nothing but droughts. Speaking at the School of Mines in drought-threatened New Mexico, Langmuir denounced the commercial rainmakers, many of them woefully ignorant of the art, who are seeding the atmosphere with silver iodide throughout the dry Southwest. "Some of them," he said, "are using hundreds of thousands of times too much. No more than one milligram [.000035 oz] of silver iodide should be used for every cubic mile of air."...


Dr. Irving Langmuir, pioneer in “rainmaking,” said the government should seize on the phenomenon of weather control as it did on atomic energy when Albert Einstein told the late President Roosevelt in 1939 of the potential power of an atom-splitting weapon.

“In the amount of energy liberated, the effect of 30 milligrams of silver iodide [used to seed clouds] under optimum conditions equals that of one atomic bomb,” Langmuir said.


Cloud Seeding Material Useage

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 04:43 AM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Killer thread! BUT...I have some questions and, of course, just to be completely up front - I am totally against the ongoing geo-engineering which you have the audacity to describe as a miracle from God. far as a geo-engineering solution that is working: that's just nutty - look around and look up. And as far as being up front and honest - what is it with you guys?: is it always just baby steps and baby food? Every year the "truth of the hour" is revealed.

I'm still pondering the Mason part: Masons would have been employees in this Freon scandal, not players. Nations were players and there were two, at the time - the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. Perhaps not a plot, just abject ignorance?

How was Freon mistaken? Why was it thought to be inert and then not?

Whose brilliant idea was it to add ultrafine particles to the mix? How do geo-engineers propose to restrain micro-system events, which can't even be seen or even predicted or even known about, when macro events escape them?

Without knowledge of what precipitated the last ice age, how do geo-engineers propose to avoid that? Because, without anthropological interference, the earth quite handily survived a cooling cycle: 3550 BC to 1850 AD, without going into full blown ice. Unlike what happened 12,000 BC to 8,000 BC. And handily survived the intervening warming cycle as well.

If sudden stratospheric warming is by device, what assurances are given that the troposphere will cool proportionately? It's not happening in Australia. And if you all create regional atmospheric climates, where is the global impact statement? And does it come back to bite?

And what about the bad ozone? The ozone that deflates your basketball overnight (lol). Only curbing emissions will stop that.

The Good, the Bad and the Ozone

P.S.: forgot one question. If benevolent boron is in such high usage, why is the stratosphere filled with aluminum?
edit on 12-3-2014 by luxordelphi because: forgot one question

Thanks! The theme does have a number of detractors that don't appear to want the details of chemtrails exposed to all the world.

I am against doing chemtrial methods in secret, yet logiccally, I am totally for not allowing the damage to go unabated. I don't think most people would choose Hell on Earth from the uncontrolled temp rise predicted.

Most of the stratospheric Al comes from Martin-Marietta solid rocket fuels, and aluminum helps to soak up Freon decomposition products. Such is yet another way to deal with F and Cl from Freon. The Al in the stratosphere began way before the Ozone Hole discovery.

Freon was told by DuPont and the Manhattan Project's scientists as being chemically inert, so that oversight made a huge problem down the road as the lower atmosphere loaded up with Freon gas, and then was carried aloft into the tropopause and stratosphere to be the main culprit for the Ozone Depletion effects. Then massive efforts to stop making the CFC Freons due to the Montreal meetings, which also included Halon restrictions due to Bromine being similar to F and Cl for the Ozone Depletion chemistry.

Like I maintained when these techniques were conceived, total openness would be an absolute requirement to avoid unknowns that easily crop up from the highly complicated interactions with nature. The Crooks, wanting to cover up the massive mistakes, wanted secrecy. Now, many seek to overcome the Crook's Intentions for the secrecy. And likewise, so do I. Always have, just the Crooks dominated. But the tide appears to be changing.

Masons are invested in many things. Some are good, and some seek improper NWO methods. FDR sought a 4 Freedoms type Mason solution, which the other English Masons opposed. A Colonial Mason revolt against the English Masons was the formation of the United States by G. Washington and other Masons in 1776 and the rise of Adam Weiskopf's visions on religion's chicanery. Then along came Texas, which was basically formed by a lot of Masons at the Alamo to start the Republic of Texas. In WWII, it was high level Masons that got the US into WWII (Churchill, Hoover, and FDR) In the times of FDR, it was Texas Masons that pushed for a political dominance that became the Mil / Ind Network problems for the Cold War period, and that came highly from the Texas Lamar 8F gang in Houston and the New Money oil riches that gave them power. Since Mason FDR basically allowed the Manhattan Project to happen, it was highly filled with Masons in various management positions. Likewise, when the Paperclip Germans came to the US, this happened due to Mason Dulles and Mason Truman allowing that to happen and they first moved to Ft. Bliss, Texas and then into Huntsville, Ala. and again the NASA management was highly filled with Masons running the show. Generally, Masons propagate other Masons into position under them, which all too often becomes a system of Crooked Management that covers up problems.

So, what that translated to for Oak Ridge was the dangerous chemicals and radiation releases were not exposed for decades and thousands of sick workers were discovered in the DOE system in the days of Hazel O'Leary's tenure as DOE Chief. Likewise, as the Freon problems were discovered with the Ozone Hole, all Oak Ridge knew they released more Freon than any single organization on the planet. Plus, DuPont was their partner for making much of the Manhattan Project and the Freon used in the enriched uranium process.

High level Masons in all these national security systems tend to have the power to suppress serious problems, and this happened hugely in Oak Ridge and other DOE sites. Edward Teller's warning paper was public and the dire predictions well known. But the methods created to accomplish the systems to do the environmental controls had some problems from aluminum ideas to others.

The properties of nano-particles was hot science when the chemtrails ideas were forming, materials such as silver and gold colloids had special properties. And the Nano-sciences have even invaded secretive atmospheric methods.

I am all for the environment impact statements due to Teller's taking note of the disaster coming, plus the environmental impact statements for chemtrail methods.

And also all for the telling of the rational of what causes least harm and what allows an extinction type event to occur. Sometimes the Environmental Movement is short sighted in their views of science. But, when the issue is an extinction type event, some sacrifices are required and the outcome for the whole must take priority. At this point in time, we are far from ideal considerations.

Like I said, I am all for openness and for that to happen, the Environmental Movement is going to have to consider the whole of the problems, because shutting down some of these things can essentially kill billions of people.

I think that people can be educated and just as FDR said learn the issues to manage the country and world wisely, and not make ill informed knee jerk decisions. I think this disaster, if handled carefully, can be used to unite the world in ways that FDR proposed, and have the world realize that we all live in each other's care.

edit on 12-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 33

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Yes, it's the masons. Like Al Gore. Oh Wait! You were completely wrong about that one. I know, if you ignore your mistakes, they will surely go away.

Getting back to Boron being the magical chemtrail maker.

(And I know your mental faculties don't permit you to answer me)

An Airplane gets loaded with (magic boron fuel) and it's in all the tanks, why doesn't that plane leave a trail from take off, to landing? And why is it, that on days that aren't conducive for contrails to form, do NO PLANES use the boron fuel?

Have a super day you Honorary Mason!

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Did you even bother to look up the weather conditions in Anchorage, Alaska, surrounding the days of this YouTube video you posted?

Here is the weather for Anchorage, Alaska for the dates of:

November 11, 2013
November 12, 2013

Please inform the readers how this video you posted demonstrates your ability to correctly formulate cogent answers toward simply written questions. Thank you.

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