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Anthropological Effects: From acid rain to chemtrials and the mediation methods

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posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 10:08 AM

Again the issue is you want to mislead.

NO, just to see if you understand. (it appears you don't)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 10:51 AM
As Chemtrials involved the Boron mixed with the Jet fuel, the formation of highly polar cloud forming Boron Nitride , BN, is only the preferred reaction at the higher altitudes where the water vapor / humidity is least.

So, at low altitude the BN formation is low and other non-hygroscopic Boron compounds are formed. Ground take off with Boron loaded fuels doesn't make the BN at rates needed to form the fog trails behind the engines.

The BN reaction is favored in the dry stratosphere and there the heat of combustion reactions in the jet exhaust use the BN to collect water vapor, part from the fuel and part from atmospheric water, and form droplets or ice molecules of sufficient size they show up as white and can reflect IR radiation via Mie Scattering.

These last through the day and the Sun's UV-b heating tends to keep them aloft, and without the Sun's UV-b heating, the settle out in the night. It is a well known property of the Stratosphere and the UV-b derived heating.

UV-b heating

The variations in the water vapor at altitude causes the white trails to stop and start, just depending on the water vapor at altitude and the generation of Boron Nitride, BN, under the favorable conditions. The engine speed and the magnitude of the air compression for the high bypass engines also affects the fog formation.

Now, one of the prime methods for chemtrails, Boron, is out for all to see, and the basic chemical sciences driving the effects also very well shown, and the reason for why the Govt. is responsible and wants to hide the effects from the public and world. It has also been shown the history of fuel development that contributed to metals in fuels via wants for octane boosting, higher energy jet fuels, and now the want to change Jet Exhausts from black atmospheric heating effects into a serious graffiti damage to the skies to produce white fog jet exhausts that favor IR reflection and methods to alter climate change effects from the Ozone Hole damage to the Oceans.

It is very obvious process on many days of the year for many locations around the would and the Citizens and People need to know the way and how for this being suppressed.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Since you won't answer me, pretend someone else asked you this.

Please explain the difference between contrails and chemtrails.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by network dude

It's all very well having these intricate and indepth explanations but when there's nothing to explain then they fall apart pretty quickly.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by mrthumpy

He's identified the mystery compound in chemtrails, the reason for them, and who is responsible, yet still have zero clue about what constitutes a contrail.

Cart before the horse?

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 11:06 AM

reply to post by network dude

It's all very well having these intricate and indepth explanations but when there's nothing to explain then they fall apart pretty quickly.

You did fall totally apart when I listed this chart:

The Charrt of your Doom

Because it also included the lofting issues of the Stratosphere via UV-b radiation heating.

You won't be able to sell your ignorance around here.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 87

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 01:03 PM

network dude
reply to post by mrthumpy

He's identified the mystery compound in chemtrails, the reason for them, and who is responsible, yet still have zero clue about what constitutes a contrail.

Cart before the horse?

There isn't even a horse

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 02:56 PM



reply to post by MagnumOpus

The latest soundings from Cancun show a temperature of 29.4C at 30ft and -40.5C at 36000ft

I know, that is technical, and such leaves you behind.
edit on 11-3-2014 by mrthumpy because: (no reason given)

I guess you never flew through a cloud at 36,000 ft. ? or noticed lots more atmospheric turbulence in summer vs winter to modify clouds altitudes, storm energy, etc.

Can you explain how it can possibly be -40 at 36000ft and 30 on the ground in the tropics? According to you it should be much warmer at altitude

The rule of thumb is -2 C for each 1000 feet of altitude - this is the environmental lapse rate. the actual figure is 1.98 degrees K per 1000 feet - feel free to adjust my math below for that if you want.

So if it is 30 deg on ground you would initially expect the temperature at 36,000 feet to be 30 - (36*2) = 30-72 = -42 degrees.
edit on 11-3-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 03:19 PM
Not exactly true because of the "tropopause region", where the linear equation approximation stops.

Tropopause Shown Graphically

Get past the "tropopause region" and the sign reverses and the temp rises.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 7

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

The tropopause can start anywhere from 30-55,000 feet, 36,000 feet is often well within the troposphere - the area underneath it where the "rule" applies.

and at the equator it tends to be at the higher altitude - so 36,000 feet is a long way from it's "normal" height

The temperature reversal does not start until ABOVE the tropopause.

you asked how it could be -40 at 36,000 feet while it is 30 at the equator (all in degrees C) - that is how it can happen.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

It's super that you were able to comprehend the Upper levels of the sky. Now you understand temperature. Next you can start to understand humidity, supersaturation, and clouds. Once you have mastered that, it's on to contrails. You might have it licked by page 30.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 03:48 PM

Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by MagnumOpus

The tropopause can start anywhere from 30-55,000 feet, 36,000 feet is often well within the troposphere - the area underneath it where the "rule" applies.

and at the equator it tends to be at the higher altitude - so 36,000 feet is a long way from it's "normal" height

The temperature reversal does not start until ABOVE the tropopause.

you asked how it could be -40 at 36,000 feet while it is 30 at the equator (all in degrees C) - that is how it can happen.

I didn't ask that question. The other person is the one that doesn't understand temp gradient effects.

Remember, I am the one with the graph.

The other fellow has the vapid question and can't read the graph.

The tropopause is the region where the negative temp coefficient and the positive temp coefficient collide, and the net effect is there is still a good bit of UV-b there that supports keeping chemtrails aloft---till the Sun goes down on that part of the atmosphere.

When Freon gets to the tropopause region, the breakdown due to UV-b begins, and right there where the products of F and Cl begin there are chemtrail compounds to soak up the fluorine due to Boron being there. Then as the Sunlight fades, it falls back to the lower atmosphere. Boron compounds attract fluorine and chlorine like a magnet. Molecular BN is lighter than O2 and N2, so that stays aloft easily till it picks up water molecules or fluorine or chlorine.

So, the chemtrail method puts Boron close to the point of origin of the Freon breakdown via UV-b and helps to lessen the Ozone Depletion.

So, when anyone sees the Boron induced chemtrails in the skies, the Boron in the trails is combining with the Fluorine and Chlorine in this UV-b region and pulls portions of the problem out of the atmosphere.

It also has some other serendipitous features of adding Boron to the soils, as it rains out eventually, to counter ground level fluorine pollution from coal emissions. A potion of the BN collects enough water molecules to also reflect IR heat from the Sun and counter the climate change effects due to cloud loss mechanisms. Boron gives a lot of bang for the buck with such serendipitous effects used to counter anthropological damage to the planet due to careless Freon releases.

Most scientists that notice these combined effects are well impressed, but very few get to see the explanations here.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 5

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Obviously, such is greater an effect for making heavier jet induced chemical white clouds in the summers.

Here this may interest you...

This one may too...

Truly worth the read...

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:32 PM


So, when anyone sees the Boron induced chemtrails in the skies,

how does boron induce water to become visible?

And how does that work for airlines that are not using a boron based biocide - such as the ones in climates where biological growth is not an issue - I worked for Air New Zealand for many years - we never used biocides at all - no need - but Air New Zealand still makes persistent contrails.

the Boron in the trails is combining with the Fluorine and Chlorine in this UV-b region and pulls portions of the problem out of the atmosphere.

unsupported assertion on your part.

Most scientists that notice these combined effects are well impressed, but very few get to see the explanations here.

what scientists have noticed any of this - sources?
edit on 11-3-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: quote tag

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:37 PM
Now, most have seen how the Commecial Airliners work to put Boron into the atmosphere, as it is as simple as when to buy some Boron treatment for Jet Fuels and not many people notice what it does, as they don't advertise the connections.

The treatment can be turned on and off just by ordering this jet fuel treatment or another.

The more advanced methods can use compounds like "aluminium tetrahydroborate" in Military Tankers or EverGreen aircraft and fly at even higher altitudes to get more BN in contact with the Freon decomposition altitudes. With Aluminum Borate compounds you get twice the bang for the buck. They can saturate areas, fly in circles, grid patterns, and basically doctor up the air as needed. They can flip a switch and cut off the feed into the fuel mixer and stop the effect on a dime, as in sky writing.

The use of the aluminum in the compound does just the same as Boron toward gathering fluorine and chlorine from the atmosphere. Aluminum is more toxic for the process, and the public has been kept in the dark. Boron is a little more safe, but the various pathways predictions often too difficult to predict. One of the issues is the Bee Colony Collapse is tied to Boron from chemtrails, and greater evaluations for this need to be done with openness and public involvement.

Chemtrails science is now easy to observe and the chemistry explained for two major methods with B and Al.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

So, when anyone sees the Boron induced chemtrails in the skies, the Boron in the trails is combining with the Fluorine and Chlorine in this UV-b region and pulls portions of the problem out of the atmosphere.

Well that one is new to me as to what chemtrails are supposedly used for.

I'll give you an A for imagination, but a D for presentation.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:43 PM

Now, most have seen how the Commecial Airliners work to put Boron into the atmosphere, as it is as simple as when to buy some Boron treatment for Jet Fuels and not many people notice what it does, as they don't advertise the connections.

The treatment can be turned on and off just by ordering this jet fuel treatment or another.

The more advanced methods can use compounds like "aluminium tetrahydroborate" in Military Tankers or EverGreen aircraft and fly at even higher altitudes to get more BN in contact with the Freon decomposition altitudes. With Aluminum Borate compounds you get twice the bang for the buck. They can saturate areas, fly in circles, grid patterns, and basically doctor up the air as needed. They can flip a switch and cut off the feed into the fuel mixer and stop the effect on a dime, as in sky writing.

The use of the aluminum in the compound does just the same as Boron toward gathering fluorine and chlorine from the atmosphere. Aluminum is more toxic for the process, and the public has been kept in the dark. Boron is a little more safe, but the various pathways predictions often too difficult to predict. One of the issues is the Bee Colony Collapse is tied to Boron from chemtrails, and greater evaluations for this need to be done with openness and public involvement.

Chemtrails science is now easy to observe and the chemistry explained for two major methods with B and Al.

none of this explains how it is that boron, which is not used by all airlines, creates contrails from all airlines.

indeed it doesn't actually explain how boron creates contrails at all.

don't you think that is a fairly large hole in your construction?

Oh and here's another hole for you - contrails at ground level - how does the high altitude chemical reaction you have invented account for this:

edit on 11-3-2014 by Aloysius the Gaul because: Add YT vid

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:47 PM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Obviously, such is greater an effect for making heavier jet induced chemical white clouds in the summers.

Here this may interest you...

This one may too...

Truly worth the read...

Very good-------Correlation data--------notice the Ozone Hole has a season also.

October is the highest level for Ozone Depletion and the need greatest to pull more Freon breakdown products out of the atmosphere is greatest then. Some Chemtrial methods tend to favor colder seasons for more BN.

They punch it hard again two months later, before things start warming up.

Things change from time to time, but the objective is to control the Ozone Depletion. And with that stop getting close to the methane hydrate release problems. The planet hovers right on the edge of high methane hydrate releases.

edit on 11-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 5

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

The more advanced methods can use compounds like "aluminium tetrahydroborate" in Military Tankers or EverGreen aircraft and fly at even higher altitudes to get more BN in contact with the Freon

So Evergreen you say, Let's look at there super tanker shall we?

And this is what they use to drop whatever they have...Water or Fire retardant.

You are showing some real flaws in your argument, so you may want to check on that.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Looks like a Russian Plane, and also looks like might be Siberia, and the humidity low.

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