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Anthropological Effects: From acid rain to chemtrials and the mediation methods

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posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Go read the report on JP-8 problems for GW1

GW problems

How does one fix water in fuel and lubricity problems, plus fuel distribution contamination problems? One method worked best.

It is the primary objective of the present invention to provide a biocidal agent which is fuel-soluble so that it is carried along as fuel is transferred from one storage vessel to another. In this manner effective control of microbiological growth may be accomplished by adding the agent to fuel at a single point in the distribution system. For example, addition of the biocide to furnace oil at a bulk plant would prevent microbiological growth at the bulk plant and also at storage areas downstream such as home storage tanks. Addition of biocide at a distribution terminal would provide protection at the terminal and at downstream areas such as bulk plants and home storage areas. Naturally treatment at the refinery would provide the broadest protection. But at times it is considered economically more prudent to treat that level of the distribution system which is experiencing microbiological activity, thereby also treating the distribution system downstream of it.

Oil Company method

Fuel web growth is a problem for fuel water interface, what do you think happens when jet fuel is dumped in moist air on hot days?

edit on 14-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 6

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Go read the report on JP-8 problems for GW1

You are just trying to tie whatever you can with chemtrails, because this has nothing to do with Boron in the fuel.

You just can't seem to get the fact that Boron was stopped being used in fuel because of the wear and tear it did on engines and that was shown to on the previous page.

But hey keep trying I am sure that there is one person that may believe you even if that one and only person is you.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 03:56 AM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

Go read the report on JP-8 problems for GW1

You are just trying to tie whatever you can with chemtrails, because this has nothing to do with Boron in the fuel.

You just can't seem to get the fact that Boron was stopped being used in fuel because of the wear and tear it did on engines and that was shown to on the previous page.

But hey keep trying I am sure that there is one person that may believe you even if that one and only person is you.

I don't even have to try----what is obvious is cut and dried---ready to eat.

Most intelligent and informed people know that fuel distribution was a problem in the gulf war. Everything from the tankers, to the on shore tanks, to the trucks hauling fuel was contaminated. Plus, the humidity so great all the fuels had water issues. Lots of transfer points made contamination probability 100 percent.

Do you really think the logistics people stuck their heads in the sand to deal with these fuel supply problems in the GW, or did they do what logistics people do and order up 4,000 barrels of this special Boron based additive to put in the fuels so it would not get full of webbing growth and other fungus and Bacteria that clog up fuel systems and wear parts extremely due to water.

The Military uses this stuff in every ship running jet fuel and almost everything that moves. Lubricity, water abatement, and not growing web biological crap in the fuel tanks is rather important.

There is an industry standard fix , long established. Even the Military's fuel analysis report mentions the fix on about every page.

You have abundant ignorance showing.

edit on 14-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 6

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 04:42 AM

reply to post by MagnumOpus

What propelled the Boron additive into wide spread uses was the Gulf War experience and the lubricity benefits.

You sure are on a conspiracy tear aren't you, now that you put the Gulf War into the chemtrail mix.

What can we expect next, the kitchen sink?

We've seen this from him before, in other threads. He doesn't read cites properly and once an idea is stuck in his head it won't shift. We can point out facts all day long and he'll keep returning to his own 'facts'. The fact that boron is not listed in any of his cites isn't enough. It's obviously hiding!
By the way, at least the OP hasn't blamed masons for chemtrails. Yet.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:49 AM


By the way, at least the OP hasn't blamed masons for chemtrails. Yet.

You haven't read the whole thread apparently.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 06:08 AM

reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Go read the report on JP-8 problems for GW1

GW problems

Yes yes...I know ...I used to overhaul fuel pumps - and HMU's and burners!

But as you pointed out, boron has been an additive to jet fuel for decades......since 1965 - so if there were any such thing as "boron chemtrails" why did they only start with the military after GW1, and not with civil airliners since 1965??

And how come B-17's made persistent contrails in the 1940's??

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 06:22 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 06:51 AM



So what needs to happen is about several million people need to print out these several documents on Boron, give them to the newspapers, take them down to the Congressman's office, and the FBI.

Tell all your friends in other countries around the world what has been done to them.

Then, look up all the Crooks behind it and toss them in prison for a very very long time.

Actually, what needs to be done, is for YOU, and only YOU, to act on the information presented within this thread. Contact any attorney(ies) licensed to practice law in any country, province, state, or municipality, within the ENTIRE WORLD, and ask them to proceed in a class action CIVIL SUIT, against any and all chemtrailers. If any portion of what you have presented here is valid to a 51 percent certainty, then you will have singlehandedly prevailed against the "man," and the evil "PTB." Let us know how that goes...

Nope----what is much more likely is I go visit the FBI and tell them about those that seek to cover up the Boron and Borane problems.

It will be a criminal problem and subject to RICO Act.

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

FINALLY!!! HOORAY!!! And I make those two declarations with as much sincerity and honesty as I have ever exercised in my life.

Will you be so kind as to publish, here at ATS...for the benefit of the membership, the results of this meeting?

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 06:55 AM

My theme is doing just fine, but your level of ignorance on air breathing engines is showing again.

While this line of logic is rude (and somewhat expected from you), the fact that you are calling a guy who spent the largest portion of his life working on aircraft engines (ignorant) is humorous.

You have a theory, great. In "big boy" science, you then go out and prove or dis prove your theory. If you had any notion of how real science worked, you would already know that. You are welcome.

Now, please go away. And when you have proof of your theory, then you can ramble on and on about how great a scientist you are. Until then......B'Bye.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 08:06 AM

Aloysius the Gaul

reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Go read the report on JP-8 problems for GW1

GW problems

Yes yes...I know ...I used to overhaul fuel pumps - and HMU's and burners!

But as you pointed out, boron has been an additive to jet fuel for decades......since 1965 - so if there were any such thing as "boron chemtrails" why did they only start with the military after GW1, and not with civil airliners since 1965??

And how come B-17's made persistent contrails in the 1940's??

It was invented in 1965, but not in popular use until the low lubricity fuels problems. Any mechanic knows what problems follow low lubricity fuel problems. Need determines use.

Even high performance diesel guys know about BioBor and the buy it off Amazon, but they were not using it in the days before the fuel didn't wear their diesel parts out excessively. Environment Regs on sulfur content changed the need.

Any mechanic should know that. The diesel fellas that I know even use it, but not in 1965.

The jet fuels changed to the low lubricity types, both Civilian and Military, due to low sulfur demands for air pollution controls. That caused serious problems in jet and diesel engine performance and wear. GW1 showed lots of problems when they standardized on JP-8. Lessons Learned from GW1.

Before these environmental changes, they did not need lubricity additives. The older fuel's high sulfur content of the fuel affected the generation of the hygroscopic compounds. It low concentration methods basically doesn't work with the high sulfur fuels, but in the WWII days the high levels aluminum T-borate type has so much it did.

The solution for GW1 became the larger solution for all fuel transport and storage. Nobody can move jet fuel a long distance and store it in a tank for any length of time without getting storage problems. Jet fuel is easily contaminated by fungus, bacteria, and water.

Simple history on fuels, which a real mechanic with real experience would know about. The fuels could not get the Nitrogen out of the air to stop NOx compounds forming, but they could get the Sulfur out of jet fuels and stop the SOx compounds from forming acid products in air.

B-17's wanted to optimize the fuel load vs Bomb load. To get more bombs on target and longer range they needed high energy fuel additives, which became highly popular just after WWII. Standard Oil was even going to name a gas company BORON. Simple military logistics. What killed the popular use of Boron gas after the war was Borane's toxicity.

That same Borane toxicity issue involves chemtrails.

How do you think the US got the range to bomb Japan----they used high energy fuel, stripped the planes down for weight, etc. Standard military logistics. Some of the old secrets of military advantage. Normally the military doesn't want to be so easily seen because you get shot down more easily, but when the need is to get to the objective over being seen---they suffer the additional losses.

edit on 14-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 66

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 08:14 AM




So what needs to happen is about several million people need to print out these several documents on Boron, give them to the newspapers, take them down to the Congressman's office, and the FBI.

Tell all your friends in other countries around the world what has been done to them.

Then, look up all the Crooks behind it and toss them in prison for a very very long time.

Actually, what needs to be done, is for YOU, and only YOU, to act on the information presented within this thread. Contact any attorney(ies) licensed to practice law in any country, province, state, or municipality, within the ENTIRE WORLD, and ask them to proceed in a class action CIVIL SUIT, against any and all chemtrailers. If any portion of what you have presented here is valid to a 51 percent certainty, then you will have singlehandedly prevailed against the "man," and the evil "PTB." Let us know how that goes...

Nope----what is much more likely is I go visit the FBI and tell them about those that seek to cover up the Boron and Borane problems.

It will be a criminal problem and subject to RICO Act.

edit on 13-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666

FINALLY!!! HOORAY!!! And I make those two declarations with as much sincerity and honesty as I have ever exercised in my life.

Will you be so kind as to publish, here at ATS...for the benefit of the membership, the results of this meeting?

The FBI likes quiet for criminal investigations. You will never learn---till they knock on your door.

Then, I'll show up and say that he aided and abetted Environmental Crimes cover ups in the US.

edit on 14-3-2014 by MagnumOpus because: 666666666666666666666

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 09:18 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 09:22 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 09:33 AM

Any mechanic should know that. The diesel fellas that I know even use it, but not in 1965.

So you have first hand knoweldge of diesel mechanics using this and you do nothing. Worse yet, you try to shift the blame to aircraft? What kind of person are you?

I am starting to think you are heavily involved in the making of this conspiracy.

Why do you let diesel ground vehicles kill bees? This is very telling of your character. Or lack thereof.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 09:46 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 09:55 AM


posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:06 AM
Anyone can buy the Boron product, but the don't explain the Borane emissions are connected with it.

But when the military looked at Boron High Energy fuels the found serious Borane toxicity problems, and any Boron containing product using air engines in moist air make Borane. BH3 is easily formed in moist air via combustion of Boron products in hydrocarbon fuels.

BH3 from Jets and chemtrails being the most obvious, and those connected with weather modification. Which NASA is looking the other way on reporting, and others in Govt too.


Eliminates microbial growth which can clog filters and corrode metal surfaces in diesel and jet fuel systems.
Kills in both water and fuel phases ensuring complete sterilization of fuel.
Increases fuel lubricity which is very important since the new EPA-mandated fuels cuase a decrease in fuel lubricity.
Adds lubricity to low sulfur fuels, exceeding ASTM Standards, MI-S-53021A, EPA approved and U.S. Coast Guard Certified.
The increased lubricity along with the sterilization of microbial growth in fuel leads to longer engine life, coupled with more efficient engine performance and results in better fuel mileage.


Boron lubricity Product

The military reported problems with Borane, so where has the NASA reporting on Borane disappeared to?

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:16 AM
for review
....members were already alerted by a Staff Note here:

edit on Sat Mar 15 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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