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Dr. Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System

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posted on Jun, 5 2014 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: corsair00
a reply to: BO XIAN
I think, as Scientific adviser to Bigelow Aerospace and probably sporting 'Cosmic' top secret security clearance, Jacques Vallee has been "in the know" for decades and has brainstormed in the big think tanks in the Air Force etc. Not only did he come up with and publish the notion of the need for 'Apocalypse Management', in relation to the out-of-control nature of accelerating computer technologies and our planet's overpopulation, but he has probably been actively overseeing the "Apocalypse Management" itself. I do believe such activities are largely handled by National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.

You know, I'm not so sure Vallee would have security clearance or work with any Airforce/ect. think tanks...He has always insisted so vehemently that he would not have anything to do with the government - I think in Forbidden Science 2 he talks about the government wanting to recruit him, and he refused, because retaining his autonomy was of primary importance to him, and the government wouldn't have allowed that...Since Bigelow Aerospace is in the private sector, he would be able to 'draw the lines' before even agreeing to work with them..

And as far as "Apocalypse Management", I could be wrong, but I got the impression in the video that it was something he believes governments 'should be' doing rather than saying they 'are' doing anything.
And considering it's taken this long for our gov't to come up with a climate change 'plan' (which may never even get implemented), I just don't think that the possibility of needing a plan for 'Apocalypse' is even on their radar...

BTW thank you for linking the Jesse Ventura episode. I hadn't ever put much stock in the whole FEMA 'furor', so watching that was a major eye opener!

Question: What 'form' do you think a "divine intervention" would take, if we were to get one?
(I've been praying like crazy for years that there's a miracle in the cards for us

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

And as far as "Apocalypse Management", I could be wrong, but I got the impression in the video that it was something he believes governments 'should be' doing rather than saying they 'are' doing anything.
And considering it's taken this long for our gov't to come up with a climate change 'plan' (which may never even get implemented), I just don't think that the possibility of needing a plan for 'Apocalypse' is even on their radar...

I think that the documented "fusion centers" and the Federal Emergency Management Agency "detention centers" are actually government-run "Apocalypse Management" programs. They may be set in place just in case of an emergency - like a rolling economic blackout and ensuing riots and poverty, a flu epidemic - or an [ET] invasion and take-over. On the other hand, would the (shadow) government spend all of that money and go through all of that effort data-mining and preparing if they were not certain they would need to utilize these operations in the future? I am definitely not certain what role Jacques Vallee plays in all of this, but he seems to know a great deal of what is going on (and what is going to happen). In the video 'The Age of the Impossible: Anticipating Discontinuous Futures', at the 10 minute mark he starts discussing "participatory dictatorship":

Another scenario that I think is something we should all be concerned with is what somebody has called "participatory dictatorship". Amir Weiner is a professor at Stanford - I attended a lecture by him. He brought to Stanford copies of the archives of the KGB - from Latvia to Romania and Bulgaria - and he's been studying that at Stanford University. Looking at the way in which essentially the Soviet Union took over the satellites at the end of World War II. The main lesson that comes out of studying the archives of the KGB in all those countries is that even though they did not know the countries and they did not know the languages, they were able to take over in two months. They took over by coming in with a stack of index cards where they had plotted all of the important people in the society. They knew already who were the anti-Communist activists, they knew what the different political parties were doing. They brought in these people, they interrogated them. They executed some of the people that they felt were not conducive to their taking over the power. Then they created different groups and then within these groups they started arresting people at random, bringing them to the headquarters of the KGB in all these countries. And they had one question for them: "Who do you know"? Who do you talk to and what do you talk about?

If somebody wanted to do that today - in Asia, in North America, in Europe - they would not need to arrest people, all they would need to do was look at Facebook, Twitter, Google, [Above Top Secret]. We give this information every day to the network and to the superstructure above the internet, above the web. This is something that we should be conscious of. I love the previous speaker talking about corporative information - the new sources of information within a network. But that network also contains a threat to our privacy, a threat between the connections between us because that information is now easily invadable. It's not one "Big Brother", it's a community of Big Brothers who know who we know."

On a related note, here is a snapshot of some of the stories on Glenn Greenwald's website 'The Intercept':

edit on 2014-06-06T05:59:56-05:002014Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:59:56 -050056am59Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:59:56 -050000 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: corsair00

Looking at the way in which essentially the Soviet Union took over the satellites at the end of World War II.

This doesn't give anyone else but me, pause, maybe even jaw drop?
I'm always looking at "proof" of what I call the "time con….": the idea that we are living a recursive, do-over, "history," which changes the essence of everything we think we know, and the filter through which we need to be processing and assimilating events and what informs them.

So, satellites at the end of WWII. How were satellites being launched, for instance, in the late forties, when the technology to build and launch them til about 1958????

Explorer 1 was the first satellite of the United States, launched as part of its participation in the International Geophysical Year. The mission followed the first two satellites the previous year; the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1 and 2, beginning the Cold War Space Race between the two nations.

Explorer 1 was launched on January 31, 1958 at 22:48 Eastern Time (equal to February 1, 03:48 UTC) atop the first Juno booster from LC-26 at the Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida. It was the first spacecraft to detect the Van Allen radiation belt,[2] returning data until its batteries were exhausted after nearly four months. It remained in orbit until 1970, and has been followed by more than 90 scientific spacecraft in the Explorer series.

For instance, here, what lost girl writes:

And considering it's taken this long for our gov't to come up with a climate change 'plan' (which may never even get implemented), I just don't think that the possibility of needing a plan for 'Apocalypse' is even on their radar...

Just as an example, here, as to how our conclusions would change if we knew we were just doing the same thing over, it would mean that possibly there has been a climate change "plan" for quite some time, that "apocalypse management" is the same as "controlled demolition," (which, of course, isn't a new theory around here at all) and population control, all these euphemistic terms for a repetitive, reverse engineered, cycle wherein there's obviously technology being implemented that isn't even admitted to being used to control the cycle….

That being said, it's more than on government radar, it's actually become a function of government, itself…perhaps the main nexus of manipulation, though I do believe they're just another tool, the top layer of it we can see….

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 10:05 AM
That Vallee TED Talks was very interesting. But I don't know how much it is connected to the UFO topic...except for that bit about Pentagon. He seems to be mostly talking about the potential negative effects of ever-increasing and ever faster information transfer. As for violated cultures and alien concepts, think about it. We live in an extremely computerized society and have an economy largely based around industrial robots and stock-exchange algorithms. We can generate economic growth without any human intervention even at the very top level. Doesn't it violate pretty much every preconceived notion we have about work and the generation of value? Information is one of the most valuable things in any economy. We may have managed to accelerate information transfer to the point where seemingly incomprehensible things happen. Back when information transfer was slower could take a long time for a company to crash or a stock bubble to build up. Now the speed of light data transfer is pretty much the only limit...

Ray Kurzweil also once wrote that someday machines would be able to exchange data so fast that humans will have no means of keeping up with them. Ray Kurzweil also wrote about spiritual machines and Singularity. But Vallee isn't just a fan of Kurzweil as he has refered at least once to someone else who though about the future relationship of man and machines.

That someone is John C. Lilly who came up with the concept of Solid State Intelligence. Lilly was afraid that one day the network of computers developed by humans will developed into an autonomous lifeform. Human life (and indeed any biological life) and machine life have dramaticaly different optimal living conditions. Biological life depends on not too extreme temperature, air moisture and water suply. Solid state electronics operate the best in the cold vacuum of space. Lilly was afraid that this would lead to a dramatic conflict between these two forms of life. Not some harmonious high-tech symbiosis of the Singularity but mankind being threatened by it's own creations.

Turning the idea around: machine life probably doesn't care much for things like pollution and the destruction of enviroment. It could indeed view all lifeforms as unwanted contaminants to be rid of. It's noteworthy that Lilly's idea is of an emergent phenomenon. People say that "sure AIs could be a threat, but by the time they come around we can teach them not to harm humans". What if the AI doesn't come to be around because of brilliants computer engineering efforts but by simply connecting enough smart devices together. Kind of like how, in my materialistic view, human consciousness can come about by the myriad connections of our brain's neurons.

If a mega-AI just one day came out to be we would not have time to do anything with it. And if it come out of the network world we have become completely depended on it could ruin human society in no time if it wished to. It wouldn't perhaps even require malevolence on the SSI's part. The stock algorhitms which cased the stock crash surely had no ill intentions, in fact no intentions at all, but they still managed to cause a great deal of trouble.

The emergence of the Solid State Inteligence is, in my opinion, the apocalypse that Vallee wants to see managed.

How does it relate to UFOs or aliens? Perhaps UFOs are the fruit of some non-human Solid State Inteligence. Or perhaps they come from a non-human culture that has managed their apocalypse so to say. It's highly speculative, but there are good reasons to think that if part of UFOs represent and unknown technological phenomena that they would be AI drones. A decade or two ago this idea wasn't terribly popular, perhaps because we didn't have our drones, and it was an alien concept. But now that we have our own drones the idea seems rather intuitively understandable.

Perhaps we will indeed know in a few years.

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: phantomflier
There's so much in your post, it's difficult to zero in, but it's a great post, addressing many of the issues we are living with. My thoughts are, though, that we've likely been living in a backwards, oppressed information and science paradigm, while the AI is already here, perhaps as you say, our own devices we've been lured and even hypnotized with, connected, forming a huge and unseen "mainframe," existing in this "cyberspace," and we are interacting, being used for narrative programming and in general, our human energy being siphoned off to feed it in all sorts of ways.

That's how you get to a point where our "history," currently says we launched the first satellite in 1958, but the quote above from Corsair says the Soviets took over all the satellites after WWII, late forties…..So with this recursive history used in part to oppress the "forbidden science," it was pretty easy to take over our minds, bribe us with social strata in the form of a smart device, with bells and whistles, and the AI has been here with us all along. But speaking of it, and other such things, is pretty much "forbidden."

On the Language of Vampyr thread, it's become obvious to many of us that we are technologically being connected to provide a technological augmentation of us and provide "technologically induced telepathy," as member Brotherman put it so very well. And that's just one facet in a multifaceted, difficult to wrap your mind around and comprehend, sometimes, situation…as you've pointed out, the stock market and the algorithmic operation and manipulation of it at lightening speeds, fascilitating shifts and change we cannot even begin to anticipate…

Interesting you mention Lilly. To me, he was one of those figures that appeared to support the radical, fringe belief systems, attempting to "out" critical information in order to warn everyone just where we were headed.

In 1951 he published a paper showing how he could display patterns of brain electrical activity on a cathode ray display screen using electrodes he devised specially for insertion into a living brain. Furthermore, Lilly's work[7] on electrical stimulation of nervous system gave rise to biphasic charge balanced electrical stimulation pulses (later known as "Lilly's wave" or "Lilly's pulses"[8] ), which is currently an established approach to design of safe electrical stimulation in neuroprosthetics.[9]

But, in fact, though I cannot prove it, I'm pretty sure he was involved in MK Ultra like experiments, and more connected to military interests and alphabet agencies than what is readily admitted or easily found, informatiion-wise. His "way out there" interest, for instance, later, with '___' and such are a typical tactic, almost, with scientists or intellectuals outing important information, such as existence of AI, and then later, sort of marginalizing themselves in this way and therefore, the information not taken seriously.

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 01:00 PM
Tetra50 - 'satellites' in this context refers to the Eastern European states that came to form the Warsaw Pact.

John Lilly was supposedly also involved with psi experiments on dolphins - but I have yet to find a good source on the more unusual aspects of his work...

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9
Thanks 1of9: I feel like a complete, friggin idiot..facepalm.
I'll shut up now like I had been doing, most of the winter…..


posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: tetra50

To your credit, I do sincerely believe that there is an eery quality to human history that does suggest repeating cycles and possible time manipulation. There have been a few reputable academic sources for there being a sort of unfolding narrative to human history that is largely mediated by vast astrological cycles. I highly recommend the work of Richard Tarnas and his groundbreaking book 'Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View.

from Wikipedia

Tarnas' first book, The Passion of the Western Mind serves as an introduction to Cosmos and Psyche. Tarnas acknowledges that astrology's status in contemporary thought is, as he puts it, "the gold standard for superstition".

The book's objective is to challenge the materialistic and dysteleological assumptions of the modern world view, and to set forth evidence for a correspondence between planetary alignments and patterns of human history. The book attempts to provide an archetypal cosmology to accompany Tarnas' proposed participatory epistemology, "in which human beings are regarded as an essential vehicle for the creative selfunfolding of reality".

The idea for Cosmos and Psyche began when Tarnas realized that the climax of the 1960s cultural revolution took place precisely during the only Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the 20th century. For Tarnas, the characteristics of the astrological entity Uranus match with those of the Greek mythical figure Prometheus better than with those of the conservative mythological figure Uranus. Tarnas associates the astrological planet Uranus with freedom and change, while Pluto is associated with evolution, instinct, and eros. Thus on Tarnas' theory, the apparent relationships (conjunctions, oppositions, and squares) of Uranus and Pluto have momentous potential for human history. (Tarnas' research has not found significant correlation between the zodiac signs and human events.) Tarnas further observed that a Uranus-Pluto opposition occurred during the French Revolution. Like the 1960s, the French Revolution featured the characteristics of Uranus-Pluto alignment: revolution through the manifestation of the suppressed. These historical-astrological coincidences or synchronicities led Tarnas to further explore the relationship of pivotal moments in Western cultural history to the conjunctions, oppositions, and squares of the outer planets. The historical events analyzed include the Reformation, the Renaissance, Romanticism, the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, Modernism, Postmodernism, etc.

In the book Tarnas discusses the correspondences between planetary transits and the biographies of such figures as Friedrich Nietzsche, William Blake, Walt Whitman, and Arthur Schopenhauer. Tarnas believed the correspondences between historical events and astrological alignments to be consistently astonishing.

Tarnas uses C. G. Jung's concept of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence, to argue that there is an acausal connection between the outer world and the human psyche.

Tarnas does not argue for a causal relationship between the planets and human events:

"In the perspective I am suggesting here, reflecting the dominant trend in contemporary astrological theory, the planets do not "cause" specific events any more than the hands on a clock "cause" a specific time. Rather, the planetary positions are indicative of the cosmic state or archetypal dynamics at that time".

edit on 2014-06-06T16:03:03-05:002014Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:03:03 -050003pm03Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:03:03 -050000 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2014 @ 04:28 PM
Looking at reality as one dynamic system of energetic multiplicity it’s clear our alien control system is a part of the control system that transcends even them.

They may be an intervention of the grand control system correcting something or correcting itself.

Or as some like to put it developing itself

Always keep in mind what human beings are really doing.
Just trying to maintain ourselves materially---take care of the body.
That’s the fundamental control system we are paying attention to existentially.

But then there is the “soul.” Many have warned us that this soul has a reckoning event to come about. I guess we could call this religion.
But I call it metaphysical science.

Science of the soul

Or science of the SOULAR System

It's good to be back!

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 03:49 AM
If I ever have a child, I'm naming him The Gut.

Still going through this epic and information filled thread. Thank you everyone who has added to it. I'm sure I'll have more to say after I've gone through it all. Jacques Vallee is one of the few people in this field I suspect has any credibility.
edit on 7-6-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Willtell

I am starting to suspect more and more that there is a rift in the space-time continuum, probably from one of our atomic detonations. It is just speculation, but I think part of the chaos and acceleration has to do with distorted timelines and these other intelligences, and most likely our covert ops, are trying to correct and deal with this overwhelming issue.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

Question: What 'form' do you think a "divine intervention" would take, if we were to get one?

According to the world-renowned remote viewer Major Ed Dames on the December 9th 2013 program of Coast to Coast AM, there are two separate agencies actively involved in benevolent manipulation of world affairs that his team has gathered intelligence on. Dames is infamously known as "Dr. Doom" and usually forecasts abysmal events, but he has always said that contact is absolutely essential and possible through higher states of consciousness and prayer for our desperate situation on our planet.

The one group that was responsible for the mass sighting by many school children in Zimbabwe in 1994 was said to be an interdimensional species imparting telepathic messages about caring for the Earth. Another agency is said to be intervening in nuclear warfare situations by shutting down ICBMs and other nuclear weapons - a very incredible series of documented events that have been presented by military whistleblowers at the National Press Club. This group is allegedly a covert human agency operating on the Earth, but they are said to be humans separate from our own history and likely came here from somewhere else long ago.

Another event that Major Ed Dames said indicated a benevolent intelligence overseeing our chaotic human affairs was the undetected incidence of a large triangular craft sucking up the airborne radiation from a secret Israeli nuclear weapons test in 1982. There are other people who have claimed that there are advanced technologies capable of cleaning up all of the pollution and radiation on Earth - namely "abductee" Jim Sparks.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: lostgirl

You know, I'm not so sure Vallee would have security clearance or work with any Airforce/ect. think tanks...He has always insisted so vehemently that he would not have anything to do with the government - I think in Forbidden Science 2 he talks about the government wanting to recruit him, and he refused, because retaining his autonomy was of primary importance to him, and the government wouldn't have allowed that...Since Bigelow Aerospace is in the private sector, he would be able to 'draw the lines' before even agreeing to work with them..

My sense is that he avoided selling his soul to the company store in some sort of long term relationship sense.

However, IIRC, he has consulted . . . probably with a high security clearance for high bucks . . . and the details that such a security clearance brings.

And as far as "Apocalypse Management", I could be wrong, but I got the impression in the video that it was something he believes governments 'should be' doing rather than saying they 'are' doing anything.
And considering it's taken this long for our gov't to come up with a climate change 'plan' (which may never even get implemented), I just don't think that the possibility of needing a plan for 'Apocalypse' is even on their radar...

I think the overall evidence indicates that the globalist oligarchy


Certainly they and the fallen angel critters are eagerly building toward THE APOCALYPSE and toward taking as much advantage as possible from the apocalyptic factors, memes and events as possible toward establishment and support of their global tyranny.

The !!!CONTROL!!! elements are part and parcel of oligarchy tyranny. And they are masters at creating chaos and disaster as well as taking advantage of the same toward their Morlach goals of enslavement and consuming of the Eloi.

Question: What 'form' do you think a "divine intervention" would take, if we were to get one?
(I've been praying like crazy for years that there's a miracle in the cards for us

I think the Biblical book of Revelaion answers that in rough outline.

The evil doers will be terminally conquered and removed from the planet. Evidently even evidence that they ever existed will also be removed.

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: corsair00
a reply to: Willtell

I am starting to suspect more and more that there is a rift in the space-time continuum, probably from one of our atomic detonations. It is just speculation, but I think part of the chaos and acceleration has to do with distorted timelines and these other intelligences, and most likely our covert ops, are trying to correct and deal with this overwhelming issue.

I have been thinking for years that something is 'wrong' with our 'time', but then I think I'm being ridiculous to think something so 'science fiction' could be happening...

...but now that I know I'm not the only one - I can't help but wonder. There just seems to be an almost tangible sense of wrongness to reality, although nothing 'strange' (i.e. supernatural) has happened to cause me to feel that...

I always thought of it in terms of being on the 'wrong' timeline, but only because I hadn't ever conceived of the idea of "distorted timelines"...

Does it seem to you that time 'goes' faster now? A friend and I were discussing this and agreed that it's not just us and the standard 'time going by faster the older you get', but that it truly seems like time is speeding by these days..

posted on Jun, 7 2014 @ 05:26 PM
well, then, I don't feel quite so stupid, then…..having made the satellite error, by not reading context, and wanting to quickly, eagerly, even, to find some defineable true trace that time has been, well, hijacked, somehow. Even, that events are now, "out of order," to create even more chaotic confusion and false history.

I was just watching one of Vallee's TED talks, and he talks about the reasons why he abandoned his study of physics, at a certain point. He said he only was good at physics because he was good at math, that he does not believe in "dimensions," and the future physics will be investigating, approaching "reality" as deterministic according to consciousness, and even that consciousness is what generates, what Space and TIme, really are, after all. In that context, our belief, he thinks, in dimensions will be eradicated.

This was the talk titled "The Theory of Everything…Else," in Brussels in 2012. He talks about the differences between the study of the physics of energy, the physics of information and the physics of thermodynamics. I apologize if someone's posted about this already. He talks about their being a "missing" physics: the physics of information, which is what he wishes to study.

He says we are good at how time passes, but do not know why time passes.
That you can manipulate the mathematics in certain ways, but we can really not manipulate time, (though it may be manipulated, this part me). So, he is interested in pursuing the hows and why ofthe physics of information and time.
Also, he speaks about Melchadesik, and the Bible, which I found quite interesting, as he seems to be putting his theory of everything together in a quite unconventional way--though not surprsing to many on this site, anyway.

He also alludes to the middle ages, which I'm right now trying to find in the video and pid down, due to this:

The Phantom Time Hypothesis

When Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz introduces his paper on the "phantom time hypothesis," he kindly asks his readers to be patient, benevolent, and open to radically new ideas, because his claims are highly unconventional. This is because his paper is suggesting three difficult-to-believe propositions: 1) Hundreds of years ago, our calendar was polluted with 297 years which never occurred; 2) this is not the year 2005, but rather 1708; and 3) The purveyors of this hypothesis are not crackpots.
The Phantom Time Hypothesis suggests that the early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never happened, but were added to the calendar long ago either by accident, by misinterpretation of documents, or by deliberate falsification by calendar conspirators. This would mean that all artifacts ascribed to those three centuries belong to other periods, and that all events thought to have occurred during that same period occurred at other times, or are outright fabrications. For instance, a man named Heribert Illig (pictured), one of the leading proponents of the theory, believes that Charlemagne was a fictional character. But what evidence is this outlandish theory based upon?

It seems that historians are plagued by a plethora of falsified documents from the Middle Ages, and such was the subject of an archaeological conference in München, Germany in 1986. In his lecture there, Horst Fuhrmann, president of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, described how some documents forged by the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages were created hundreds of years before their "great moments" arrived, after which they were embraced by medieval society. This implied that whomever produced the forgeries must have very skillfully anticipated the future... or there was some discrepancy in calculating dates.

I found this while researching the two calendars, and the switch, Julian Calendar and Gregorian, which Pope Gregory initiated, and wondering about the missing time this would mean.

anyway….thanks for everyone's illuminating thoughts, esp. Corsair and lost girl.
edit on 7-6-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

The way I have come to understand what is happening with the very real sense of reality "speeding up" is to see historical time as having a spiral structure. You will notice my little tag image at the bottom of all my posts of the spiral clock beside a spiral galaxy. I have learned that the evolution of life on this planet started off after the "Big Bang" as very simple - and as the universe cooled new properties emerged and created a platform for further advancement. At the beginning of biological life on Earth, vast amounts of time went by before any significant changes occurred. But once life took hold, a "quickening" process was initiated and life diversified and became more and more complex in shorter and shorter amounts of time.

What this means is that human beings and our technologies represent the cutting edge of this process, and as a result of the acceleration of connectivity, the sheer amount of things that can happen in any given moment are increasing exponentially. This is what gives the impression of time speeding up. But this has been going on for a very, very long time - it's simply that from our vantage point, we are approaching the very center of the historical time spiral. This is very profound - what's at the center of a black hole? We might find out...

There are many layers to this issue, and one important thing to realize is that our society's measurement of time with clocks and the Gregorian calendar - that divide from centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds - is essentially artificial and arose out of a need to organize an agricultural society into being more productive. But when you contrast the exponential acceleration factor with a never-ending linear cycle of time, you get enormous amounts of cognitive dissonance and general societal chaos. We are off kilter and are more and more unable to be in the moment going with the flow, because the dreaded tick-tock of the clock is pressuring us when we are already scrambling with all of these fast-paced changes. If I were to change one thing about our world it would be our calendar and relationship to time. All of that is a byproduct of industrial civilization - and unfortunately all of that is falling apart by virtue of being a house of cards.

But reaching a singularity, with our technologies being the carrier of the most complex aspect of life on this planet, brings into play a wide variety of very profound situations. Ripping holes into space-time with atomic blasts, anti-gravity and faster than the speed of light travel, time anomalies and paradoxes. It is possible that the testimonies of Dan Bursich, Henry Deacon and Phil Corso Jr are actually correct after all. There may very well be a split in the timestream and multiple timelines. The moment of "UFO contact" that Jacques Vallee seems to have alluded to in his TED Talks may itself be some sort of grand shift of the timelines.

Pandora's Box may soon open...
edit on 2014-06-08T05:22:46-05:002014Sun, 08 Jun 2014 05:22:46 -050046am22Sun, 08 Jun 2014 05:22:46 -050000 by corsair00 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

I look at not time but use the principle of a circle to express the problem with our earthly life. Life is philosophically a circle.

The opposite of a perfect circle is an Ellipse( crooked circle)

Humans are crooked circles because (as above so below) we live in a huge Ellipse (solar system)

When that Solar system returns to its original perfection

Then time will be most people’s enemy

Then those who have been heedless

The Koran says

By the time
Man will be in lose

Expect a few

posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: corsair00

The metaphysical principle is this: There is only in reality—God.

Everything else is a degree of illusory phenomenon (The phenomenal is a bridge to the real)

Therefore it is difficult to gauge who is who but we do know that who is from God, whatever God is.

The key is to understand the underlying cosmic metaphysical principles of existence. That ain't easy to find out( ask Buddha)

Then one won’t even need God!
Or Aliens!

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: corsair00
a reply to: lostgirl
Pandora's Box may soon open...

The way things are going, you'd think a sighting wave would kick off somewhere... Also there is supposed to be something really interesting coming out of the 'Roswell Dream Team' this summer.

edit on 12014f3012America/Chicago9 by 1ofthe9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 07:45 AM
I lost my what page I was up to in this thread

Guess I'll hae to search thru browser history and find it.

I'm about 2/3 the way thru Dimensions (thank you for the link to it) and it has given me a lot to mull over.

Maybe I'll be back later with something worth contributing...

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