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Dr. Jacques Vallee ~ The Control System

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posted on May, 17 2014 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: The GUT

““There are two types of labyrinths, of course,”” I pointed out to him. ““Some are closed, some are open.”..

I think that's a very pregnant topic.

If we are in a closed labyrinth . . . what are the boundaries?

To whom are the boundaries at all permeable?

Who and/or what controls the boundaries?

Who and/or what are the GATEKEEPERS?

Who and/or what are the GATE-CRASHERS?

What is the purpose, the goal(s) of the boundaries?

What is the purpose of the closed labyrinth?

Are we in a closed labyrinth designed to appear closed?

Are we in a closed labyrinth designed to appear open?

Are we in an open labyrinth designed to appear closed? [I think not]

I don't really think we are in an open labyrinth. But if we are . . . where does the 'end of the sidewalk' lead to? One destination? TWO? More than 2?

. . .

some musings . . . for starters.

Amazing food for thought, there. I have some stirrings of response forming. Quoting in full to encourage feedback from others. I will say that in the context of this discussion, the GATEKEEPERS are the intelligence behind the Vallean control system. And I really appreciate your take on this 'blind men and the elephant' problem.

More questions:

How many levels of boundary are there? [It's difficult to leave the planet, but we can't see much in our way once we leave...]

Physical boundaries? [Speed of light, natural laws, structure of the universe, etc]

Non-physical (situational) boundaries? [May be transcended through analysis such as...Information Science]

Metaphysical boundaries? [Transcended through work involving the physical body...]

Visible, apparent GATEKEEPERS or invisible ones? [Border Patrol vs your conscience]

Entity GATEKEEPERS or emergent structures which serve the same purpose?

posted on May, 17 2014 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: Autograf

Visible, apparent GATEKEEPERS or invisible ones? [Border Patrol vs your conscience]

I think the apparent GATEKEEPERS expected their gate to be "self evident" but understood that MMV.

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Autograf

EXCELLENT additional questions, imho.

Thx for your kind words.

Read a novel decades ago . . . had an artifact called "prayer sticks" . . . IIRC, the sticks weren't 'magical' in and of themselves but when invested with 'faith' etc. they could be incredibly powerful . . . destroying massive armaments etc.

I'm increasingly convinced that the 'spiritual' realm . . . is more "REAL" than the tangible 3D realm we are so addicted to.

And part of the power of the critters and their oligarchy cohorts . . . is to deceive the serfs and slaves about THAT FACT.

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: BO XIAN

The concept of those "prayer sticks" is right in line with some 'back and forth' we had on this thread (somewhere, I think, between page 69-80 or so), on the idea of 'belief' as a sort of motivating 'force' in regards Vallee's control system..

i.e. 'Believing is seeing, kind of thing...we talked about belief maybe providing some sort of 'energy' needed to manifest control system 'phenomena'...

posted on May, 18 2014 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

See also Leary's "Turn on, tune in, drop out".

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:31 PM
BO XIAN, are you familar with the Collins Elite stuff? I'd love to know your opinion on that.

I really need to get a copy of 'Unmasking the Enemy'...

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:34 PM
Also I was reading one of my books on the Taiping Rebellion today... Hong Xiuquan's visions were extremely shamanic in nature - removing and replacing his bones etc. In some respects he was the Chinese (or well, Hakka) contemporary of Joseph Smith.

posted on May, 19 2014 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

I have a very faint memory trace of that.

Do you have a link?

I can't remember anything specific.

If I don't notice a post in a thread, feel free to PM me.

Hakka on Taiwan or the Mainland?


edit on 19/5/2014 by BO XIAN because: added

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 12:33 PM
I think the Vallean control system question, appears to be more of conscious one, while at the same time in a scary sci-fi, biblical sort of way, the barrier between other dimensions.

Imagine if there was an Alien force so evolved, and experienced that it could understand a multitude of living creatures, whether sentient or just primal. Now if it dealing with developing sentience, it would most likely try to pre-determine there very thoughts, possibly emotions or ideas. For example, if the Gatekeepers wanted a species to develop technologically, it would want that species to psychologically understand the concept of risk and reward wouldn't it?

Now if the gate keepers had some type of system that goes behind our definition of time, it would literally determine the next set of event to occur, and maybe, they can interfere just a little bit. Just a tad. To ether accelerate the development to a certain specification, or maybe to decelerate it, till the species is tired and exhausted, in general, where as they don't forget the risks and rewards.

Where as it implanted in their DNA. And who knows, maybe the gate keepers were expecting a crash. Then reboot, and bring about a more upgraded, or up to date system.

edit on 20-5-2014 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-5-2014 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: 1ofthe9

I have a very faint memory trace of that.

Do you have a link?

I can't remember anything specific.

If I don't notice a post in a thread, feel free to PM me.

Hakka on Taiwan or the Mainland?


Here's a summery. Hakka on the mainland, Taiping Rebellion.

In other news, I've managed to get my hands on Forbidden Science I in both pdf and hard copy.
It is not as disturbing as FSII, but it contains some pretty interesting information. Hayek had established an international 'tracking station' network by 1965, and the symbol involved with Sirroco apparently can be tied to 'Astropower' - some corporate outfit that was doing advanced propulsion work in the 1960's. It also has some interesting stuff about the Hill case...

I may also be able to present some stuff collected by a former MUFON/etc member - photos, recorded interviews, etc.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:00 AM
I just had a rather silly thought. We have some ideas of where to go looking, but we're stymied in terms of how practical it is to go looking.

...Could we bring remote viewers to bear? If the government used them for espionage persons, and holding to Vallee's coordinate system - could we have viewers go after pieces of information rather than physical locations? Kinda like a metaphysical file system - the good stuff isn't apparent to us, but if we dug in with the command line...

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

There's no way that those

doing the occult stuff

as well as those sponsoring it behind the scenes . . .

no way . . . that either one or both can escape such deeds unscathed. They will pay dearly. It's only an issue of when and how.

That includes "remote viewing" . . . which is 'merely' having demonic forces tell one's mind in words and/or images what the demonic forces find useful to tell the "remote viewer."

Given that such forces are into longish term seduction and !CONTROL! . . . it serves their purposes to plant half-true to truish to true things in their mind as though the 'remote viewer' "saw" it themselves.

After sufficient time and track-record, then the human stooge is well prepared for who knows what at critical times in critical situations.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: 1ofthe9

There's no way that those

doing the occult stuff

as well as those sponsoring it behind the scenes . . .

no way . . . that either one or both can escape such deeds unscathed. They will pay dearly. It's only an issue of when and how.

That includes "remote viewing" . . . which is 'merely' having demonic forces tell one's mind in words and/or images what the demonic forces find useful to tell the "remote viewer."

Given that such forces are into longish term seduction and !CONTROL! . . . it serves their purposes to plant half-true to truish to true things in their mind as though the 'remote viewer' "saw" it themselves.

After sufficient time and track-record, then the human stooge is well prepared for who knows what at critical times in critical situations.

This is a possibility, but I'm not sure what else we could do in its stead. :/

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

This is a possibility, but I'm not sure what else we could do in its stead. :/

It seems clear that many thousands of folks agree with you.

However . . . the question has to be asked . . .




TO BE EFFECTIVE in standing up to such critters and forces overcomingly, authoritatively?

Guy Malone and company have several hundred cases answering that question.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:13 AM
I've not been on here for a wee while but this thread is great (I've read the majority of it).

You may be on a sabbatical GUT, but bravo, a very thought provoking topic

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

NICK REDFERN'S BOOK covers the Collins Elite extensively:








= = = =

The DOMINIONIST twists some military folks have reportedly launched on [discussed in the back of Redfern's book]. . . is disturbing. imho . . . MORTALS WILL NOT facilitate Christ's return as conquering King at all. That will all be HIS doing . . . He may invite us along for the ride and some minor roles but it will be the POWER OF HIS MIGHT . . . the POWER OF HIS SPOKEN WORD, which will win the day . . . NOT our pathetic political and propagandist moves in the face of unprecedented evil on a global scale.

imho, the most we can do toward that day is . . . insure that The Gospel reaches every tribe and tongue.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:08 PM
Err, I like Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic Fields theory a lot better than the idea of "demonic forces" as a mechanism for RV. No need to invoke Satan as an explanation just yet.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Autograf
Err, I like Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic Fields theory a lot better than the idea of "demonic forces" as a mechanism for RV. No need to invoke Satan as an explanation just yet.

I'm reading UFOs: The Electromagnetic Indictment at the moment. I think GUT mentioned it in one of his threads, but yeah, it REALLY fits in with the stuff we've been talking about.

Also maybe we should invoke Unix Daemons.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

Along the lines of your earlier post this page, I'd sure like to grep through a nicely formatted CSV of every sighting ever. I believe this is more or less Vallee's approach to the data - he would have been working on UNIX systems of one flavor or another by the late 70s.

As a start, MUFON could be scraped and dumped into such a master file. Creating this would be a worthy project.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

Also maybe we should invoke Unix Daemons.

More specifically: Map/Reduce daemons; but they are only as smart as the person invoking them.

P.S. "Today is Sweetmorn, the 73rd day of Discord in the YOLD 3180". Rejoice!

P.S.S. Jaques Vallee did not have Apache Hadoop. He would have invented it if he could, but thems the facts: he didn't have it.

But we do.

edit on 26-5-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

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