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i didnt want to be "that" guy, but here it is, the reason the collapse is happening.

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posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 05:59 PM



Please America, pretty please..........wake the F up.

All these things which go wrong in the world is because of automation. Forget illegal immigrants taking over the country, forget the Middle East and oil, forget everything and start learn how to program or study medicine/care because you and I might see the day almost all jobs get replaced.

Whether it'll be paradise for everyone or just those who can afford it we'll have to wait and see.
Elysium is what I think it will look like unless we take back control now.

It's a good movie except reality will be more brutal, no one will have jobs anymore, not even to make or repair robots because there'll be robots to do that.

The problem is there is no central control which can be taken back. It's all happening without central command to organize the masses and mobilize everyone towards a just society where we can all benefit or at least have the basics of a roof, food, clothing and water. It can start tomorrow, if only there was a central command.

Now there's multiple people working on the same thing and you get 10 different robots doing the same thing in 10 different ways with different pricetags while those 10 companies could have made 1 advanced robot in the same amount of time. Schools are starting to get programming needs to be a course in every school just like English, the EU has a roadmap but it's all going too slow, especially in my country where things lag behind. The way it is, the rich will end up in Utopia, while the chasm between the poor will be infinitely large because the rich go out into space for more resources to make more stuff while the poor remain behind plowing the fields by hand, much like extreme mormons live by. It's already happening but people appear not to realize the cause of it or how the solution could be so simple if we all worked together on this.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:00 PM
Well according to several posters above, all of our elections are fixed and we can't do anything about that. So why are we even discussing the problems with our economy if we can't do anything about it?
edit on 19-1-2014 by Hoosierdaddy71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Are you familiar with Agenda 21 ? Where by Private Property will be outlawed . And many of the things we call necessary will be done away with including us!

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by oblvion

Living in California, I have witnessed, and truly believe illegals are a necessary part of a successful economy. Yeah, you heard that right...
I'm not going to explain why I think so, but for states like CA, illegal immigration is not a NEW topic, and nor was it ever a reason for the rest of the of the country which feeds off of our produce, to complain about stable prices on said produce. Nor was it ever a reason for construction companies to complain about cheap labor, thus ensuring bigger profits...Ditto for corporations.

Now that the Mexicans have flourished in far less than optimal conditions here, and taken lemons and made lemonade, everyone is trying to blame them. I once heard heard a commercial painter complaining about a Mexican fellow that once worked for him for years, was now running his own business and outbidding him on many jobs. I could only laugh in the guys face for not seeing the obvious.

The OP thinks the illegals here in America are to blame for a GLOBAL financial crisis. How egocentric! Me personally, I'll stick the blame squarely where it belongs...but you have to open your EYES MUCH WIDER to see the truth. Anyone that is blaming illegal immigration surely has a very small minded viewpoint of the world, and frankly, why bother explaining that the situation is far more complex to a person like that?
edit on 19-1-2014 by odd1out because: spelling

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:11 PM




reply to post by webedoomed

The only thing that is obvious is that you called the thread author a lazy ,ignorant racist that must watch Fox News.
Sticks and stones budy.
thanks hoosierdaddy, I am from Indiana also, Plainfield actually.

Common sense must be a Hoosier thing I guess.

Then why aren't you showing some common sense then? Illegal immigrants do not lower wages. The money grubbers that choose to hire them over citizens are the ones that lower wages. Yes liberals changed the rules for bank loans but it was the banks that created the toxic derivatives that led to the crash. And who had the bright idea to bail out the banks? Little Bush and his cronies.

Actually bush warned us about the housing collapse several times before it happened.

He also had a split house and senate, not in his control. They failed to heed his warnings.

Many people warned about the housing bubble. The house and the senate wasn't his to control but the white house was and end the end he ok'd it.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:11 PM

reply to post by metaldemon2000

Are you familiar with Agenda 21 ? Where by Private Property will be outlawed . And many of the things we call necessary will be done away with including us!

No I am not, do tell.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:13 PM

reply to post by metaldemon2000

Are you familiar with Agenda 21 ? Where by Private Property will be outlawed . And many of the things we call necessary will be done away with including us!

It is interesting you bring up Agenda 21, because everything taking place also benefits that uhum, Agenda as well

It is ironic that many that are all for the Global "Free Markets" are also helping push Agenda 21.

You control the population and resources through monetary policies.

Wage Deflation and Expensive Housing out of the reach of most American's will allow them to corral the lower earners into shared housing, especially into the bigger cities.
That is already happening.

Also, read this:

Meet Wall Street: Your New Landlord

Blackstone Group appears to be trying to oligopolize the business of renting single-family homes in the U.S.. As Bloomberg reports, after the housing crash left more than 7 million foreclosed homes in its wake, the investment firm has spent more than $7.8 billion purchasing about 41,000 single-family homes for rental conversion. The world's largest private equity firm has quickly become the largest landlord (of rental homes) in the U.S. and in October, Blackstone offered the first-ever "rental-home-backed" security on Wall Street. One has to wonder if this was the plan all along?

Rental Home Backed Security?

What could possibly go wrong?

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:18 PM

Wage Deflation and Expensive Housing out of the reach of most American's will allow them to corral the lower earners into shared housing, especially into the bigger cities.
That is already happening.

And this will eventually trickle its way up to everyone else except the top elite.

100 years of historical data of average annual incomes to housing prices has been pretty much stable at 2.5X, but the Government and Wall Street are keeping those prices propped up and not allowing the market correction to happen.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

In a nutshell, Agenda21 is about resource control, sustainable development and population control.
Money is the item that gives people the power to choose and control their destiny. Take that away and your options will be limited with only what they have to offer.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by jacobe001

The UN guideline Agenda 21 is not the only document whereby the taking away of private property is stipulated or the financial problems of the world that are presently upon us . The Global Elite are descendants from a long list of the worlds 10 to 12 richest families in the world who penned a plan to rule the world hundreds of years ago . Their plans are very much like we are experiencing today .The NWO is at least 120 years old and most likely originated sometime in time when we became a nation. It is a controversial plan but real just the same and more alive today as it was at the inception .

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:42 PM
That guy huh? Yeah William Cooper made me that guy...along with the help of guys from elite units whom I have asked spacific questions to.

I have always been "That guy" about UFOs since about 10 years old.
I hope more wake up.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

You are correct.
It has been in the making for a long time and it comes right out of the mouths of politicians themselves daily.

Bush Senior


posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by jacobe001

Do you know what plan exactly that I am talking about ? It was turned up in the late 1800s in France and suppressed constantly from that time .

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by oblvion

sorry buddy, while immigration is a problem, it is more along the lines of a symptom or side story then the crux of collapse. The international banking cartel working for a handful of elites made up of crusty aristocrats(what, you think the all died with the end of feudalism?) and Nuevo riche are working at creating neofeudalism. Yes, the return of the good old days when the elite and well bred's word was law, and commoners, well, they simply don't count at all. Their tools are big business, big nanny state, think tanks, central banks, the education system, and media. They want to institute socialism/fascism, where big brother government runs all, and they, carefully behind the curtain, run the government.

The impending economic collapse is partly from the central bank fiat currency inflation that has destroyed 90% of the dollars value in the past 100 years, while simultaneously enriching themselves. Illegal immigration is just a technical aspect of hollowing out the us economy while eviscerating one of their biggest obstacles, the middle class, not only financially, but politically and culturally as well.

While some are impotently wagging their fingers at the 1%, in reality, it is the .0001% who are really in charge, with the remainder being nothing but well dressed cannon fodder to be thrown to the mobs when the time comes.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by SimonPeter

No, tell me more please

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by oblvion

family oriented types. Basically all around good folks in general. They do have their bad apples,

Very Family oriented, they have a dozen kids each.
Bad apples yes look at gangs.
Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population

Not stating why this is but crime is involved. When you go through the correct process you don't feel like an outsider, you learn the language and become a member of the society you move to. we no longer require this process in the US.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by oblvion

well, thats one way of looking at it..

but I must point out..

The rich already have had a grip on America for generations.. and screwing the next one is not only a hobby.. but a sense of pride..

the secret of money being created out of a signature on a loan contract & the control thereof is paramount, along with the IRS guns to collect..

when you sign a loan is become a species of money. that then gets sold. you pay back the "money" you created, with interest.. and if you fall behind.. you get your real value taken away, then are out the labor based cash you put in..

signatures. more people signing.. more money in the fed reserve system.. who cares where they come from sign sign sign...

this system has been in place & the recent housing bubble and to big to fail lies about the banks exposes this greatly.

if you are worried about immigrants taking your job you need to update your skill set.

its control & class warfare.. this fallout is warring amongst the rich for the creation of your debt.

the long con is the destruction of America, which as you can see, is going well..

if we had sound money & import/export tariffs & constitutional tax system, it wouldn't matter how many immigrants we had.

enter bitcoin & crypto-currencies to the rescue..

(which just may be a co-op'd grass roots level NWO movement due to the explosion of information about their dirty tricks to introduce a world wide currency)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

Well, they were assisted by diseases and suppression of rebellions. Not all Natives were wiped out in Latin America, there are many pockets that still survive, but overall, most Latin Americans are the descendants of the Spanish.

The reason they are willing to work for much lower wages, is because they never have had any rights, and scraps in the U.S. are far superior to the extremely oppressive conditions in Mexico and the rest of Latin America.

The U.S. does so much better is because the people fought for their rights, and that includes good wages.

The big con is where so called liberals elites, who are really just elites, convinced us that it was wrong to protect our borders from massive immigration, because the poor people in the third world should have rights as well. Oh, but we can't take over those countries and establish human rights, because it would be telling them how to live their lives, so in essence, the PTB get full control of everything everywhere. Our rights and higher standards of living are eliminated through both illegal and legal immigration.

Wages are so much higher in the U.S. because the cost of living is so much higher, because the PTB, which is the International Corporate Bankers, ICBs, who are also the International Insurance Corporations, IICs, artificially drive up the cost of living, which inflates wages. Inflated wages translated into the middle class paying much higher tax rates, and wound up paying for the global empire.

Right now we are owned by the ICBs, and the ICCs write the rules that we live by. Local laws written by the ICCs through local government and the courts have made it illegal to make a mistake, which turns us all into criminals.

The good news is that we have beaten the PTB, the ICBs and the ICCs, everytime they have raised their ugly heads in the past, and we will beat them again. Theirs is a house of cards, and the ways to beat them have already been presented on this thread.

edit on 19-1-2014 by poet1b because: typo

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by oblvion

Good morning OP,
your post is very interesting to say the least, especially in view of the approval for your theory and the debate it caused in this thread. (S+F for that)

A few questions if I may ask:
- Do you distinguish between lower- and middle-class in the U.S.?
- How were all those untrained illegal immigrants with poor language skills and qualifications able to compete with / replace your middle-class workforce? This should not be possible, unless...
- What happened to the social responsibility of your family owned small/medium-sized firms?
- What forced them [MC-employers] to lay off your middle-class workforce and replace them with lower-qualified immigrants?
- And last: who benefits most from low-qualified/low-income workers in the U.S. economy?

Keen to receive your reply.
Maybe my questions already imply that there must be more to the story than just "immigrants".
edit on 19-1-2014 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by oblvion

I was referring to "Webedoomed" comments.

And such.

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