Final word (Maybe!) (Posting in segments due to the volume)
I have finally come to a personal conclusion as to what events may have transpired over the course of the RFI. This is not meant to be an answer but
may give enough credence when more information on this Precognitive Sentient Intelligence emerges through what in my opinion, will emerge through the
various tests/experiments and data collection that are being dealt with by individuals such as Dr Hal Puthoff and being addressed more visually with
media such as the new Skinwalker film.
I am sure that questions are popping inside people's heads already after just one paragraph.
A Cloud Buster set up may give enough energy to vibrate the quartz in the area which in turn conjured this Precognitive Sentient Intelligence.
This is the type of Phenomena that used to be or attempted to be summoned by the likes of Aleister Crowley and others, which is a phenomena, which in
my opinion has been part of this world since and probably before antiquity.
Ancient Irish stories speak of summoning light beings (from within the earth) to help them overcome the battles with the darker forces trying to
eradicate their existence.
Similar stories exist in Native American cultures as well as Chinese ancient cultures as well as European.
The Rubbing a lamp story, creating a static charge, (friction) to conjure a genie can be seen in a whole new light, in the context of what I am
This is where, imo, that the stories of Earth dwellers probably originate from, in a Precognitive Sentient Intelligence context.
I would also like to make clear, that 99 percent of the time, throughout antiquity, much of this apparent communication with balls of bright light,
are usually written in text somewhere. At no time does this phenomenon need to use Binary code to convey their apparent messages, as this phenomenon
can apparently speak (as in Irish historical texts) any language it desires.
I don’t think the phenomena is using Google Translate to pass on any form of communication.
What I cannot discount is the link to Euler’s identity due to the following quote and the links between this and the senses that govern things like
“A study of the brains of sixteen mathematicians found that the "emotional brain" (specifically, the medial orbitofrontal cortex, which lights up
for beautiful music, poetry, pictures, etc.) lit up more consistently for Euler's identity than for any other formula.”
This type of result seems consistent in the context of the UAP phenomenon and those that seem to become artists and more awake to the possibility of
our full potential and that this world is not the only one.
I would love to ask Dave Gilmour and also due to the distant passing of Mozart!
Stanford University mathematics professor Keith Devlin has said, "like a Shakespearean sonnet that captures the very essence of love, or a painting
that brings out the beauty of the human form that is far more than just skin deep, Euler's equation reaches down into the very depths of
existence".[5]And Paul Nahin, a professor emeritus at the University of New Hampshire, who has written a book dedicated to Euler's formula and its
applications in Fourier analysis, describes Euler's identity as being "of exquisite beauty"
If not then the only viable option is that while in the light, Jim somehow picked up on a secret frequency, similar to that which Bennewitz picked up
via a homemade radar, only this was NSA communications, and Jim somehow channelled this communication?
The true meaning would generally have to be covered up, due to anything that it may be linked to, of a covert NSA comm application that may have links
to the National security of today.
The last point I would like to raise is the question of Remote Influence, in the context of leaving ‘residue’ when looking through the eyes of
someone, at an event. This I think may be the reasoning behind the Lynn Buchanan Remote view, leaving Jim with the impression that there were time
travellers that were interacting with his mind.
Not all these techniques are full proof. We are only now finding proof of these relationships of DNA, THz vibration within Microtubules in the brain
and the coupling of these frequencies between the mind, and that which emanates or is part of this phenomena.
One last thing. The speed of light is irrelevant in the equations of coupling and interaction with the UAP phenomena. It is apparently causing effects
at a quantum entangled state. Instantly.
In conclusion I feel that the any binary Jim may have received, either at the event or a few years after, would have been messed with by others, even
to the point of hypnotic suggestion and maybe using a benzodiazepine in the process. (Some of the things I research seem a bit crazy at first but find
very interesting things when digging deeper)