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Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

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posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
When did this 'fact' emerge. Who was the source? Were there independent sources for identifying it?

This is an excellent question, and one that I have been considering for the past few days. I began first by attempting to ascertain when Terahertz were first identified, this was not easy, I've broken serious sweat trying to get my head around all this, but what I think I have found out is utterly fascinating.

I don't know when Terahertz first was identified as a theoretical principle but it was not scientifically demonstrated (ie proven) until sometime in the early 1980s. In fact from what I can gather the term only entered into common parlance in the mid-80s. I am though sure, elsewhere, less publically accessible, it must be mentioned, hypothetically or otherwise. I should imagine that most of those mentions are or were of a non-disclosure/classified nature though.

My resources are limited, as is my brain capacity for reading mathematical equations, there is loads that I could have missed. I have to rely on words and phrases. From that, it seems clear that there was an awareness that Terahertz represented a quantifiable property of which there was no means by which to quantify it. From about 1980 onwards however certain sectors of the research community appear to be going all hell for leather to do just that.

Furthermore, from what I can gather the results of this research was made "public" sometime around 1993, and some material was subsequently declassified, or passed down to relevant electrical engineering bodies etc. From this point there is a steady rise in Terahertz referencing, and by 1984ish it seems that safety guidelines are being established which prevent or limit experimentation in radio frequencies that Dr Green detailed as being "worrisome", above 300 GHz.

I think that Ennis certainly would have been aware of Terahertz, as would Puthoff, but would they have been aware of the relationship that that had to Rendlesham? That's the question.

Now what interests me, mostly, is when was the cause of the background noise from Cobra Mist determined? I think both you (or may be Pigsy??), as well as Burroughs, state that the cause of this was an outcrop of quartz. When was that found out? That is important.

According to a report released in 1979 (that was subsequently declassified in 1993), the cause of the background noise was still undetermined. If it was subsequently determined that a quartz outcrop was responsible, when was that ascertained? It is my opinion that over the period of the RFI, there was a further test carried out in the area in order to study the source of that background noise and the effect that had been recorded when Cobra Mist was in operation.

What that testing found was that when you blast a pulsating RF (or something or other, I don't know the lingo) beam at a semiconductor such as silica (flint), it emits radiation that is on the far infrared spectrum and therefore terrahertz. I think that either Burroughs was hit directly with the resultant EMF or by the radar (that I am guessing was positioned on the naval ships positioned off the coast that Randles mentioned) that they were using to create the necessary excitation.

I think it is the US Navy (SRI/AT and T) and possibly the RAF (Cambridge Labs) that knew this before everyone else, and who are, ultimately, responsible* for Burroughs et als injuries. I think Dr Green must know this, Puthoff, I don't know.

ETA I say that they are responsible but I am assigning some benefit of the doubt that it was an accident. That the servicemen should not have been where they were and that they accidently walked into the path of the test/experiment.
edit on 6-8-2018 by KilgoreTrout because: blame game is not my game

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
I'll just add because it might help that from what I've read, there is a paper in the offing.

Heritage matters. One might say a single ethnic group is more predisposed.
It's possible from something else I've read that the children of a certain group are more likely to have the antenna
The group may have begun by identifying those who were more likely than chance to survive military engagement in places like Vietnam. Otherwise there was another group.
The antenna runs in families.
It relates to the ability to survive under stress

Do I believe in the 'antenna'? The jury is out.

Do I believe that Dr Green et all have discovered a repeating pattern of UBOs, perhaps in the left occipital lobe, epigenetic changes, chronic inflammation?


I don't think that heritage matters. My initial concern was that UAP or whatever were targeting, violently it would seem given the pattern of injuries, certain individuals. That doesn't seem to be the case, as far as I am concerned. The injuries that Dr Green seems concerned with all appear to be related to pulsed EM, either in the form of radar or lasers.

Boris Đinđić1, Zoran Radovanović2, Srđan Pešić3, Dragan Zlatanović4, Dušan Sokolović5, Nataša Đinđić6 and Tanja Milenković6

Concern regarding the potential risks of exposure to EMFs has led to many epidemiological investigations, but the effects of EMF exposure on human and other mammalian cells are still unclear.

Literature results suggest that pulsed microwaves from working environment can be the cause of genetic and cell alterations. Taken together, the increased frequency of DNA damages, increased intensity of oxydative stress and production of reactive oxygen species as well as prolonged disruption in DNA repair mechanisms could be possible mechanisms for microwave induced cytogenetic damages even at low-level electromagnetic fields.

Oxidative stress and MW- pathophysiological link with single strand DNA breaks.

Oxidative stress after MW exposure and reducing of antioxidants protection have been shown to greatly increase the generation of DNA single-strand breaks following EMF exposure as has also been shown for peroxynitrite-mediated DNA breaks produced under other conditions. It has also been shown that one can block the generation of DNA single-strand breaks with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitors (27):

Results suggest that pulsed microwaves from working environment can be the cause of genetic and cell alterations. Taken together, the increased frequency of DNA damages, increased intensity of oxydative stress and production of reactive oxygen species as well as prolonged disruption in DNA repair mechanisms could be possible mechanisms for microwave induced cytogenetic damages even at low-level electromagnetic fields.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: ctj83

Here is some exerpts from a Persinger group case study/paper.

Case report: A prototypical experience of ‘poltergeist’ activity, conspicuous quantitative electroencephalographic patterns, and sLORETA profiles – suggestions for intervention
2012, 18 (6), 527–536
William G. Roll1, Kevin S. Saroka 2, Bryce P. Mulligan2, Mathew D. Hunter2, Blake T. Dotta2, Noa Gang2, Mandy A. Scott2, Linda S. St-Pierre2, and Michael A. Persinger2,3

“Unusual patterns of activity within the right hemisphere is consistent with the experience of sensed presences of ‘sentient beings’ reported by patients who have sustained closed head injuries (Persinger, 1993a, 1993b) as well as normal volunteers when exposed to weak, physiologically patterned magnetic fields designed to evoke these experiences (Booth et al., 2005; Booth & Persinger, 2009)”

“In our opinion, from the perspective of treatment, the most important observation was the increased power in the delta range within the medial frontal and anterior cingulate region as inferred by sLORETA when the pinwheel was moving as verified by an external observer in her vicinity. Although increased activity in the latter region, particular the right anterior insula is associated with disembodied hallucinatory voices (Craig, 2009; Sommer et al., 2008) and auditory hallucinations (Szechtman, Woody, Bowers, & Nahmias, 1998), which Ms. S experienced and attributed to her invisible friends, the involvement of the prefrontal region suggests organization, intent, and an awareness that some process was occurring. This was reflected in her reports that ‘something’ was about to happen in a manner similar to a preictal state.”

In our experience, many patients with closed head injuries have reported sensitivity to weak magnetic fields. We have shown this effect with single cases (Persinger et al., 2009). Subsequent analyses of Ms. S.’s reports for weeks after she left the laboratory showed that the report of the unusual experiences occurred during the 10-minute period after increases greater than approximately 25 nT intensity in geomagneticactivity. A similar threshold has been reported for report of bereavement apparitions (Persinger, 1988) and for vestibular experiences during partial sensory deprivation in the normal population (Persinger & Richards, 1995).

Even a weak magnetic field can have the effect of there being a presence nearby, brain injury, epilepsy or not. The more sensitive the Temporal Lobes, the more intense that experience will be.

edit on 6-8-2018 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: AdamE

In December 1981, unknown lights suddenly started to show up. The lights could stand still for more than an hour, they could move around slowly, and sometimes they could stop. They could also show a large speed: at one time a speed of about 8500 m/s was tracked by radar.

I had not appreciated that either, and I wonder now if there is some kind of relationship.

From the 2001 paper by the Italian Committee for Project Hessdalen; Data Analysis of Anomalous Luminous Phenomena in Hessdalen by Massimo Teodorani and Erling P Strand...

“There are good reasons to assert that the Hessdalen Phenomenon is not only optical but that visual sightings are often accompanied, and possibly related, with EM phenomena characterised by radar, magnetometric and radiometric recordings.”

“During the period in which the magnetometer was used, luminous phenomena resulted to be always temporarily related with magnetic pulsating events. However some fraction of the recorded magnetic events occurred separately – few hours before or after a given luminous phenomenon could be sighted.”

“Magnetic pulsations were not correlated with slow-varying magnetic fluctuations of geophysical origin.”

“The coincidence of luminous and magnetic pulsating events, together with the occurrence of magnetic pulsating events alone, undoubtedly are the most important and intriguing result which could be obtained during such a measurement campaign.”

“As in the case of radar data, the absence of an optical phenomenon in sight when some of the radio spike-like signals were recorded might be due to the fact that the phenomenon radiation might have shifted from the optical to IR wavelength window.”

“During the period in which instruments were used, some black-outs or malfunctions happened just when luminous phenomena were passing very near the measurement stations. There are good reasons to suggest that such a phenomenon was able to induce a powerful EM interference, which was surely related to its capability to produce magnetic and radio emissions.”

” attempt to correlate daily solar activity with the duration of magnetic pulsating events reported in Hessdalen, produced negative a result: in this case no correlation exists at all. Moreover, the specific ‘pulsating mode’ of magnetic events, is not typically reported during geomagnetic storms.”

“The amplitude of magnetic pulsating events is slightly correlated with daily solar activity and it occurs approximately to coincide with magnetic storms.”

“Magnetic disturbances are characterised by a peculiar pulsating mode which cannot be due to solar activity.”

“Something which is not triggered by solar activity at all is casually overlapping with radiation from the active sun.”

“The apparent capability of the luminous phenomenon to react to laser stimulation by doubling its pulsation rate, is one more unsolved problem.”

I am not able to decide whether the Hessdalen could be explained by radar etc, of a man-made source, or whether it demonstrates the natural processes involved...or perhaps both. I don't know nearly enough to make that call, but I do think that some of the phenomena at Hessdalen was similar to the phenomena that occurred at Rendlesham.

ETA PDF of the above paper.
edit on 6-8-2018 by KilgoreTrout because: pdf

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 05:22 AM
I'm going to get my coat now.

However, before I go...I would suggest that you all take a look at the work of a chap named Grischkowsky, a Terahertz pioneer...

Since the observed pulse broadening and loss were almost an order of magnitude greater than the prevailing IBM “gold standard” on-chip analysis code predicted, and this code was touted as including “all physical phenomenon known to God and man,”


I'm not going to go all mystically about this, but he kind of has a point. I think.

Either way, he has a very interesting body of work. As does a guy called Frank Capasso. I found them both via this...

Volume 14, Edited by Jagdeep Shah and Umesh Mishra
Proceedings of the Topical Meeting January 25-27, 1993
San Francisco, California
Cosponsored by Optical Society of AmericaIEEEILasers and ElectroOptics Society
In cooperation withIEEE/Electron Devices
Supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research
National ScienceFoundation
Office of Naval Research
Optical Society of AmericaNW

A sample of some of the papers presented highlights part of the path I took to get there...I understand little of it.

TRz Beam Emission by Carrier Transport or by Optical Rectification
X. -C. Zhamg, Y. Jin, T. D. Hewitt, and X. F. Ma Physics Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insliture, Troy, New York 12180-3590
L. Kingsley and M. Weiner US Army LABCOM, Pulse Power Center, Electronic Technology and Devices Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703

“In recent years, different photonic and optoelectronic techniques have been used to generate THz bandwidth free space radiation...To explore the radiation mechanism of THz beam is crucial for a physical understanding of the origin of the radiation, as well as for realizing an intense THz source application.”

A magnetic field can control the direction and polarization of a THz beam generated from a semiconductor.”

Optical Generation of Terahertz Pulses in Quantum Wells
Paul C. M. Planken, Martin C. Nuss, Igal Brener, and Keith W. Goossen A T& TBell Laboratories, Crawfords Corner Road, HolmdeL New Jersey 07733-3030
Marie S. C. Luo and Shun Lien Chuang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801-2992
Loren Pfeiffer AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey 07974

“It has been known for some time that terahertz electrical transients can be generated from the surface of many semiconductors, such as Si, GaAs, and InP, when the surface is illuminated with a femtosecond laser pulse. The effect was originally explained by the acceleration of the photoexcited carriers with the surface depletion field of the semiconductor..”

Sub-Picosecond, Terahertz Radiation from High-Intensity Laser Plasmas
H. Hamster, A. Sullivan, S. Gordon, and R. W. Falcone Physics Department, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720
W. White Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550

“Laser pulses with terawatt intensities and 100 femtosecond duration are focused onto gas and solid targets. Strong emission of coherent Teraherts radiation is observed.”

Intense THz Beam from Organic Electro-Optic Materials
X. -C. Zhang and T. -M. Lu Physics Department, Rensselaer Polyechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180-3590
C. P. Yakymyshyn General Electric Research and Development Center, I River Road Schenectady, New York 12301

“In recent years different photonic and optoelectronic techniques have been used to generate THz bandwidth free space radiation. Optical rectification is one technique used for generating subpicosecond sub-millimeter-wave radiation. Developing new radiation sources will have a substantial impact on high-speed, broadband characterisation of dielectric materials. We extend previous work on generating free space pulsed THz radiation, and report the observations of efficient optical rectification and sub-millimeter wave generation by an organic electro-optic crystal.”


edit on 6-8-2018 by KilgoreTrout because: add link

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Truly excellent research. You've added a lot there that I wasn't aware of.

There are a few things I'm struggling to fit in, perhaps you can.

The RFI encounter happened in woods. A beam weapon wouldn't penetrate very far before hitting wood.

The 'exposure' is combination, allegedly of gamma, millimetre and terahertz.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

Truly excellent research. You've added a lot there that I wasn't aware of.

There are a few things I'm struggling to fit in, perhaps you can.

The RFI encounter happened in woods. A beam weapon wouldn't penetrate very far before hitting wood.

The 'exposure' is combination, allegedly of gamma, millimetre and terahertz.

I don't know, all I have really ascertained is what other people were looking at and finding out and I have tried to pull that together. I don't understand the limitation or applications, which is what I am hoping someone else can pick through the material I've linked to and give a more technical insight. I really only found a "pleasing" pattern, however, from what I have gathered elsewhere, trying to read electromagnetic textbooks and the like, is that the field generated has a directional element. And, as we know from Hessdalen, the radiation field in some still undefined process is able to become airborne and travel at some speed. This is what I presume they were chasing through the woods. I personally suspect that there may be biological and or chemical processes that are in some way linked to the far infrared spectrum which could explain this...but I think that that is a few steps ahead of where we are now.

So in terms of whatever provided the stimulation or excitation of the semiconductor, is one "field". The consequent radiation is a second, and natural forces, including solar and telluric, are another factor too. All having discrete to major influences on each other, producing the effects necessary to injure Burroughs et al. The minor injuries, and hallucinations (if we can call them that) can be attributed to various levels of oxidative stress. Burroughs may though have been enveloped by the highly excited far infrared EMfield/radiation.

But all that is on the basis of a general ignorance on all things that involve mathematical equations in the process.

It's a working hypothesis.

edit on 6-8-2018 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2018 by KilgoreTrout because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

From here:

Gebbie and co-workers developed the electrical discharge-pumped THz gas laser1 in the 1960s, followed shortly thereafter by the demonstration of optically pumped THz gas lasers.2 Button and colleagues coupled far infrared sources to a magnet, pioneering THz magneto-optics.3 Shen and colleagues pioneered the generation of THz signals via nonlinear optics in the early 1970s.4,5 Several groups developed advanced techniques for infrared spectroscopy.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: Jukiodone
a reply to: KilgoreTrout

From here:

Gebbie and co-workers developed the electrical discharge-pumped THz gas laser1 in the 1960s, followed shortly thereafter by the demonstration of optically pumped THz gas lasers.2 Button and colleagues coupled far infrared sources to a magnet, pioneering THz magneto-optics.3 Shen and colleagues pioneered the generation of THz signals via nonlinear optics in the early 1970s.4,5 Several groups developed advanced techniques for infrared spectroscopy.

You little star!!

And there's Grischkowsky...and Auston's work I have come across...hence my emphasising the role of AT and T (Bell Labs) in there.

Good stuff. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 06:57 AM
I think that this is really close to answer, but the key sticking point for me, is to look at the size these devices would need to be.

You then have to take into account the fall off in intensity. Something that we can say occurs with EM and something that likely applies to the RFI, if you believe Burroughs disappeared into the light.

In other words, the closer you get, the more energy the radiation has.

Which means the emissions have to be generated either from the objects they saw, and aren't holograms, or from another source within the woods, or from a stationary and massive source (we are talking collider size levels) aimed at the men in the woods.

Let's look at the most likely scenarios.

A) Source emitting the radiation is the device, in some form, that the airmen saw. It's an order of magnitude smaller than what we can create, portable and can manoeuvre itself. It must also contain targeting software, or remote links to a controller.

b) The source emitting the radiation is not the perceived phenomena. It is instead a device that is stationary and likely fixed. Size is no longer an issue, or power requirements to a degree

c) The source emitting the radiation was not present at the RFI.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: [post=23650028]KilgoreTrout[/post

This is where we reach an impasse. We either trust that terahertz / gamma beams are a recurring feature of UAP encounters or we don't.

If we believe that terahertz are involved, is it really a reach to assume that it injures people. If that is the case, then the basics of the experiencer group are likely true. Tissue damage.

The antenna is where things need a bit of a leap, I think.

If you exclude the Antenna then I think it is still of importance, in that, why would participants be lead to believe it existed?

Finally, why has no study been published?

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 09:06 AM
Here is the latest by John Burroughs.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Astounding podcast.

I note that John did not mention his heritage. I’m assuming that it includes some Native American. That would have been a BIg eye opener.

The fact he does not have MRI proof of an antenna is interesting.

How then do we define the heritage of this ‘Group B’ of alledgedly sensitives, experiencer and intuitives?

Do they cluster?

Can we see a commonality between Geller, Swann and Burrows?

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
I think that this is really close to answer, but the key sticking point for me, is to look at the size these devices would need to be.

You then have to take into account the fall off in intensity. Something that we can say occurs with EM and something that likely applies to the RFI, if you believe Burroughs disappeared into the light.

In other words, the closer you get, the more energy the radiation has.

Which means the emissions have to be generated either from the objects they saw, and aren't holograms, or from another source within the woods, or from a stationary and massive source (we are talking collider size levels) aimed at the men in the woods.

Let's look at the most likely scenarios.

A) Source emitting the radiation is the device, in some form, that the airmen saw. It's an order of magnitude smaller than what we can create, portable and can manoeuvre itself. It must also contain targeting software, or remote links to a controller.

b) The source emitting the radiation is not the perceived phenomena. It is instead a device that is stationary and likely fixed. Size is no longer an issue, or power requirements to a degree

c) The source emitting the radiation was not present at the RFI.

Could it have been in something airborne aka USAF at around 6500ft above bentwaters?

I don't want to bash the snake too much but...

The cobra Mist docs give indication that they were to warn aircrews within 6500ft, people, elderly people with pacemakers, metal structures giving off electrical shocks, sea vessels with explosives aboard within 3 nautical miles a warning of emf affecting all above.

Could the effect have come from one of our own at altitude "testing" but with the volume turned way up? .would sure explain some of it.

As for the THZ work KG, BRAVO, still digesting that.

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Astounding podcast.

I note that John did not mention his heritage. I’m assuming that it includes some Native American. That would have been a BIg eye opener.

The fact he does not have MRI proof of an antenna is interesting.

How then do we define the heritage of this ‘Group B’ of alledgedly sensitives, experiencer and intuitives?

Do they cluster?

Can we see a commonality between Geller, Swann and Burrows?

From John Burroughs.

The DNA study showed that I was Westeurasian America Northern America and America My testing was done at Mitotyping Technologies that does Forensic Mitochondrial DNA testing. A check of all DNA Forensic data bases had only one match of my DNA. My son has no heritage and no matches in the Forensic data base!

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: AdamE

If we assume the Gamma Ray / Millimeter wave : terhertz beam is source of what the airmen were exposed to then a few more thoughts occur to me.

The generator, if made by humans would be like lugging around a particle accelerator or something f you would find in a hospital.

Would the Soviets risk transporting such a heavy, power hungry piece of hardware? If so, what could they have been trying to achieve over multiple nights?

If we take the view it was a form or base security, then was it never tested before? Was the plan to protect the base by injuring those closest that in 30 years they might die?

To my mind, if Puthoff is correct, then this mixed radiation cannot be from what we consider modern humans.

If he not correct, then how come, with the right knowledge, his medical team were able to help him?

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
If he not correct, then how come, with the right knowledge, his medical team were able to help him?
I'm skeptical of any claim that exact knowledge of the cause is needed for effective medical treatment, unless someone can provide more details to convince me otherwise, and what I've seen so far is unconvincing in that regard with respect to John Burroughs.

For an unrelated example, if someone has a diseased appendix, the same procedure of simply removing the appendix will work regardless of the original cause of the problem with the appendix.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I agree with your skepticism. However, I don't doubt that the medical process that John details is an honest and accurate representation of what happened from his perspective.

We still move from a situation where John was not getting the treatment he needed, to getting it.That still leaves room for your skepticism, it's just the question becomes 'what was in the notes' given to the medical team?

My point being that there are other possibilities as regards the content of the notes and what difference they really made.

For instant, let's say that your dentist saw that your dental records were actually classified. He decides he doesn't want to give you that root canal or get involved in your tooth decay issues. As long as your tooth is part of a SAP, he won't touch It for legal reasons. Then one day, a higher up gives him a note that says, this is the type of decay you have and it needs to be sorted and he's authorised to do it.

edit on 7-8-2018 by ctj83 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
I think that this is really close to answer, but the key sticking point for me, is to look at the size these devices would need to be.

I honestly don't know how big such a device would need to be but given that a pulse-doppler radar, for example, can be fitted to an aircraft or a sea-going vessel, I don't quite understand why that would be a hindrance.

originally posted by: ctj83
You then have to take into account the fall off in intensity. Something that we can say occurs with EM and something that likely applies to the RFI, if you believe Burroughs disappeared into the light.

That is why, for me, there is some bio-chemical relationship, one that takes advantage or is in some way affected by the generation of THz. Perhaps there is some relationship that makes something that isn't usually visible, visible. Or perhaps THz emission within a given ecological system is part of the "public goods" that serve all life forms in that ecosystem and by excitation (via man-made EMF) provided a particular advantage to some species, or some other extreme response, one that could possibly be deemed as aggression because it was/is fighting to survive. I don't know. It is my opinion that the answer, when it is eventually arrived at, will be complex in nature.

originally posted by: ctj83
In other words, the closer you get, the more energy the radiation has.

Which means the emissions have to be generated either from the objects they saw, and aren't holograms, or from another source within the woods, or from a stationary and massive source (we are talking collider size levels) aimed at the men in the woods.

Let's look at the most likely scenarios.

A) Source emitting the radiation is the device, in some form, that the airmen saw. It's an order of magnitude smaller than what we can create, portable and can manoeuvre itself. It must also contain targeting software, or remote links to a controller.

b) The source emitting the radiation is not the perceived phenomena. It is instead a device that is stationary and likely fixed. Size is no longer an issue, or power requirements to a degree

c) The source emitting the radiation was not present at the RFI.

Again, I don't know. I doubt very much though that the system that could (in this epistemological reality that we're essentially playing with here) be used to generate the far infrared in the case of RFI would have needed to be anywhere near the size and magnitude of Cobra Mist. If tests did take place, and it is only a possible, then they would have, over the intervening years developed insight into what they were seeing and into when those readings peaked or whatever. Either way, they had seven or so years to get it together and develop a field test after working with models in the lab. I suppose.

Here's an interesting thing from a collection of declassified papers about Cobra Mist...

“Meanwhile, new signals were being received and stored. The durations of the pulse trains thus processed (integration times) were selectable over a range from 0.3125 to 20 sec. There was also a facility for recording the raw signals on magnetic tape...”

“COBRA MIST ceased operations as of 1730Z 29 Jun 73. FTD was queried as to its need of COBRA MIST site equipment and data tapes. FTD requested that the SIGMA-5. CSP-30, IEC 284, and PDP-9 processing/analysis equipment and any data tapes of recorded events on certain dates and times be furnished to FTD. 573”

Who are FTD? Whoever they are, I am guessing that they, or whoever briefed them, stipulated the need to have the computer and the tapes and therefore chose not to share with the wider group their suspicions as to the source (and ultimately meaning) of the background noise.

One other thing, regarding scenario c). My first thought went to "satellite". I don't all that seriously think that is a possibility, it is though attractive and in the couple of books that I read about Cobra Mist there was in one, not sure which, a seemingly throwaway statement about how there was a bitter rivalry, at the time, between the USAF and the CIA because the CIA had gotten control of the satellite program.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: [post=23650028]KilgoreTrout[/post

This is where we reach an impasse. We either trust that terahertz / gamma beams are a recurring feature of UAP encounters or we don't.

If we believe that terahertz are involved, is it really a reach to assume that it injures people. If that is the case, then the basics of the experiencer group are likely true. Tissue damage.

I don't think that that is a fair assumption at all. We can though, for the sake of argument, accept that Burroughs et al did experience long term health effects as a consequence of their activities that night. Terahertz need not be involved. Pulse-Doppler need not have been involved there are any number of ways in which Burroughs condition could have been caused by something physiological but that that condition was exacerbated and facilitated by high stress levels. Some Toxic Shock reactions are accompanied by a rash that looks like burns, and sloughs skins similarly.

If there is damage to single strand DNA though, that would support Dr Green's version of events, otherwise, there need have been no other direct exposure. However, again, giving the benefit of the doubt, if the reports subsequently given by all the other servicemen are believed then I feel that this points to some form of oxidative stress.

I don't think that we are necessarily looking for an either or here. Multiple factors combining together to form a complex series of interelated "events" seems much more likely.

originally posted by: ctj83
The antenna is where things need a bit of a leap, I think.

If you exclude the Antenna then I think it is still of importance, in that, why would participants be lead to believe it existed?

Finally, why has no study been published?

I don't know. I don't know.

Really, just throwing what I got into the mix, I expect at least some of it to sink to the bottom.

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