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That aside, however, this whole thing is a charade. Months ago Phil said he wanted off the show. He didn't want the spotlight, and the work, that comes with it. So they manufactured this little thing so that everyone wins...except the freedom of speech. A&E gets to cater to the progressives (a key demographic for them), Phil gets to proseletyze (which he admits to wanting) and the show gets publicity.
"We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty," it said.
It most certainly is.
However, according to the new unwritten 'constitution' of the extremely politically correct, our new moral compass, the liberty to speak his mind should be taken away because he is seen, now, as socially unacceptable according to the collective concious and therefore should be punished for that. Very Borg like, don't you think?
Christian Voice
Homosexuals and their sympathizers in this country are like freaking 5 year old children. They are allowed a public opinion of anyone they want and can be as ugly about it as they want but they wish to prevent us from having an opinion at all. Phil was perfectly within his rights to speak of his faith and how it pertains to homosexuality. Shame on A&E. They can show gays making out on national prime time television but apparently Christians cannot even be interviewed by a magazine anymore without fear of retribution.
reply to post by SkepticOverlord
We have a winner! I find it amusing, and a little sad, that people care so much about TV characters.. Same thing happened not too long ago with Brian the dog on Family Guy being killed off....
Let's be very clear about this: The man is NOT "a victim of the PC Police."
The fact that one talentless hack is exploiting her homosexuality to attract attention and make tons of money doesn't mean that someone with an anti-gay diatribe should be able to spout their nonsense without fear of consequences or criticism.
Please explain how what he said was an "anti-gay diatribe". This is a ridiculous statement.
Did you even read what he actually said, or are you just bouncing off what others have written?
Reminds one of the fall of Rome and what preceded that fall. Seems that we are following in the steps of many civilizations of the past.
This is all by design to get full control. Push an agenda the majority don't like and eventually you will get the backlash. It has happened in all civilizations as the powerful controllers look to consolidate their power. This is why I said in an earlier post that when the tables turn again and the real majority have had enough there will be a true backlash just as there was in the French revolution. It's meant to get ugly, very ugly, and the end result will be a new world, but it won't be the one the progressives are dreaming of, no they will be the first to go. Study Bezmenov, he said what was going to happen and it is happening right in front of our eyes.
reply to post by Lingweenie
Since most people in general tend to be pretty ignorant, and don't really make very good arguments. And don't really do much research.
How true that is.
I didn't mean it in any deprecatory way. In general, I have a lot of respect for the morality that Judaism and Christianity has helped inculcate in people.
But I do think the Bible has done far more good in the world than bad. Think of the moral principles it's helped spread. Yes, it did so not via reasoned intuition, but the command of God. Some people would consider this "inadequate". In a way it is, but in another way, it seems to be how things actually are. Why else do we "know" that it is right to honour our parents - in a way that is different from how we honor others? Of course, all people deserve respect and honour (in the sense that we show appreciation for how they live, the struggles they've faced, etc). do not murder/adultery/steal/lie/ not "idolize" etc... These are ideas which I think have eternal validity. In fact, they are guidestones towards bringing healing to ourselves, each other, and our planet.
I am an atheist and that makes this whole thread rather silly.
Next thread please!!!!!!
reply to post by MystikMushroom
Yep... We have a lot of people here defending our 'rights' and freedom of speech, but I honestly believe it's really just upset fans of the show...
I read the below message from a CNN article and found it interesting...
The truth is it is a messed up situation when a governor rumored to have his sights on the presidency doesn't understand the breadth of the First Amendment.
The Federal Communications Commission did not send officials into the office of Nancy Dubuc, president of A&E Networks. The FBI did not threaten to put Robertson away, and the Internal Revenue Service didn't freeze his bank accounts.
This is what the First Amendment protects us from -- laws being made that restrict freedom of religion, the press and/or speech. It does not protect us from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or speech.
....... Glad he did'nt admit to stoning one of his kids to death years ago for backtalking.edit on 20-12-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)