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Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson: The Latest Victim of the PC Police

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posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:08 AM
Sure the show is a success. They were sucessfull long before the show. Built an empire selling things for hunting and hunters. Nothing wrong with that. Sure the show is scripted, does anyone think they really break the law on the show? It's like beleiving that on that moonshiners show, their actually drinking moonshine. I mean come on you can see the seal on the water jug INTACT. I'm an atheist and it impressed me that they try to get a message across each & everyshow. They show the power of family and faith.And a lot of folks need that sort of stuff. Sure they do stupid stuff..if they did'nt no one would watch. My family used to sit and have dinner just the way they do..some things should never go away.

And to think all of this got started because of a verse from the bible......go figure. Glad he did'nt admit to stoning one of his kids to death years ago for backtalking.
edit on 20-12-2013 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:09 AM



Reminds one of the fall of Rome and what preceded that fall. Seems that we are following in the steps of many civilizations of the past.

This is all by design to get full control. Push an agenda the majority don't like and eventually you will get the backlash. It has happened in all civilizations as the powerful controllers look to consolidate their power. This is why I said in an earlier post that when the tables turn again and the real majority have had enough there will be a true backlash just as there was in the French revolution. It's meant to get ugly, very ugly, and the end result will be a new world, but it won't be the one the progressives are dreaming of, no they will be the first to go. Study Bezmenov, he said what was going to happen and it is happening right in front of our eyes.

Enough with the fear mongering please.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:12 AM
I do find it funny that Duck Dynasty is the straw that broke the camels back with so many of you...

So now in two months we've had people going crazy about TV stars being removed by their respective shows, Brian from Family Guy and Phil from Duck Dynasty...

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:16 AM
The man spoke his mind, from what he has learned in the- THE Good Book = BIBLE
So, if we crush free speech and faith we have a satanic society and will all fall for anything put in front of us that our controllers give us.

Man Up, and Stand Up….
Nuff said.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 10:20 AM
While I don't agree or disagree with Phil I believe everyone has the right to say what they feel.

Can your comments be hurtful to others? Yes.

Will you be responsible for the toll your comments take on your friendships and relationships with others who don't feel the same? Yes.

But it is still your right to say what you think.

Now that is done I find it hilarious that everyone thinks Phil even needs A&E. The Robertson's have been making hunting videos for over 15 years. They have also been making and selling duck calls for over 20 years. All of these businesses including several others have made the Robertson's more than comfortable. Phil Robertson has been living in the same home for decades. He doesn't need A&E or any of their money. Believe me it is more a loss for A&E then it would ever be for the Robertson's.

Good for Phil Robertson for saying what he believes and giving you the middle finger if you don't like. If the GLAAD is looking for an apology I think it will be a cold day in hell before the get it from Phil.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:06 AM


Phil can criticize who he wants
- Absolutely

his liberty isn't under threat.

It most certainly is. Perhaps not from a stand point of his constitutional rights as his 1st amendment rights are still firmly intact. However, according to the new unwritten 'constitution' of the extremely politically correct, our new moral compass, the liberty to speak his mind should be taken away because he is seen, now, as socially unacceptable according to the collective concious and therefore should be punished for that. Very Borg like, don't you think? Assimilate or be dealt with. Culled from society because our precious pasteurized and homogenized socially 'correct' society cannot be tainted with the likes of *that*.

I just heard a spokesperson for GLAAD speaking and this is what he said "The world is changing and he (meaning Phil) and those like him need to get on board". Why should anyone have to forego personal opinion and the right to express it simply because our sanitized society says it's bad to be different from the herd?

This outrage over political correctness is really nothing more than typical tantrums of the spoiled Right who by virtue of privilege think they are the only ones who can say what they want and that retort is just being a big old PC crybaby.

It's not a right vs. left issue, it's an all encompassing issue that crosses all political party affiliations. I, of all folks, can hardly be lumped into the 'spoiled Right' and you knowing me the way you do... you know that too. However, even I am getting completely fed up with this PC overload. It's getting to the point where you cannot open your mouth without running the risk of offending someone. Case in point. We were visiting a friend several months ago when the conversation turned to some local issues concerning Native Americans. We did not even get to discuss the topics simply because I was treated to an hour long tirade of how aweful it was that I said "Native Americans" rather than the apparently new and improved PC terms of "1st Nation People" or "1st People". *blink blink*. Really? It's great to have an open mind to the world around us and try our best always to treat people with the respect that simply being another human on this planet affords us all (my opinion)... but when we have open minds so open that our brains fall out... there's a problem.

Is what Phil said wrong? No, not according to his convictions, belief system and his opinion on the world around him. It was an honest answer to a question asked of him - and like the answer or not - at least it was a dose of honesty (as he sees it) in a world that increasingly lies to us on a daily basis. We scream for transparency and cry foul when we get it.

Seems you guys are the ones saying that a corporation can do anything they want unless it's coming out in defense (genuine or not) of a minority, that they can hire or fire anyone they want unless they're firing someone for being a bigot.

If A&E was really concerned about defending the rights of the LGBT community or gave a hill of beans about offending the community in any way then they would not have put Phil (or maybe any of the Duck Dynasty crew) out there to begin with. Phil has never tried to hide his opinions, infact there is a 2010 youtube video (loaded in 2010, pre Duck Dynasty/A&E days) where he states pretty much the same views he presents in the interview. I have a suspicion that A&E was well aware of this video and Phil's views before the first episode of Duck Dynasty even hit the airwaves and in not addressing it then gives them plausible denyability now and the ability to respond in a way that makes them look like the good guys, out there fighting for the rights of minorities.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by MyMindIsMyOwn

running the risk of offending someone

America, land of the free, home of the perpetually offended,

oh wait, scratch free.

Great post BTW
edit on 113131p://bFriday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:13 AM

I do find it funny that Duck Dynasty is the straw that broke the camels back with so many of you...

So now in two months we've had people going crazy about TV stars being removed by their respective shows, Brian from Family Guy and Phil from Duck Dynasty...

Tell me about it. I can't wrap my brain around why:

1. Anyone watches the show
2. Anyone cares what the guy says
3. Anyone is surprised at what he said
4. People don't care about more important topics

I don't need to watch Duck Dynasty, I just need to head to the sporting good store here for entertainment.
edit on 20-12-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6


Stand up for what's True and Right and Holy PHIL!

God bless Phil and his entire family! God bless them MORE AND MORE!

Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.

He's ABSOLUTELY right!

Preach the TRUTH brother,

PREACH! America needs to stop plugging their ears and filling their hearts with sin and garbage and opening there eyes to the Truth, Jesus Christ is LORD, and Gods judgement is building on this nation because of our despicable sinfulness!

God bless us all!

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:16 AM

the boycott of A& E, has dropped viewers of the show by 6.364 million viewers, or 71.6 percent!

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:16 AM
I am an atheist and that makes this whole thread rather silly.

Next thread please!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Lingweenie

Since most people in general tend to be pretty ignorant, and don't really make very good arguments. And don't really do much research.

How true that is.

I didn't mean it in any deprecatory way. In general, I have a lot of respect for the morality that Judaism and Christianity has helped inculcate in people.

But yes, it's difficult being someone who is more "knowledgeable" than others. You want to respect their views, but you don't want to give them too much respect; sometimes, their lack of knowledge, lack of mental organization, leads to a lack of clarity in their views. So I have to disagree. And I feel tempted to point out that the reason for my disagreement is due to, well, a simple lack of knowledge - I used the word ignorant. No one likes being called ignorant, obviously, and in real life I skirt that word so as not to offend people.

But if I'm in disagreement with someone about the above view, I'd tend to not pursue it further. It goes nowhere, other than increased voices, anger, contention, etc....yucky emotions.

So, it's online in a public forum where people can express their views. Because online, people have an "equal share" of a voice, I have to speak a little louder, be a little more direct, in order to make clear that my thinking, the consequence of many years of studying and effort made on my part to better understand myself and the world around me, is better suited to pushing for positive change in this world.

I got to tell you. My views are not static. The search for truth and direction often takes you along different paths. For instance, I couldn't appreciate the importance of tolerance and acceptance without first studying the mind, social relations, and history. All of this knowledge has "shaped" my understanding. It has forced me to certain views, which make clear that the suffering which still exists in this world must be tackled, must be overcome.

When people make issue of lesser subjects, when they zealously defend views that arrest progress towards bringing healing in this world - when they give energy towards defending the biblical views of Phil from Duck dynasty - something isn't right. Of course, someone is completely justified to hold their own views, but to just stubbornly hold to it because the Bible says so? That's superficial, isn't it?

Aye. I think I've opened up a huge can of worms by even exploring "why" people act the way they do, and how their energies could be more mindfully applied so as: a) increase happiness and wellbeing in their own lives, and b) increase happiness and wellbeing in the lives of others.

Isn't it crazy that we lose awareness of this? That we get caught up in the flow of living, which can lead us towards really dumb ways of thinking, and forget the things that actually work?

These teachings, not only from Christianity, but any other teachings will help guide us along a new and more modern path. It's just like science, one scientist discovers something, and future scientists then go on and carry out the same field work and find even more things. The ball just keeps on moving forward. As we humans have been going forward, we have been learning many new things, and we need to take a step back and reevaluate once in awhile. But just keeping our mind set stuck at the period of about 0-500 A.D. or even farther, isn't really going to get us anywhere. We need to move on, and learn and add on to the things that we have been told by all of our ancestors around the world. It will be for the betterment of our species on many levels.

I agree, well said.

But I do think the Bible has done far more good in the world than bad. Think of the moral principles it's helped spread. Yes, it did so not via reasoned intuition, but the command of God. Some people would consider this "inadequate". In a way it is, but in another way, it seems to be how things actually are. Why else do we "know" that it is right to honour our parents - in a way that is different from how we honor others? Of course, all people deserve respect and honour (in the sense that we show appreciation for how they live, the struggles they've faced, etc). do not murder/adultery/steal/lie/ not "idolize" etc... These are ideas which I think have eternal validity. In fact, they are guidestones towards bringing healing to ourselves, each other, and our planet.

As I said earlier, I think the antics of the guys on duck dynasty can be funny, and I have appreciated the loving familial quality of how they relate with one another, but I also think they are downright ignorant - throughout the show I'll cringe 2 or 3 times after hearing them say something dumb. And I think to myself? Why is a show like this on TV? lol

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Yep... We have a lot of people here defending our 'rights' and freedom of speech, but I honestly believe it's really just upset fans of the show...

I read the below message from a CNN article and found it interesting...

The truth is it is a messed up situation when a governor rumored to have his sights on the presidency doesn't understand the breadth of the First Amendment.

The Federal Communications Commission did not send officials into the office of Nancy Dubuc, president of A&E Networks. The FBI did not threaten to put Robertson away, and the Internal Revenue Service didn't freeze his bank accounts.

This is what the First Amendment protects us from -- laws being made that restrict freedom of religion, the press and/or speech. It does not protect us from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or speech.


posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:21 AM

reply to post by burdman30ott6


Stand up for what's True and Right and Holy PHIL!

God bless Phil and his entire family! God bless them MORE AND MORE!

Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.

He's ABSOLUTELY right!

Preach the TRUTH brother,

PREACH! America needs to stop plugging their ears and filling their hearts with sin and garbage and opening there eyes to the Truth, Jesus Christ is LORD, and Gods judgement is building on this nation because of our despicable sinfulness!

God bless us all!

You religious fanatics scare me....

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:26 AM

reply to post by MystikMushroom

Yep... We have a lot of people here defending our 'rights' and freedom of speech, but I honestly believe it's really just upset fans of the show...

I read the below message from a CNN article and found it interesting...

The truth is it is a messed up situation when a governor rumored to have his sights on the presidency doesn't understand the breadth of the First Amendment.

The Federal Communications Commission did not send officials into the office of Nancy Dubuc, president of A&E Networks. The FBI did not threaten to put Robertson away, and the Internal Revenue Service didn't freeze his bank accounts.

This is what the First Amendment protects us from -- laws being made that restrict freedom of religion, the press and/or speech. It does not protect us from how society responds to the expression of one's religion, the press or speech.


I agree with this post wholeheartedly. Except they fired him for his personal comments made while "off the clock". Comments he was on record for saying before.

Essentially, A&E didn't take a moral stand. They took a financial stand.

Not that I think they are legally culpable (i have no comment on that). Only that they are now feeling the same "public opinion" that Mr. Robertson felt.

Must suck t have no backbone, and sit right in the middle of two evenly divided parties.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:30 AM

I am an atheist and that makes this whole thread rather silly.

Next thread please!!!!!!

No, that makes you rather silly.

A&E is So Outraged! by the comments of Phil, that they've resorted to running a Duck Dynasty Marathon and are promoting heavily.

I hope the Ducks tell A&E to go get stuffed.

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:34 AM
I am sure this will get all the redneck Christians to sign up for Obamacare:

The last time I checked The vast majority of the world is straight and doesn't want to see this kind of crap that is likely funded by our tax dollars.

Even more reason to boycot both A&E and Obamacare!


posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:49 AM
So when does it cross from having strong views to being a bigot or are they one in the same in this case? I know a word that gets tossed out often is "bigot" when those are against the homosexual way of life...

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:56 AM
I have one thing to add to this discussion… the first of hopefully many from my new Wacom (though this one is rushed).

posted on Dec, 20 2013 @ 11:58 AM
Paul in the Bible actually warns the Christians of NOT BEING tolerant to gays and lesbians on Romans 1,32.
It is written very clearly that "the ones who approve them" will also receive the very same chastisement from God.
To be intolerant to a sexual behavior it doesn't means you don't love them as persons.
You actually love more if you want the people to be better persons.

If you exclude religious views, to be gay or lesbian is a health issue.
Usually -but not always- the gay/lesbian world is a vehicle to corruption of mind and body.
Christians call it sin because it also involves their soul as well.
But if you are atheist is a health issue.

So you love more if you want the people healthier in their bodies and minds.
So the problem for gays/lesbians is not (to be or not to be) but the way they live their lives and who are their close friends and which groups he/her follow as corruption of mind and body is very very easy on the gay/lesbian world.

And don't forget that Romans 1,32 applies to us as a Country, the more we approve them, the more we attract chastisements.

The gays/lesbians that want children they aren't clear about their sexuality. Because with their sexuality they can't make babies, so they are in contradiction to their own sexuality. Raising a child in a gay "family" is not only against their sexuality but a case of children mental abuse as well. And look: I'm not even referencing any religious topic on this. So even if you exclude totally the Bible and religions from gay topics you will end facing it as a health issue, that's their own dead-end.

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