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A Question to the Scot's Here on ATS? ....

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posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:33 AM
It's not the oil so much that's the technology that Scotland has brought to oil/gas exploration that is the key factor. Anybody who has or does work in the oil industry up in Aberdeen knows that. And we know how inventive the Scots are.
My vote would be an absolute yes. Scotland does have the where with all to make independence succeed but it's down to the folk themselves to put aside their feudal differences and recognise and reclaim their own individual potentials.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:35 AM

I'm from Peterhead (north east Aberdeenshire). I have lived in Scotland my whole life and I am very entitled to my opinion when it comes to independance and in particular Alex Salmond.

Personally I think the boys an idiot, his ideology is absolutely ridiculous and he will not stop until he is given the opportunity to bury this country. And don't think he needs independance to begin, he's already started!

In the last few years alone I have witnessed the closure of local colleges, threatening apprenticeships, the demise of our town centres and the countryside being ruined with these 'wind farms' amongst other things. His priorities are all wrong. In fact, I don't think he knows where to start. And to top it off we have this clown who is apparently representing Scotland and in short, making us all look petty and small-minded.

His conferences are cringe-worthy. One that sticks in my mind, when confronted about how the UK had been a success to date his response was "tell that to the families who have lost a loved one in an illegal war". Boooooom! You tell em Salmond! (sarcastic face). So now he's using conspiracies as leverage to support an independant Scotland. He didn't mention any political and/or economical issues (or none of any importance that sticks in my mind). We get it Salmond, wars suck, but back to the referendum.

I don't think Scotland would survive independantly with a grade-A economical genius at the helm, but with Salmond?

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by clanger

Then vote no,and when the retirement age moves up to 70+ when your on zero hours contract,when the nhs and water is privatised as in England and when your taxs are still paying for lords 689 ms and bankers and un realistic house prices in will suck it up....enjoy

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

If you look back you will see that I said the British pound and not

the English pound. However I very much doubt if Scotland would be able to keep

the pound as Scotland and England would be running very different economies

and it would have different values. It would need to be the Scottish pound OR

the British pound ... vis-à-vis the Australian/American dollar!!

Re. the nice round figure £1000 ...LOL

I said I was listening to a discussion on a 'News Channel' and YES the fully round

figure of £1,000 was mentioned - I also said I didn't quite get if it was per person

or Household!!

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:44 AM

I'm from Peterhead (north east Aberdeenshire). I have lived in Scotland my whole life and I am very entitled to my opinion when it comes to independance and in particular Alex Salmond.

Personally I think the boys an idiot, his ideology is absolutely ridiculous and he will not stop until he is given the opportunity to bury this country. And don't think he needs independance to begin, he's already started!

In the last few years alone I have witnessed the closure of local colleges, threatening apprenticeships, the demise of our town centres and the countryside being ruined with these 'wind farms' amongst other things. His priorities are all wrong. In fact, I don't think he knows where to start. And to top it off we have this clown who is apparently representing Scotland and in short, making us all look petty and small-minded.

His conferences are cringe-worthy. One that sticks in my mind, when confronted about how the UK had been a success to date his response was "tell that to the families who have lost a loved one in an illegal war". Boooooom! You tell em Salmond! (sarcastic face). So now he's using conspiracies as leverage to support an independant Scotland. He didn't mention any political and/or economical issues (or none of any importance that sticks in my mind). We get it Salmond, wars suck, but back to the referendum.

I don't think Scotland would survive independantly with a grade-A economical genius at the helm, but with Salmond?

Ok we get dont like Alex....that's your sole reasoning for passing up the opportunity of a lifetime...Way to go....

Grow a pair and think about why the Local college up your way Closed, why Apprenticeships are a thing of the's not just Scotlands's a UK wide Problem, but you fail to mention that in your post...

Just for the record..Under the SNP More Schools and Colleges have been built than under any other Party.

So the war in Iraq and Afganistan to you are just a Conspiracy dreamt up by Alex Salmond to use a leverage to gain Independence....The fact is...He's telling the truth, but maybe you just want to stick your fingers in your ears and go La LA LA LA until it all goes away..

I nearly stopped reading your post after.."Windfarms are ruining the countryside"...Aye...those Windfarms get up to all sorts whist we slummber....Stupid comment award headed your way.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 06:54 AM
Just for the Record...I listen to First ministers Questions every other day...I have been listening for a few years now...
Not one opposition Politician can match the guys intellect and sincerity as a Politician...

As for John Swinney..The figures guy...He's ten times the Number cruncher than George "Gideon" Osbourne will ever be...And he's got the qualification to prove it...Unlike "History degree" Gideon.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:14 AM

I nearly stopped reading your post after.."Windfarms are ruining the countryside"...Aye...those Windfarms get up to all sorts whist we slummber....Stupid comment award headed your way.

So the windfarms are a good thing then? Immense resources are diverted from investments in health, education and infrastructure (much need investments) so satisfy the apetite for these turbines.

Over 50,000 people have formally objected to windfarms, local authority planners say they have no more room for them and NGO's are making complaints about the continued destruction of ladscapes yet the scottish governent ignores them all.

Yes this is only one issue that you may or may not agree on, but most certainly an issue that needs to be raised.

Going back to his comment on the war. Yes, it is a conspiracy. Thats a fact.

No need to be so aggressive in your response by the way. However I do understand if you are a supporter of the SNP and your head is lodged firmly up your @%#.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:27 AM

reply to post by clanger

Then vote no,and when the retirement age moves up to 70+ when your on zero hours contract,when the nhs and water is privatised as in England and when your taxs are still paying for lords 689 ms and bankers and un realistic house prices in will suck it up....enjoy

Didn't you know 70 is the "new" 50 just as 60 is the "new" 40 ... Lol

People seem to look on 'retirement' as the 'holy grail' of life ... today people are

mostly a lot healthier and live a lot longer than when pensions came into being.

I can say this as I looked forward to my own retirement ... after the first 10 months

I was desperate to at least work part time! however along with all the other ism's

ageism is alive and kicking. I have seen for myself how quickly people age and go

downhill after retirement - after all there are only so many of 'anything' anyone

can do before it becomes same old, same old!! It is very noticeable how the ones

that work on after retirement age are healthier, more active and lively.

When pensions first came into being at 65yrs typically people died within 10yrs

now people are living a good 20/25 years longer, so retire later OR

put more money into the pension pot!!

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:29 AM
Oh dear....and here comes the proof of wot I sed by ere.....

Scotland does have the where with all to make independence succeed but it's down to the folk themselves to put aside their feudal differences and recognise and reclaim their own individual potentials.


posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:36 AM


reply to post by clanger

Then vote no,and when the retirement age moves up to 70+ when your on zero hours contract,when the nhs and water is privatised as in England and when your taxs are still paying for lords 689 ms and bankers and un realistic house prices in will suck it up....enjoy

Didn't you know 70 is the "new" 50 just as 60 is the "new" 40 ... Lol

People seem to look on 'retirement' as the 'holy grail' of life ... today people are

mostly a lot healthier and live a lot longer than when pensions came into being.

I can say this as I looked forward to my own retirement ... after the first 10 months

I was desperate to at least work part time! however along with all the other ism's

ageism is alive and kicking. I have seen for myself how quickly people age and go

downhill after retirement - after all there are only so many of 'anything' anyone

can do before it becomes same old, same old!! It is very noticeable how the ones

that work on after retirement age are healthier, more active and lively.

When pensions first came into being at 65yrs typically people died within 10yrs

now people are living a good 20/25 years longer, so retire later OR

put more money into the pension pot!!

So the government tell you. There is a difference between wanting and being able to work.
The policy is its cheaper to pay young people on the dole than older peoples pensions and if you get to an age where you are unable to work or do the job and are say 64 then you get shoved on the dole until you reach the 70 retirement age again cheaper.Imagine being a policeman,prison officer are you seriously saying, you at 67 can tackle murders and thugs at that age? are saying that other people in manual jobs are physically fit to still hump bags of cement around.It may be fine if you sit in an office but the vast majority dont.
Retirment should be 65 ,i agree it shouldnt be compulsary but the option should still be there.By the way the average retirement age in the euro is 62.
edit on 26-11-2013 by clanger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

We will keep the Pound and probably adopt the Euro at some point along the way,

Exactly how would that work?
Using two currencies at the same time?

BTW, it's not Englands pound, but typical Westminster arrogance says otherwise...

Nobody has said that it's 'England's pound' - it's The United Kingdom's Sterling and as an independent Scotland would no longer be in the UK it would therefore have no right to use it. It wouldn't be Scotland's choice anyway, it would be the rest of the UK's choice whether they allowed you or not - why do you assume everything will be on Scotland's terms?
And why would an independent Scotland want to rely on a currency it had absolutely no say and control over? - that's not independence in my book, that's still be reliant on The City Of London and The Bank Of England and all that means.

This Sums up Westminster/London Rule over Scotland....

Scotland isn't unique in being completely disillusioned and disgusted with the London / Home Counties centric nature of UK politics and society - if anything we should kick them out of the UK and the rest of us make a go of it together, that would be a really interesting exercise.

Something seriously wrong with that picture.

Poorer than Nigeria?
Poorer than Venezuela?

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:43 AM
link the case for....Pick away project Fear.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Independence doesn't just happen overnight...their will be a transitional period of a few years to sort out any currency issues....Pound for now, later transferring to the Euro.... Anyway, What does it matter what colour or who head is on the money is in our long as it buys stuff.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by clanger

B & Q employ many pensioners, and work there can be and is very physical ...

In hindsight I thought 60 was old and didn't know why anyone would want to live

much longer than that, but hey 60 really is the "new" 40 .............

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:58 AM

reply to post by clanger

B & Q employ many pensioners, and work there can be and is very physical ...

In hindsight I thought 60 was old and didn't know why anyone would want to live

much longer than that, but hey 60 really is the "new" 40 .............


was the word.....As far as i know there are no muderers in B & Q.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by HUMBLEONE

ha ha ha....

It would seem I'm related to Wallace. A family friend who spent years on the genealogy as a hobby for the family tracked it back to there and well beyond. No biggy beyond being a bit for trivia. I mean, we're all related to interesting people if we look wide enough, far enough back, right?

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:11 AM
It's great that Scotland can make choices now for independence , but I've heard that all the privileges Scotland has in the EU will be lost and it will take awhile before they can join the EU ..
I don't know if that's really important at beginning? But if they keep playing their lovely bagpipes everything will be alright whatever they gonna chose..

I'm not Scottish but my far grandparents were Scottish

I wish the Scottish good luck choosing. .

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:12 AM


reply to post by eletheia

My mother was Scottish, so being half Scottish as well as living quite a few years in both Scotland and England I have only one thing to say.

    FREEDOM for Scotland NOW!

And that's all I have to say about that.

Scotland ASKED to join the Union in 1707.
No one forced Scotland into it. So why use the word Freedom?

Signed Puzzled Englishman.

Scotland did NOT ask to join the union...the king of Scotland at the time James VI united the crowns of Scotland and England and he became James I of England. The majority of the Scots did NOT want it, hence the uprisings and since that day when one man chose the fate of a nation, the scots have wanted their independence back.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:16 AM
Just a thought while we entertain this forum, fit why is naebdy spikin scottish? 'lols'

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 08:17 AM



reply to post by eletheia

My mother was Scottish, so being half Scottish as well as living quite a few years in both Scotland and England I have only one thing to say.

    FREEDOM for Scotland NOW!

And that's all I have to say about that.

Scotland ASKED to join the Union in 1707.
No one forced Scotland into it. So why use the word Freedom?

Signed Puzzled Englishman.

Scotland did NOT ask to join the union...the king of Scotland at the time James VI united the crowns of Scotland and England and he became James I of England. The majority of the Scots did NOT want it, hence the uprisings and since that day when one man chose the fate of a nation, the scots have wanted their independence back.

The Treaty could be considered unpopular in Scotland: Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath, the only member of the Scottish negotiating team against union, noted that "The whole nation appears against the Union" and even Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, an ardent pro-unionist and Union negotiator, observed that the treaty was "contrary to the inclinations of at least three-fourths of the Kingdom". Public opinion against the Treaty as it passed through the Scottish Parliament was voiced through petitions from shires, burghs, presbyteries and parishes. The Convention of Royal Burghs also petitioned against the Union and not one petition in favour of an incorporating union was received by Parliament. On the day the treaty was signed, the carilloner in St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh, rang the bells in the tune Why should I be so sad on my wedding day?[23] There were also massive protests in Edinburgh and several other Scottish burghs on the day it was passed by Parliament,[citation needed] as threats of widespread civil unrest resulted in Parliament imposing martial law.

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