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America; A Coward Country

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posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by demongoat

I suppose I should have been more clear. A "Domestic" killswitch is something they've had for a long time and is fairly easy to implement....simply kill all domestic ISP connections. Sure, there would be some who could access the internet from random sources but for the most part the citizenry would be in the dark.

BTW, I am a Network Engineer when I'm not trolling ATS.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I don't need anything because I am pretty set up now for my old age. We worked very hard and ran into a couple of the obstacles I listed. We came out on the other end. I have empathy for struggling americans nowadays. Your philosophy has its merits, but thank goodness there are others like my family who care.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by beezzer
How do you expect people to be brave, when they're all being brainwashed by 54 inch flat screens? lmfao Does anyone realize that those "programs" you love so much, are just that: PROGRAMS? And, what does a program do? It programs. hahahahahah Do you understand that the CIA and Hollywood work hand-in-hand? How about those prescription drugs, you're to "ask your doctor" about?

Seems to be the MK-ULTRA program, at work. The techniques they use today, they used 2,000+ years ago. Subdue the people with drugs, alcohol and entertainment.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:06 PM

Let me start of by saying this: I am a food stamp recipient, not because I want to be, not because I am too lazy to 'get off my ass', no. I get food stamps because, quite frankly, without them I would either (a) starve, (b) be reduced to panhandling by the 7-11 for food money or (c) starve - did I mention starve? - at any rate I hate it. I hate it, hate it, hate it.

I try, you know. I really do. Everyday. I look for work until my EFFING HEELS BLEED!

Here's a quirky anecdote - and true to boot- so, I have (several) applications in at my local McyDees, I call them once - sometimes twice - a week. This one in particular, however, apparently became fed-up with my job seeking antics and after I asked for the hiring managers typical work schedule, was told, now this is verbatim, that "you (I) needed to stop calling there and asking to speak with the manager so often, that it was - now get this - beginning to 'freak her out'. Hilarious! I was basically accused of being a stalker by a McDonald's employee.

And I continue to search.

Now some of you may be saying "pff, McDonald's? no wonder your (insert idiom here). You might be right. I don't have a diploma nor do I have a GED. Hell, I am 27 and I don't even have a driver's license - not because I cannot drive, I simply cannot afford one - I have never even owned my own car. Sad? yeah, probably. Truth is I grew up in a very impoverished family. Sorry. I grew up with literally no direction and by the time I was old enough to realize that I had literally excised any chances I had at leading a successful life, it was too late.

I'm not whining.

And you know, I am sorry. I am sorry that the glorious tax payers have to feed me. It gnaws me like... something that gnaws a lot. Once I find a job I promise to make it up to you some how. Because, I mean, I eventually will find a job right? as long as I keep my nose to the grind and my heels on the pavement, right?


But my question is, as one of the unwashed masses, what should I do that I am not already doing?

Oh, and by the by, I'm no coward (hence the bloodied heels) I'm no sycophant and I only bleed red because I have no other choice, though green or turquoise would be rad.


posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:16 PM
I've been a Kennedy democrat most of my life, but I've been a huge critic of all of Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2...

I was against Clinton's NAFTA agreement that sent jobs elsewhere, and I thought George Bush was the worst president ever...until Obama. Obama is by far the most arrogant and incompetent leader ever....Bush was really, really bad, but not as overtly dishonest as Obama, nor did he have as many ugly scandals.

I also despised the Bush Patriot Act....then Obama reinforced the Patriot Act and made it stronger...

I was against Bush going into Iraq and Afghanistan--then Obama sent even more US mercenaries to Iraq and has continued the war in Afghanistan...

I thought republicans backing Bush were close-minded...but the Obama Zombies have taken closed mindedness to extremes that have severely divided the country

There seem to be a few brave libertarians out there, like Ron Paul, but the Obama Zombies call them "tea party wackos" and the main stream media plays along...the cowards are too divided to stand up to the new breed of extreme liberals

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by vonraschke

Yep. You gotta love it when some uninformed person lumps all Americans into the "coward" or "dumb" category. They just don't understand what is about to happen, and how many patriots and "smart" people there are that is about to rise. It will change everything on earth when it collapses. Some countries think they will be immune to A collapse has to happen. A civil war/revolution has to happen. The country needs to be reset. The leeches will go. The foreign lobbies gone. The meek will starve and die. Only the smart and strong will survive and build everything back the way it should be--out of the hands of the greedy idiot lunatics--the right and the left. Common people will rule. The corrupt will be hunted and arrested.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Fylgje because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:31 PM

But my question is, as one of the unwashed masses, what should I do that I am not already doing?

Oh, and by the by, I'm no coward (hence the bloodied heels) I'm no sycophant and I only bleed red because I have no other choice, though green or turquoise would be rad.


The answer looks at you in the mirror everyday. Keep being you, keep growing and never give up. I grew up in a impoverished family, ended up dropping out of high school, homeless, yet never qualifird for welfare (?) and still retired at 48. You can do it.

Never giving up is the key, no matter how low you think you are. Life is a challenge on a daily basis, rise up to it and knock it down.

BTW, by never giving up, you'll end up making enemies as you rise above them. But that's also just part of life.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

Keep doing what you are doing! Way to stick with it. In addition I think the single most important thing you could do would be to find a GED program in your neighborhood. They are held many many places so there should be one within a mile and most are free to anyone showing need.

Employers don't look much past the 'education' line when they have a stack of applications to go through.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:40 PM

reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

Keep doing what you are doing! Way to stick with it. In addition I think the single most important thing you could do would be to find a GED program in your neighborhood. They are held many many places so there should be one within a mile and most are free to anyone showing need.

Employers don't look much past the 'education' line when they have a stack of applications to go through.

Yeah, Thanks Montana & TdawgRex.

Unfortunately the only GED program around here cuts off applicants at age 21, so I'm six years late for that train.

I have, however, no immediate plans to give up on anything. Somehow that guy in the mirror keeps looking older though and I fear what his future holds, indeed what the future of the entire nation holds. Some members have stated their Darwinian views that they wish to see the state of our nation crumble into disarray with the meek being eaten by the strong - cannibals? - but I think that is sick. It's tantamount to saying 'well these weak kids should die now so us strong folks can rebuild the nation in our image' that really is quite disturbing and I hope that it is just 'tough guy' posturing.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

If you haven't, check the nearest community college. Look in the continuing education section or adult learning.

GED programs are usually one their bread and butter programs.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

I would not consider you a coward because you are fighting. You are using the only tools at your disposal and have not given up or given in to the system that the government has laid out to/for you.

Good luck and keep fighting!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:50 PM

reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

I would not consider you a coward because you are fighting. You are using the only tools at your disposal and have not given up or given in to the system that the government has laid out to/for you.

Good luck and keep fighting!

I appreciate that Beez.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I will talk politics or religion with anyone, but the second they start with the "YES or NO" crap I am done!
"Are you FOR or AGAINST a,b, or c? No need to explain, just answer YES or NO." An old trick lawyers like to use to ruin your character/put words in your mouth that you never said. If you say yes or no then it is always followed with something like "So you're saying that ...." When I haven't said a GD thing!
More and more I find people using this asinine tactic when we talk sad really, but there is no way to get a person with this type of "logic" to think or speak rationally during a conversation. Only experience will sort them out.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:35 PM


reply to post by beezzer

What is it that you are whining about..?

You are still free to do whatever you want, even run for office, start a company, anything at all.

How about not purchase health insurance?

Every time you speak it gets worse. You are free to not buy health insurance. But for the first time the tax payers get some of that money back if you get hit by a truck and go to the hospital so to speak. And don't start your whining that I won't pay, you will pay one way or another unless you don't file your taxes and then you will be whining from jail. Lol

Be thankful you live in a country where it is OK to be a whiner.

The Bot

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by CagliostroTheGreat

I appreciate your honesty and your situation but frankly I'm seem to be well-spoken, decent grammar, and obviously have the skills to get on and use the Internet. You also created your own avatar which takes some skills - heck, I just grabbed whatever pic I liked because I don't know how to make a simple avatar.

Seriously, there has to be an option for you to get your GED from somewhere. Whatever it takes, get that GED.

Tell you what, you could easily get into computers if you wanted once you get that GED. You can study and earn your CompTIA A+ certification on your own and even get help getting it. From there, the sky is the limit. Its how I got started in computers. I do have a college degree but in something completely unrelated so it only gets my resume moved to another pile. It's the certification which got me started.

There's a lot of hope for you, never give up.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by wills120

Hey, thanks wills.

While I won't toot my own horn by saying that your assertions are correct, I will say that when it comes to the GED front where I live I have - literally - exhausted my options. Unfortunately without the proper funds I will not be able to obtain said diploma. A heart-wrenching thought considering that if I could only obtain said diploma I would be on the fast track to success, well success compared to my current situation at any rate.

Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement and in turn I give you my word that I will not give up and that one day if not in a concreate manner I will at least in an abstract manner return the favors you have done for me by paying taxes and allowing me to basically mooch of of you so that I do not have to starve.


posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Just curious:
What have you done to help solve the problem?
You pointed out the flaws, so what is the solution?
What do you expect a single individual to do about the problems?
Are you yourself here looking for answers of what to do?

Personally, I see what is happening. This country is going down faster than a large rock in shallow water. However I'm not going to start a "flaw thread" on what we already know. I am going to implement plan B when A fails.

*NOTE* My questions are not to denigrate the OP.

edit on 21-11-2013 by Staroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:23 PM

Some members have stated their Darwinian views that they wish to see the state of our nation crumble into disarray with the meek being eaten by the strong - cannibals? - but I think that is sick. It's tantamount to saying 'well these weak kids should die now so us strong folks can rebuild the nation in our image' that really is quite disturbing and I hope that it is just 'tough guy' posturing.
Yea, some people don't want life to be fair, because they think unfairness benefits them. To them, equality is a nightmare. Some people want life to be hard.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 07:28 PM
The same people that bash democrats also support the rich. Not that the democrats were left to begin with. In fact the democrats support the rich just as much. Liberalism isnt socialism and socialism has always been a dirty word. Nationalism has become a dirty word as well. Tariffs are a dirty word. Globalism is a good word. Capitalism is a good word.

Wall Street has been swimming in gold since WW2. They have been outsourcing and automating everything. Even the american flag is made in china!

So success is good even if you have no job? Really?

Even north koreans are making fun of murica.
edit on 21/11/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: minor edit

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I like the idea that people have to take risks and never complain, even if the odds of failure in a particular country is extra-extra-ordinarily high - and some of those risk takers never seem to fail in stark contrast.

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