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America; A Coward Country

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posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 08:46 PM

reply to post by beezzer

I hear that quite often, that more "socialism" would mean that the government wants more people dependent on the government.

The people are NOT dependent on the government BECAUSE of the government, they become dependent on the government because of circumstances of life.


If you have many unemployed who are depending on how far is the government responsible for the people being unemployed? You are blaming THE GVT that people are unemployed?

I do not see ANYTHING wrong with universal healthcare, welfare/unemployment protection, guaranteed and free education for anyone. (All things you still have ways to go....)

What else should the government's purpose be? The government exists to BENEFIT the society..not vice versa.

The problem in the US (in particular - but elsewhere too) is that "the system" is too screwed up with "free-reign" capitalism which works on the back of the poor. It's a system which CAN only, at some point, fail.... It's logical impossible that a minority (the "elite") amass wealth by exploiting others and that this system works for many decades without creating MAJOR problems. Especially since there are no protection mechanism in place. A company can chose to hire/outsource all their workforce. A landlord can increase rents, homes can become unaffordable while wages and available work get less and less. At some point, people struggle to survive. They have problems even surviving, an illness can be the ruin for a family.

Since there are no adequate protection mechanisms in place (because corporates work for their own PROFIT, not for the well-being of society) some point government "intervention" is the only logical solution. Again..I don't see anything wrong when the gvt is helping their own people. NOTHING AT ALL.

Of's not a "solution"....because the CAUSE of the problems must be addressed... the solution to fighting unemployment obviously is NOT to give anyone welfare and unemployment assistance...but no-one would say that anyway.

edit on 32013RuWednesdayAmerica/Chicago38PMWednesdayWednesday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

This is probably one of the most reasoned and well written responses I have seen, honestly wish I had written it. Unfortunately, some in America will never embrace it, they feel the need to have 6 - 8 -10 -12000 square foot houses, with huge mortgages, that they can deduct on their taxes.

The really sad part to me is that the elite, the 1% so to speak, have managed to convince a certain level of our population that the poor are the problem. Congress talks spending cuts, what do they cut, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, VA, and Food Stamps. Lets cut corporate tax breaks, farm subsidies, have means tested Medicare and Social Security, but if we make those cuts, the repubs are going to scream like scalded dogs.

Greed and the love of money and wealth are the biggest problems in this country, and those that feel like they have it all under control, think they are the only ones entitled to a decent life. I have news for them, my life went to hell in 2006 through no fault of my own, and am in a place now that I could have never imagined when I was on top of the world. Karma truly is a vindictive beast.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Hey beezer, like your thread. It does take courage to stand up and say hey, this isn't right. It does take courage to stand out and raise your hand in a crowd of a million when its only your hand raised. I think that the pendulum is swinging again and that is what it does. The only thing constant in life is change and that pendulum keeps swinging left, right, left, right, sometimes in the middle; where will it stop? Only time will tell.
edit on 20-11-2013 by queenofsheba because: spelling

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Once you truly realize we are all truly connected and not separate you will lose words like self determine and responsibility as if you are looking down upon those that don't

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:54 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Once you truly realize we are all truly connected and not separate you will lose words like self determine and responsibility as if you are looking down upon those that don't

What does that even mean?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:56 PM


reply to post by beezzer

Once you truly realize we are all truly connected and not separate you will lose words like self determine and responsibility as if you are looking down upon those that don't

What does that even mean?

I'm glad you asked, because I was wondering the same thing.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:01 PM



reply to post by beezzer

Once you truly realize we are all truly connected and not separate you will lose words like self determine and responsibility as if you are looking down upon those that don't

What does that even mean?

I'm glad you asked, because I was wondering the same thing.

hell out in "murica" some old boy looks down at you, you punch that sumbiscuit in the nuts, bringem down to eye level so he literally understands all men are created equal. Still not sure what that post meant.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Agreed. 100%.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 10:05 PM


reply to post by beezzer

What is it that you are whining about..?

You are still free to do whatever you want, even run for office, start a company, anything at all.

Its awfully hard to stop the wars, the bailouts, get a third party into office(heck even getting some airtime), stop ACA, get rid of the FED, get rid of holder and kerry, etc.

Someone is calling the shots and its not the average person. Its like trying to stop a locomotive going 100 mph each and every time. Who puts so much momentum into destroying the nation? You wake up and listen to another disaster unfolding. Stuff dont happen by inertia, someone puts the negative energy into it.

Free? yeah right!

Yep, and once again it falls on deaf ears! Beezer is a die hard republican just so you know. Had Romney gotten the helm he would be mute right now.

The outright control is easy to see and many do care, but what can we do? Write our reps? Did anyone else notice all the attacks on Christians/Religion on TV etc.. It was like poking a stick into the hornets nest. Where I live the churches have never been more full and folks are ready to jump on anything that is painted as the moral right. The divide we see today is an engineered affair and we will never see a real leaders because they would threaten the status quo.

Imagine for a moment that the folks that represent us really wanted to fix the Health care issue. Would they have.
A. Policed the medical industry. Capping profits and making sure the 500% markup on drugs we enjoy was done away with?
B. Taxed every man woman and child to further feed a corrupt industry that bills 100K for procedures that other countries offer for just a few thousand or free?

Never mind the fact that all enjoy knowing our every move is monitored and secret police rule the day. This is Nazi America friend. Speech like this is most certainly cause for surveillance.

Cowards is a harsh statement I think. The real problem is that we have no voice and lack a direction. What if anything can be done? It is not like any third party candidate stands any chance, and if they did would they not be smeared into the ground or killed?

America has been sold and We The People along with it!

Watching folks get upset with Democrats while they only want to see a Republican at the helm makes me sick!

We are lost sir, and action will just see you sitting in the penitentiary very likely on a sex charge!

One should respect public opinion insofar as is necessary to avoid starvation and keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary submission to tyranny.

When more Americans prefer freebies to freedom, the values of freedom and liberty that the United States was built upon will be gone for good.

Many seek blood, but the resulting collapse would see the slums of America making the worst slums in Africa look like Beverly Hills. Anyway you look at these issues. One thing remains unchanged. A peaceful solution is the only solution!

There are things that could be done. If we cant have a third party why cant we have a Constitutional Lobby? I would imagine the funds raised from persons like yourself would be substantial.

Maybe this is just the nature of democracy!
“It had been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience had proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.”
Alexander Hamilton June 21, 1788

“The adoption of Democracy as a form of Government by all European nations is fatal to good Government, to liberty, to law and order, to respect for authority, and to religion, and must eventually produce a state of chaos from which a new world tyranny will arise.”
Duke of Northumberland 1931
edit on 20-11-2013 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:13 PM

No the government doesn't want cowards or people to live off them. People that are working pay taxes and getting taxes makes the government happy a unemployed person makes the government sad because they will take money away. The huge corporations that the TPers supports wants cowards because that is where the money is made. Like food stamps JP Morgan runs that the more people on food stamps the more money for JP. So instead of the TPers pointing at the government crying you are causing the problems should look at the corporations they support and see that they are the ones that turned the government into what it is today and turned America into a shambles so they could make more money.

But the government (lobbyists) get payed by the corperations, the people in the government don't take home more from the amount of tax's, they take home more by the bribes AKA lobbying.

THIS IS HOW IT ALL WORKS PEOPLE, where you have the government basicly being RUN by said corporations...

You explained how it works better then i could except you still havn't learnt the big secret which is how politions can legally be payed money.

The sad thing is my post most likely wont get many stars, even though if the whole world just realized this is how it all works, we could finally PUT AN END TO MONEY IN POLITICS.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:06 AM



reply to post by beezzer

Now that you mention it, I think you are right .... this administration LOVES victims.
It needs victims in order to pull off it's nefarious agenda.
And those Americans with the 'can do' spirit of the Pioneers are vilified.

Yeah buddy, it's nefarious agenda of getting health coverage for poor children.

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that this administration's agenda is getting "health care coverage for poor children"?? Poor children ALREADY get health care coverage. It's called Medicaid. Perhaps you've heard of it...but then again, the fact that Medicaid exists doesn't work for a cheerleader's agenda, does it?

The sheeple don't know the government is getting them to foot the bill for everyone's healthcare. You and I of course realize that a bill written by insurance companies MIGHT benefit......lets see......OH..... insurance companies, but the sheeple cant figure that one out.

Just tell them they are helping out the poor, that way they can pat themselves on the back while companies and gov rob them blind, they're to lazy to read, they'll never figure it out.

.........sarcasm of course but sadly not that far off

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 12:57 AM


Above are just two threads from many that have spurred me to write this one.

Dunno how long this will last, though. It's not going to be a nice thread, nor a pretty one.

First let me apologise to many. I'm sorry. Not everyone can be brave. I wrongly assumed that people would naturally embrace noble efforts. I wrongly assumed that people would steer clear of cowardice.
It takes guts to be responsible.
It takes courage to self-determine and make your own way.

Then there are those that shun responsibility.
Those that willingly cede self-determination.
Those that gladly give up independence.

But not everyone can be brave. And that's what political leaders are counting on.

From PC indoctrination (see above thread) to hate-filled vitriol towards independent groups like the Tea Party (see above thread) America is looking to eliminate independence.

They want to see a nation filled with victims. People who get offended and cry for help from government.
People who get sick and cry for help from government.

People who need and want someone(government) telling them what to do.
How to act.
How to live.
What to eat.
What to drink.
What to buy.
What to earn.

The government wants cowards.

Are you against Obamacare? Then you are mean and stupid and want people to die. (not true)
Are you against higher taxes? Then you are greedy and mean and don't want to help out poorer people. (not true)
Are you against PC? Then you are a bigot or a fascist. A hater who doesn't want equality. (not true)

But that is the meme being engineered in our society.

The government wants you to run and hide if you see someone with a gun. They see that as a better solution than fighting back.

They want victims.
They want whiners.
They want cowards.

If you are an independent thinker, you are a hater.
If you are self-reliant, you are a hater, a domestic terrorist.

I guess the choices have become clear.

In America you have a choice.

You can be a coward and be accepted by the government and take what they give you and don't you dare complain or you can be brave, independent, self-reliant, self-determined, and be vilified, hated, and be a target by the coward nation.

This probably constitutes a rant, but I feel it has social ramifications as well. Though if it comes off as too hateful and angry, then delete if you must, oh mods of the site!
edit on 19-11-2013 by beezzer because: t

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 02:31 AM

reply to post by beezzer
But when everyone is on the dole.... who pays for it?

You, of course.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 03:19 AM
It's people like the OP that is everything wrong with America. I see this from the perspective of a proud Australian where we have more health care and welfare than most countries, yet Australia seems to be doing quite well, compared to America anyway.

It's people ironically like the OP who while they whinge and whine about the poor not contributing to society, themselves contribute nothing to society... other than more whinging and whining, thus making things worse.

Funny thing is, while the OP runs it loud mouth and happily insults any-and-everyone else with their useless diatribes, will react like a pathetic tantrum-throwing cry baby when someone rightfully returns the challenge.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:04 AM


reply to post by beezzer

Yea ,sure ....the rags to riches is a good example that wont or cant work in todays world ...they control it all ,either by hook or crook..

What are you talking about? The newest and greatest entrepreneurs in the last decade were the younger generation. How old was the guy who developed the new app that Facebook wanted to buy for 3 billion? 23?

Rags to riches is still very, very possible in today's day and age. If you already have your excuse ready (the man is keeping me down, bro) you have already failed before you have even begun.

So.... exceptional cases are firm examples, now?

I'm sorry but if you think that the job sector is the same as it ever was then there are areas in which your head should be removed from.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 04:08 AM

It's people like the OP that is everything wrong with America. I see this from the perspective of a proud Australian where we have more health care and welfare than most countries, yet Australia seems to be doing quite well, compared to America anyway.

It's people ironically like the OP who while they whinge and whine about the poor not contributing to society, themselves contribute nothing to society... other than more whinging and whining, thus making things worse.

Funny thing is, while the OP runs it loud mouth and happily insults any-and-everyone else with their useless diatribes, will react like a pathetic tantrum-throwing cry baby when someone rightfully returns the challenge.

Very true, actually.

To these folks, the only people who you are allowed to insult are people who they don't agree with.

As soon as they agree with them, though, free speech is off the table and they are immune to criticism.

It reminds me of 12-year-olds saying "it's a free country!" after doing something stupid/harmful.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by rangerdanger

My son will be 25 in January. I don't under this generation? Wanna bet? I work with some 25-35 year olds. They aren't much different from me at that age. I'm almost 64. I did not walk 10 miles to school in the snow.

I really don't see Americans as cowards ... I see people who will believe anything this administration tells them. Some of us know what's going on. America isn't the America that I grew up in. America died Nov. 20, 1963, and has never recovered. People put too much faith in politicians and not enough faith in God.

I almost hate to see what's going to happen with the American people are awake and have had enough. Tyranny will not win!

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 08:26 AM
I think PC has gone a long way to help us not piss each other off. Some people lack sensitivity beyond their selves. Some people are unwilling to let their selves be social animals.

It's not just that Kenyan and Boehner who are holding up progress. It's also the Tea Party trying to usher in an era of "right wing". The "wing" is a concept that divides us. It encourages us to embrace extremes. We get to chose sides and participate in yet another sport. We are encouraged to work against each other instead of for each other, to be selfish instead of selfless, clannish instead of communal, spiteful instead of helpful, competitive instead of cooperative. The real courageous moment is leaving your team to join humanity.
edit on 21-11-2013 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I agree. Lazy, no good cowards. They just can't see all those "choices" nowadays. Go get one of those jobs that will get you through the next payday. Oh yeah... that does not exist anymore for 50 percent of americans.

Lazy, no good cowards. Can't feed your families on your income anymore, get out and hunt. Oh yeah....the rich have bought up the lands and "no trespassing" signs every six feet and sucking up subsidies. Just like fiefdom England. Or "glean" their fields for food and fruit. Oh yeah.....

Lazy, no good cowards. Can't afford insurance on your income anymore, barter with the doctor. Oh yeah...they don't accept chickens anymore.

Lazy, no good cowards. Can't find decent lodging anymore because your credit rating sucks from an illness or job loss, go live in your car. Oh yeah....they repossessed that.

Lazy, no good cowards. Go start your own business. Oh yeah....instead of the banks giving loans they are just sucking up the QE benefits.

Lazy, no good cowards. Can't get a good job, medical care, start a business or buy property or hunt, then go homestead. Oh yeah.......

Lazy, no good cowards......where are the choices anymore?

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by MOMof3

Sounds like you've given up. Am I right?

The "Man" keeping you down? That's utter hogwash.

For everything you complained about, you can actually do. You just have to take the risk. With risks, comes both rewards and failures. I like that about life myself.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 11:04 AM

It's people like the OP that is everything wrong with America. I see this from the perspective of a proud Australian where we have more health care and welfare than most countries, yet Australia seems to be doing quite well, compared to America anyway.

It's people ironically like the OP who while they whinge and whine about the poor not contributing to society, themselves contribute nothing to society... other than more whinging and whining, thus making things worse.

Funny thing is, while the OP runs it loud mouth and happily insults any-and-everyone else with their useless diatribes, will react like a pathetic tantrum-throwing cry baby when someone rightfully returns the challenge.

Well then, this post tells me that you are totally clueless as to how the ACA in the U.S. is supposed to run. This law is nothing at all remotely similiar as to what you have in Oz. It's a job-killer. Without those jobs with which taxes will be deducted from, who's really going to get welfare or healthcare insurance ten years down the road?

Progressives sicken me with their kumbayaa, rainbows in the sky and talking unicorn dreams. Pull your head out of the sand and face reality. Life is tough, it's not fair and it's a dog eat dog world.

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