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Vampire Hunters / Researchers

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posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by current93

However, when investigating reality, we look for this thing known as "evidence." So far we have many people claiming to be this cool and sexy thing with peaks of incidence after every movie with zero evidence. Occam's razor: what is more likely-- a rare creature, unproven by science, feared by men and animal alike, asking questions about secret hunter societies on an internet forum or yet another narcissistic poser?

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 04:22 PM

reply to post by current93

However, when investigating reality, we look for this thing known as "evidence." So far we have many people claiming to be this cool and sexy thing with peaks of incidence after every movie with zero evidence. Occam's razor: what is more likely-- a rare creature, unproven by science, feared by men and animal alike, asking questions about secret hunter societies on an internet forum or yet another narcissistic poser?

One of the reasons we have sites, forums and threads like this is that empirical demands fail to explain, fall short, or are just unsuitable for aspects of reality that are experienced from time to time.

Regardless of the OP's claims, whether she really believes she is a vampire, is playing a game, or is simply conducting a thought style experiment, is it not unfair to those willing to at least embrace the possibility to simply stamp ones feet and shout 'deluded' ?

Your opinion is valid and relevant to the topic, but perhaps came across wrong as it seemed more dismissive and overly challenging towards the OP.

Hope we chat again sometime mate on a subject that we both can debate or agree.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 05:17 PM

A bit of talk going round in the circles I spend some time in, that there are in fact vampire hunters running around. Now, they're as rare as true vampires if they are because I've never seen one that I know of and I expect I'd get a good sense long before it came to anything actually dangerous.

There was a thread about this some years back but rather than dig that corpse up, thought I'd discuss here.

Here's my question: are any here actively vampire hunters or vampire researchers, does anyone here know of any such people or groups that have veracity and if yes, can they elaborate.

As a vampire, one would assume I'd be cautious in this regard but my curiosity far outweighs any fear and I really don't fear much, much less humans. I would enjoy honest discussion though, perhaps shed some light,
edit on 10-10-2013 by aptrgangr because: (no reason given)

I've been roaming the ATS boards for a few years now, and this thread intrigued me enough to come out of hiding. Surprisingly, the information you provided aligns pretty well with another vampire that I've talked to. One thing I found interesting is your mentioning of some vampires having precognition. Though he never stated he had such an ability, I feel the circumstances around meeting him required it.

I won't release his name on a public forum, but you can contact me through other means. I'm from the south too and am surprised I haven't been kidnapped by some religious cult.

And I'll throw this out there. Vampire aren't to be taken for an easy hunt, especially a trained one. The speed and strength advantage can be a problem even for Nephilim, thus the need for forming a group in most cases. It's just safer that way. But really, vampires aren't targeted unless they go on a murdering spree or threaten to expose their existence with undeniable proof.

Words alone aren't enough, however. Even on a conspiracy site such as this, you see how most people aren't so flexible in their beliefs. As the saying goes, seeing is believing.
edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 05:41 PM
I suppose I should not be concerned with such vehement opposition. It's an indication of a truely energized response and also a good indication of what I wrote at other times earlier in this thread that assault of these basic concepts was expected to some degree, such dogged harassment and bile toward me personally is a bit surprising. All those rather silly things you asked for, as "proof", well that's never going to happen on a public forum. Only an idiot would (haha, hilarious) post such things anywhere.

So it's odd to me that my detractors don't simply state once or eight times "feh! You don't exist/you're insane" then move on to per sure a more fruitful life sans my crazy talk. Some do it, but there's a couple who seem to like it as sport.

No, you've stayed and that means a possibility of a few things. Possibly you are seeking to "win" this discussion, by either convincing me of your viewpoint or convince everyone else here of your viewpoint. Something about the notion that anyone might believe something like me exists makes you lose sleep (or simply keeps you from other tasks) and you must fight it. Ironically, you're the closest thing to a vampire hunter I've ever encountered Eidelon. You put more emotion into this than any so far,

There is also the possibility that the reason you put so much effort into this, without actually having a dog in the fight, is that you are invested that others do not believe me. This is also something I mentioned and know to be true but search me as to why certain groups would try to enforce a thorough disbelief. Still the fact remains, I do know some of the people who do this, have met them, had dinner with them, politely disagreed and now avoid them. They're not only wealthy enough to manipulate media coverage but quite adept at digging up information on me and that's unnerving. So, perhaps you're pushing an agenda from that angle.

Another more likely angle is,'re an ass. Why you're on ATS, only the gods know. Your post count is rather high and so I suspect I'm not the first target of the part time harassment. You possibly believe in nothing and or you believe strongly in a ridged and narrow view of how the world works, things outside that view deserve only your jeering ridicule and rabid chihuahua-like assault. Thus far you've done all you seemingly can to pick apart statements, aim for what you suspect might be sore spots, erected strawman arguments and even made wild assumptions and then claimed I said them.

You are, I'd wager, splitting your time between several threads in which you do safe pseudo-intellectual combat so, reading for comprehension does not seem to be a major concern for you and if any of this sinks in I'll be shocked.

Your presence in this thread serves no purpose aside for your ego stroking and self aggrandizement through the intended shaming of me, which, I can tell you now has and will continue to fail. Further typing is likely because you perceive a fight ahead you can really sink your teeth into, no doubt stimulated at the prospect. I also realize this response serves to feed you somewhat, but don't expect to draw any more personal energy from this as I am sure that you do, a vampiric act of it's own and how ironic.

I am sorry that you feel the need to do this and you may think what you like about me, just, kindly, go away and haunt someone else, your hostility is not welcome here. Thank you.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 06:41 PM
Well This makes an interesting read at least. Although I cannot claim I believe in Vampires this could be an interesting discussion.

Now assuming actual Vampires exist and live off blood, presumably human blood, then I think we can only assume that some humans know about it and would be intent on destroying what they see as a threat to their survival. Personally, again assuming Vampires exist, if I ever learned that they were real and nearby and killing or hurting others I might try to do some research myself to learn how to kill them.

Although I would do the same with a regular human (well a lot less research, supposedly we are much easier to kill than actual Vampires) if it came to it in order to protect someone I love, I would kill another human if absolutely needed.

If you think of it the idea of Vampires are not much different than humans, as far as how they survive not in the supposedly supernatural capabilities. Supposedly real Vampires kill and drink blood to survive, regular humans kill and eat flesh to survive. Humans actually pretty much are required to kill what they eat, going by this story here supposedly Vampires can survive without killing and drink only what can be replenished. If that is true a Vampire that does not kill could be considered more "moral" than any human that does.

Now regular humans definitely kill each other although eating another human is seen as an abomination. Would something like that apply to Vampires or at least some Vampires? If the blood is supposedly a vessel for the life energy then I'm assuming these Vampires could not feed off of blood in say a butcher shop from long dead animals?

Sorry OP, I can't take anything here at face value but I do find it interesting.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:03 PM

Well This makes an interesting read at least. Although I cannot claim I believe in Vampires this could be an interesting discussion.

Now assuming actual Vampires exist and live off blood, presumably human blood, then I think we can only assume that some humans know about it and would be intent on destroying what they see as a threat to their survival. Personally, again assuming Vampires exist, if I ever learned that they were real and nearby and killing or hurting others I might try to do some research myself to learn how to kill them.

Although I would do the same with a regular human (well a lot less research, supposedly we are much easier to kill than actual Vampires) if it came to it in order to protect someone I love, I would kill another human if absolutely needed.

If you think of it the idea of Vampires are not much different than humans, as far as how they survive not in the supposedly supernatural capabilities. Supposedly real Vampires kill and drink blood to survive, regular humans kill and eat flesh to survive. Humans actually pretty much are required to kill what they eat, going by this story here supposedly Vampires can survive without killing and drink only what can be replenished. If that is true a Vampire that does not kill could be considered more "moral" than any human that does.

Now regular humans definitely kill each other although eating another human is seen as an abomination. Would something like that apply to Vampires or at least some Vampires? If the blood is supposedly a vessel for the life energy then I'm assuming these Vampires could not feed off of blood in say a butcher shop from long dead animals?

Sorry OP, I can't take anything here at face value but I do find it interesting.

It's not uncommon for another species to feel superior to humans, but some humans themselves have a superiority complex and think they can't be touched. It's a lot more convenient for a vampire to find a willing donor than to forcefully take blood from someone. Murder always poses a risk.

As for killing them, well, it's a lot simpler to knock them out first.
edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by inquisitive1977

If the OP is being honest, and she is a true to life vampire, then I would say the Hollywood portrayals are overstated quite a bit.

For one, she is squarely mortal. Two, I highly doubt she can fly, or is like SUPER FAST.

But her skills are probably superior to ours.
Imagine someone born with the skills of say a master martial artist. Quickness, reflexes, instincts, etc.
A formidable foe.

But imagine if that same person trained their entire lives. Or if they had psychic abilities to boot.

Lights out. You simply aren't gonna win a fight.

If I am mistaken please correct me, OP.
edit on 10-10-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:05 PM

Well This makes an interesting read at least. Although I cannot claim I believe in Vampires this could be an interesting discussion.

Well, since this was about hunters and researchers, belief is semi-optional.
if it makes every more comfortable it can be approached as a hypothetical discussion.

I might try to do some research myself to learn how to kill them.

I'm feel strongly that massive trauma would work just fine. Clearly, I'm not going to test this.

if it came to it in order to protect someone I love, I would kill another human if absolutely needed.

Wouldn't blame you.

inquisitive1977Supposedly real Vampires kill and drink blood to survive, regular humans kill and eat flesh to survive. Humans actually pretty much are required to kill what they eat, going by this story here supposedly Vampires can survive without killing and drink only what can be replenished. If that is true a Vampire that does not kill could be considered more "moral" than any human that does.

Theres a pretty big collective which will do all it can to help humans identify any vampires they learn kill a human for blood. It's not something I've ever done and in society's present state, I think it would be a waste and very dangerous for me.

I'm not sure in more moral, but I am practical and farming is more efficient than hunting. When the SHTF I'm sure the rules will change but my needs won't.

inquisitive1977Now regular humans definitely kill each other although eating another human is seen as an abomination. Would something like that apply to Vampires or at least some Vampires? If the blood is supposedly a vessel for the life energy then I'm assuming these Vampires could not feed off of blood in say a butcher shop from long dead animals?

We have tried each others blood and after a time, trading back and forth causes "deminishing returns" but it works in a pinch. There's something about it that's not the same. Animal blood. Yeah, tried it, it's gamey as one would expect, but I didn't find it last as long as human blood. As to cold blood, it's dead, and I doubt it's of any value, but I've honestly never resorted to it. You hear a lot of imbeciles on the OVC saying "just drink blood from the butcher" but it's been treated, and is intended for cooking. The comparison to you would be "I know that hamburger meat has been sitting out a few days but, go on, chow down raw" and that's not a nice idea.

Warm human blood from the vein is like eating organic raw milk by comparison to anything else.

I met a cannibal recently. He explained that while in Iraq he ate some of his enemy he killed and some of a fellow solider who had been killed by an IED. I find the flesh eating thought a bit disgusting but I'd be a hypocrite to try to stop him. I think he's more a danger to humans than I am, but humans usually are.

inquisitive1977Sorry OP, I can't take anything here at face value but I do find it interesting.

Be skeptical, it's a good thing. Eventually, something's going to have to be taken at face value but, I understand, good post.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:11 PM

Seriously, I'm never going to enter anyone's "lodge".

Then you are not a REAL vampire, as mentioned above and everybody knows,

All REAL vampires are members at The Lodge

You are one of the pretend vampires.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

The OP does say as much with earlier posts when they said something like the truth is put before you in movies with a thick layer of fiction.

I need to learn how to use those dang posting quotes.

It does make a good story though, taking everything said Vampires would not be like anything really from the movies.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 08:47 PM

CloudSylver As for killing them, well, it's a lot simpler to knock them out first.
if you mean with a bludgeon, possibly, but you'd best hit really hard and it had better work on the first go.

If you mean with chemical sedation, it's not likely to be terribly effective based on our tests.


If the OP is being honest, and she is a true to life vampire, then I would say the Hollywood portrayals are overstated quite a bit.

Very much so.

But her skills are probably superior to ours.
Imagine someone born with the skills of say a master martial artist. Quickness, reflexes, instincts, etc.
A formidable foe.

Even that is reaching a bit. My best strength is in avoiding danger.

But imagine if that same person trained their entire lives. Or if they had psychic abilities to boot.

That would be true for anyone or anything. It's always going to be situational and I'm sure there are a lot of people who could easily best me physically. Thing is, nobody wants to.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr



posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 09:43 PM


CloudSylver As for killing them, well, it's a lot simpler to knock them out first.
if you mean with a bludgeon, possibly, but you'd best hit really hard and it had better work on the first go.

If you mean with chemical sedation, it's not likely to be terribly effective based on our tests.


If the OP is being honest, and she is a true to life vampire, then I would say the Hollywood portrayals are overstated quite a bit.

Very much so.

But her skills are probably superior to ours.
Imagine someone born with the skills of say a master martial artist. Quickness, reflexes, instincts, etc.
A formidable foe.

Even that is reaching a bit. My best strength is in avoiding danger.

But imagine if that same person trained their entire lives. Or if they had psychic abilities to boot.

That would be true for anyone or anything. It's always going to be situational and I'm sure there are a lot of people who could easily best me physically. Thing is, nobody wants to.

Maybe "knock them out" was a poor choice of words on my part. I meant it's easier to attack from a range than fight close quarters. A bullet to the head or heart will still do a lot of damage. You'd only need to stun them long enough for someone else to jump in, which is doable with a group. Anna Bathory probably said it the best. You have to be creative.

Both the vampire I talked about earlier and my "watcher" are hunters, though they have somewhat different goals. To my understanding, humans aren't typically allowed to partake in the trade.

If your strength is in avoiding danger, I bet your precognition comes in handy. It does for me.
edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by CloudSylver

Anna Bathory?

ETA: I guess creative fits. This is a woman that watched a man be left to die sewn up in the belly of a dying horse with only his head protruding.

But to me that is pure psychopathy.

edit on 10-10-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:12 PM

reply to post by CloudSylver

Anna Bathory?

Elizabeth Bathory's daughter and Vlad's great niece. The information you'll find about the family isn't entirely truthful, but that's the fate of history as a whole.
edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-10-2013 by CloudSylver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by CloudSylver

You got it backwards. Elizabeth was born to Anna.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

why would a true vampire that feels the need to hide its existence come on a message board about weird stuff and say they are a true vampire?

you say your best strength is in avoiding danger, so why is it that you are saying that vampires are real, and that you yourself are one?? you are confirming that vampires are real and therefore heightening the danger that you would face.
edit on 10-10-2013 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:31 PM

reply to post by CloudSylver

You got it backwards. Elizabeth was born to Anna.

I'm sorry, I meant Anna Nadasdy. I have a habit of referring to her as "Bathory" because her grandmother's name was also Anna.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by choos

You assume there are those who will actually take her seriously. Haha

If this thread is any indication, virtually everyone thinks she is full of it.

I'm pretty good at avoiding danger too. Nothing supernatural about it though. Just sharp intuition and good judgment.

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 10:44 PM

reply to post by choos

You assume there are those who will actually take her seriously. Haha

If this thread is any indication, virtually everyone thinks she is full of it.

I'm pretty good at avoiding danger too. Nothing supernatural about it though. Just sharp intuition and good judgment.

"Virtually everyone thinks she is full of it" is part of the reason giving the information she did isn't so dangerous. Personally, I think an individual should do their own research and forge their own conclusions.

Intuition and a good head on your shoulders will certainly go a long way.

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