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Vampire Hunters / Researchers

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posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:16 AM







reply to post by choos

You assume there are those who will actually take her seriously. Haha

If this thread is any indication, virtually everyone thinks she is full of it.

I'm pretty good at avoiding danger too. Nothing supernatural about it though. Just sharp intuition and good judgment.

"Virtually everyone thinks she is full of it" is part of the reason giving the information she did isn't so dangerous. Personally, I think an individual should do their own research and forge their own conclusions.

Intuition and a good head on your shoulders will certainly go a long way.

I'm a physician, a man of science, with a strong interest in the occult. I've talked to many self described "vampires" and they all have said almost exactly the same thing as the OP: "other vamps are posers," "I have a community of vampires" "I age slower" "I look better after I drink blood" "I have more skills than mere humans" etc. All have proven to be bogus. I'd love to meet a real one and be able to examine and test him because that paper would get me the Nobel prize.

However, like the OP, they all have been full of #.

The problem with a vampire willingly being up for examination is that there's nothing in it for them. If they really did do such a thing, both of you would likely be killed. Unless the consensus changes, the "supernatural" will remain out of the public eye because that's what was decided by the ones in power.

I'm assuming you're familiar with terms like indigo and golden child. If you're adamant about acquiring personal affirmation, I'd recommend finding someone who can see auras. There is a little bit of truth there. I don't want to derail the OP's thread, though, so we can continue somewhere else if it pleases you.

LOL. That is the overdramatic answer I have seen. "Too dangerous man."

Look at it this way. If vampires, werewolves, etc exist, then it only makes sense to have some of them in positions of authority.

Does it? In fact, I'd say just the opposite. If they do exist, then their survival would depend on the lowest profile possible and positions of authority are directly opposite to being "low profile." A congressman can't have a mistress without it being national news, much less a blood sucker.

What horrible dangers, specifically, do you think I expose myself to during these investigations?

Except a position of authority will eventually be necessary to retain said low profile. It's about control, not survival.

I never said strictly investigating would put you in horrible danger.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:28 AM








reply to post by choos

You assume there are those who will actually take her seriously. Haha

If this thread is any indication, virtually everyone thinks she is full of it.

I'm pretty good at avoiding danger too. Nothing supernatural about it though. Just sharp intuition and good judgment.

"Virtually everyone thinks she is full of it" is part of the reason giving the information she did isn't so dangerous. Personally, I think an individual should do their own research and forge their own conclusions.

Intuition and a good head on your shoulders will certainly go a long way.

I'm a physician, a man of science, with a strong interest in the occult. I've talked to many self described "vampires" and they all have said almost exactly the same thing as the OP: "other vamps are posers," "I have a community of vampires" "I age slower" "I look better after I drink blood" "I have more skills than mere humans" etc. All have proven to be bogus. I'd love to meet a real one and be able to examine and test him because that paper would get me the Nobel prize.

However, like the OP, they all have been full of #.

The problem with a vampire willingly being up for examination is that there's nothing in it for them. If they really did do such a thing, both of you would likely be killed. Unless the consensus changes, the "supernatural" will remain out of the public eye because that's what was decided by the ones in power.

I'm assuming you're familiar with terms like indigo and golden child. If you're adamant about acquiring personal affirmation, I'd recommend finding someone who can see auras. There is a little bit of truth there. I don't want to derail the OP's thread, though, so we can continue somewhere else if it pleases you.

LOL. That is the overdramatic answer I have seen. "Too dangerous man."

Look at it this way. If vampires, werewolves, etc exist, then it only makes sense to have some of them in positions of authority.

Does it? In fact, I'd say just the opposite. If they do exist, then their survival would depend on the lowest profile possible and positions of authority are directly opposite to being "low profile." A congressman can't have a mistress without it being national news, much less a blood sucker.

What horrible dangers, specifically, do you think I expose myself to during these investigations?

Except a position of authority will eventually be necessary to retain said low profile. It's about control, not survival.

I never said strictly investigating would put you in horrible danger.

Okay...exactly what did you mean by this:

If they really did do such a thing, both of you would likely be killed.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by aptrgangr

I feel like in a world with many unknown facts people will make up in their minds that their are things out there such as vampires or vampire hunters and these things might as well exist i believe in all of these secret society's and supernatural beings but yet you don't have any facts to back up anything your asking even if you were not asking at all just give me something to answer or to question, because all you told me was there might be vampire hunters.

~Thank You

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:16 AM
All I know is that there are things in this world that are so strange as to seem totally fictional.
People mention shape shifters and other things of this nature. Most people laugh this stuff off, as I probably would have not too many years ago. But if your mind is completely closed to these possibilities, I feel you just haven't done enough research with an open mind.

Do yourselves a favor, suspend disbelief just enough to allow yourself to think "what if?" and read up on skinwalker ranch.

There is a lot of legit spookiness that goes on there.

I no longer am able to flatly say something DOES NOT exist, or is impossible.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 11:06 AM
I believe an ancient race and possible races exists from Et experiments, for some Ets are very vampiric. And as a very long living race at that, with the possibility to really prolong that long living ability (say like some ETs, some may live naturally hundreds or thousands of years), by blood, which has very odd properties. Magnetics for one, that I believe in studies prolonged the life of the animals tested. Which means this could be prolongued indefinitely. I don't believe all the myths about them, strong or healing abilities is too far off, ETs can heal you within seconds when they want to.

Also, shape shifting from what has been said about certain lineages of reptilieans, and is found mimicked and possibly more in nature, and many native myths and knowledge even, concerning this. Between native lore and accounts and any left brained programmed opinions, I'll run with the native accounts. Being left hemisphered and in a box, is incredibly crippled and basically being half a person to me.
edit on 11-10-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 11:43 AM

I really would hope there would be another group serving and protecting, some kind of slayers of the psychopaths.

Perhap that is some of what MIBs do

Interesting tangent. Strangely, some MIB accounts and traits have a nasty similarity to fictional vampire descriptions. Though, a lot of vampire descriptions in the extreme end seem to be along the line of some alien descriptions and at times I wonder if there isn't a thread, but that is so far outside my wheelhouse that I can begin to look deeper, just look at point to similarities.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:09 PM

I'm a physician, a man of science, with a strong interest in the occult.I'd love to meet a real one and be able to examine and test him because that paper would get me the Nobel prize.

I think what it is you really want, is as much opportunity as possible, to prove things like this do not exist at all. If I WAS considering subjecting myself to someone with a needle and radiation machines, I don't think anyone in their right mind would pick someone like you. You've taken to the discussion in a rather hostile way and I can't imagine how anyone would conclude you'd look for the truth, but rather focus on front loading with things that point to your intended result. This is just a guess, I don't actually know you, but it's often done under the guise of 'science' and a thin veil it is.

I would no sooner subject myself to your experiments than you would subject to mine. I've been dying to test some things on a human, but wisely I think, nobody has been as taker. There are some things I'd love to verify from my end.

Then again, what makes you think that what I am and what we are will show up in your ultra-limited medical equipment designed to test only for certain thing, especially of the condition is metaphysical, which in some cases, I lean toward. That idea is not very popular with the OVC, but then, it makes them happy to think science can explain it all. Even scientists have their lullabies.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

There may be a metaphysical element...but there is a DEFINITE physical element, provided it is real at all.
Now this question may be a little "off", but I only ask it to drive a point.

I know from out conversations that you can process some food stuff (you'd probably do well with raw foods. Veggies, meats, etc)... but considering that mostly you "dine on blood", what does your stool look like?

Don't wanna answer? Of course not. Its not metaphysical.

Besides, metaphysical would imply it is psychological and I doubt you wanna face that route.

PS: Don't worry about that guy. I wasn't the only person that made a fool of myself in that "other vampire thread". This guy was in on like page one INSISTING that the folks from FL were "pretentious, wealthy Goths" and nothing more. Quite adamant about it, in fact.
Very early on some of us were saying he was flat wrong and that these peeps were obviously on the cutting edge of linguistic sciences.

As a "man of science", he sure doesn't recognize it very well. Especially when a "dude susceptible to poisonous narrative" can tell him he is flat wrong like immediately.

There may be a method to my madness.

edit on 11-10-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

If you're asking if my stool is black... it isn't. (gross question)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

Do you have any psychic abilities?

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 09:42 PM
I think the real fear/threat are the hunters... Whether or not the OP is what he/she claims is irrelevant..

It's the groups that believe they exist and are self taught and self proclaimed hunters.. When fed enough info (true or false) the delusion becomes real (however a man thinks, that's how he is)... They are bound to act.. By the op's own omission, there are few if any identifying markers/traits.. The room for error is tremendous..

I'd hate to have one of of my family or friends catch the eye of one of these "hunters"..

Imagine the head lines... Family of three slain by man convinced they were vampires..

OP, if your just pulling the wool here.. I'd think long and hard about possible consequences... From more than a few responses, it seems some are being sucked into this delusion..

Sorry, if I sound skeptical but, I'm far from convinced that your alleged kind exists.. Except in fiction and imagination .....

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by HooHaa

Exactly the point.
The fascinating thing here is this alleged secret society of vampire hunters.

If they really exist, it is bizarre.

Let's assume vampires are real. OK, earlier someone posted an article about a story from where, New Guinea (?), about a man who killed his own daughter by biting her throat and drinking her blood. Other than that, you don't hear that all that often, if ever.

So everyone assumes vampires are mythological, right? And with good reason.

But what is interesting are apparent reports of a shadowy "league of vampire hunters", if you will.

If these folks are real, a few things may be deduced, they are either crazy as hell, they take LARPing too far, or vampires are freakin' real, as they apparently show high levels of organization and persistence (following potential targets and analyzing whether or not "vamps" deserve to DIE or not).

It goes way beyond any LARPing community I am familiar with. Most these folks say, "let us meet at the town hall two weeks from now and do battle! Bring your armor!"

This is interesting stuff.

edit on 11-10-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:07 PM
Happy hunting....

Toronto Sun

A Papua New Guinea man faces murder and cannibalism charges after he allegedly killed his three-year-old daughter, ate her flesh and drank her blood, local media report.

A government councillor, John Kenny, was the first on the scene. He told the Papua New Guinea Post-Courier the child and her mother were visiting the father, Rex Eric, at a compound on Wednesday.

Kenny said the father allegedly took the child from her mother and ran into the bushes, where he held the baby close to him, bit deep into her neck, ate the flesh and sucked the blood.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by Thorneblood

Crazy stuff, man.
Absolutely insane.
I can't even imagine what sort of pathology it would take to do that to some random person, let alone your own child.

If I were a cop on the scene there, I would beat that man to death with my fists.

I couldn't be a cop.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Yea, you only go to New Guinea if you want to find the real deal scary #. That whole area is still largely unexplored and there are numerous tribes living out in the jungle that do some hardcore stuff.

Live Science

Last year, PNG officials arrested 29 people for killing and cannibalizing the brains and genitals of seven people accused of sorcery. In February, the family of a 6-year-old boy who had recently died accused a 20-year-old mother of witchcraft.

The woman was stripped, bound, tortured with a hot iron, doused with gasoline and burned to death on a pile of trash in broad daylight in front of hundreds of onlookers, The Associated Press reported. Officials condemned the brutal killing, but made no arrests.

This article is pretty good, gotta love live science.

As for cannibalism, last summer, for example, a group of cannibals was about to disrupt the parliamentary elections in one of the provinces of the country, which gained independence from Australia in 1975. Frightened with stories of mass cannibalism, people were afraid to leave their homes. Many of them preferred not to step outside on the voting day. Later, 29 people, accused of cannibalism, were brought to trial. However, according to experts, a group of the population practicing cannibalism in the above-mentioned region of the country has 700-1,000 members.

Interestingly, it was in New Guinea, where "slow viruses" or "prion" infections were discovered. The most famous one of them is "mad cow disease". The Kuru disease, aka "laughing death" was found with the Papuans of New Guinea, who like to eat human flesh. Many scientists believe that "prion infections" were created by nature as a barrier to stop humans from eating other humans.

Let's get back to the cannibals, who nearly ruined the elections. To explain the cause of their, putting it mildly, inhumane behavior, they said that they wanted to do away with malevolent sorcerers! Allegedly, they ate only the people who had cast an evil spell on their neighbors. The "avengers" allegedly obtained protection from black magic after the bloody meal.

edit on 11-10-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

Yes, I am a vampire hunter. I am also a part time vampire on some weekends but only during turquoise moons. I do not believe there has been one in a few centuries, as such I may be a bit out of practice at being a vampire.

Oh! And I am also related to Dracula's late uncles cousins daughter niece on his fathers side. Oh! and I also know how to juggle up to three rocks with ease, and even with my eyes closed for more then 20 seconds. Impressive I know.

You should seriously be afraid. VERY AFRAID.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

Well i know theirs a government agency tasked with killing vampires but hey its cool the government broke so nothing to fear. And who knows after the budget talks probably lose funding. By the way they call vampires bugs.

edit on 10/11/13 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 10:58 PM
I searched long and hard but I believe I have finally found that elusive, much coveted vampire hunter. Please feast your eyes on this marvelous specimen of metahuman performing his duties with superhuman ease.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Eidolon23

Hey there!

So are you like a vampire to? You certainly look pretty scary in that picture, and do sometimes seem like one, though albeit a very crappy one. Hey maybe we vampires/hunters/whatevers/whatnots should get together and share some mead, and tell cool stories.
Or not.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

Well considering what you said, I do believe that in itself would classify you as nutty and vampire or not you maybe should make a prolonged visit to a place with a nice bed with some straps and a view of the moon through solid steal bars. I know people have been locked up for less then attentive trying to bite and feed of a life persons neck or whatever your getting at. However you should know that drinking blood is bad for you in some cases fatal, so all your vampyrisim fairytale # can be solved by a simple blood test as you would literally need to be a different species to even be able to drink any large amounts of blood or sustain yourself at all on it, and not only that but and even digestive tracts, and metabolism, and well everything would have to be different to support even a little thing as being able to drink blood and not get sick or die. All of which a simple blood test, will tell exactly what you are. I however assume you would not pass that test.

But here is a link, that says something on that, and it has your favorite motif in it as well.

Going around biting dudes and draining blood is I believe a crime either way, cant be doing that without assault charges at the very least, and even that depending on how serious could see you in jail for a few weeks to months at the least. So why is it do you think you should be treated any differently then any of the other numberless nutters and criminals out there?

As for that cannibal, well apparently it takes all kinds. Not surprised that someone like him would be attracted to such a scene and place as war torn Iraq, and to tell the truth though he sounds nasty, and not very sanitary at all, in fact you would have to be pretty stupid to be doing that, because again its not exactly healthy for ya in more ways then one. Also I hear all kinds of people tell all kinds of stories. SO ya. Some guy told ya a nice story of which you share another story with us. I suppose that would qualify as being the same old # on ATS.

Also ever watch the movie the hills have eyes. Those people were cannibals, however on a meat alone diet you can not sustain yourself, and definitely not human meat like in the movie. In fact the whole area were they were at had NO FREAKING WATTER. Not even going on the fact that they would die in a few days because of the heat and the no water part. But anyways! And in fact if anybody actually lived out here like they did they would be a malnourished pathetic crazed animal barely half alive even if they had plenty of meat to eat, and definitely not some superstrenth sized people, in fact they would be taxed in carrying a bucket up to that cavern they lived in. Even in the jungle lions munch on grass once in a while and there body type is designed by millions of years of evolution to thrive of that, # even your dog or cat if you seen them would once in a while eat grass. There is a reason for that.

In fact, if any of that existed in reality you could literally punch them in the face and shatter there whole jaw as there bones would be brittle and in such bad conditioned do to there diet and environment that they would collapse on the ground like a sack of potatoes, they would be so malnourishment that a guy like me would be able to literally snap there arms like twigs.

And why am I telling you all this. You ask?


And so as you can see there are all lot of discrepancies in the things you say, so much so that you may as well make a movie about it. Alas even that has been done already and with much more imagination behind it then you have, sorry to say somebody beat you to the punch on the vampire movies and the science of the vampires long ago.

Besides as everybody knows your not a real vampire unless you can turn into mist, fly, turn into a bat or wolf and other various animals, also you should be able to pick up a dodge neon at the very least...Do all that, tape it, post it up. And I shall contemplate on the fact that there may be a 60% chance that you really are a vampire. Anything less and your just some other nutter one among what seems now thousands, in which case with your thread and story I would rank you at the very least number 736 on "the cool story's bro factor" As you can see you have much more work to even be accepted as a semi competent troll and professional nutter.

And just so your warned this happened before, your story is not original "dont ask were, as I will not answer" and fake ass CG'd vids of you lifting cars and turning into mist that look like they were done by a 4 year old, will not qualify as proof.

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