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Forced to take flu vaccine or get fired.

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posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:09 PM
I believe that people who have taken the flu jab are the ones that are causing the problem. They are immune to it because they are the host. The vaccine is the flu virus which mixes with their own cells causing others who haven't had the jab to get the flu. So its not the non jab people spreading the virus its actually you the flu jab people. So please stop with the " You don't want to give people the flu do you? Take the jab ".
edit on 22/9/2013 by Sk8ergrl because: (no reason given)

Edit: Remember the film " Outbreak " 1995 with Dustin Hoffman about a monkey that was a host to the Motaba virus. People caught the air Bourne virus but the monkey never did because the virus won't attack its host.
edit on 22/9/2013 by Sk8ergrl because: (no reason given)

edit on 22/9/2013 by Sk8ergrl because: More added

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:16 PM
The flu shot seems to be an anomaly in the realm of vaccines. From my research in many anecdotes of people's experiences with it (it seems common to make one in order to prove or disprove effectiveness of something, and I believe there can be a general trend one way or the other), I've come to the conclusion that... there is no conclusion. Some never get the shot or the flu, others get the flu each year despite repeated inoculation, and there's everything in between.

My understanding of the vaccine is that it only protects against three strains among many. I think it also makes a person weaker against the other strains-- which is just a guess, but it might possibly explain how some people immediately get the flu full force after getting shot. Also, consider how quickly even the three likely strains mutate. One might as well try to make an inoculation for the common cold...

As for your predicament... in your shoes, I would try to find a way to fake it, but you know better than anyone else about how difficult it would be. Plus, conscience. Anyway, I wish you luck.

edit on 22-9-2013 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by juspassinthru

Anyone forcing people to take vaccines ought to be held 100% accountable for the side effects. The vaccines court is a 100% political fraud. Period.

Anyone facing manditory vaccines should find someone educated in the medical community to "pencil whip" the records.

Now that's cute! First you bitch about fraud, then you follow up by encouraging someone to commit fraud.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 09:07 PM

My mother retired as a nurse, they've had mandatory flu shots for years.. I personally have had the shot once in my life. They did them free at my work.. I swear it is the only time I've gotten the flu in my adult life..

What puts the whole conspiracy of the flu shot in my mind, is out of hundreds of flu bugs.. How do they predict that one? Is it a control, by infecting everyone with type a does it ensure type b doesn't hit?

Now that is an excellent set of questions!! There are groups all over the world who focus on the development of vaccines. The operative words to the preceding statement are "all over the world." Some of these people are very good "friends" of mine. They want to do a good job ... It's the kind of people they are.

These folks watch for developing strains by catching early signs of a bug. Other folks do their best to figure out how to prevent it from taking hold in population. That's the basic concept. I don't do that kind of work and would be guessing if I tried to be more specific. Suffice it to say that I have fairly astute powers of observation, faith in my fellow man and friends, and that by and large I am confident they're doing their utmost best to ensure your health.

Here's a few more thoughts on the overall slant of this topic: Who really wants to see others suffer? Of what benefit is it to have half your population sick? Let's be clear, there will ALWAYS be someone who has an adverse reaction, so there is ALWAYS some risk. Which is worse or which are you more susceptible to? Why are vaccine manufacturers protected from frivolous lawsuits ...? Maybe because they do more good than harm?? Lawsuits might drive them away entirely until the paranoid delusional scream and cry for them to come back and start doing their jobs again?

If you're worried that someone is going to stick you with a needle full of precursor, there is nothing I can say that will assuage you from your fears. Has this happened in the past? Of course I believe that ... I am a member of ATS.
Will it happen again? I hope not. Do I think the flu vaccine will be used to inoculate everyone with death? Absolutely not. If TPTB we're going to do something like that, I think they'd more likely contaminate the public water supply with no-see-ums.


ETA: Here's a poke (troll) for all you folks that "got the flu" from the vaccine: Did you get the flu, or did your immune system simply 'kick into full gear' as a reaction to the vaccine ... and you're just not familiar with that experience?
edit on 2292013 by Snarl because: ETA

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by toast317

This is the discretion of the hospital as usual, but is not law that requires you to get any vaccination mandatory.

I am very sorry that you have been forced to take the shot, but in this days and time you have to think in the best interest of your personal finances.

My daughter works in a local hospital as a nurse, thankfully her hospital policy is still a choice.

My sister is also a hospital worker and she has been in her profession for 25 years and she tells the hospital that only when is a law that passes that she had to take any vaccination by force she will think about it, until them she has never taken any vaccinations offered by the many hospital centers that she has worked, she say that if they get to pushy she just tell them that she will get a lawyer and the hospital will not bother her again, until this day she has never gotten any type of diseases while working in any of the hospitals in her 25 years as a Radiologist.

Many institutions work with intimidation and they usually win.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 09:34 PM
As someone who has been out of work for the better part of 5 years now. OP You have to be a mad-man to quit over something so stupid.

It absolutely infuriates me when I hear of someone quitting their job over frivolous crap. My mother recently did this, she quit because they would not give her a certain day off. Now she is broke, is about to lose her home and cannot find a job at all.

I have put in over 200+ apps in the last 5 years looking for gainful employment. I have gotten 10 call backs and only 1 job that I had to quit (Taxi cab driver) due to the risk vs reward factor, making 30-60$ a night for a 12 hour shift was a load of BS given the area I was driving in.

OP if you quit your job now, you will be kicking yourself in the pants later. There are a LOT of things I would do just to have a job. If you told me it was making 22$ an hour, I would only ask what sexual favor do I need to perform on the boss for it. Losing this job over not wanting to get a flu shot it outright stupid.
edit on 9/22/1313 by gr1ill3d because: Spelling

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by opethPA

What I would expect in a hospital is not to have poison injected into my blood.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 10:32 PM

Anyone forcing people to take vaccines ought to be held 100% accountable for the side effects. The vaccines court is a 100% political fraud. Period.

Anyone facing manditory vaccines should find someone educated in the medical community to "pencil whip" the records.

Now that's cute! First you bitch about fraud, then you follow up by encouraging someone to commit fraud.

See ya,

If you've ever read about the vaccine court, you know what a fraud it really is. That's not rhetoric. That's fact. Look it up. It's state immunity/protection for an industry eyeball-deep in dangerous and defective product. Look up the rates of autism over the last 50 years while you're at it.

Pencil-whipping a record to sidestep the corrupt and criminal demands of a totally out-of-control government is not fraud by any measure. It's basic self-defense and defense of your spouse and children.

But hey ...... you go right ahead and fill yourself and your family with this lovely chemistry if it makes you feel better. It's always gratifying to watch Darwin at work.

edit on 22-9-2013 by juspassinthru because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 10:44 PM


Right. So you're saying that it's ok to walk around untreated and breathe germs/viruses over everyone? Remind me to stay well upwind of you, you Typhoid Mary type person!

It's been a while since I researched this, but if-I-recall-correctly, those that get vaccines actually "shed" these weakened/killed viruses to their surroundings for a period of time. That would make your vaccinated buddies the "typhoid Mary" types.....

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by toast317

What does the ACLU have to say about that ? Or do they Even Care ?

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by juspassinthru

If you've ever read about the vaccine court, you know what a fraud it really is. That's not rhetoric. That's fact. Look it up. It's state immunity/protection for an industry eyeball-deep in dangerous and defective product.

I'd rather read your sources, so I can decide how fraudulent they are.

Look up the rates of autism over the last 50 years while you're at it.

There is no definitive link between vaccines and autism:

Because of a temporal correlation between the first notable signs and symptoms of autism and the routine childhood vaccination schedule, many parents have become increasingly concerned regarding the possible etiologic role vaccines may play in the development of autism. In particular, some have suggested an association between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine and autism. Our literature review found very few studies supporting this theory, with the overwhelming majority showing no causal association between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine and autism. The vaccine preservative thimerosal has alternatively been hypothesized to have a possible causal role in autism. Again, no convincing evidence was found to support this claim, nor for the use of chelation therapy in autism.

If you have a better source, provide it.

Furthermore, the life expectancy of the average American has increased by 10 yrs. over the same time period. Using your logic, that must be because more people have autism.

Pencil-whipping a record to sidestep the corrupt and criminal demands of a totally out-of-control government is not fraud by any measure. It's basic self-defense and defense of your spouse and children.

This isn't about the "corrupt and criminal demands of a totally out-of-control government". It's about your attempt to "corrupt" an individual by having him commit a "criminal" action.

you go right ahead and fill yourself and your family with this lovely chemistry if it makes you feel better.

Having been a Air Force brat for the first 18 yrs. of my life, and having spent 10 of those years overseas, I can assure you that I've been inoculated far more than you can imagine. I'm almost 60 now, and, aside from injuries, the only health problem I've ever had is a cataract. The same is true of my younger (by 3 yrs.) brother.

It's always gratifying to watch Darwin at work.

I'm sure that Darwin would be proud of my evolution. Yours... not so much!

See ya,

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:40 AM
if this was my wife..

she'd be fired instantly .. since she's extremely allergic to ANY of the vaccines.. she goes into anaphylactic shock within seconds after the shot..

I got the shot once.. and was in bed for 5 days.. half a day is most I've been with the flu

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by juspassinthru

It's been a while since I researched this, but if-I-recall-correctly, those that get vaccines actually "shed" these weakened/killed viruses to their surroundings for a period of time. That would make your vaccinated buddies the "typhoid Mary" types.....

Shedding, transmission, and stability of vaccine viruses: Data indicate that both children and adults vaccinated with LAIV can shed vaccine viruses after vaccination, although in lower amounts than occur typically with shedding of wild-type influenza viruses. Rarely, shed vaccine viruses can be transmitted from vaccine recipients to unvaccinated persons. However, serious illnesses have not been reported among unvaccinated persons who have been infected inadvertently with vaccine viruses.

That doesn't seem to support your "Typhoid Mary" comparison. If you can, kindly provide a source that does.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by toast317

I don't ever get sick or get flu vaccinations I haven't had one in my adult life I can't say for sure if when I was a child.
That being said I really hope you consider some of the advice posted.

I think its wrong to force people to take these vaccines at the same time It's just one of those things in life. I would put taking a stand against this in the same category as taking a stand against being questioned by law enforcement without probable cause. Yea its not right but really you can take a stand and possibly go to jail get injured and or caused many problems or you can just answer a few unwarranted questions and go on with your life.
You can refuse the vaccine on principle and stand up for what's right and drastically lower your quality of life or
if you take the vaccine you get to keep a good paying job that will look good on a future resume and have a better quality life.

Hey if you have a reaction the shot atleast you will be in a hospital.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by toast317

Just tell your employer it's against your religion to take vaccines. And if they fire you, they will have a lawsuit on their hands.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 03:32 AM

You are in a unique situation. Let me give you some advice. Go down to the Department of Pathology and ask one of the professionals there what they think of the flu shot.

Like they're going to say anything negative about it.

I doubt they would even be allowed to...

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 04:09 AM


You are in a unique situation. Let me give you some advice. Go down to the Department of Pathology and ask one of the professionals there what they think of the flu shot.

Like they're going to say anything negative about it.

I doubt they would even be allowed to...

You're right, they won't say anything negative about it. Like most other humans they only want to do what's required of them. Running a bunch of cultures and confirming a flu diagnosis is 'extra' work they would prefer to avoid. Healthcare professionals have the right to freedom of speech and they're pretty good at exercising it in the right company. Think about how hard it is to replace a pathologist.

I like your tag line, BTW. It goes hand-in-glove with your reply. Cheers!!

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by toast317

I'm with you, I would rather follow what I believe in as well. If you sell yourself out, whats the point.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by BenReclused

The flu vaccine does "not" stop you from getting the flu.

They "can not" make a vaccine for the flu for the same year because the strain of flu that may be prolific for this year has not been identified as of yet.

They take an educated "guess" at which one they "think" may develop, throw a couple of viruses that we have already been exposed to (which means you most likely already have built antibodies against them naturally by previous exposure) into a petri dish and "hope" to grow their new Franken flu virus; then make everyone take it. This improves their chances that someone, somewhere, will finally mutate a virus that will cause the extinct level pandemic that probably would never occur in nature without their help.

The CDC web site clearly states that the virus they cook up is by guess work and is hit or miss. Everyone that takes a flu shot becomes a guinea pig; is tagged and tracked (that is why you have to prove you got the shot and bring documentation for record keeping to your job, they get paid for every person they can prove got the shot and there is a bonus pay off those those that rack up the highest compliance numbers.

The people are being duped. Anyone that reads what the CDC says on their web site with their thinking cap on, and is capable of just a little critical thinking, will see an upfront, in your face, acknowledgment from the CDC that the flu vaccine is a crap shoot. We are all guinea pigs and this game has nothing to do with "stopping" people from getting sick.

Unfortunately too many have been so taken over by the control of the Borg queen/king that they will never be able to see the truth, so those of us that can are hated and considered a threat to the hive. They will force you to assimilate or you will be eliminated.

edit on 23-9-2013 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 07:31 AM


Shedding, transmission, and stability of vaccine viruses: Data indicate that both children and adults vaccinated with LAIV can shed vaccine viruses after vaccination, although in lower amounts than occur typically with shedding of wild-type influenza viruses. Rarely, shed vaccine viruses can be transmitted from vaccine recipients to unvaccinated persons. However, serious illnesses have not been reported among unvaccinated persons who have been infected inadvertently with vaccine viruses.

That doesn't seem to support your "Typhoid Mary" comparison. If you can, kindly provide a source that does.

See ya,

Sorry BenR, I've got better things to do than spend my time researching for your benefit. Did you stop at the first articles you found? Dig a little deeper.

Your rebuttal on this single issue confirms my point that vaccine recipients can infect the unvaccinated. They call it rare but provide zero data. Not one reference statistic. Zero. Suppose you provide a source of credible info that backs up these claims?

Regardless, just suppose some of your vaccine shredders had been injected with Baxter's bird flu contaminated vaccines? Suppose it might be a problem then?

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