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Forced to take flu vaccine or get fired.

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posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:49 AM


I was approached by my boss for the second time this week today, and told if I don't get it by wednesday, don't bother to return to work. I plan on doing just that.

Well, today's the day!! I'm wondering how this'll all turn out. Anybody wanna give me odds on whether toast slept in or punched the clock?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by PtolemyII

I think that it is shame that people can't trust anybody any more. Doctors used to be the most trusted and revered members of the community. They were corrupted by big business due to lure of big business and won over by the desire of wealth, rather I should say money because real wealth does not come in the form of m oney.

Our politicians once were people that members of a community that cared enough to personally get involved in correcting the ills of their community for the betterment of the family and all the others that share his plight.

Big business or should I say a handful of heartless power hunger individuals have succeeded in corrupting the better of us. I don't think greed is the only reason they have been able to enslave us. Greed pays a huge role in their take over of our minds and soul, but I think the real reason they won over us is that too many people have thrown up the white flag. If you can't beat them, join them crowd.

It is very difficult to always do the "right" thing. It is so much better to go along to get along. No one champions the lone fighter anymore. People are like goats. Everyone constantly challenging each other in an attempt to better their position in the herd. Nothing matters more than being higher up then at least one other person in the herd. Goats will beat on the smallest and weakest of the herd, even if it is just a young kid, until they have succeeded in killing it or it runs away. If is smart enough or able to run away. More times than not, once one member of the herd has identified a target, the others will sometimes join the fray, if for no other reason then to avoid becoming a target themselves.

You can see this play out here at ATS everyday. You have the mean, rude members that attempt to set themselves above the rest by tearing down everyones post, in an attempt to standout, get noticed and hopefully, get some attention. You have those that will rally around the bullies, agreeing with everything that they say in hopes of bettering their position or at least deflect the bullies ire from themselves. We are indeed very much like animals. Even if we like to think that we are the superior species, one has to wonder. If we are so great, so intelligent, why do we destroy almost everything we come in contact with, including each other? It is like we are the world's, may even the universe's grim reader. Maybe we are the universe's cockroaches. Maybe it is part of the grand plan after all; a built in kill switch. Maybe everything "is" exactly the way it was designed. We have learned to accept that animal behavior is ingrained and some behavior is so strongly ingrained that you can't breed it out of them. Why would we be any different?

We are destroyers. The only drawback I see in the grand scheme is, if you win King of the Hill by destroying everyone else, are you still king? Can you be king if you have no one to rule over? I guess you could be king if you succeeded in killing off everyone else, but you would only be king in your own mind.

Nature has a way of mutating for the survival of a species. I just hope we have hidden among us that truly superior, being that will save us from ourselves. Maybe that is what they are secretly trying to create their vaccines. My biggest fear is that the super species they manage to create, won't be is homosapien classification.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Yes,but if you're wanting to go into an allied health field,or be someone who is around kids ,it is mandated or you're terminated .
The nurses in NYC had to fight this.
They won probably because nurses are scarce enough .

People seem to be forgetting how children were vaccinated across the USA without parental consent during the alleged swine flu pandemic .

They mandated it all across Europe BTW.civilians as well .

They covered up all the adverse reactions that occurred .

Friends of mine in Japan were mandated too.

This is a civil rights violation .There have been plenty of MDs who are hiv positive who hide their status and freeking operate on people
So i think if a medical student falsified his vaccination status to stay in school ,as he believes we need a better way to combat this issue ,he's the kind of guy I'd want as a doctor .
Not some scheister pushing poisons on kids .

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:32 AM

"If I was forced to get the shot" indicates that you haven't been FORCED to take "the shot" yet. Other "medical professionals", that have posted in this thread, have indicated the same, so it seems that many are bitching about a policy that is, for the most part, NONEXISTENT.

I also noticed that you reverted to the term "universally require" later in your post. I don't have a problem with people, especially "medical professionals", having to comply with rules and standards that were put in place to protect the public. What's your problem with that?

Furthermore, I haven't been able to confirm your claim that a "bogus h1n1 vaccine is incorporated into the shot". Would you be so kind as to post a source that does? I'd like to read it.

See ya,

BenR, I can't help but wonder where you get your income from. Your avatar says "Paid Government Disinfo Agent". Truth staring us in the face?

What's your vaccine history? Near 60 years old so you were brought up with almost no vaccines (compared to children today)? Has the skyrocketing increase in autism not affected your family ... yet? What's the physical/mental condition (and IQ) of your children and grand-children? I'm guessing you've never seen (or recognized?) vaccine damage up close and personal.

What's stopping you from doing your own research?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:36 AM
Your a idiot giving in a good job because what a conspiracy site told you about vaccines!

You work in a hospital for heaven sake! What did you expect!

It like joining the army and then telling your CO you refuse to kill anyone!

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by toast317
I am in the same boat as you! Being forced or I should say coerced into taking the flu shot or be terminated. This is just wrong. In my case I filed a religious exemption but before I filed, persons from Administration were saying that all exemptions would be denied. I am talking about the violation of the "free exercise" clause to worship and serve God without discrimination. The exemption form required that I give them all kinds of info. including the address where I worship. I stated "It is not the States business." The State is dictating what is and what is not a legitimate faith/religion. I think the State needs to butt out. I will not be coerced into being vaccinated and I plan to look into filing a legal contest in Court and sue for violation of Constitution Rights and what ever else my lawyer and I come up with.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Cor Leonis

So you cause an outbreak of flu in your workplace which kills many elderly folk, (don't know where you work but If it is the care setting...) you think your God is going to be happy with you when It could have been avoided.
If you don't want to care for others people welfare don't get the shot and leave the profession.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:49 AM
You made your choice , don't get the vaccine and lose a well paying stable job. An admirable choice as that is what you believe in just don't show up on one of the posts here in a few weeks crying you don't have a job.

I get it...some folks think vaccines are the devil and some do not. What I know is if I was one of those people that thought they were evil I would not work in a hospital. That just seems like common sense to me.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:50 AM
Wrabbbit - I have to stay current on everything from flu to yellow fever. I end up getting titers from everything from chickenpox to yellow fever every year, and whatever I'm no longer immune to, I get another dose of vaccine for.

In general, I get a volley of shots every three years. I rarely become ill from anything at all. And, measurably, I'm certain death to most anything they make a good vaccine for. I'm not sure what people are terrified of. The vaccines are pretty innocuous, although the pneumonia one generally makes me ill for a day.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74
Like I said, I will not be coerced into being vaccinated. Just like I will not be coerced into taking the mark of the beast. Start caving now and what's to say I wouldn't cave then. No sir/ma'am blame me for everyone who gets the flu if you want. I will not be a Guinna Pig. The flu shot is not 100% effective so in effect they are experimenting on the human population. That is a crime!

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:57 AM

Cor Leonis
reply to post by boymonkey74
Like I said, I will not be coerced into being vaccinated. Just like I will not be coerced into taking the mark of the beast. Start caving now and what's to say I wouldn't cave then. No sir/ma'am blame me for everyone who gets the flu if you want. I will not be a Guinna Pig. The flu shot is not 100% effective so in effect they are experimenting on the human population. That is a crime!

Fair enough..Don't work in a hospital setting then.. Common sense.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by opethPA

Or any setting working with vulnerable people whose immunity may be low.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:00 AM
I have worked in the lab making vaccines.

As ineffective as the flu shot may be. I can 100% say there is no conspiracy to use vaccines as a means to deliberately harm people.

I have seen what goes in them and know what each of the ingredients are ( and th way there were packaged means no one could add anything further down the line). And can say non are in to purposely harm anyone. Yes a few people have allergic reactions but they are a small minority, you have a bigger chance of having a allergic reaction from trying out a new food.

Of course Im sure some on here will call be a disinfo spreader

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Thing that people forget is how many lives vaccines have saved, vaccines for smallpox,Diphtheria,Whooping cough,Measles,Neonatal tetanus,Hepatitis B,Tuberculosis,Polio and Mararia.
All you nay sayers let me ask you something have you ever had a Tetanus shot? or any other shot for the above?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by toast317
Hospital setting or not. I can see The New World Order forcing everyone to bend over or else. They have to fill all those FEMA Camps for some reason. Why not start with the Christian then the Constitutionalists or why not the anti Obama group. Where does it stop? It stops with the one who will not cave to coercion. It stops with the ones with a mind of their own! Wake up people. (Good little sheep! Now everyone get in line!)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Well, I've got 'em all on that list, except AFAIK malaria and TB. I've heard one's on the way for malaria, though. I'd pay real money for a Hep C vaccine. Although I get 'em free. Thanks, Uncle Sugar. At least the kiddies wouldn't have to take Lariam if they had a good malaria vax.

/meningitis this year. Hate that one.
edit on 25-9-2013 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

D P P T shot were usually give as babies, started around early 60s, might be a bit earlier cause my mom has the "scar" when they used to pinch the skin. Now it's oral drops.

But you will have people coming in and saying that healthy lifestyle and hygiene what cleared those disease.... but you gotta ask, did humans magically became better hygienist right when the vaccine was invented? a coincidence? or was it the vaccine that did the actual job but deniers and denying it?

edit on 9/25/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Cor Leonis

Calling us sheep when you follow someone elses idea of God and you call him Lord and Master...

This isn't about God or religion this is about a duty of care for the people we look after, I hate getting a shot I hate needles but I will have it done so my service users will not get sick (and maybe die from) from something I have brought in.
I 100% agree that we who work in this field must get a flu jab, it will save lives, money and give the people we care for peace of mind they will not catch the flu from a care professional.
BTW in which setting do you work?

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

This is not only an unfair statement but it is a highly unlikely statement. How many flu outbreaks have killed hundreds of people in one hospital in our history? Please people at least stop and think about what you are saying. If you don't choose to do the research available at your fingertips or if you trust the shots, then take them. You will supposedly be safe, so what is the fuss. Don't force people who choose not to take the vaccine or try to quilt trip them into taking the vaccine because it is just wrong on all levels.

Why is it so hard to understand the the strain of flu that may develop and spread in the next couple of months, "is not" included in the vaccine. The vaccine can not protect you from a strain that has not yet been or has just recently been discovered. These people are not psychic. They tell you they make their "best guess" at what they "think" may be "helpful". They are guessing and they could be wrong. If you like the odds and want to take the risk, go ahead. Just don't try to force or push someone into line in front of you.

These people have been wrong more times than they have been right. Look at the drugs they push. You get 3 paragraphs about what the medicine is supposed to do and 22 paragraphs telling you about the harm taking them can do. It is worse than a crap shoot. If you are worried about doctors and nurses making you sick or killing you when you go the hospital, then you are placing your fears in the wrong direction. What you should be afraid of is MRSA, a disease they created with the indiscriminate use of the then super drugs, antibiotics.

They have learned nothing. Look at the number of people they have killed or damaged by rushing a drug to the public before they did testing "long" enough to even know what the long term effects would be. We are expendable. The only thing they care about is the bottom line. I am amazed at how gullible people have become. Over half the people asked, say they don't trust their governments and they don't believe their government is concerned with doing what is best for the people, yet they "willing" stand in line and allow them to inject them and their children with a drug they don't even trust enough to allow its use without protection from reprisal.

Don't you think it is strange that if a nurse or doctor gives you life saving blood that has been thoroughly test for possible reaction before giving it you, without your consent, you can sue the pants off them and take their license to practice, but if they give you the flu vaccine without your consent you can't touch them with a ten foot pole, and they are actually encouraged to give it to you without asking or telling you they are giving it.

Wake up people something is seriously wrong with this picture. Shoot if you must this old gray head but at least think about what is really going on here. Please be gullible if you must, but please don't be stupid.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by Cor Leonis

Not sure why you and your political group(your clearly labelled yourself) always bring in politics into everything, its like in you blood. There are more pressing matters than your sports team that don't give a crap.

Oh and moment you breathe/eat/drink you have already bent backwards for NWO/TPTB or whatever excuse for denying reality.

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