reply to post by PtolemyII
I think that it is shame that people can't trust anybody any more. Doctors used to be the most trusted and revered members of the community. They
were corrupted by big business due to lure of big business and won over by the desire of wealth, rather I should say money because real wealth does
not come in the form of m oney.
Our politicians once were people that members of a community that cared enough to personally get involved in correcting the ills of their community
for the betterment of the family and all the others that share his plight.
Big business or should I say a handful of heartless power hunger individuals have succeeded in corrupting the better of us. I don't think greed is
the only reason they have been able to enslave us. Greed pays a huge role in their take over of our minds and soul, but I think the real reason they
won over us is that too many people have thrown up the white flag. If you can't beat them, join them crowd.
It is very difficult to always do the "right" thing. It is so much better to go along to get along. No one champions the lone fighter anymore.
People are like goats. Everyone constantly challenging each other in an attempt to better their position in the herd. Nothing matters more than being
higher up then at least one other person in the herd. Goats will beat on the smallest and weakest of the herd, even if it is just a young kid, until
they have succeeded in killing it or it runs away. If is smart enough or able to run away. More times than not, once one member of the herd has
identified a target, the others will sometimes join the fray, if for no other reason then to avoid becoming a target themselves.
You can see this play out here at ATS everyday. You have the mean, rude members that attempt to set themselves above the rest by tearing down
everyones post, in an attempt to standout, get noticed and hopefully, get some attention. You have those that will rally around the bullies, agreeing
with everything that they say in hopes of bettering their position or at least deflect the bullies ire from themselves. We are indeed very much like
animals. Even if we like to think that we are the superior species, one has to wonder. If we are so great, so intelligent, why do we destroy almost
everything we come in contact with, including each other? It is like we are the world's, may even the universe's grim reader. Maybe we are the
universe's cockroaches. Maybe it is part of the grand plan after all; a built in kill switch. Maybe everything "is" exactly the way it was
designed. We have learned to accept that animal behavior is ingrained and some behavior is so strongly ingrained that you can't breed it out of them.
Why would we be any different?
We are destroyers. The only drawback I see in the grand scheme is, if you win King of the Hill by destroying everyone else, are you still king? Can
you be king if you have no one to rule over? I guess you could be king if you succeeded in killing off everyone else, but you would only be king in
your own mind.
Nature has a way of mutating for the survival of a species. I just hope we have hidden among us that truly superior, being that will save us from
ourselves. Maybe that is what they are secretly trying to create their vaccines. My biggest fear is that the super species they manage to create,
won't be is homosapien classification.