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Forced to take flu vaccine or get fired.

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(post by 1104light removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 06:37 AM


posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 06:38 AM


posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I assume you have an explanation for why smallpox is now a virtually unknown disease in the developed world then?

As for genocide, there are only 2 influenza deaths of people I personally knew and they succumbed to the disease, not the vaccine (they didn't have the flu shot) - they were young & healthy people who thought they didn't need any protection. I myself was also almost a victim in 2000 and that was the sickest I've ever been in over 60 years, it prompted me to invest in vaccination ever since (never did prior to that).

I take it you're against all vaccination. Ever wanted to travel OS ?

As for the OP's predicament, he has a fairly simple choice to make IE get the shot and stay or refuse it and leave.

Reminds me of the interview for my first job where the last question asked of me was 'if appointed to this position, would you be prepared to join the appropriate union?'. It wasn't made clear until after I answered that a 'no' would mean no job. Fortunately I gave the right answer.
edit on 22/9/2013 by Pilgrum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:05 AM

The real truth, is that vaccines are the most important weapon in the arsenal of a corrupt medical system, which DEPENDS on people being sick. Vaccines don't actually prevent disease at all, which is why you regularly see outbreaks of "vaccine preventable" diseases in fully vaccinated populations. The true purpose of vaccines, is to attack that part of our body which NATURE designed to keep us healthy.

Have taken the flu shot 3 times before; and every time I ended up with the flu for that year. I stopped taking the flu shot after the 3rd year... I have not contracted the flu since and its been more then 7 years.

Coincidence? I don't think so... I no longer trust anything that they say needs to be taken on a yearly basis as a rule of thumb.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by 1104light

Fair enough. The same sentiments to you and your opinions expressed in this thread.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Shdak

There are lots of opinions out there ...
This one says flu vaccines are waste of money
and then there is the money making end
Big Pharma makes billions on flu vaccinations
and then there is this ...
links showing how much drug companies make off flu vaccinations
So naturally they are going to push their vaccinations so they can make money.

The CDC claims the flu shot works .
However, anecdotal evidence tells me that it only works sometimes.
Every time my daughter got the shot ... she'd get sick.
Years that she didn't get the shot ... she didn't get sick.

Everyone's body reacts differently.

edit on 9/22/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:22 AM

reply to post by Murgatroid

I assume you have an explanation for why smallpox is now a virtually unknown disease in the developed world then?

As for genocide, there are only 2 influenza deaths of people I personally knew and they succumbed to the disease, not the vaccine (they didn't have the flu shot) - they were young & healthy people who thought they didn't need any protection. I myself was also almost a victim in 2000 and that was the sickest I've ever been in over 60 years, it prompted me to invest in vaccination ever since (never did prior to that).

I take it you're against all vaccination. Ever wanted to travel OS ?

As for the OP's predicament, he has a fairly simple choice to make IE get the shot and stay or refuse it and leave.

Reminds me of the interview for my first job where the last question asked of me was 'if appointed to this position, would you be prepared to join the appropriate union?'. It wasn't made clear until after I answered that a 'no' would mean no job. Fortunately I gave the right answer.
edit on 22/9/2013 by Pilgrum because: (no reason given)

Well said. And I'd like to add that polio is now also almost unknown. All thanks to vaccines.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by davjan4

You are darn tootin there is a reason you can't sue them.

If they are so sure their product is so beneficial and so darn safe, why did they pay off the government to make to protect them from being responsible for the damages caused by their products?

The hospitals get a kick back for the number of people they jab with their toxins.

You better read the fine print carefully. The make if mandatory for the staff to jab patients in certain groups and they don't need your signature or permission to inject you or your loved one.

Think you have a law suit because they injected your body without permission? WRONG. The are porotected.

Ask yourself why if a nurse or doctor gives you an aspirin or gives you life saving blood without your permission or against your will, you can sue the pants off of them, yet if they give you the flu shot, you won't be able to get a lawyer to touch the case, because they are protected.

There is something really shady about his vaccine business. Someone said the missed the big news bulletin reporting the death of whole cities and towns as the result of taking the flu shot. Well I missed the one were the cities and towns were wiped out from NOT taking the flu shot.

I am beginning to think it is not about the vaccine at all. Maybe what people think is the soft kill or the kill switch is not what they think it is. Maybe the sci-fisc movies are dead on. Inject everyone with a miniature tracking device and base product that can be activated either remotely or with some form of catalyst that will finish you off.

I know I may sound crazy or paranoid, but what is crazier than people lining up to to allow strangers, often they aren't even medical professionals, to jab them with toxins that they have already told you won't protect them from this year's flu, but it MAY protect you from the flu that you and everyone MAY have gotten last year or the year before. You have better odds of winning from a Lotto scratch off ticket then them even getting the strain right for the vaccine they make this year.

I wouldn't think of telling the OP or anyone else his to live their life. The choice is completely his. I do think that he is wise to think this trough very carefully. It is not a decision he should take lightly.

The reason we are in the trouble we are in, in this country and around the world is because too many people make decisions based strictly on, "How much am I going to get out of the deal?"

We have had our lives and our future bartered away by people we have trusted. They have proven they can't be trusted. If we continue to listen to them or trust them, we can't blame anyone but ourselves.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:40 AM
My mother retired as a nurse, they've had mandatory flu shots for years.. I personally have had the shot once in my life. They did them free at my work.. I swear it is the only time I've gotten the flu in my adult life..

What puts the whole conspiracy of the flu shot in my mind, is out of hundreds of flu bugs.. How do they predict that one? Is it a control, by infecting everyone with type a does it ensure type b doesn't hit?

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Seasonal flu shot may increase H1N1 risk

Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness

Case in point, new research in the Journal of Virology found that the seasonal flu vaccine may weaken children’s immune systems and increase their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine.

Further, when blood samples from 27 healthy, unvaccinated children and 14 children who had received an annual flu shot were compared, the former unvaccinated group naturally built up more antibodies across a wider variety of influenza strains compared to the latter vaccinated group.

Unfortunately, the pattern with many doctors aggressively promoting vaccinations, the flu shot included, is to “shoot first” and ask questions later.

You all keep being mindless drones with your flu shots.. I swear a while back I read another study that showed people who received the flu shot each year had a 25% higher likelihood of contracting the flu than a healthy person. Each year they got the flu shot it increased the susceptibility to the flu. All you idiots that keep shooting poisons into your bodies are the true risk to everyone else..
edit on 22-9-2013 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 07:51 AM
In todays economy it is not such a wise move to quit a job paying 22 per hour. If you plan to continue going to school you have to be wise. Listen, you will be getting the effects of the vaccines by being in public anyway, school, work, it is everywhere. Even though I do not take the shot, this is not new and my closest relatives who are in health care also have to take it yearly. There are things you can do and here is my best suggestion:

Good luck, and dont be rash.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 08:03 AM

This is common sense to me. Making it anything less then mandatory is not taking your patients best interest to heart.

Have you ever spent an afternoon educating yourself to the content of these vaccines? It's hard to believe what is being put in the formula. When I see pharamacies marketing "flu shots", I see an organization that is dangerous to the public health. I see an organization I won't do business with.

Anyone forcing people to take vaccines ought to be held 100% accountable for the side effects. The vaccines court is a 100% political fraud. Period.

Anyone facing manditory vaccines should find someone educated in the medical community to "pencil whip" the records.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by juspassinthru

Right. So you're saying that it's ok to walk around untreated and breathe germs/viruses over everyone? Remind me to stay well upwind of you, you Typhoid Mary type person!

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 09:27 AM


This is common sense to me. Making it anything less then mandatory is not taking your patients best interest to heart.

Have you ever spent an afternoon educating yourself to the content of these vaccines? It's hard to believe what is being put in the formula. When I see pharamacies marketing "flu shots", I see an organization that is dangerous to the public health. I see an organization I won't do business with.

Anyone forcing people to take vaccines ought to be held 100% accountable for the side effects. The vaccines court is a 100% political fraud. Period.

Anyone facing manditory vaccines should find someone educated in the medical community to "pencil whip" the records.

Nope..I have no knowledge of anything related to vaccines.
I have no access to any resources where I work for them either.
Additionally I don't have access to the web from work or home.

Nothing I say is going to convince you or the others of why it's a requirement in a hospital vs say a pep boys.. So you keep believing what you want and I'll keep leading my career the way I see fit.

My only argument for the OP was having a job in a hospital and not expecting them was sort of naive.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 09:34 AM
Eh are allergic to eggs correct?

If so, which I KNOW you are, you cannot get the flu vaccine.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by toast317

This is the worst economy since around the Great Depression. You're a 20 year old part time student, so you don't have much experience, and you won't have a four year degree for years to come. You're making $22 an hour doing security which, even in the worst of times, is a pretty cushy job. For that kind of pay, you should be willing to get a flu shot in each arm and each butt cheek, while standing on your head and whistling. Because this kind of luck won't come by again.

You might have another job lined up now that will replace some of your income. They might hire you, or they might decide not to, when they find out you quit your last job with no notice in lieu of being terminated for noncompliance with policy. That's widely considered equivalent to being fired. You will have problems working security in the future, because you will have to omit your current employer and all that experience (problematic, if they discover the omission), or list the employer you walked away from (and risk not getting the job). If you move into a professional or quasiprofessional career after you get your degree, you can expect some kind of background check, and they may use your conduct now as a screening factor. Unemployment is astronomically high, and no matter what special skills you think you have, you can bet your last packet of ramen noodles there's someone else out there with the same skills but without the black mark on their resume.

You say someone who won't sacrifice anything won't change anything. What, exactly, do you think you are going to change? Do you think the entire health care industry is going to alter a long-standing, successful, evidence-based health care practice because a security guard got fired? Three weeks after you leave, no one is even going to remember your name. If they remember you at all, it will only be to blame you for every patient who comes down with influenza for the next six months.

It is commendable that you want to "fight the good fight" for your beliefs. What is not so commendable is that you are fighting for your beliefs "right or wrong," without any examination or consideration of how much fighting you should do for a belief that you admit might be wrong. In this case, your belief is wrong, and you're not fighting so much as shooting yourself in the foot. But I suppose it will be a great learning experience.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 10:14 AM
edit on 22-9-2013 by FurvusRexCaeli because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 11:32 AM

reply to post by Murgatroid

I must have missed the news stories of the millions of people who have dropped dead from the flu vaccine.

We need to stop this madness.

If you're waiting for the mainstream news to give you accurate information concerning adverse reactions from the flu vaccine, you're going to be waiting a very long time. Basically, you're here on ATS pushing the mainstream view that vaccines are safe, and using hyperbole and ridicule to make your point. Alrighty then.

Even the VAERS database is most likely underreporting these issues. However, ask yourself why VAERS exists in the first place, if vaccines are so safe. Ask yourself why Pharma pushed for a law to make them not liable for adverse reactions (up to and including death), so that if something bad happens to you, you have no legal redress.

Then, ask yourself why you toe the official line on a site like ATS.

Stop the madness? I agree, and the only way to do it is to REFUSE these vaccines whenever possible. My own doctor dislikes them intensely and will not give them unless a patient demands it, and even then, he feels guilty.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 11:45 AM

reply to post by Murgatroid

I do understand that a small percentage of the population displays an adverse reaction to vaccine serum, one of my sons having been hospitalised after a routine tetanus shot so extreme caution is advised in that very small percentage of patients. He grew out of that sensitivity over time btw.

When I got my son a tetanus shot last year I found out that it's not just tetanus vaccine in there anymore. So many people are refusing the pertussis part of the DPT shot that manufacturers are now putting it in WITH tetanus shots.
I wish the E.R. nurse had mentioned that BEFORE she jabbed it in my son's arm.

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