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Forced to take flu vaccine or get fired.

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posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:20 AM
Never take advice from someone who doesn't have to live with the consequences.

That said..... you make $22.00/hr as security?! I didn't make that as a registered nurse!

Anyway, when I worked in the hospitals and the flu vaccine became mandatory, many
of the nurses discussed it among themselves and those that didn't want to get jabbed
signed each others validations. I think that option is no longer available as all staff are
now required to go to a centralized location for the vaccines rather than just giving
them to each other.
Still, if you feel strongly opposed, lots of places other than the hospitals give the shots
and maybe you know someone at one of those places. There are always options for a
determined person.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by toast317

OP just get the flu shot and continue a life of meeting new and awesome people, and having money and good credit. Trust me when I can say I was in your shoes once, and I wish I still had the opportunities I had then, and I am only 26. It may not be good for you, and who knows what, but as far as I can tell, in the past 5 years the world has gone on, those people I worked with are still working their. The difference is they have a house, nice cars and things, and are married. I am struggling to keep up and dream to have what I could have. Don't quit your education/career because of this. Just look at the past, and notice that no NWO has happened yet from a flu vaccine.

PS: If you think that a conspiracy will make you better off then $20 an hour, thing about being happy with $10 an hour. If there is going to be some mass event, it will not matter if you had your vaccine or not, it will just make you less abled to survive it, because they need people like you working in that event, not someone working at a desk or cooking in a kitchen. You may end up doing one of those after it is all sorted out years later.
edit on 9/22/13 by SixX18 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:23 AM

reply to post by Murgatroid

I must have missed the news stories of the millions of people who have dropped dead from the flu vaccine.

We need to stop this madness.

Why is it that you presume your argument to be so weak, that you must misrepresent what is being said here, in a pathetic attempt to win the discussion at all costs? No one has claimed anything of this sort here.

Since our health is on the line here, and not just your ego; why not stay true to what is being argued and bring the science about haploid mitigation efficacy or Guillain-Barre Syndrome for instance? That will be a whole step more responsible and people might even listen.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Stories of the people dieing from vaccines will NEVER appear in the media simply because it doesn't fit the MSM agenda...

But,,just as many people are dying from many other things the MSM is not reporting - why are you telling this young person it's ok to quit his/her very good job when so many other dangers lurk?

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:28 AM



My suggestion is not to give them notice: show up, refuse the vaccination on moral / ethical grounds, and let them fire you.

The OP works for a hospital. The hospital's accreditation is dependent on a recurring three year review by The Joint Commission. Quit, and that's one thing ... get fired and you've got different issues. The OP is young and stepping out into deep water.

I agree, as I said earlier it's a tough decision. Realistically, the decision has been made by the OP to lose the job. However I think being logical and resisting on moral / ethical grounds with justification rather than just walking out signifies character and a belief in one's values. If the future career is security / law enforcement, character and values, not succumbing to well-meaning but ill-informed authority, are very important.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:32 AM


reply to post by Murgatroid

I must have missed the news stories of the millions of people who have dropped dead from the flu vaccine.

We need to stop this madness.

Do you think that anyone would get the flu if there was no vaccine? Are they the ones spreading it, and we are blind to it?

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Pilgrum

It simply good sense for flu vaccination to be mandatory...

Those stats at the bottom of your profile seem to disagree...

Of course one can only wonder WHO gave you those 9 little trophy's..

“The real truth, is that vaccines are the most important weapon in the arsenal of a corrupt medical system, which DEPENDS on people being sick. Vaccines don't actually prevent disease at all, which is why you regularly see outbreaks of "vaccine preventable" diseases in fully vaccinated populations. The true purpose of vaccines, is to attack that part of our body which NATURE designed to keep us healthy. It's a pretty simple, albeit diabolical plan. And although most people struggle to see it today,

Protecting Their Own

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:38 AM
Please take the time to review some credible sources about the flu shot and I am not talking about natural news I mean actual peer reviewed articles. Anyone can make claims online but peer review means they have been re examined by others in that field trying to find mistakes anything less is no better than hearsay.

$22 bucks is great pay if you leave I am sure they will have no problem finding someone willing to replace you but I think you will find it hard to find something that pays as good for yourself.

I have never had a problem with shots and never knew anyone that has. Oh wait I take that back way back when I joined the Army they gave us like 20 different shots one day in basic and their was one that sat like a rock in your arse for like a week. No reaction it was just sore. Lol.

Honestly if they were dangerous you would see soldiers and veterans dropping like flies every day. I get a flu shot every year at the VA and never have a problem.
edit on 22-9-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:43 AM




My suggestion is not to give them notice: show up, refuse the vaccination on moral / ethical grounds, and let them fire you.

The OP works for a hospital. The hospital's accreditation is dependent on a recurring three year review by The Joint Commission. Quit, and that's one thing ... get fired and you've got different issues. The OP is young and stepping out into deep water.

I agree, as I said earlier it's a tough decision. Realistically, the decision has been made by the OP to lose the job. However I think being logical and resisting on moral / ethical grounds with justification rather than just walking out signifies character and a belief in one's values. If the future career is security / law enforcement, character and values, not succumbing to well-meaning but ill-informed authority, are very important.

And I respect your opinion, however, there are too many unconsidered variables and I'm not in the mood to list them all when my troll alert is in full alarm. The OP stated two things that hit like hammers: S/He works in a hospital; S/He works in security. Disclaimer: I have worked as a professional in both of those endeavors for more than 30 years. Fact 1: Without justification the healthcare industry will summarily dismiss you from service for refusing a flu vaccination on moral/ethical grounds. Fact 2: Almost every security position requires a pre-employment background investigation. I will leave it to the ATS readership to follow my 'opinion' to its logical conclusions.

Cheers, and thank you for taking the time to reply to my previous post.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:46 AM
I have read most of the post's and can't remember all the ones that need reply.

I will say in a prior life I held the position of Infection Control/Preventionist at a couple of hospitals. I was responsible for informing, via posters and emails, the dates of flu shots. I never pushed and let those who wanted them take them. I had to report the numbers and people (there were certain exemptions). I didn't take the shot and hated being part of it.

I had a physician who came in for a TB test and as we talked he told me of his father who in WW2 worked in germ warfare. He said he tried to talk to his Dad about this but his father thought he was right. The Doctor said he would never take a vaccine. Didn't go into details and I didn't ask since i was of like mind.

Later during flu season I asked him if he wanted the flu shot...he smile and said no, " I will rely on the Herd effect".

I had never thought of that before and do think it is something to consider. If everyone else is getting a flu shot most people are protected.

I have had the flu at least 3 times, including the so called Asian flu when I was 12, a type a flu which is the worst. This was in 1957. The flu's you survive give you long lasting, even life time antibodies, and even if they change somewhat, the effect on you will be less than most people if you contract a mutated strain latter...while vaccines give you antibodies that last 1/2 year at most then...guess what, you need to take a new vaccine.
edit on 22-9-2013 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 12:58 AM

why are you telling this young person it's ok to quit his/her very good job ?

WHY do people ignore the truth?

That's the REAL question...

"I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases you will realise that this is not so." ~ DR. Archie Kalokerinos MD

My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organisation and the unofficial policy of ‘Save the Children’s Fund and almost all those organisations is one of murder and genocide. They want to make it appear as if they are saving these kids, but in actual fact they don’t. I am talking of those at the very top. Beneath that level is another level of doctors and health workers, like myself, who don’t really understand what they are doing. But I cannot see any other possible explanation: It is murder and it is genocide."

~ DR. Archie Kalokerinos M.D.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

What stats and trophies are those?

I do notice that the rest of the sentence quoted was left out
IE "in the case of health care professionals who are likely to come into contact with patients suffering from the worst strains of influenza"
Are you advocating that health care people should go 'commando' in relation to defense against the diseases they encounter?
And consider the effect of 50% of hospital staff calling sick with influenza on the same day.

I do understand that a small percentage of the population displays an adverse reaction to vaccine serum, one of my sons having been hospitalised after a routine tetanus shot so extreme caution is advised in that very small percentage of patients. He grew out of that sensitivity over time btw.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Snarl


I am in charge of Joint Commission certification for the healthcare company I work for.

The Joint Commission nor Medicare require a flu shot. In fact, although they require (new for this year for Home Health agencies) that I keep tack of employees who do and do not take the flu shot, with "an eye towards increasing compliance" the clarified that the flu shot IS NOT mandatory for certification.

And even though I am an RN, I do not take the flu shot, or any other for that matter. Why? I know better. I've done my research. There's a DARN good reason why vaccine manufactures are IMMUNE from being sued.
edit on 22-9-2013 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:05 AM

Please take the time to review some credible sources about the flu shot ...I mean actual peer reviewed articles. ...peer review means they have been re examined by others in that field trying to find mistakes anything less is no better than hearsay.

Agreed. With smoking and cancer, Paracetamol liver damage and h.pylori ulcers, the peer reviewed articles were so far ahead of general observation by the public and timely and effective.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by TheEthicalSkeptic

...the peer reviewed articles were so far ahead of general observation by the public and timely and effective.

Peer reviewed sources are completely useless.

The whole Peer review system is riddled with corruption and is used to promote rampant FRAUD.

Despite its importance as the ultimate gatekeeper of scientific publication and funding, peer review is known to engender bias, incompetence, excessive expense, ineffectiveness, and corruption. A surfeit of publications has documented the deficiencies of this system.

How to Fix Peer Review

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:13 AM
I'm a big anti-vaccine proponent. When I worked in ICU we had a four year old who had a reverse reaction to a vaccine. It happens. I also worked under a Captain who had six kids. Four girls and two boys who were the youngest. His eldest son developed autism at 18 months. He left for a tour in Iraq and returned when his youngest son was two. He to, had developed autism at 18 months after receiving his vaccines schedule at that age. It happens. Bad luck of the draw.

However, I still rolled up my sleeve and took the mandatory flu vaccine. Why? It was a risk I was willing to take, so that I could continue to care for others who could not care for themselves. I'd make the same decision - over and over again.

Yes - I caught the flu for the fist time ever after getting the flu shot. Big whoop. I had people I card for with strokes, kidneys failing, and waiting on heart surgery. I took the shot - because the threat of flu was miniscule compared to what those patients faced.

So I guess what you got to ask yourself is this - Is tthe possible threat of an adverse reaction which is statistically rare - worth your position as security to protect others?

Also - hope you walk. Don't get in that vehicle. Because statistically, you'll die in a car crash before dying from the flu or any adverse reaction you might get from that shot. Sometimes - you just gotta roll the dice. We ALL live a game of chance.


posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:20 AM

reply to post by Snarl


I am in charge of Joint Commission certification for the healthcare company I work for.

The Joint Commission nor Medicare require a flu shot. In fact, although they require (new for this year for Home Health agencies) that I keep tack of employees who do and do not take the flu shot, with "an eye towards increasing compliance" the clarified that the flu shot IS NOT mandatory for certification.

And even though I am an RN, I do not take the flu shot, or any other for that matter. Why? I know better. I've done my research. There's a DARN good reason why vaccine manufactures are IMMUNE from being sued.
edit on 22-9-2013 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

Why did you not quote my post? Where in my post did I say the accreditation was specifically tied to flu vaccinations? "One" aspect of accreditation is tied to compliance with a hospital's local policies. If the facility doesn't enforce its own policies, it's one 'strike' against them.

Please don't call BS on me when it's entirely unwarranted. I had to put myself in check not to flame you for your post.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:25 AM

You say you are willing to stand up for your beliefs, but are you willing to have a prolonged fight for them? Personally I would not quit my job. I would politely decline on personal reasons and make them fire me. Then I would fight the termination legally, but that is an expensive and weary battle. More than a 20 year old needs at this point in your life.

So where does that leave you? You can either accept that requirement as their rules and go work somewhere else that doesn't have the objectionable requirement. Or you can tell them you got the shot elsewhere including have someone take it in your place. I would resent being forced to be dishonest but if it meant saving my job and avoiding a fight over this particular type of issue, I'd do it.

You've had lots of advice here. Some good, some not. YOU are the one who has to live with your decision so make it wisely.

On my own personal level, I will NOT get the shot either. Occasionally my job takes me to hospitals and I have been told the shot is mandatory (same as you have been told). However, I have not been asked to show proof that I received the shot. I've only had to say that I did. I do not believe it is right to force any person to put a substance in their body. Period. I have personal knowledge of events where people thought they were being vaccinated and were instead given something different without their knowledge. I'M NOT SAYING THAT HAPPENS WITH THE FLU VACCINE. But knowledge that it has happened, in whatever limited form, leaves me personally hesitant to receive anything I don't feel is medically necessary for myself.

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by toast317

I really don't understand why you seem to feel that getting a damn flu shot is such a big deal. If you're afraid of that, you, sure as Hell, SHOULDN'T be working in a hospital. If you stay, you ARE going to exposed to things far worse than that.

It seems like a pretty simple choice to me, but I reckon it's yours to make.

See ya,

posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Maluhia

But,,just as many people are dying from many other things the MSM is not reporting - why are you telling this young person it's ok to quit his/her very good job when so many other dangers lurk?

I agree! If he drives or rides to work, he is MUCH more likely to die in an auto accident than he is to have problems from a flu shot.

See ya,

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