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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on May, 28 2024 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

You ever wonder why the LA megaquake last year did not happen?

Tho ones responsible for those apparently crashed on site. MonkaS

posted on May, 29 2024 @ 11:22 PM
Direne, what do you think is the purpose for humanity's cycles of destruction and rebirth? You'd think we would've figured out how to trend upwards by now.

If we somehow manage to avoid the coming nuclear catastrophe and shift into another timeline, what becomes of the radiation saturated future selves / tech that's bleeding into our present?

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Extinctions are unavoidable events. It is estimated that a major mass extinction event occurs every 100 million years on average. You cannot avoid it. Nature is based on cycles, such as solar cycles (like the sunspot cycle and solar irradiance variations), oceanic cycles (El Niño-Southern Oscillation or ENSO, or the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, AMO), climate cycles (like the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, or the North Atlantic Oscillation), and so on. There are also biotic cycles, geologic cycles, and tectonic cycles. You are trapped in a cycle within a cycle within a cycle. It is in your nature to be cyclic.

Some cycles are destructive and pose an existential risk for life. For instance, the Milankovitch cycles are a set of cyclical variations in Earth's orbit and axial tilt that are believed to be responsible for changes in Earth's climate over long periods of time. These cycles include eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession, any of which can be considered an extinction level event (ELE).

The eccentricity cycle, for example, are variations in the shape of Earth's orbit around the sun, and occurs over a period of about 100,000 years. The axial tilt cycle occurs over a period of about 41,000 years, while the precession cycle occurs over a period of about 26,000 years. Again, you cannot prevent those events from happening. But even quite before an ELE occurs civilizations can self-destruct. Civilizations can last anywhere from a few hundred years to several thousand years, according to History. Some of them simply self-destructed, like the Maya civilization, the Roman Empire, the Easter Island civilization, the Anasazi civilization in the southwestern United States, the Norse settlements in Greenland, and the Khmer Empire in Southeast Asia.

Assuming a civilization could change to another timeline, there is no way to avoid self-destruction because self-destruction is like stupidity: it travels there where the stupid one goes. like your own shadow, stupidity will always go wherever you go.

A different situation would be if you could confine an exploding nuclear bomb inside a time bubble. Since the rate of decay is typically assumed to be constant, any changes in the passage of time could potentially alter this rate. This could result in some isotopes decaying faster or slower than they would in a normal timeline. This means you would need to make the nuclear bomb travel in time while exploding in order to avoid radiation to your timeline. It unclear whether timelines are related to each other like rhizomes, so that damage to one of them irrevocably affects the others.

What is clear is that against stupidity, the gods themselves fight in vain.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: Direnei

A different situation would be if you could confine an exploding nuclear bomb inside a time bubble. Since the rate of decay is typically assumed to be constant, any changes in the passage of time could potentially alter this rate. This could result in some isotopes decaying faster or slower than they would in a normal timeline. This means you would need to make the nuclear bomb travel in time while exploding in order to avoid radiation to your timeline. It unclear whether timelines are related to each other like rhizomes, so that damage to one of them irrevocably affects the others.

Humans are such; bubbles in time.

So what would you use as a source of time within your "time bubble"?

edit on 1-6-2024 by NullusSpecialis because: added the word "as".

posted on Jun, 1 2024 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: Direnei

With how rapidly and severely our societies are degrading, do you think we're at a greater risk of self-destructing, than being destroyed by one or more of these cycles?

Or do the chaotic energetic influences of the cycles correlate with our self-destruction?

Honestly Direne, it's a miracle I'm able to stay sane in this circus.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: fireslinger369
a reply to: Direnei

With how rapidly and severely our societies are degrading, do you think we're at a greater risk of self-destructing, than being destroyed by one or more of these cycles?

Or do the chaotic energetic influences of the cycles correlate with our self-destruction?

Honestly Direne, it's a miracle I'm able to stay sane in this circus.

The odds of any one person being alive during a global cataclysm are quite remote since they're on geological and cosmic scales. Societal degradation is a slower process we're all cursed to experience, but most attribute it to downstream effects rather than as a failure intrinsic to the entire cultural foundation.

Sanity is mostly just sharing enough of the delusions of the prevailing culture to be of little threat to the status quo. If you recognize the failures in the assumptions upon which that culture is based then you have little hope in being considered sane or well adjusted if you express it.

The people getting the most material benefit from the status quo have a vested interest in ensuring that it continues to accelerate their accumulation of wealth and power. That is vertically integrated into each layer of the global caste system. A few of them in the upper castes are getting nervous, hence the popularity of the globalist governance movement. By framing greater widespread suffering as a benchmark for equity they sell it to the lower castes. The elite castes are on board because they believe the new system will make them exempt from the material consequences, while they continue being the primary custodians of the system that brings about those consequences.

There are millions upon millions of people that believe making carbon a commodity for hedge funds to profit on and governments to tax is a step toward solving problems with the climate. These are the people considered responsible and ethical by the current zeitgeist. To believe otherwise makes one a "science denier". This is framed as a way to better achieve environmental justice and equity for the poorest. It is simply a new way to increase the concentration of wealth using a convoluted explanation for why a naturally occuring thing must be given an agreed upon value in fiat currency. It's not really woken anybody up to the errors woven into gonzo capitalism, but merely troubles their sleep as they dream of adding to their own stockpile of material goods.

The only real way to be saved from all those material consequences is to understand that materialism doesn't matter beyond the things you need to survive and those things matter only in the moment in which we need them. Everything else is a luxury we've been fooled into believing gives our lives value or an illusion that makes us feel safe.

Who cares if megalomaniacs, sociopaths, and vapid materialists consider you sane anyway? They're all morally bankrupt and entirely dependent on illusions to justify their existence.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: ksihkahe

'Miracle' is too strong a word, I'm doing as well as anyone can in these times. I have supressed healing devices that I use daily, and a targeted supplement stack. Both of which are constantly being experimented with / optimized. Often refer to my place as a healing sanctuary. I've given up appearing as 'sane' or 'normal' long ago. But in my eyes, I'm both. And that's all that matters, because that projects outwards.

I'm convinced that Direne is an initiate, or at least has the knowledge of an initiate. I wanted to ask if the fabled second coming would appear as an ELE type solar event (biblical Sun encoding), and if ascension only works if you're far enough on the right hand path of love / care. But knew I wouldn't get a straight answer.

I'm of the opinion that there's nothing we can do about what's transpiring right now, and just have to continue consciously living our best lives, as the world continues to burn.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 05:02 AM
You just have to die with the circus.

It's what the circus is all about. Just die mfer die.
Me I just let them hate cause haters gonna hate. I die again and again. Life is meaningless with these types of people. And these types of Audience. They're only here for the laughs. Better or worse.

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: boozo

I feel you boozo. It was like Office Space years ago, which I recently rewatched for catharsis.

Now it's... I don't even have the proper words. Except...

'They wanna ban us on Capitol Hill
Cause it's die mfas, die mfas! still'

We just have to keep fine-tuning our subjective realities, and make our own meaning. Everyone's living in their own world these days, more so than ever. That's what trauma after trauma will do, creating a lower form of consciousness we have to work through.

If we stay open enough, hopefully we can meet somewhere in the middle.

Another way to look at it, is to see these psychos as unwitting teachers. Can't have light without darkness after all. I've been evolving rapidly during these times, in a sometimes messy non-linear way.
edit on 4-6-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 06:12 AM
I will try again, and then quietly go away (smiley icon).

Instead of "timelines" try the word "De-lamination" (of time).

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: fireslinger369
a reply to: ksihkahe

I'm convinced that Direne is an initiate, or at least has the knowledge of an initiate. I wanted to ask if the fabled second coming would appear as an ELE type solar event (biblical Sun encoding), and if ascension only works if you're far enough on the right hand path of love / care. But knew I wouldn't get a straight answer.

Initiates are usually the entry level in secret societies.

Based on all the secret societies I'm aware of and have observed initiates from, I wouldn't apply that label to Direne except for the initiates of one particular secret society. It's the only one where initiation was anything more than a little memorization, in my opinion. Usually initiates can tell you the core of their particular system, but rarely do you find them to have studied beyond a narrow scope.

Sadly, many initiations don't require much initiative aside from that narrow scope. They're just social, economic, or drinking clubs. I guess some blame should be placed on the initiates, but in any event most leave me underwhelmed. Maybe that's just as intended and groups like the Masons have gurus that would blow my mind hidden away somewhere.

This is of course based on my very limited knowledge. Presumably, there are secret societies that are far too hidden for my prying eyes and I'd expect their processes are less banal.

I can't say much about that particular initiation just yet, but will hopefully be posting a link to a book on it here in the near future. It does tie in to specific topics discussed on FL and will be the first book ever available on this particular initiation process. Aside from some of the theater and the mentorship aspects, this is an initiation that can be self-directed successfully. It just takes effort.

It's been approved by the elders and the author is working on it now. I hope to do some annotations that will either be included in a companion document or posted somewhere. They've recognized that there is a strong likelihood that geopolitical events will result in the collapse of their organizational structure and have approved an initiate to bring it to public notice so that it's not lost entirely. I've read what they have so far and aside from some religious dogma that even the author says should be ignored, it's quite interesting. Those aspects are included because it's part of historical context.

It will be free, because the goal is to bring it the world for those that are receptive to it. I don't know how many people still even read this thread, but even if one person finds something valuable it will be worth it.

Direne or one of the other contributors to FL may already be aware this in in the works, but if not I think they'll be interested when it's available. I've seen mention of related literature in some citations, though I obviously don't know the exact topic discussed in the associated articles. I don't think all of the information will be new to those interested in that particular topic, but it will be the first time it's presented as a single work. I would have been concerned mentioning it here before actually, because it wouldn't surprise me if one of the FL contributors or their sources might be an elder in that group. Now that I know they have permission, I'm really happy that I'll be able to post it here. If the site is still up, that is.

FL articles and sources cross through so many topics it's daunting, especially if you don't already have some familiarity with a few of those topics. Few people see the forest and instead see only trees, but if you dig deep enough the roots connect it all. There's certainly a great deal in their source material that also can be found in the suggested or required reading for initiates of various systems. Even the ones I sort of disregarded earlier.

You aren't entirely wrong that there's nothing we can do about some of what's transpiring, but everything we do is a feather on the scale of probabilities. Take care of what you can, keep an eye on what you can't, and dream about putting a thumb on that scale when the opportunity presents itself.

posted on Jun, 6 2024 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Are you willing to name the "one particular secret society" you suspect Direne may be an initiate of, and/or is working on a book at this time?

posted on Jun, 6 2024 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: CaecusII

Probably best not to name things like that. Get's folk into trouble on ATS. Kinda like doxxing - not polite.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: CaecusII

I reckon it's the PFJ. They're notorious

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: CaecusII
a reply to: ksihkahe

Are you willing to name the "one particular secret society" you suspect Direne may be an initiate of, and/or is working on a book at this time?

That's not what I meant. Sorry if anybody got that impression. The name will be be in the book, a couple names they had or still go by, along with their account of their true history. To give the name now will just end up pointing you toward a front group that has little relevance to the actual group. Their history is interesting, but the real meat is the initiation process.

I meant that comment within the context of having the knowledge of an initiate. There is no standard for what constitutes an initiate across the board for base level competencies or even an agreed upon set of competencies. In my opinion the ranks of the initiated, across a range of secret societies, are mostly full of dilettantes.

I was saying, in a roundabout way, that calling Direne an initiate could be considered somewhat insulting considering the low bar of initiation that seems to be common in secret societies.

I don't have any evidence or reason to believe they're a member of any secret society. If I were held down and forced to give one, my answer would be none. Initiation seems to involve lots of theater and dogma specific to whichever group is overseeing it. I don't imagine Direne jumping through hoops like a circus dog. I wouldn't, but I don't see any value in it. I'm somewhat resentful of the idea of having to prove myself worthy of knowledge via proscribed theatrics and oral examination, so that probably paints my opinion. At any rate, I don't wish to skirt close too what is an inappropriate level of discussing another member. The intent of my post wasn't really to discuss them specifically, but to express that it didn't really matter.

I'm increasingly convinced that there aren't many esoteric secrets that are really that important to keep secret. I think that culture and society have given people plenty of baubles to play with if they happen across secrets that are harmful to their payche. Most people don't care to know and when they do care to know, they readily accept whatever explanation requires the least amount of personal growth or adjustment to the world view.

There are reasons for the theater and dogma in initiations and what leads up to it, historically. I think most of those reasons are no longer culturally relevant or necessary, they're just still there. I think mostly the initiations today are to create a shared experience around the lore of whatever the group is. They may do a very minor task of keeping out people that don't want to put in any effort, but they don't really seem to be screening new membership as though their lives and existence depend on it.

I do understand screening people for membership if you're forming a group for a purpose, though.

I think many people consider FL a secret society, but is it really? I think most of the questions people have are right down in those citations that virtually everybody ignores, or even in English in the articles themselves if one looks. It's much easier to ask somebody than to actually seek out that information. I'm guessing that not answering every question that comes along isn't so much that they want everybody to remain ignorant, but that there isn't enough time in the day to respond.

I enjoy answering questions or exchanging ideas, but I have learned to pick and choose when I think it brings value too. Sometimes I just do it to indulge my joy of writing, even if I don't know that it's going to matter. You seem a thoughtful person though, so in this case it's the former.

That's all just my opinion right now. There's more that I'm ignorant of than what I know, by a distance spiraling off toward infinity. I have no real grudge with secret societies or their initiates if the aren't trying to interfere with my ability to exist.

originally posted by: iaylyan
a reply to: CaecusII
I reckon it's the PFJ. They're notorious

Better explained above. I don't know if I'm even aware of what PFJ is. Is there any information about them out there? I'm not looking for a membership application, but I'd be interested in seeing what their foundational texts are.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: ksihkahe

There's no secrets that are important to keep secret. you know or you don't. PFJ is a Monty Python thing, they prioritize putting things on top of other things

posted on Jun, 8 2024 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Trauma after trauma like tortured monkeys.

Guess this is what this show is all about. Entertainment for the Darkness Overlord.

a reply to: Direnei

What is clear is that against stupidity, the gods themselves fight in vain.

That's nature for you blah blah blah
What may not be clear to you is the gods favor this natural stupidity. Like me I was born in a stupid family.

Like you said before I cannot chose where and with whom I was born. But I can how I go? Life is a constant battle with morons. Worse, Violent Cunning Morons which many are abound.

posted on Jun, 9 2024 @ 12:44 AM
And since these idiots could never or will never break the status quo I will do it myself.

posted on Jun, 10 2024 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Apologies for the confusion... I think I was confused by your statement.
Your 'preview' had me exited to know more about this particular secret society.

I think we're all looking forward to learning more about this book/society, when you can share more...
Thanks for your work on this!

...patiently awaiting the next tid-bits...


@NullusSpecialis - I may be mistaken, but isn't 'doxxing' secret societies one of the key attributes of this forum?

posted on Jun, 11 2024 @ 06:36 AM
It's way easy to get drunk direne and drown. Better think fast. Tic toc.
edit on 11-6-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

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