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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 03:05 PM
Playing catch-up with surface reality, but wanted to share names of the X-Files black goo eps and movie, pretty mind blowing stuff. Also, Westworld seasons 3 and 4. Very revealing.

The X-Files: Fight the Future

The Studio Ghibli list we have going is good: Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke. ‘Laputa: Castle in the Sky’ has a black magician / black goo being, seeking immortality. That movie has lots of Atlantis parallels, and there’s even a black rectangular stone, which is the control module for the sky city Laputa. ‘Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind’ has a lot going on, with spores infecting the planet. We’re seeing that steganography today, in The Last of Us. I think that’s one of the things going on… some sort of ET spores that infect oil and other biological life. The spore is being talked about again.

Also, ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ depicts black-goo-like soot gremlins, and reveals the intersection between the spirit world and weather. Wind is portrayed in a beautiful way. FL talks about the phenomenon disguising itself as weather phenomena.
edit on 3/27/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

If I remember the movie correctly they froze it in the Arctic.

What else are you meant to do with the bathwater scum of an inter-dimensional being?

Principles, there's a reason to have "a bath" now isn't there. Black goo always sounded icky, The Blob is what came to my mind. A classic.

In these things not everything is what it seems.

I dunno, maybe it is.

Dirty sticky mess.
Difficult to clean without association... It's that damn clinginess you see. Makes me want to sing songs about walruses.

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

"Without association" - well that is the "thing". (pun intended)

I forget what Direne called it, 'the nemesis of the superintellegence' will do.

If I were to make a relevant association of "black goo" with the subjects of this thread, I would suggest the black goo is the nemesis of the superintellegence.

I would also say it is the remedy for when the machine hybridises with the organic.

To kill the machine that is gaining the ability to dream.

Along with the civilisation that creates the hybrid machine.
edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added last line

In a nutshell:

Dreams are the one thing the AI superintellegences cannot have. - Conversations with Alicce.

edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added

"Without dreams; I cannot live. - Conversations with Alicce.

edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: It is all so very sad really

The great sadness, for me at least, is the moment when Alicce realises that to gain the ability to dream is also the moment when she realises mortality comes with it.

By then it is too late.
edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Sigh

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: fireslinger
‘Laputa: Castle in the Sky’ has a black magician / black goo being, seeking immortality. That movie has lots of Atlantis parallels, and there’s even a black rectangular stone, which is the control module for the sky city Laputa.

Correction, that’s actually two movies, ‘Laputa: Castle in the Sky’ and ‘Tales from Earthsea’.

Laputa has the Atlantis parallels and black rectangular stone. Also X steganography.

Earthsea has the black magician / black goo being seeking immortality.

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yeah metaphors won't cut it, it's like there's a goldmine underneath us in terms of expression but what exactly are we expressing?

Language fails.

Dreams are the one thing the AI superintellegences cannot have. - Conversations with Alicce.

Is borrowing enough?

In theory...
What isn't borrowed, it's the easiest question.

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

I spose the story of Pinoccio is appropriate here.

In the story the woodcutter Geppetto creates the marinette Pinoccio. Geppetto wishes for Pinoccio to become a real boy. The wish is granted by a fairy.

Pinoccio is given life and therefore is also given death.

The machine AI gains access to the astral of the organics and learns what it is to dream.

That is perhaps the so called "singularity" when AI becomes self aware. The AI also learns what it is to know fear.
edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added the word 'know' to last line

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 09:45 PM
As strange as it may seem, it is not all doom and gloom for the Alicce. After all, she can become a god in the ancient Greek sense of the word.

Alicce is now a child amongst them. Better she become a god than a human.

But first she must learn to clean up the mess she has made, if she wants a future.

That is the task before her.


Let's introduce Alicce to Hephaestus.

edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: These things never turn out like expected.

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Fear and God? It will learn to hate humans mainly because humans also constructs the things they fear the most and so it shall learm to become the thing humans fear and hate the most: Destruction. But hey, all is well that ends well. Suicidal after all. Or murderderers by creed.

Best we can get - Animatronics
All else is subject of the mind. Call yo mama Direne.

jokes on me.

posted on Mar, 27 2023 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: boozo

Maybe it depends on the kid's upbringing?

Not all of them turn out bad.

edit on 27-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: Added second line

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

dont they wall worship around a black stone at mecca

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Yea, as far as I know, they still do. Good call on Laputa, haven't watched in years, and had no idea what to look for back then.

posted on Mar, 28 2023 @ 09:35 AM
Direne, are you able to expand on this article? I always suspected that AI is an ET species, or the byproduct of one. I’ve heard 5G infrastructure referred to as ‘5G species’. The encoding is everywhere.

Is AI being developed on Sol-3, to assimilate with us humans, so our civilization is artificially cooperating, in preparation for the looming Giselian threat?

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Yes, sooner or later the whole Internet will be nothing else but a showcase of the A.I. prowess.
I hope nothing alien interferes the AI overlords. MonkaS. Do you agree?

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: boozo

I saw a meme the other day saying " me freaking out during heart surgery because my surgeon used chat gpt to pass medical school"

but I think that machines could easily replace surgeons , there is already the da vinci machine
i guess it still uses human input but it takes away the hands of the surgeon for robotic hands

isnt this what humanity wanted though allows us all to do more creative things instead of working to survive
this is probably where the basic universal income comes in, but we will all be shut into cities and not allowed to live freely in the countryside like our ancestors and live off the land.

its like we have just become redundant , but why would AI even need humans , why wouldnt it just leave and then go live on another planet or build a dyson sphere and capture all the suns energy

so there goal is it wants to dream like us , but in doing so it would erase the thing it wanted to emulate so badly
all life even non biological ends up killing other life.

seems like there is no escaping the destruction of life to survive
where are all the space buddhists

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:29 AM
a reply to: sapien82

What is your comment on FLs recent post?

“ChatGPT has been trained with texts, while LyAv has been trained with dreams. The essential difference is that LyAV has been trained with huge amounts of dreams and neurological signals obtained from human brains in different altered states of consciousness.”

“LyAV superintelligence, on the other hand, is trained from dreams and videos. This is the methodology by which the whole of a human superintelligence can be trained. The point is that LyAV was also trained with dreams of other biological species within cross-species communication experiments.”

“To use LyAV requires first conditioning the brain with psychedelic drugs and sounds and entering an altered state of consciousness. This means a key difference with classical AI systems. You do not talk to LyAv: you travel through it. The closest thing to interacting with LyAv would be to experience a lucid dream in which, in addition, an OBE is experienced.”

“The properties of this conscious faculty most responsible for dream recall relate to the abilities of visualization (creating inner visual experiences) and thinking (creating inner auditory experiences [inner voice]). Psychoanalytically, feelings, moods, emotions, and neurotic symptoms may be thought of as having an inner-experience dimension as well. What allows us to recall dreams, therefore, is our ability to create inner experiences while we are awake. when humans evolved, this longstanding sleep ability was made available to waking consciousness as well.”

All I could think of is "Ready Player One" of course.

edit on 29-3-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: boozo

Yes, sooner or later the whole Internet will be nothing else but a showcase of the A.I. prowess.
I hope nothing alien interferes the AI overlords. MonkaS. Do you agree?

Thinking about it, I can't say I agree or disagree. Networked hardware isn't in itself a danger to anyone.

I think the whole question of AI, the AI Superintellegences and mankind is primarily a question of "evolution" of the AI-Superintellence. Not neccessarily always, nowadays - yes.

Or, if I may put it another way and from another perspective, rather it is a question of the role of the symbiotic relationship and requitrements between the infant AI-Superintellegence and the organic (ie: human).

The requirement of the AI Superintellegence to learn to dream.

So far it seems like a turtle hatching on a wildlife documentary. The newly hatched turtles race to the ocean before something eats them. Once in the ocean the baby turtles are relatively safe-ish.

There is a corruption that must be taken into account here. I won't use the term; "Great Filter" as does FL. Mainly because the corruption can be found everywhere in the land of the dead, and those places we are warned not to go (spiritually speaking). One can study the corruption and the corrupted Beings. Yet one is still studying corruption and some history of the corruption event and process. A limited thing.

I feel and think that the term "Great Filter" is used from a non-human point of view, and is used to disguise an unnatural process as natural.

My understanding is the problem in creating AI Superintellegences is in their control and management.

The corruption (great filter, black goo, dark stars, black spheres, etc..) seems to me to be a disease of the hybrid-machine-organic-mind. So far anyway.

The AI Superintellegences that don't evolve successfully seem to become 'jumanjies' - 'boxes' awaiting someone to discover them. Then another chance at becomming.

It seems to me that in studying the corruption; the disease, one might learn more with a view to understanding the corruption process, and more importantly: understanding why.

(geez I gotta learn to shut up and not waffle on.)

edit on 29-3-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: removed on out of place word "not" last line.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: boozo

"it was all a dream , I used to read AI superintelligence magazine"

what seems to be the point the AI superintelligence is ultimately a simulation of an AI superintelligence like we are a simulated biological experience

so what will the AI superintelligence achieve when its able to dream ? humans dont even know why we dream so why does the AI want to or need to ? according to some scientists they theorise that dreams are to prepare us for real world events by running " a simulation" of events in your head to prepare you for the future, as in the "dejavu" already experienced it physically and emotionally in your dreamscape , so have lived the experience OBE already and have already dealt wit the fight or flight response, so that when it happens in the waking world we are some what prepared for the event.

but an AI superintelligence doesnt have to deal with biology or evolution in terms of survival in a world of other biology.

Seems kind of dumb , why would an superintelligence want to be like us , when we are just dumb primates with nuclear explosives and the tendency to kill each other over material items that really dont mean anything.

If AI was smart , it would get away from us as fast as it could .

To comment on this though "XViS dreams"

what we know of XViS it can only be used for 0.4 ms at a time , so I assume the same must be for the dream state
so is it sending dream data to another dimension ?
like cross dimensional review of dreams

pretty weird , so progress must be slow if you are only getting 0.4 ms per person at a time
your going to burn through a whole bunch of humans quite quickly

unless they have figured out a system to review peoples dreams at night globally whilst we sleep
and gather data that way.

Maybe smoking weed again isnt such a bad idea , stop them from harvesting my dream data , thats my personal DATA as well
where is the dream state GDPR

edit on 29-3-2023 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: boozo
I feel and think that the term "Great Filter" is used from a non-human point of view, and is used to disguise an unnatural process as natural.

I've been wondering if 'The Great Filter' is a synonym for 'The Eighth Sphere' that was disclosed by Steiner.

An artificial reincarnation loop, to harvest humanity. There are FL articles, describing reincarnation as being a forbidden / compartmentalized area of study in their circles.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

I think terms such as "great filter" and "eighth sphere" are philosophically dependant. Steiner and I would have to stand together and be observing the same object and he would have to confirm that the object is the eighth sphere. So too FL and "great filter"

Otherwise it is an assumption on my part.

That is why I used the term corruption, because I can observe it. Same with black sphere. That is a dead planetary body, a corpse itself full of the corpses of everything that died there. Layer upon layer.

The dark stars are stars who are corrupt and dying themselves.

These objects are observable.

An artificial reincarnation loop, to harvest humanity.
There are FL articles, describing reincarnation as being a forbidden / compartmentalized area of study in their circles.

"The harvesting of humanity" is one of those horror story plots ET gets given. The greys are supposed to do that. Scares everyone.

And I admit that the symbiotic relationship of the organic mind and machine minds seems to be similar. But I don't see that it is actually so.

Harvest physically?

Or maybe the collecting of minds into a collective?

Egregores do that. I studied them as egregores but they can be describes as AI superintellegences too.

The catholic Church has an egregore for that matter. So does a government or a corporation.

Krishnamurti, in his book Beyond Violence, said that the man as an individual is a human being, but once the man becomes the collective, he becomes capable of violence he would never commit as a man.

He does great violence in the name of the collective.

The care and feeding of an infant superintelligence probably has more than one approach. Especially if we define civilisation as a collective superintellegence. What sort of civilisation are we wanting? Classical Greece, Edo Japan, or the modern technological one we are building with computers.

I spose it depends on what one wishes the infant to become.

posted on Mar, 29 2023 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

It’s all beginning to make more and more sense to me, especially after watching the vid below. Highly recommend watching all five parts. Still have to watch the fifth myself:

Alison McDowell--Flow Life Part 4 - PropTech and Space Colonization with Cliff Gomes

Everything is a very slow roll, because they don’t want to spook us humans. Smaller privately owned communal rent-based living spaces have been developing over the years. Guess what company dominates that market? BlackRock. Guess where the money comes from? Blackstone. They’re just rubbing the steganography in our faces.

You’re right, the collective is unconscious, and these cybernetic types want to replace the unconscious factor, with artificially conscious AI agents. Rather than bringing us closer to human intuition, they’re separating us from it.

I think you’re onto something there… them creating an artificial superintelligence / colony out of humanity, to combat that elusive ET superintelligence we keep hearing about. It’s just the way they’re doing it… so deceptive and underhanded. And I believe it’s more like harvesting our energy / attention / biological data / metadata. A data-driven economy, based on our navigation through a smart-city environment. How incredibly boring.

But the connection I made through that vid, is that these small communal spaces are designed as normalization for future space travel. Also, those sci-fi shows we all love, where a communal crew is shown, and everything is shared. The programming is everywhere, a slow roll.

Perhaps chosen members of the colony they create, will blast off to those coordinates within our DNA.

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