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The New War in Britain is starting...EDL peaceful protest attacked by UAF and Muslims not covered i

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posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74

what a ridiculous video- and still not equivalent to beheading, grooming and raping non edl girls and generally being quite oppressive

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by JuniorDisco

Attacking grammar are we? That is the easiest way to show you have lost a fight.

No. It's the easiest way to show that the person you're in a discussion with is ill-educated.

And I didn't attack his grammar anyway.

How about those crazy Paki's. No rape? DNA evidence proves nothing. I guess that is becuase rape in Islam can be of a 'slave' woman, correct?

Link 1

Here are some stats for you...

Turkey - 42% of women are victims of sexual or physical abuse
Morraco - it rises to 82%
In Eygpt, it rises to 99.3 % of women have experienced sexual harassment. Is this the kind of religious environment you want your own daughter to be raised in?

Link 2

How about that view on infidel women?

Another factor contributing to the Muslim rape wave is the fact that Muhammed allowed Muslims to take infidel women as their sex slaves. Using female prisoners of war for sexual gratification dates 1,400 years back to their prophet, who had a large number of sex slaves and advised his male followers to imitate his example. While a Muslim husband can divorce at any time by repeating the word “talaq” three times, a married Muslim woman is her husband’s de facto slave, since she can not divorce unless a Sharia council approves her wish and sets her free. If she leaves without being allowed, her risk of getting killed is as high as the killer’s chance of remaining unpunished for fulfilling his culture’s and God’s expectations on how to treat women who leave a marriage without being allowed to.

Right on, let me jump on this bandwagon.

You haven't responded to my specific points above, and have just moved onto another biased, generalised attack on Islam. There are huge problems with women's rights in Islam, but pretending that all muslims are rapists or misogynists is really dumb and won't help solve the issue. And I fail to see what it has to do with the EDL's methods, which is what we - or at least I and this thread - are attempting to debate.

You've continually been shown to be wrong on factual points. Instead of having the good grace to engage or admit it, you open up another load of generalised cant about Islam. Can you see that this makes your argument look threadbare in the extreme?

And at the risk of looking like I've lost (a risk I'm willing to take) you misspelled Egypt and Morocco. And "Pakis" is a pretty unacceptable racial epithet, but what really offends me is that you put an apostrophe in it.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by JuniorDisco

Originally posted by symptomoftheuniverse
reply to post by JuniorDisco

I have repeatedly told you to watch the dispatchers program but you refuse and continue lying. Channel 4 dispatchers is one of the most respected sources in the u.k.
What is it?truth hurts?just what is your justfication .

So if I watch it, it will inform me that 10000 girls are raped by muslim gangs every year in the UK? That is your contention?
your at it again,jeeze,you quote out of context,pick and choose snips out of posts,lie about numbers,and try to put words into peoples mouths,10000 victims,not 10000 a year. Yes watch it,watch it and share it

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by esdad71

Is that the EDL shaking hands with Muslims and 'talking"?

Sorry, but no they aren't - they are talking to Sikh's - and Sikh's most definately are not Muslim.
In fact there are quite a few Sikh's in EDL and many Sikh's demonstrate along side EDL.

Whereas you are wrong to say they are Muslims it does pretty much dispel the myth that all EDL are racist.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Credenceskynyrd
reply to post by boymonkey74

what a ridiculous video- and still not equivalent to beheading, grooming and raping non edl girls and generally being quite oppressive

Which of course all muslims do all the time.

You're American, I'm guessing, from your name. Americans in Iraq raped children in front of their parents and vice versa, then killed them. Would you like it to be suggested that you did that kind of thing? Or that you advocate it? Because that's what you're doing with muslims.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Credenceskynyrd

Originally posted by vivid1975
A fanatic/lunatic spouting off and doing horrific acts does not stand for a whole religion or race. We are all brothers and sisters of planet earth. Maybe one day we will stand together instead of killing each other. Go and listen to John Lennons Imagine.

ridiculous song,

"imagine no possessions"

sang the multi millionaire in his mansion

'Was it a millionaire who said imagine no possessions'.

Elvis Costello. 'The Other Side of Summer'.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by symptomoftheuniverse

your at it again,jeeze,you quote out of context,pick and choose snips out of posts,lie about numbers,and try to put words into peoples mouths,10000 victims,not 10000 a year. Yes watch it,watch it and share it

I haven't quoted you out of context. You specifically said that muslim paedophile gangs were the number one threat to girls in the UK. I pointed out that for this to be true there would need to be vast numbers of children involved, upwards of 10k a year.

And it's you're, not your.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:44 PM
Continuing painting every Muslim with the same brush I see, well I have muslim I have pals who happen to be Muslim and not one is a bad person....Oh whats the point eh?
Iam gonna leave the racist prats alone on this thread.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by JuniorDisco

Originally posted by symptomoftheuniverse

your at it again,jeeze,you quote out of context,pick and choose snips out of posts,lie about numbers,and try to put words into peoples mouths,10000 victims,not 10000 a year. Yes watch it,watch it and share it

I haven't quoted you out of context. You specifically said that muslim paedophile gangs were the number one threat to girls in the UK. I pointed out that for this to be true there would need to be vast numbers of children involved, upwards of 10k a year.

And it's you're, not your.
any links,proof to your claims of 10000 girls injured on uk roads? No? And its your as in you lot.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by JuniorDisco

Caught those misspellings, didn't you?
Point proven you are pointing out things with no bearing and not addressing the links I provide to counter your claims. that better? If they are raping people and not protecting them I should actually call them animals, but, that's right, they are worse than animals because animals do not rape each other.

I have Muslim friends also but they are what I call Muslim 'light'...they Xbox...they do not preach to me and I do not preach to them. I have however had the pleasure of meeting some of their relatives who, based on thier actions, feel I should report them to DHS but that would be prejudice because i do not know them. WHo does know them?

The imams who sit silent and 'condemn' after attacks and murders and beheadings occur.

Also, the rape of children by US soldiers is NOT accepted by me and I would say everyone in the US but you then want to try to describe all soldiers as rapists. Friends of mine and family who died in those crap holes overseas did it to try to stop the oppression that occurs, not continue it. Did it thinking what they were doing was helping someone and then a 9 year old kid rats them out so an IED can kill them because that child is brainwashed. That is what happens when all you do is repeat the Quran all day. Brainwashing.

I think that if you actually sat down, ate some curry and had a few pints with me outside of the internets you would see we have more in common than you think. I know I can allow myself those thoughts but can you?

edit on 13-6-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

I thought it was a combination of the two ( i saw the headdress) and if not, I am sorry but I am not as ignorant as the man who shot up the Sikh temple thinking they were Muslims in the US. That was pathetic.

This is who we should be teaching right from wrong...

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:23 PM
FAIL thread!

OP came out so strong yet when faced with facts OP begun compromising every post of his.

The Lesson: When you speak truth, there is no compromise, no backing down

EDL = hate/racism/violence and falsehood

Long live the Queen
edit on 13-6-2013 by Jumadax because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Jumadax

So where do you stand Mr Long live the Queen? Who do you support. I did not back down because of any facts that I am aware of. I you can,please show me.

You see, I want a world where these is no division. I guess you do...
edit on 13-6-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by Jumadax

So where do you stand Mr Long live the Queen? Who do you support....

The Queen, the British people and the police.

I have a home overseas in Morocco, 99% of Moroccans are Muslims, Muslims are lovely people. Morocco is a tolerant, open-society and guess what!?! NO SHARIAH, 99% Muslim and NO SHARIAH!! you should visit there.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by Jumadax

So where do you stand Mr Long live the Queen? Who do you support. I did not back down because of any facts that I am aware of. I you can,please show me.

You see, I want a world where these is no division. I guess you do...
edit on 13-6-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

You want a world where there is no division? You'd better not put that on your EDL membership application form.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Jumadax

If I am correct, it is a Sunni populated country... I have been there only briefly for a few days with my wife travelling (Marrakech) and did not feel uncomfortable. Again, I am not against Islam itself, I am against the imposing of ones views on others where it is not wanted or needed. It is a big difference.

To me, the UDL is a voice. A voice can have many members, some good and some bad. As long as the message of the voice is carried to the right people it will remain relevant.

You should know that with radical Islam if you do not stand up in some fashion it will kill like cancer. That would be why Morocco split and does not agree with the SHia, right? I guess maybe I should be more clear but i would think those who know Islam would know the difference. If they do not, I think them uneducated and racialized to simply hate.
edit on 13-6-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-6-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Jumadax

Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by Jumadax

So where do you stand Mr Long live the Queen? Who do you support....

The Queen, the British people and the police.

I have a home overseas in Morocco, 99% of Moroccans are Muslims, Muslims are lovely people. Morocco is a tolerant, open-society and guess what!?! NO SHARIAH, 99% Muslim and NO SHARIAH!! you should visit there.
this does not belong in the u.k,keep your morroco,jesus help us-

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:03 PM
Some of the responses have been pathetic in this thread.

Labeling people racist or stupid because you have a different belief? Really mature and it's poor to have to resort to such lows in order to 'try' and win an argument.

Has everyone who has protested for UAF been angels? Why were 58 people affiliated with the group arrested on June 1st then, when the BNP who were present had zero arrests? Is it OK because Nick Griffins clan are far right?

If you think yes then you are as bad, if not worse than such groups.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by symptomoftheuniverse
reply to post by JuniorDisco

I have repeatedly told you to watch the dispatchers program but you refuse and continue lying. Channel 4 dispatchers is one of the most respected sources in the u.k.
What is it?truth hurts?just what is your justfication .

Do you know roughly what minute in the vid the claims are made? Dispatches is certainly the top investigative journalism on TV but can't seem to find the quote by skim viewing.

EDIT: Found it - it comes from the Children's Commissioners Report here: %3D%252Fclient_assets%252Fcp%252Fadditional_promo%252F30%252F1_-_CSEGG_Inquiry_Interim_Report_-_November_2012.pdf&ei=JDe6UeOPN8SwOezxgbgJ&usg=AFQjCNFH vbxbFoAqCVa0ePrnSLAnhenGwQ&sig2=KfZUIwZO-Kli1Pp9WOS3sA&bvm=bv.47883778,d.ZWU&cad=rja

However, the 100,000 figure is for victims of all child grooming gangs, not just Muslim ones - Page 105s diagram shows the gangs races were the following type:

27%: White
21% Asian
15% Undisclosed
7% Black

It's still a disproportionately high amount though, all grooming gangs need to be stamped out.

edit on 13-6-2013 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Credenceskynyrd

Originally posted by bastion
4) Roughly 40 EDL members have tried to blow up mosques, set fire to them and promise many more attacks - is this really better than the nutters who beheaded Rigby. Around 20 times more English-Irish far right people are

non biased link please

There's no singular link. See UK Ministry of Justice for the raw data: cross ref the list with EDL members' list.

Made a type, the 20x figure was meant to be 200x, however this data was collected in 2007 though a FoI request from the BBC so is outdated.

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