posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 08:44 AM
Originally posted by esdad71
reply to post by JuniorDisco
Islam did the same thing BEFORE the US was even a nation.
So did christianity. What was the conquest of South America? What about the crusades?
There is some factual basis for you. Europe as a whole is in turmoil from Islam and it is a fact.
And yet here I am in a city with high relative muslim immigration and you can't point to one way in which I am even discomfited, let alone in
Look, I actually live in Europe. There are issues of migration and immigration everywhere, and assimilation by muslims is amongst them. But the
picture someone is giving you, of cities under siege, of imminent imposition of sharia law, is nonsense.
Also, this conversation is not about Christianity as there are issue there, but when in the modern day is this happening. Are Christians still
going to countries, non military Christians, just citizens, and killing in the name of their god or trying to convert. No.
So if they are just doing it for oil and money it's okay?
This whole narrative, of bloodthirsty muslims, is being created in part to justify a largely Christian country's wars of aggression. Okay, America
doesn't kill people for its god, but it does kill quite a lot of people for money. The fact that resistance - and sometimes terrorist excess - has
coalesced around islam and a particularly nasty variant thereof, is not that strange, really.
And while there is most definitely such a thing as militant islam, and it's decidedly nasty, it is in no sense ready to put boots on the ground in
Europe or start engulfing UK cities.