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The Black Knight Satellite

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posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

Not really.
The primary source of that info is unknown, you can literally find it on like at least a hundred sites, and a couple of youtube videos about the black knight. I was just pointing out something that seemed connected to me...
edit on 1-6-2013 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg

Originally posted by 3n19m470
So... It's packaging material they threw overboard that accidentally went into that impossible polar orbit? Am I getting that right?

Those are two of several unrelated stories that got concatenated into the 'classic myth'.

The shuttle packing debris were tossed out by the two spacewalkers during one assembly day in December 1998, at the very start of the ISS. These objects were discussed at the time, see the very valuable archives of the 'SeeSAT' amateur skywatchers at, I believe.

ADD Yeah, like this one:

I highly recommend wandering around this whole site to see what amateurs can do to track satellites, even secret ones.
edit on 1-6-2013 by JimOberg because: add

There is something bugging me about this......

To think that our astronauts......being the responsible individuals that they should be....decided to "discard" garbage over the side so to speak.......garbage that is traveling at orbital speeds.....just to add to all the other "crap" that is also up there, that is garbage, and also orbital speeds.

Did it ever occur to them what even a small plastic pellet can do when it's traveling at 17,000 mph?

You know, we teach our scouts (I'm a webelos den leader) to "Leave No Trace" in order to respect our environment. This doesn't just include keeping your trash picked up, but also leaving rocks where they lay, and not breaking or cutting down tree branches or trees if possible.

Accidents do and can happen. That I understand. Parts and debris do get left up there because there is no other choice (rocket stages, and other parts to get a satellite or probe on it's way).

But to deliberately do this? To add to the crap that is already up there on purpose?

I'm appalled. And a bit PO'ed.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Encyclopedia Astronautica

German intermediate range boost-glide missile. Winged boost-glide version of the V-2 missile. The A4b designation was used to disguise work on the prohibited A9 program.

Two prototypes were flown; a manned version was planned. The A4b had an empty mass 1350 kg greater than the basic V-2, with wings of 52 degree sweep. Another variation was conceived and under construction at the end of the war - a boosted version. This would use a ring of 10 solid propellant rockets to achieve Mach 6 cruise at 20,000 m altitude, extending the range by a further 400 km.

Failures: 1. Success Rate: 50.00%. First Fail Date: 1944-12-27. Last Fail Date: 1944-12-27. Launch data is: complete.

AKA: A9.
Status: Retired 1945.
Gross mass: 12,800 kg (28,200 lb).
Height: 13.60 m (44.60 ft).
Diameter: 1.65 m (5.41 ft).
Thrust: 312.00 kN (70,140 lbf).
Apogee: 85 km (52 mi).
First Launch: 1944.12.27.
Last Launch: 1945.01.24.
Number: 2 .

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by alldaylong

Originally posted by Wolfenz

Originally posted by BeReasonable
reply to post by kimish

Why do people continue to suggest its Nazi related? Watching to much hellboy? Being the most technologically advanced in 1950 is really not that big a deal. Launch capability was in its earliest infancy, if the soviets struggled to launch a few hundred pounds in the 50's how is it plausible that the Nazis launched thousands of pounds in the 40's when every allied nation had their eyes ( and radars) trained on the axis powers. The suggestion is ludicrous

Not a Big Deal!! of the Nazi Advanced Technolagy you Kidding Right !!

most of Our Technolagy in a Military Sence came from the Nazi Hell the ones that help put us on the Moon were from Nazis that came from Operation Papper Clip

ok !! V2 to High tech Submarines!! to JEts

Speaking of the V2 Rocket There was a Manned V2 on the Drawing Board !!! to go into Space !

Weird Science: German Military Spacecraft of World War 2

edit on 1-6-2013 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

The Nazi's didn't invent the Jet Engine. The first Jet Engine was the Power Jet WU. Designed by Sir Frank Whittle and his team in and it ran in 1937:-

LOL yes I know this ! not to many Jets ( as in Aircraft ) Flying around in the 30s just a bunch at the end of ww2 Right !

I said Jets Craft Not Jet Engine ! Britian & the grand ol USA was making them too close to the end of the war
edit on 1-6-2013 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

It looks like the head of Horus, you know the Egyptian god who liked to wear the head of a hawk, a fad of those times to resemble half man half animal. But anyways! If its up there and if its some space trash or used to be part of an old space rocket launch and its still flying around. Then I don't get it? Send one of them space missile ships and take a picture or bring it to ground, and that will be that and this whole thing and rumor will be solved.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Just a thought here: With all the telescopes and things we have on earth and around space you think they would know exactly what this thing is. Furthermore, they sure have a lot of pictures of it for it to be just space junk!

BTW - Your post was well done! S & F
edit on 1-6-2013 by Staroth because: more cowbell

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:35 PM
I knew it. The AVRO Arrow lives!
But seriously, you would think that after spending a bazillion plus dollars on the space shuttle program, somebody would have had the common sense to get within 10 feet of this thing to snap a pic.
Or have they.....
edit on 1-6-2013 by Cynic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:41 PM
This black knight mystery has always fascinated me. The idea of an ancient pre-human satellite left there makes me think of this story quite often.

However I have now read eight pages of this thread (and way many pages of the previous threads) and still can't understand why people connect the original 1954 story to these pictures.

I have tried many times to locate the place on the web where the two were first fused into one story and finally came to a conclusion it happened on one of those amateur websites where you are supposed to believe everything they publish without questioning. Then someone took it to ATS and it was repeated so many times it became a must to mention both the story and the photographs together.

Another question no one could ever answer was the distance to the object. It could be a gigantic mothership or a a small piece of broken hull depending on the distance.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:49 PM
If you don't mind me asking, wouldn't the black knight be the Tr-35(whatever you call). It does look like a triangle somewhat, and is has a black colour scheme. Unless people the Tr(whatever) is the supposed V shaped ufo.
I do believe that it is military made, and who knows it could very well be a vehicle.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:50 PM
100 flags for space junk?

Yes, I read the whole thread.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Cynic
I knew it. The AVRO Arrow lives!
But seriously, you would think that after spending a bazillion plus dollars on the space shuttle program, somebody would have had the common sense to get within 10 feet of this thing to snap a pic.
Or have they.....[

It might be that in alleging somebody ELSE doesn't have common sense, the sense deficit might be on the complaining side, so it's a good plan to double-check facts. Most of the "facts" being cheerfully tossed around here in the last day or two really need to be fact-checked. This might be an opportunity to try that approach.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Nikola014
Not really.The primary source of that info is unknown, you can literally find it on like at least a hundred sites, and a couple of youtube videos about the black knight. I was just pointing out something that seemed connected to me.

I know that it is, but you didn't quote it or link it from whichever of those hundreds of sites that you read it on. No matter, not a big deal my friend. Normally I would just let it slide, but I felt the urge to keep up with the ATS tradition of rudely pointing out someone's mistake, so my apologies. LMAO!!!

Anyway yeah I find the Tesla relation to the Black Knight story interesting too. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
There is something bugging me about this......

To think that our astronauts......being the responsible individuals that they should be....decided to "discard" garbage over the side so to speak.......garbage that is traveling at orbital speeds.....just to add to all the other "crap" that is also up there, that is garbage, and also orbital speeds.

Did it ever occur to them what even a small plastic pellet can do when it's traveling at 17,000 mph?

Of course it occurred to them, don't be silly.

You may occasionally notice news items about the space station boosting its altitude against air drag. It's in a low, relatively unstable orbit in order to keep it below the van Allen belts, and also to remain within range of earth-to-orbit ferry vehicles such as the shuttles, Soyuz, Dragon, etc. Without periodic boosting, it would decay and burn up in a few years at most.

Lighter stuff, which slow down even faster due to the same air drag, typically burn up after jettison from ISS in a few months, sometimes a lot sooner.

As a rule you do not like to throw stuff away because it might circle around and recontact -- very slowly, true -- the station. But the damage in such cases might be scratched windows or jammed rotary/hinge joints, not penetration. I discuss this in my "99 FAQs About 'Space UFOs'" on my home page. You'd rather not make a habit of it, but it's not the danger that hard junk falling from higher satellites can create.

Clearing out that junk, and in particular a few derelict big objects that threaten to fragment and become orbiting buckshot, is a genuine concern. But not light, small stuff that falls out the airlock or gets dropped during spacewalks.

But good for you to be aware of the hazard and the need for remediation.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by eriktheawful

Yup. I love science fiction. Rereading Redemption Ark at the moment. The story could actually be called into the Black Knight thing.

Reynolds is pretty good, I am reading The Prefect right now, I think my favorite so far is House of Suns

I think the whole Black Night satellite story is interesting, and reminds me of PKD's Valis

If there was anything in those NASA pictures that was top secret Military or Alien in nature, I do not think they would have published them. Supposedly we leave a lot of pollution out in space, so most likely space junk, but who knows for sure.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

What you get you somewhere is an understanding that posting in such a manner detracts from the thread and throws it off topic.

I suggest you read the T&C's because they apply to all members of the site.

I'll leave it there, or we can discuss it further via U2U.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by neformore
reply to post by JimOberg

What you get you somewhere is an understanding that posting in such a manner detracts from the thread and throws it off topic.

I suggest you read the T&C's because they apply to all members of the site.

I'll leave it there, or we can discuss it further via U2U.

Check out another contemporary press account of stuff coming loose:

harwood CBS stories

01:50 a.m., 12/08/98, Update: NASA managers pleased with first spacewalk

On yet another front, Castle said a lost socket and a wayward
aluminum panel cover that somehow became untethered and floated away
pose no problem whatsoever to the astronauts or their mission. Orbital
mechanics will ensure there's no chance of a future collision and the
hardware itself is not needed to complete the assembly work.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:24 PM
Guys, there are objects in orbit that are known as fast walkers. The guys who utilize our military spy satellites are told to "ignore" these , to "stay on task" and don not report in any way. I had a friend, who recently retired , his job was just that. I`m pretty sure that if the government wanted to see what was there the X37B could have been tasked to do the job. I`ve always have been bothered by the time and energy that the government puts into disinformation and ridicule of anyone who supports extraterrestrial life of any form. The only idea I can come up with is that they don`t want the human race to think of itself as "The human race". I think they like the fact that we are all hung up on color,religion,demographics and even nationalities. I guess its a lot easier to control people when we are at each others throat in stead of realizing that we are humans and they are something else.


posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

I have a solution to whatever problem you have Jimbo.
Eat more bran.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by CALGARIAN
100 flags for space junk?

Yes, I read the whole thread.

I was thinking the same thing when I first read about this story years ago, but after researching it for so long I came to the conclusion that it's much too large to be a piece of space junk. Course it could be, but I just feel that it isn't.

Plus, It's been said that it's larger than anything that the U.S or Soviets have ever launched into orbit. However. I have no idea if that statement is true or not though. Anyone aware of any credible info out their in regards to the true size of this object? I have heard all sorts of claims. ~$heopleNation

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by stirling
This satelite has chewed away at the back of my mind since it was announced.
The limited amount of data is further obfuscated by such tall tales.
The origonal discovery put the Dark Knight in a polar orbit.
This orbit was not used by the space agencies as they launched east west.....
The only conclusion is that it is something from elsewhere, or its very old and a left over from previous technological civilization here on earth.
regardless of origin, its strange disapearances and orbit changes indicate some form of control or programming.
Pity the shuttle couldnt have been utilised to study it, ot the new space plane sent to give it a look see....
Maybe what the space plane was doing for 250 days last year up there....?

There was a short sci-fi story written about this time. There's this scientist who is tasked with the investigation of periodic arrivals of automated spacecraft that are landing in the desert and spreading out herds of alien animals. The settings up of a radar systems leads to the discovery that there is a mystery satellite that the Russians thought was American, and the Americans thought was Russian. In a parallel thread, his wife is investigating the mystery of items being rearranged in their farm outbuildings and strange arrangements of twigs and leaves appearing on the lanes around the farm. When these patterns are swept away, the problems of the outbuildings disappear. Then he has an idea, the satellites are beacons for the spacecraft to land. Blow them up and the problem should disappear. And it does.

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