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The Black Knight Satellite

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posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by CosmicQuest
Summary of the whole thread :


Discovery of Black knight satellite : 1954

Launch of 1st satellite ( Sputnik -1 ) : 1957

First Successful U.S. Rocket Launch into Space : 1958

Launch of Discoverer V : 1959


- Black knight is an Alien satellite

Any Doubt ?

Discovery of Black knight satellite : 1954

Well if the Picture is the Actual pic from the NASA site of what the Black Knight Object is is !

and the First Sighting of this object is 1954!!!

The OBJECT looks to Modern to be in existence of 1954!! Right ... ?? way before Sputnik....

or is it a Alien Shuttle Escape POD etc... Who knows .. yet it there and NASA wont take a Closer LOOK!!

and NASA exposed this themselves!! WHY !!!!!! because they cant Hide the Dam thing !!

Next Question why didn't they bring it down! ! either bring it down to earth
the Black knight satellite : that was first seen in 1954 or Force it Down aka Burning it up

(Pic taken from Space Shuttle of object commonly alleged as the Black Knight)

edit on 1-6-2013 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by BeReasonable
reply to post by kimish

Why do people continue to suggest its Nazi related? Watching to much hellboy? Being the most technologically advanced in 1950 is really not that big a deal. Launch capability was in its earliest infancy, if the soviets struggled to launch a few hundred pounds in the 50's how is it plausible that the Nazis launched thousands of pounds in the 40's when every allied nation had their eyes ( and radars) trained on the axis powers. The suggestion is ludicrous

Not a Big Deal!! of the Nazi Advanced Technolagy you Kidding Right !!

most of Our Technolagy in a Military Sence came from the Nazi Hell the ones that help put us on the Moon were from Nazis that came from Operation Papper Clip

ok !! V2 to High tech Submarines!! to JEts

Speaking of the V2 Rocket There was a Manned V2 on the Drawing Board !!! to go into Space !

Weird Science: German Military Spacecraft of World War 2

edit on 1-6-2013 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by eriktheawful

Bravo. Thank you for steering the post back on track, too bad no one else is paying attention at this point, but I gave you a star anyway.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

It's a long way from "on the drawing board" to actually in use. There were a lot of ideas on the drawing board back then that never made it to use by anyone.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 09:59 AM
This is why I love ATS. Thanks for bringing up this story again, and I love some of the funny comments! It is very intriguing to say the least. Flag and stars

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 10:02 AM
Just to mention after seeing the comments about Russians not putting up Sputnik until 57, made me think, "What makes us think we didn't put stuff up their before going public with rocket launches? I am completely open minded as to this being other worldly or military in nature.

I believe parts of our governments are hundreds of years ahead of us technologically, and we are left with fossil fuels, cars, bikes, trains and planes while they are in anti-gravity magnetically powered vehicles and light communication.

Just sayin..

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by holyTerror
reply to post by eriktheawful

Bravo. Thank you for steering the post back on track, too bad no one else is paying attention at this point, but I gave you a star anyway.

You're welcome.

Only problem is it boils down to: He said, She said.

Believers will totally support Mr. Keyhoe and his unknown source in the Pentagon/

Others will support what the Army and Clyde Tombaugh said.

I do find it strange that there is not a lot more information on this subject at it's starting point. Vast amounts over the STS pictures, and many other things, especially for 1960 (well after the US and USSR were putting things up).

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 10:07 AM
I don't think people give humans or this planet enough credit sometimes.

I am going to stick with my own theory that this is something sent back in time, to observe or possibly do something in the future.

Kind of sounds strange, but that was my impression/theory after looking at it.
I kind of buy into that more than alien technology, mainly because they don't seem to leave evidence of themselves around other than eye witness reports. It would be foolish for an alien civilization to put something in orbit around our planet that we would discover. So my guess is it is either human made, and sent back, or it is from something else that either evolved before us and put it there or after us and understands a form of time travel.

As it is a strange object, so it stands it would be a strange explanation.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 10:39 AM


posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 10:40 AM
I remember when I first heard about this Black Knight Satellite I was really hoping there would be compelling evidence.....however the last I remember there was overwhelming evidence against it.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Hello, i have also posted on this but what i wanted to let you know is i came accross some files of information stating that the US Military actualy managed to retireve the black night and some staff who tried to interact with it where badly hurt as it had soem kind of defecive mechanisim like a eltro charge, more importantly i wouldnt doubt the retrieval of such item as the military does use top secret space craft and a seprate black project sector to do missions and NASA is just a cover front to keep the public distracted while the real interesting stuff goes on behind the darkness of space.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:31 AM


posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
I like orientating the object this way.

Makes for a highly suggestive picture.

Holy spaceships Batman, it's the BatSpacecar

Twin rectangular exhausts at the back, and a scoop intake at the bottom. Radar system on top.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

This is one of my favourite topics and I was looking through these image's a while ago, I like yourself do not accept the extra terrestrial theory as likely (though can not rule it out) rather (I) believe it to have been an ancient relic from a lost civilisation that almost everyone on the ATS site debunks because we don't have mountains of ancient coke cans, If you look at your first uploaded image it does appear to be a space plane not a capsule though it also look's damaged, during the cold war when both sides played cat and mouse they both assumed the other had put it up and NASA was commissioned to do a close pass and gather the images during this time, later they probably upon realising it to be not of Russian origin may have performed more invasive study of the artefact, I also doubt it was alone as there may have been other objects but it is certainly the most interesting and verifiable though weathit now still exists is another matter as Nasa, the Russians and now china all have 'tested' there anti satellite missiles on "space junk".

From an observation I believe it to have been a folding winged design with engine's mounted like a concord under the rear wing's, I also believe the frontal section is swung under the fuselage to allow the cargo bay/package to be exposed and it may even have been an ancient weapon of some kind.
I believe the story about epsilon bootes to be unrelated to this artefact but to have been used as dis information and also the story about the greenish object following astronauts bears no similarity to it's apparent solid design.

Which leave's us with the question how old is it, it is inside the van allen belts so has received significant shielding from solar particle winds and radiation compared to for e.g. anything orbiting beyond them and this may have provided it with a measure of preservation however how far has it's orbit decayed and if that could be ascertained along with a decay rate then we could arrive at a valid age for the object but My best guess is well over 14000 years and probably a hell of a lot older than that.

Remember even after the old cold war and under the shadow of the new whom controls the knowledge has the upper hand and this device certainly would have provided a wealth of technical knowledge.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

What if someone is completely new to this topic and this is the first time they've ever come across it?

Just because you have been round the block a little, it doesn't mean that everyone else has, and - as you should be aware - posting troll memes is simply juvenile and gets no one anywhere.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 12:45 PM
So many things cannot be explained. I think people who dismiss anything outside the norm are shills or just insecure. A lot of wasted space if we are the only ones in the universe. Sure it may be alien, why not.

I wonder if man's ego prevents him from admitting to how infant we are as a race compared to those who can travel the stars. This can be an example of how an alien race can threaten those who seek to control life.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Avoiceinthewilderness
So many things cannot be explained. I think people who dismiss anything outside the norm are shills or just insecure. A lot of wasted space if we are the only ones in the universe. Sure it may be alien, why not.

I wonder if man's ego prevents him from admitting to how infant we are as a race compared to those who can travel the stars. This can be an example of how an alien race can threaten those who seek to control life.

Actually, you may have hit the nail on the head so to speak in another way:

Man's ego making him think that out of all the billions of possible worlds in our galaxy alone, that they would come here.

I think it's a two way street. As you said, we'd be infants compared to a intelligent species that has the power to traverse the stars. What would we have to offer that would make them interested, other than observing us?

Considering the elemental make up of our world and solar system is made of some of the most abundent elements that make up the universe, I find it hard to believe that anyone would be here for that.

Just something I've noticed for a long time now: yes it's egotistical (and arrogant) to think we're alone in the universe.
But it's just as egotistical (and arrogant) to think that we have to be under observation too. I'm sure the universe has a lot more interesting things to offer than us humans.
edit on 1-6-2013 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by neformore

I Agree as this is the very type of post that attracted many of us to ATS in the first place so since the site raises limited revenue from advertising it is actually good for the site.

A voice in the wilderness,
It may be that the object is very old indeed and not of (modern) human design, there have been several very large natural catastrophes over the length of time life has existed on the earth and we are also arrogant in thinking ourselves the only sentient race to have arisen in 200,000 years of the earths 4.6 billion years of existence and life on earth having existed for at least 3.9 billion years and maybe even earlier having appeared very soon after the earth's crust solidified, We are but infants and just because we can not see over the garden fence does not mean there is not a world out there.

A hypothetical scenario may go like this, at 2 Billion BCE the earth underwent catastrophic cooling freezing the ocean as far as the equator's and shutting down any eco system that may then have existed (THIS REALLYHAPPENED BUT IS NOT YET UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED THE THEORY IS CALLED THE SNOW BALL EARTH THEORY) meaning life had to start again as only simple single celled organism's survived and it may be that life only survived in the subterranean environment and in the deep ocean were Chemosynthetic organisms live around sub oceanic nutrient rich thermal plume's which spew warm water from beneath the earth's crust, an intelligent race (if one had arisen though there is not evidence of any ecosystem other than microbial life at that time) may have decided to leave the earth in order to survive and set up (Hypothetical) colonies on the moon and mars moving a large ice rich asteroid into orbit around mars (hypothetically Phobos it is in too close an orbit and going too slow and should not be able to stay aloft unless it's mean density was very low meaning it is likely, hollow cratering on the surface shows multiple long lines of linear even sized small craters like a mass driver might make if it had been steered into orbit using such a technique indeed there are even theory's it is actually an ancient space craft and why not, hollow out an asteroid and in some circumstance the dense Iron Nickel condrite is an excellent radiation shield as well as using the mass from inside in mass drivers to propel the object it also means you don't need to take all the necessary metals into space to build a ship/station but merely use what is there) maybe twice and moving it into a higher orbit once resources were used up (hypothetically Deimos it too has orbital anomaly in the size and speed/altitude) they at some point on there terraformed world suffered a further catastrophe and Mars was all but abandoned (1 billion to 500 million BCE), the lunar outpost may still have survived using underground facility's and it is possible that they then left that also as they evolved and adapted to a life in space, it is likely such a hypothetical species may have generated multiple branches of sub species adapted to the different environment's though there numbers would always have been limited and eventually they may have several times tried to re seed the earth but they were no longer capable of surviving in the harsh bio hazardous environment so genetically engineered several surrogate races based on there native adapted DNA and there own racial template and periodically tinkered with there creation before it escaped from there control and evolved into a new sentient race (A hybrid) just maybe one of these races evolved and wondered what that old derelict object in orbit was. There failed experiment at re seeding the earth was probably of not real interest until one day in 1945 someone split the atom and they saw there own mirror reflection looking back at them from the long tunnel of a forgotten past.
edit on 1-6-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by Wolfenz

It's a long way from "on the drawing board" to actually in use. There were a lot of ideas on the drawing board back then that never made it to use by anyone.

long ago i saw an artical that was made just after ww2 a Magazine artical

that the Nazi had the Idea ( whether it was made or not ) a Manned V2 Rocket that went in space Driven
my man with a payload ( warhead bomb in the nose to Destroy Targets here in the US but it didnt say if it was a kamikaze type deal or The Pilot Escape before impact!

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

I try to keep my mind science oriented, but not so much to disregard something science has yet to define. With PKD it is hard not to see the stories as not just coming from a very paranoid but imaginative mind. But who knows how an Alien civilization will communicate with us or why. I remember watching a Discovery Channel show about our first mission to a planet orbiting another star and the devices trying to communicate with the indigenous life forms.

That is why I like the Black Knight story and how it could mesh with Dick's story as a first contact if it were something other than debris...

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