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I am extremely reluctant to post this. Specifically wondering if anyone else has seen this.

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posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by andy06shake
I hate organised religion its..............EVIL!

Organized religion is evil only because Satan is behind it...

God is NOT the author of Religion.

They are opposites and have nothing in common except for the fact that one is real and one is an imposter.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I can't debate with you on that, because imho you're right. And it resonates with on of my favorite quotes; a quote from a Yogi named Vivekananda, who once said:

"God comes down to earth to found a religion. And the devil follows right behind to organise it."

But it's my deepest belief, that there really is no devil. There's just this one big something. It doesn't matter what you call. God or Allah or whatever. It's there, it always was, and it always will be. And we're all part of it.

And the sooner we all realize, we're one, the sooner there will be peace.

There is no devil, there's just us.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

"God is NOT the author of Religion."

No, Man is the author in question where Religion is concerned.

We wrote the book so to speak!

And since Man is fallible so it follows that his interpretation of God also to some degree or another must be fallible.

That just about covers organised religion IMHO!

Your kind of preaching to the quire here mate. LoL No pun intended. I think we are on the same page.
edit on 29-4-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
I don't want answers to these questions.


If you or anyone else ever decides they DO want answers, the film below contains them.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

I would have to agree with wrabbit. For your own peace of mind, try to capture it on camera. I would take it a step further and possibly rent or find someone that has an infrared camera, just in case this entity doesn't show up on the other camera. The infrared will pick up a temperature signature and possibly an outline of the entity.

I know it may cost some money to do this, but if it was me and this thing was continuing to terrify me, I would want to prove it to someone who could possibly help me get rid of it.

From your story, it sounds like this entity has been with you for awhile, so you could probably eliminate the entity being connected to the energy in the house.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by Peloquin
reply to post by Murgatroid

I can't debate with you on that, because imho you're right. And it resonates with on of my favorite quotes; a quote from a Yogi named Vivekananda, who once said:

"God comes down to earth to found a religion. And the devil follows right behind to organise it."

But it's my deepest belief, that there really is no devil. There's just this one big something. It doesn't matter what you call. God or Allah or whatever. It's there, it always was, and it always will be. And we're all part of it.

And the sooner we all realize, we're one, the sooner there will be peace.

There is no devil, there's just us.

Right, and what RELIGION Is that yogi following? Yes, that's right, he is a Hindu. But a wise one who knows that religion is still an outer manifestation with some limitations.

It is absurd to make blanket statements about all religions as having Satan behind them. This is not to say that religions have no flaws, but religions are the outward manifestation of man's spiritual inclinations.
The purpose of religions and gurus is to provide men with a link when he has lost the connection. Instead people follow the outer shell and forget to contact the Inner Reality.
This does not make organized religion evil, it makes it incomplete.
It is when men use religion to enslave others, as we see in the current manifestation of clerics telling young men they will get 72 virgins in heaven if they wage physical jihad against infidels who don't believe.
Buddhists understand that intention is important. Buddhists teach that one must learn to control all thought and feeling, and yogis also teach this.

If you think that Hinduism is evil because it is religion, I offer you this:

The Yoga Sutras begin with a simple sutra numbered one: “Now concentration is explained.” Sutra two says yoga is a restraining of the individual consciousness (chitta) to control vrittis(thoughts, feelings, and emotions). Book I begins with a definition: “Yoga is the practice of ceasing the false identification with the fluctuations of the mind.” What could this mean?

Yoga philosophy teaches that the whole of nature consists of three qualities, or forces. These three show up in the spiritual world as darkness or inactivity (tamas), attraction or repulsion (rajas), and the equilibrium of the two (sattva).

Good Day to you.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
I don't "turn to satanism" for help. Holy #. I live by the philosophical principles that none of you have demonstrated you have an understanding of.

I'm good enough the way I am. To tell me that demons are attacking me because I'm not a christian is a horribly wicked thing to say.

I swear, another jesus post and I'll just disappear. I can't stand that bull#. it's a lie, a fraud, and it's the most wicked philosophy.

How dare you tell me that I'm no good unless I submit to the will of your god? How is this relevant?

I never once called myself "holy" Nor did i say demons attack those that are not christian. Those that are attacked seem to have that “3rd” eye if you will. Having that 3rd eye leaves you open for attacks.

Please point to the new testament where Jesus is wicked? I challenge you to show he how he is bad?

Notice the rage and cursing your using? I’m only trying to help you brother? Open your heart.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

Maybe it wants to stay out of your vision but when your in those states of mind it cannot help but manifest itself?
They tend to want to stay out of our physical lives and usually do so from my experience and I do the same back, I too had the same drug problem once as you and it did manifest itself a lot those days. Not visually though it was always the emotion, just pure dread as if your were dying from inside. So maybe it did have some evil in it and prayed on me when I was most vulnerable, I can't really say.

It's freewill and the strength of that will what makes it back off I believe not the religion you use to follow god, so maybe it never did have anything to say? and you can only see it when your brain is under certain circumstances.

I'm not sure what knowing it's name could do, probably nothing I imagine a name is just a name afterall isn't it?
might be worth looking up it's been a while since I read about topic.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:09 PM
I am so sorry you are living in such fear. There is something that you can try. Won't cost you anything. Doesn't take any effort. You can call on the name of Jesus. I'm totally serious. I know people will come and start slamming my suggestion but remember if there is evil there is also the opposite side. Evil torments, inspires fear, brings your worst imaginations to life. What do you have to lose to call on the name of Jesus? A Christian knows that Jesus defeated evil at the cross. Therefore when you call on the name of Jesus it must obey. I am saying a prayer for you rignt now that God will send one of his holy angels to stand guard over you tonight. You will not be bothered. And your dreams will be protected. You will sleep in peace tonight. Shadowmen, mothman, ghosts, aliens, ufos - these are demons masquerading as something else to either intimidate you, scare the heck out of you, entice you to delve deeper. You can message me anytime. I'm here for you.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Peloquin

I thought the Babylonians started it. LoL

Christianity is a relatively new religion when compared to others, don't you think?

How can you claim Christianity brought fire into the world, just asking?

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:13 PM
are you familiar with the term "fnord"
I ask because it seems you have created one for yourself. You turned to people for help and advise yet you become distraught and hostile when it is given.

There is much advise given in this thread, i do hope that some of it helps with your experiences. I do beleive this is an entity you are experiencing and not a trick of the mind. I myself have had encounters along the same lines but i have since found the strength and courage, and assistance when needed, to rid myself of them and i truly hope you do as well.

As part of my own personal experience i learned that certain entities also have fears/weaknesses, wether you believe in them is irrelivant.

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
I don't "turn to satanism" for help. Holy #. I live by the philosophical principles that none of you have demonstrated you have an understanding of.

I'm good enough the way I am. To tell me that demons are attacking me because I'm not a christian is a horribly wicked thing to say.

I dont think they intended that as thier message, i dont recall anyone actually stating you had to submit or that it was because you are not christian that this entity is attacking you.

I am also confused, how do you say you dont beleive in god/jesus but you follow satan, read a satanic bible...? Just a question because it sounds as though you try to follow a wiccan philosophy which sounds like what you describe but is not "satanism".
Please understand, im not questioning your ideas/faith im trying to understand them.
Peace and well wishes hope things get better for you.
edit on 29-4-2013 by RadicalRebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:14 PM
Oh dear, I just read your response about "another Jesus post..." I'm sorry I didn't read the entire thread through before posting my thoughts. Just wanted to give you a suggestion. Please know that the only place I am coming from is HAVING experienced spiritual attacks as a young person and into my teen years. My sister has, my brother has. I have had night terrors and I don't mean the asleep kind - I mean real attacks and I know real terror. I really do wish the best for you because no one should have to live in fear of any sort. Take care.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:16 PM
OP, I truly hope you find the answers you are looking for..I wish you all the best my friend.

Originally posted by
From my POV, given what you say above, since you are not under the protection of Jesus the Christ and His angels, some demon has staked you out as his prey. If you continue in LaVeyan Satanism, you have no way to get rid of him, or to be delivered from the fear of him. Only the name and power of Jesus can save you.

This pile of BS really got to me, so either worship your god or live in fear. Complete BS, I mean no disrespect to you and you beliefs but the OP does NOT need this bible bashing crap right now ffs....
edit on 29-4-2013 by StarTraveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

"I'm not sure what knowing it's name could do, probably nothing I imagine a name is just a name afterall isn't it?"

Remember there is power to any name. I think I read some where King Solomon gained dominion over certain Jinn and even there help/aid, because he discovered there true name. That's why I brought it up. Not that I would ever attempt such a foolish act!

Somehow I don't see it working out to well for any individual. If indeed they do exist.
edit on 29-4-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:23 PM
For whatever it's worth:

The purpose of the New World Order is the same as Communism. The Illuminati created Communism as a means to flout God's will and enslave mankind. Karl Marx was hired to sell totalitarian rule ("the dictatorship of the proletariat") by pretending to espouse equality. He was a Satanist as were Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin. - See more at:
In his book, Marx and Satan (1986) Richard Wurmbrand illustrates Marx`s true hatred of God and humanity. As early as 1848, Marx wrote about a "coming world war" that will eliminate "riffraff" like Russians, Czechs and Croats.

"The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth. And that will be progress...the revolution...cares as little about the human lives it an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions...will be defeated...their very name will vanish." (42)

In his poem Human Pride Marx writes that he will "wander Godlike and victorious through the ruins of the world... I will feel equal to the Creator."(31)
- See more at:

And more:

Wurmbrand, a pastor who was imprisoned in Romania, says Communism is in essence Satanism empowered. Christians weren't just brutally persecuted and murdered, they were made to blaspheme. Communism's goal, the goal of the New World Order, is to mock God and to praise Lucifer. A Communist newspaper confessed,"We fight against God: To snatch believers from him."(77) - See more at:
In "German Ideology" Marx referred to God in Hegelian terms as the Absolute Spirit. Marx opined, "we are concerned with a highly interesting question: the decomposition of the Absolute Spirit."(77) - See more at:

The Luciferians portray their rebellion against God and nature as progress and freedom. This permissiveness refers only to tearing down the Divine order. In the initiation into the Seventh degree of Satanism, the adept swears, "Nothing is true and everything is permitted." In the Communist Manifesto, Marx said all religion and morals will be abolished and everything permitted. - See more at:

The religion of modern western society, secular humanism, is a front for Illuminism (Lucifer worship). The purpose of Illuminism is to divorce humanity from the Divine Purpose and enshrine Lucifer (i.e. the Illuminati) in God`s place. Under the guise of a humanist utopia, they are constructing an Orwellian hell -- the New World Order, a.k.a. globalism. - See more at:

edit on 29-4-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:25 PM
just call out for Jesus.....for any attack or emergency....He knows your voice when He hears ya callin".....and eventually you will get curious about that.!

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

It is absurd to make blanket statements about all religions as having Satan behind them. This is not to say that religions have no flaws, but religions are the outward manifestation of man's spiritual inclinations.

Thanks for your reply! You're right, indeed it is absurd to make such a statement. Of course, if it's meant seriously. Because firstly for the reason you mentioned above. Secondly - because there is no Devil.

The reason why I brought up my comments about the evil side of christianity was, because I can't stand the way the OP got labeled as a worshipper of the devil that should not be surprised to find himself in hell, when in fact his belief (as far as I understand) denies the existence of a devil and much more criticizes the evil christianity has brought over this world.

(And don't ask me to tell, how exactly christianity brought evil upon the world. As I mentioned in a previous post: I was born in Trier, were the first christian heretic was executed by other christians in 385, and where, in medieval times - so a clerical noted - were more stakes than trees.)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Peloquin

(And don't ask me to tell, how exactly christianity brought evil upon the world. As I mentioned in a previous post: I was born in Trier, were the first christian heretic was executed by other christians in 385, and where, in medieval times - so a clerical noted - were more stakes than trees.)

Oh, I did miss this. Thank you for mentioning. Yes, I would agree, persecution such as we saw in the Spanish Inquisition has no place in real spiritual life and it is a travesty this happened. I would agree that devils(deified evil) did use this as a means to control people and establish authoritarian rule. I believe in reincarnation and I view the anathema of Origen as a real travesty against Truth.
I also am not a fundamentalist, despite the appearance. But I do embrace real traditional Christian ideals, and the casting out of demons is one of them.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by andy06shake

I'm sorry, I didn't mean they brought fire to the world. They set the world on fire. Or more precise:

Christians burned countless people. Countless people...

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:41 PM
Tell it to be gone in the name of Yeshua, who was crucified and rose from the dead in three days. Keep saying it.

Yeah, another Jesus post.

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