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I am extremely reluctant to post this. Specifically wondering if anyone else has seen this.

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posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Hello Wrabbit..

I think a webcam would work if it an external force in the materialistic world. There are energies you can pick up that only you can sense and see. I do not think that makes them any less real though.

To the OP.. When you feel fear from this thing. Feel in your body where the fear is coming from. It will come from a specific location in your body. It is you that is generating that energy. Learn to feel that energy and accept it. Use it to your advantage.. Observe and learn. Just like your spirit guild said. What can you learn from pure evil....

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

I MO You do not need a religious framework for this. Let me ask you a VERY personal question. Have you every tried to kill someone? Not hurt or maim but Kill. I try to be a nice guy, good neighbour friend brother son However I tried to deliberately end someone elses life. Thank god I failed . However I was attacked by a strangler type entity that seemed to be a very vivid dream that seemed to follow me into waking. My wife felt me thrashingand choking. I drove my elbow back hard into something and started clawing and punching backwards. I want to KILL it.

It let go and retreated. I have never ben bothered by that sort of entity since. I believe that they can harm you but that they know who to attack. I think that they ARE somehow less than us and have their own vulnerabilities.

Hang in there buddy.


posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:55 PM
I have encountered him wide awake.
he is not human in any way. there is nothing human about this creature. nothing like hat man or any of that. It's a tall, cheshire-cat grinning being with very large, snake-like eyes and a sharp nose. I feel watched, followed (and have been touched several times) constantly.

I really don't want to hear about jesus. Guess what everyone? I've been clinically dead three times. (i'll show you my scars if you don't buy that). There is no heaven of glory bright, or hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment. Here and now is our day of glory.

even if god were real, he wants nothing but domination and self-glorification. He isn't merciful in any sense. You are deluding yourselves. I don't like being told I'm no good, i'm dirty, without god's grace. What grace? The grace that enslaved and murdered all those children in the old testament? The grace that allows eternal suffering to exist? There is no salvation.

That said, I've decided to try and contact this entity to ask directly why I am being so terrified by him.

This is inter-dimensional.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:03 PM
Just another take on this... To me, this is all manifesting from your mind. "What can you learn from pure evil?" It may help to view this as less paranormal and more from an psychological or symbolic view. Take a look at some of Carl Jung's work perhaps. Everyone has things manifest in various forms, dreams, etc... and it seems some of us have more trauma or pain to work through. Seeing this thing could very well be like you looking in the mirror seeing a dark aspect of yourself you need to overcome. It appearing only at night or in dark is also symbolic. You may need more "light" in your life, metaphorically.

Your belief that there is no god, or that if there is a god it is evil may not be helping to put your mind at ease and could be adding to this. You seem to believe in pure evil but not pure good from what you have written. If this image/entity exists it was created by something for a reason. Fear is a teacher albeit a rough one at times. An all loving all caring god would need scary things to do the work it would not do. The poster who mentioned the good friend wearing the mask of satan is a good way to view it. I'm not saying you have to believe in god or embrace another belief system, but just realize that if this image/entity is manifesting for you there is an opposing force to it. I would put it more as a brighter side to your own mind or your own subconcious rather than some other entity out there. Studying duality can be helpful. Realize that everything requires balance, light and dark need one another to exist. Although this is appearing as a terrifying image it is nothing more than the color black in opposition to the white. If you are seeing this then you are also capable of seeing the white in your life. Count your blessings. It sounds like you have a great partner to help you through. Focus on the good.

As you discovered, opiates (and other meds for that matter) have a very adverse and potentially negative effect on the mind especially in this area - see Aleister Crowley for example. I believe his last words were something to the effect of "I'm so perplexed" keep it simple... There are also many reports of withdrawal effects causing such things. Anxiety and Depression can cause things to manifest from the subconcious mind. This could be side effects or withdrawal as well. Especially if this is returning from childhood as they tend to mask trauma rather than cure it

"I won't let you have your memories back" you have mentioned several times this message came up in regards to your parent's divorce. You yourself describe it as vicious. Perhaps you need to address some feelings that have been repressed?

Some say there is an angel on our left shoulder but contrary to what has been ingrained there is no devil on the other one. The devil or demon is you. Your choices in life, your experiences and how you overcome them. This was a popular view with the greeks in which they referred to the ego or personal identity as daemon. It seems you are being forced to face your own fears and suppressed feelings about certain life experiences. As others have pointed out, this may be buried fear and anger and your mind is showing you this image to force you to deal with it.

Believing in magic and paranormal powers as others have said just "opens one up" but I feel that this opening up is essentially allowing your mind to manifest these things. Be strong, believe in yourself and know that you have good in your heart. Do good things, surround yourself with good people who care about you. Listen to positive music or read positive books. Enough with the satanism, if you are going to believe in man made belief systems why not choose one that offers more solace in helping ease your mind of its burdens? Your parents divorce is real, your fight with opiate addiction is real, and your mind is trying to come to terms with these things and possibly others that you have not shared here. This is what it means when people say "we all have our demons" don't give these "demons" any more power because as others have said it is your fear or your belief in them that gives power.

You have the power to end this. Whether you turn to Jesus or some other belief system it is all within you. For example, if you were to invoke the name of Jesus it is just your mind creating a good entity to combat this bad one. It is like a positive affirmation. And in terms of the beliefs it is said he has the power to overcome all of these things as he represents the one true god which created everything, even this entity appearing. Either way it is worth a try. And to the one who said you must be christian to invoke the name that is not what Jesus taught and is incorrect. From what you have written your current beliefs do not give you any power to do anything about this and again, may even be contributing to the entire thing. The mind and its power is an elusive thing. In my comparative studies I've found the Book of Psalms to be comforting also

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
I once called out to a spirit guide and asked why this creature constantly visits me like this. What I got back was the following response:

"what can you learn from pure evil?".

Did you ever learn the answer to that question? I can tell you what my answer to it was.

I learned that evil has no power over someone who is not afraid.

One of the people in your name can help you & it's not Darwin.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:09 PM
I am going to reply here just for the heck of it (looks like this discussion is doing fine without me).

This entity, where ever it is from, made its way into your mind at an early age.
Children are more "open" to such influence and if you are more "open" than others, that will double the effect.
The entity felt you had a weakness in your defences and it preys on weakness and fear.
You had some real bad times in you life and the entity knew that, awating for you to feed it with weakness, fear and negativity.
The worse you feel, the more you feed it, the more you think of it, the worse you feel...
After a while, this entity has grown mighty strong, dominating you and your emotions, pushing you around for you to feed it with your fear.
Not to say that it is "evil" only that through our cultural interpretation it sure as hell is "pure evil". In a more objective way, it is like a spiritual predator. Just like that, we won't call predatory animals "evil" just because of that, do we?

So are you done for now? Absolutely not.
What should you do then, I mean, in a concrete kind of way? I dunno, all I have are some recommendations:
see a shaman, a real one. If you are in the US, ask kindly at a local Native Nation. If you are lucky, they might take you in and help you.

Otherwise, a well renowned spiritualist can help you with the most important part of all: teaching you how to close yourself down spiritually.
This is usually the problem in 99% of the cases. People are sometimes born "open" or they are interested in the supernatural and "open up" with no idea how to reverse the process. For the spirits that is like a huge beacon saying "open channel, free-for-all" and they will be on your back like pitbulls to their favourite toys for as long as you let them.
If you "close down" they can't get at you. They will probably try but if you won't let them have any, they will go away.

This will be hard for you because "your" entity has grown very powerful but it can be done, you can win over it, permanently. It will most likely kick and scream and try its best to cling and claw to what it has gotten hold of, but don't be fooled, it can be done away with. All you have to do is convince yourself that you are in charge of your own immortal and indestructable spirit, because that is nothing short of the absolute truth!

Getting help from spirit guides is a great support and I hope you make as much use of them as you can but in the end this is your battle. Call in the heavy cavalry and assume command! Blind this enemy with warmth, light and pure love.

I feel for you and I can't begin to imagine the hurt it has caused you. Taking away the memories sounds like pure horror but don't you worry, it is only surpressing them. You will have them back as soon as you are done with this sucker.

Good luck. You can, and will win this.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
He isn't merciful in any sense. You are deluding yourselves. There is no salvation.

The father of LIES is the one doing all the deluding.

Like OkieDokie said already, he only brings death, destruction, fear, and falsehoods.

Believe the TRUTH.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

That said, I've decided to try and contact this entity to ask directly why I am being so terrified by him.

You got it backwards. He bothers you because you are afraid...

Imagine for a moment setting out to make a really scary halloween costume and then going around sneaking up to kids windows at night while they are asleep and enjoying scaring the crap out of them. Of course the "good' ones are the ones that get really terrified. You go back there again.

Edit to add: I am not suggesting doing that just trying to establish an inside to bully mentalities.

edit on 29-4-2013 by intrptr because: additional...

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:18 PM
I was raised a born-again christian. I think it's a cruel joke. Satanism is the only dogma I've ever seen that is honest and honorable. We are animals, everyone. We are not special. We are not beyond the natural world. To deny your natural origins and let guilt burden your heart is not helpful. I am my god. I worship me. I take care of myself. I love the people I love, and I am ferociously loyal. Just because he called it Satanism doesn't mean it's evil. Read the Satanic Bible for yourselves.

Lucifer was historically the light bringer because he was associated with venus, the morning star. I named my dog Lucifer. She is my light bringer. (also my dawn-bringer, waking me up for effing walks at 6 am!). She always walks with us, seeking what she may devour (HA!). Luciferian Consciousness is my personal idea about how to be excellent and wise. and resist convention.

Everyone, you've been so helpful. I thought I'd get laughed at. My friends don't laugh because they see the terror in my face when I talk about this entity. Thank you for listening. I hope you'll keep in touch as I try to ask this entity why he is following me.

I should mention I am extremely sensitive to the human energy field, and I am generally very good at guessing what people are like by looking at them. I'm also sensitive to emotion. But I feel little on my own.

I believe in pure good. Pure good is mercy for defenseless animals. It is choosing compassion instead of cruelty. It is the unconditional bond between a human being and an animal being. Pure good involves respect and adoration of our mother Earth. All these UFO people like greer and stuff talk about how special people are. I think you can't say that we're special without saying animal consciousness is equally special. Compassion and Mercy where there is normally none is pure good.

Pure evil is something else entirely. It's more like dark matter.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

So if we are just animals then mate, what the hell is the thing you and I seem to have encountered?

I suppose we are animals in a sense, animals will a soul matrix in my opinion. You don't need to believe in God in the stereotypical Christian sense or any other organised religious manner. Communion with our creator requires no priest. Ask for help............Please!

Whether he/she/it is listening or cares, well there is always hope!
edit on 29-4-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
I hope you'll keep in touch as I try to ask this entity why he is following me.

This "entity" will only tell you lies.

You said it yourself, you already KNOW why he is following you...

"what can you learn from pure evil?".

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus

That said, I've decided to try and contact this entity to ask directly why I am being so terrified by him.

Something tells me - if you find the strength to ask it that question, you'll overcome it.

And just now I remember something I did when I was a child.

I was afraid of many monsters. And right now, I'm not really sure, if all of them were just imagined.

But here is what I did to stop being afraid of them:

I started making them my friends.

And so, finally, all of them lost their terror.

Maybe it's time that you give him a friendly smile...

Because - and that's just my belief, I might be wrong, but -

I believe there is no god and there is no devil.

There's just you, and you are everything. You are him.

So start loving yourself.

'cause you're ok.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:33 PM
Stop fearing this vision. If it is some entity, doesn't sound like it is trying to do you harm. It could be some kind of guardian angel.

If it took memories from you, it could have been the bad memories. People tend to remember the bad things, and not the good.

Whether this is a bad entity or a good entity, learning how not to fear it is the most important step.

Paranoia is the first step down the road of destructive vices.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus
I was raised a born-again christian. I think it's a cruel joke. Satanism is the only dogma I've ever seen that is honest and honorable. We are animals, everyone. We are not special. We are not beyond the natural world. To deny your natural origins and let guilt burden your heart is not helpful. I am my god. I worship me. I take care of myself. I love the people I love, and I am ferociously loyal. Just because he called it Satanism doesn't mean it's evil. Read the Satanic Bible for yourselves.

Lucifer was historically the light bringer because he was associated with venus, the morning star. I named my dog Lucifer. She is my light bringer. (also my dawn-bringer, waking me up for effing walks at 6 am!). She always walks with us, seeking what she may devour (HA!). Luciferian Consciousness is my personal idea about how to be excellent and wise. and resist convention.

Everyone, you've been so helpful. I thought I'd get laughed at. My friends don't laugh because they see the terror in my face when I talk about this entity. Thank you for listening. I hope you'll keep in touch as I try to ask this entity why he is following me.

I should mention I am extremely sensitive to the human energy field, and I am generally very good at guessing what people are like by looking at them. I'm also sensitive to emotion. But I feel little on my own.

I believe in pure good. Pure good is mercy for defenseless animals. It is choosing compassion instead of cruelty. It is the unconditional bond between a human being and an animal being. Pure good involves respect and adoration of our mother Earth. All these UFO people like greer and stuff talk about how special people are. I think you can't say that we're special without saying animal consciousness is equally special. Compassion and Mercy where there is normally none is pure good.

Pure evil is something else entirely. It's more like dark matter.

Lets see, so when i get spiritually attacked, I call for Jesus to help, I believe in his power, the son of god, and he has never failed to drive out the evil that no longer visits me.

You call out to Satanism and your still being tormented…. Im sorry pal but whos the blind one here?

Ask for forgiveness, jesus will grant it to you and use his name to cast out the evil, you will see what true peace is after!

Once you've done this and you find yourself crying hysterically full of joy, you have been saved my friend and you’ll never turn to the darkness again.
edit on 29-4-2013 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I don't wish to be rude regarding such matters, but your advice is foolish. What you seem to be saying is the guy should continue to entertain the spirit because he is not of the Christian faith and therefore has no right to banish it.

Only his freewill and belief will banish any being out of his life, whether that be man, beast or spirit.

Is this how Jesus worked? I doubt it. Again seculars of no faith will not bend the knee will they?

How do you know Jesus believed the exact same god as you? for it is written? and by who man with divine right and insperation?
atleast Belshazzar got a hand and writting. Also that adds another thing... before Jesus what happened then? were all of mankind damned till he showed up, this "God" has not changed for more than two millenia... If only Abraham knew his works were all in vein and the many after him up until Jesus.

Also, someone else was talking about entities having some kind of "legal" right. There is absolutely NO legal right any entity has over the body or soul of another and it is not only our right, but our duty to banish these creatures from us. Calling to angels, Archangels and Ascended Beings such as Jesus are totally appropriate.

As far as I can see this entity does not hold power over his soul, if anything I believe the Op knows who owns his soul... him and him only, not everything is black and white you know like it's all either angels or demons. I suggest reading some of another holy book who share the same religious ancestry as you the Qur'an, some insightful "theories" on the nature of this stuff.

I Agree that you should banish any and all that hold power over your body and/or soul, but it's also written that ALL of gods creatures shall be respected.

Their was a good piece of scripture that was cut from the final writings of the bible, long story short dragons appeared from a cave when Jesus was a baby/child when the when the family was travelling, when Jesus lept down from his mothers lap/breast and approached the dragons they knelt before him and adored the miracle before them.

Now you would probably believe these dragons to have been evil and needed to be banished or destroyed but nobody was killed, banished or converted on that day I believe. My point is respect is more important than a black and white canvass.

Apologies to the Op if I went off topic:

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

If you want a straight forward answer. You need to repent and call on Jesus. We are all sinners, we all fall short, we need God's protection. I have seen many things in my life. Good and bad, unexplainable. I have had some recent spirit attacks, I commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus. I had my church family pray for me and I feel like something has been lifted off me. Attacks still come once in a while, but me and my husnd pray, and call on our Savior

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by camaro68ss

"I call for Jesus to help, I believe in his power, the son of god, and he has never failed to drive out the evil that no longer visits me."

When or if you ever experience this sensation/visitation, trust me anybody would call for any benevolent omnipotent deity to help you move and break contact(I personally have called on the big dude).

Has it helped me, well i'm still here

My point is how can one not ask for help when in this type of situation? People would be rather surprised what they believe in when presented with complete and utter apathy and sheer terror.

edit on 29-4-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by shinethelight
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

If you want a straight forward answer. You need to repent and call on Jesus. We are all sinners, we all fall short, we need God's protection. I have seen many things in my life. Good and bad, unexplainable. I have had some recent spirit attacks, I commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus. I had my church family pray for me and I feel like something has been lifted off me. Attacks still come once in a while, but me and my husnd pray, and call on our Savior

Its truly amazing how many of us call on Jesus to save us as we get spiritually attack and the attacks dissipate almost instantly. It just feels so much better to walk in the light.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by DarwinVsJesus

So you're a sensitive, and possibly an empath? Maybe living with a gay partner. You are opening many doors to attract evil entities. And you believe in Lucifer as your savior? Then why don't you ask him to protect you? That will do you no good. Why are you uncomfortable with his allies visiting you? You choose.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by camaro68ss
You call out to Satanism and your still being tormented…. Im sorry pal but whos the blind one here?

Ever tried to wake someone up who isn't actually asleep?

"You can't wake someone who is pretending to be asleep." ~ Native American Proverb

“You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep” is an ancient Navajo proverb. The wisdom of this proverb has withstood the test of time and therefore it should not escape your attention today. Slow down, for just a minute, and consider it:

Meaning of “You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep”

  • People who are pretending to be asleep will resist being awakened because they have something to lose by ending the charade.

  • People who pretend to be asleep can often lose track of what is real and what is pretend and thus cannot respond normally to situations.

  • People will act as if nothing is happening when they don’t want to face the reality of the situation by pretending to be unaware or unsure despite being presented with the evidence.

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