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Roddenberry, Trek, and "The Nine"

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posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 05:02 PM
About the technology similarity. I think it's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy at this point. People enjoyed Star Trek, it inspired them to come up with this technology. Modeling it after the stories where it first appeared seems reasonable.

Remember, a lot of the inventors of this stuff are fans of the series.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 05:03 PM
wow , amazing thread , really good work , i dont have much time but it is most defenatly worth reading ( wich i will do later on when i got time )

But star trek is great , and first contact still has top 3 in my most favorite movies all time.

again , amazing work


edit : i think you got em!
edit on 11-4-2013 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 06:12 PM
It's interesting that the council is called "nine bows"...the nine bows of Egypt refer to ancient Egypt's nine traditional the Council of Nine channeling extraterrestrial enemies of Earth?

Supposedly, simply picturing the nine bows in ancient Egyptian art rendered the nine powerless....

Channeling enemies or making them powerless--the nine is a pretty complicated metaphor.

Then there's the Magnificent Seven...

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 08:44 PM
Hi there, just signed up to ats. been coming here a few years but this article caught my eye. Both Gene Rodenberrys and George Lucas and possibly arthur c clarkes ideas come from the council of nine or tom as someone mentioned earlier. i was told the book the only planet of choice by a taxi driver who i later found out at a party when i was telling someone the story that was part of a psychic group of somekind. he told me on this short cab ride as for some reason we got onto the subject of the universe and the unexplained that the book came into peoples lives if they were chosen or destined to read it. he also told me that i may not read all of it but return to it at a later time. he said you would only read what you needed, which strangley was true i didnt read all of it just certain parts. the book is not a story book but a series of conversations spanning roughly overs 20 years about this woman, phylis i believe her name was channeling a being called tom and the council of nine. anyway star trek v star wars fans will be sad to know that both gene and george are in the book talking to her and both got there basic fundemental ideas from her. im sure arthur c clarke was in it, but i also remember the cia and fbi visiting her aswell. its a mental read and since reading it i have research world history, religions, the paranormal, ancient aliens, physics the list goes on. what i found was once i read one thing it let to another like a giant web of info linked all together. it eventually led me here a few years ago and ive been popping in daily or at least weekly ever since.i watch a documentry or read an article or subject a day. the truth is like an addiction to me. and im sure thats how a lot of you fee out there. i believe its evolution, we all feel so far apart now on a global and local basic as the internet and media/digital has divided us all and made us unsocial. in a roundabout way i believe this is the calm before the storm. i believe it is making regular people dumb but the truth seekers who still ask the questions and search for answers will become united until are views are told and become mainstream. im rambling now but i could talk for hours about everything but i never stop typing. if anyone wants to ask me anything im sure theres a message service on here that you can use(ive literally only just signed up and not checked yet) about any subject anytime, i really am a ultra oracle these days. ill happily give you a reply and maybe send you a link to an article or video or tell you where you can learn more or where to go to carry on your journey. Finally i would like to thank whoever wrote this as it finally made me sign up. I just thought it was strange that a taxi journey led me here 8 years later to find a post related to a very obscure book i read all those years ago, coincidence? I believe someone said the book was either the most important book ever written or the greatest work of fiction. Maybe you will read it, if your suppose too. thanks for listening, james

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Hi there, just signed up to ats. been coming here a few years but this article caught my eye. Both Gene Rodenberrys and George Lucas and possibly arthur c clarkes ideas come from the council of nine or tom as someone mentioned earlier. i was told the book the only planet of choice by a taxi driver who i later found out at a party when i was telling someone the story that was part of a psychic group of somekind. he told me on this short cab ride as for some reason we got onto the subject of the universe and the unexplained that the book came into peoples lives if they were chosen or destined to read it. he also told me that i may not read all of it but return to it at a later time. he said you would only read what you needed, which strangley was true i didnt read all of it just certain parts. the book is not a story book but a series of conversations spanning roughly overs 20 years about this woman, phylis i believe her name was channeling a being called tom and the council of nine. anyway star trek v star wars fans will be sad to know that both gene and george are in the book talking to her and both got there basic fundemental ideas from her. im sure arthur c clarke was in it, but i also remember the cia and fbi visiting her aswell. its a mental read and since reading it i have research world history, religions, the paranormal, ancient aliens, physics the list goes on. what i found was once i read one thing it let to another like a giant web of info linked all together. it eventually led me here a few years ago and ive been popping in daily or at least weekly ever since.i watch a documentry or read an article or subject a day. the truth is like an addiction to me. and im sure thats how a lot of you fee out there. i believe its evolution, we all feel so far apart now on a global and local basic as the internet and media/digital has divided us all and made us unsocial. in a roundabout way i believe this is the calm before the storm. i believe it is making regular people dumb but the truth seekers who still ask the questions and search for answers will become united until are views are told and become mainstream. im rambling now but i could talk for hours about everything but i never stop typing. if anyone wants to ask me anything im sure theres a message service on here that you can use(ive literally only just signed up and not checked yet) about any subject anytime, i really am a ultra oracle these days. ill happily give you a reply and maybe send you a link to an article or video or tell you where you can learn more or where to go to carry on your journey. Finally i would like to thank whoever wrote this as it finally made me sign up. I just thought it was strange that a taxi journey led me here 8 years later to find a post related to a very obscure book i read all those years ago, coincidence? I believe someone said the book was either the most important book ever written or the greatest work of fiction. Maybe you will read it, if your suppose too. thanks for listening, james

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 10:41 PM
I echo what others have said. Interesting, fun and well done thread. I love reading through all the madness and fun that is ATS, but much of it deteriorates into crazy stuff, rants that become pointless, mean spirited bantering, and the same old same old. I enjoyed this one. Lots of good stuff. And I'm not even a trekkie!

posted on Apr, 12 2013 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by jamesthestrange

Hey, James. I'm glad you took the plunge and signed up. Most of us find our way here in similar fashions, and sometimes in strange, unusual ways. All rivers lead to the sea, and a lot of investigative journeys lead to ATS.

Thanks for your contribution and info regarding that book 'Only Planet of Choice.' It is something I'm putting on my reading list because it sounds fascinating. I have heard from a psychic medium that George Lucas got the idea for Star Wars after having a past-life regression hypnosis. Intriguing stuff. I'm sure a lot of artists and writers and creative people in that decade were pooling a lot of ideas from different sources.

ATS can be a little overwhelming after signing up. My suggestion is to make an official 'Introduction' thread. Some friendly folks will be along shortly to give you some tips and links on how to navigate your way through the site in style. Don't forget the almighty Terms & Conditions as well.

To get started, make an intro thread here:

See ya around, James. I can't wait to see some more of your ideas and contributions

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:02 AM
The new Star Trek being called "Into Darkness" doesn't seem like it's trying to program society in a positive way that's for sure.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by ghetarr2007
The new Star Trek being called "Into Darkness" doesn't seem like it's trying to program society in a positive way that's for sure.

That is true! You may like to consider that one of the primary underpinning principals of Star Trek has always been to mirror current world events. It is not done every episode, but it is done very often. Perhaps the movies are moving back to this principal.


posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

My god.

For one the UFP's logo is deliberately copied from the UN because it's a similar organisation.. Not because of some strange plot or connection with nine or whatever.

You need more medication.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by ziplock9000
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

My god.

For one the UFP's logo is deliberately copied from the UN because it's a similar organisation.. Not because of some strange plot or connection with nine or whatever.

You need more medication.

I need more medication? You do realize that I pretty much cobbled this thread together from multiple sources, right? This is not my conspiracy. I'm just the messenger here.

Out of the entire thread, that's the worst you could nitpick though?

I'll take it as a compliment!

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:59 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned. I skimmed through and didn't see it, my apologizes if I missed it.

All this talk of the council of the nine reminds me of the show babylon 5 with the minbari grey council also referred to as the council of the nine. For those who have not seen the show they act as a quasi shadow government for one of the oldest races in that shows universe. In a lot of ways the decisions that council makes about what information is released/shared with the people at large, mirrors what people say is occurring in the present time.

So it is interesting that quite a few Science Fiction shows do have this theme running through them.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

BRAVO! I have been a fan of STAR TREK ever since I can remember. I am also a fan of THE SECRET SUN! Glad to see you did your homework! I think Roddenberry was a complete visionary, I also believe there may be a hidden space agenda and we are exploring much more of space then we are led to believe!

Now that Voyager was my favorite if you know the show then you know Seven of Nine. I always thought she was 7 of 9 of the Borg...but she replaced Kes and the standard Crew (Regulars) there are NINE! So she was the replacement of Kes the Previous 7...and given a hint of her designation in the Pantheon of Voyager!

well that is what I think...
edit on 23-4-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
I always thought she was 7 of 9 of the Borg...but she replaced Kes and the standard Crew (Regulars) there are NINE! So she was the replacement of Kes the Previous 7...and given a hint of her designation in the Pantheon of Voyager!

well that is what I think...

That's a very interesting way of looking at it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter. She was 7 of 9 in her borg crew; but the Voyager crew just calls her Seven before too long.

If you look at the responses throughout this thread, you'll see that "9" is a prevalent theme in some science fiction shows.

Whether it's just an in-joke among sci-fi writers or something more is anybody's guess. I just thought it was an interesting package to poke a few holes in.
edit on 23-4-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:28 PM
Gene Roddenberry = high priest of Humanism

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 05:39 PM
Very interesting read. Considering most of childhood revolved around Genes works and his family's I'm surprised I've never heard of "the nine". Popping twelve Google tabs and looking into it right now. Thanks for the new lead/ thread.

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Thank you for a really good read! I know it is an old thread but it is new to me. I haven't even begun reading All the replies yet, really got me thinking more about the man behind it all. The Nine thing made me think of 7 of 9 and the borg. Now back to reading the rest of the thread

posted on Apr, 16 2019 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: RUokayHun

Glad you enjoyed the thread

I honestly wish I had more time and energy to look into these interesting tidbits like I used to. Such is life!

Welcome to ATS by the way

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 06:25 PM

Remember when people wrote threads on ATS about the strange, dark, and mysterious with research, effort, and synthesis of thought?

AlroyFarms remembers.

posted on Jun, 5 2024 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: AlroyFarms

Remember when people wrote threads on ATS about the strange, dark, and mysterious with research, effort, and synthesis of thought?

AlroyFarms remembers.

Indeed, I agree! This thread is amazing. I'm a Trekkie and I dont think Ive ever heard of this before, but wow. And even as I read through this thread, I also note that practically everyone who contributed to this thread have either been banned, or long left.

But threads like this were at one time very common on here from what Ive been told. Its a shame we dont have anything matching this quality recently.

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