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Roddenberry, Trek, and "The Nine"

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posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 07:15 AM
And we thank the "Great Bird" for Klingon and all it is for all of us.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

Not really.
I'm looking for clues myself but i only get bits and pieces.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 07:27 AM
I'm an admirer of Roddenberry, and a fan of Trek. Its often said, the difference between Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans is, Trek fans love Gene, but Wars fans hate George Lucas.

That said, in response to your posts:

An arrow is just an arrow, symbolically it simply means movement forward, which is why its used often in identity graphics.

Our cell phones are not anywhere near as advanced as Starfleet issue communicators, which are FTL transceivers with impressive range and more importantly, no need for a network of supporting infrastructure for operation.

A taser is nothing at all like a Phased Array energy weapon, in any way at all.

I love the Star Trek line of Leisure Suits in the Shuttle pic... very groovy.

Gene was just a creative guy who made a living telling stories, any secrecy he exhibited about story lines is typical of anyone not wanting to spoil the experience. Nothing more.

The Council of Nine? New age claptrap was very popular in the 70's. It still is, oddly.

Hyposprays couldn't use air pressure to inject anything into a body, this would cause a gas embolism.

I think the only harmfully subversive thing about Trek could be the idea of a one world government, the abolition of capitalism, the complete redistribution of wealth; to each according to need from each according to ability Marxist vision of the future, as represented by the use of U.N. graphical elements.

That said, this was really only writers trying to fill in the back-story adding more dimension to the contemporary realm that the Trek human universe might be; pulp futurism.

What I find attractive about Trek is the spirit of human excellence and achievement, and humans being human without apology.

Star and flag.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by TheWrightWing

Very sensible and pragmatic. I appreciate your reply. I especially liked the line about Trek fans loving Gene and Wars fans hating Lucas.

It's so true!

p.s. I don't know--the list seemed to think the hypospray is doable..and was a technology even before it found its way into Trek. I remember seeing a thread on ATS not too long ago about some progress on the hypospray idea (I'm just recalling the title; I didn't open the thread.) Not all injections have to be in the vein...some simply need to be under the skin (in the adipose) for absorption.

edit on 10-4-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 07:40 AM
Wow, not sure what I could add, you've touched on quite a bit, even CIA/MKULTRA stuff and the vector insignia that seems to be found everywhere. I'm gonna come back to this when I can read deeper and not just scan but to tie together a few of your strings:

JPL- Sometimes known as Jack Parsons Lab as JP was one of the founders of JPL, also tight friends with L. Ron Hubbard (another sci fi writer) and both were protoges of Aleister Crowley

RAND- Known "Illuminati" think tank

Sidney Gottlieb- Dr important in the spread and use of Lysergic Acid Dimethylide (since the censor won't let me write '___') and other hallucinogens. Also very clearly on the CIA's payroll and was involved in some aspects of MKULTRA

Those were just the things that jumped out as I was scanning the OP. Still, it starts to develop the picture that there is a thread (or several really) that ties consciousness, magick, space science, futuristic thinking, and mass manipulation and control together in one not always so tidy package. Very well done OP.

edit on 10-4-2013 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

There's plenty of sources to get started on. CIA projects like MKultra, I know very little about, so I'm glad to have other members who are capable of picking up the slack.

It's certainly a broad-reaching broad that it hardly looks like a conspiracy at all, just the ramblings of an ATS member (me) who hasn't had a nap in a while

The most challenging part of this thread is to establish a) to what extend Gene was involved and influenced by the Lab 9 group, b) how far-reaching this group's membership was (the wealthy businessmen, the politicians, the media etc.) and c) whether this group was just a new-age movement, or a genuine CIA-backed experiment.

The agenda of Lab 9 is hard to ignore--get people ready for inevitable contact. The iconic creed from Gene is equally compelling, "To seek out new life and new civilizations."

I can't help but feel I'm standing at the threshold of something...but what? The best thing about ATS is that however much I think I know about something, there are at least 25 members who know more and can help me step through.

I look forward to hearing your comments and analysis

edit on 10-4-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by NarcolepticBuddha

Originally posted by BlueMule
How many Prophets are there in the wormhole, btw?

I don't remember if they said how many prophets lived in the wormhole. I do remember that they had those mystical orbs called 'tears of the prophets,' and that each had a specific divination purpose. Not surprisingly, there were nine of them.

Ah. Yup. After I left the house I thought we might have to resort to counting the tears. Each tear probably corresponds to a Prophet. Just a guess.

Thanks for your interesting analysis.

Sure thing bud. From my perspective as a comparativist, Star Trek is practically a mythos to be analyzed by comparative mythology... and I daresay it's inspired by the same forces of the collective unconscious that inspire all of world religion and myth through the ages.

Also I bet you would like this book.

I do know that 9 is the Chinese number of completion and fulfillment.

I think its also the horizontal beam of the Christian Cross. IIRC the vertical one would be 13.

edit on 10-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

First of all please let me applaud you for a very well put together thread, a very deserved flag and a bajillion stars!
This thread is top

Concerning the 'The Nine', i have recently been listening to Josh Reeves reading The Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
Firstly just me let me say i dont interpret some aspects the same way Josh does, dont allow his interpretations to sidetrack anyone from the wisdom and knowledge of what Thoth is telling us.
Thoth describes 'The Nine' many times in his message.

an extract from Tablet 7:

Spoke again to me the NINE saying: Seek ye to find the path to beyond. Not impossible is it to grow to a consciousness above. For when TWO have become ONE and ONE has become the ALL, know ye the barrier has lifted, and ye are made free of the road. Grow thou from form to the formless. Free may thou be of the road.

For those who enjoy reading rather than listening, this is for you - The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth/Hermes

Its a long listen, but its a great way to get the message.
I close my eyes and take in the message whenever i have time.

It is expected that many will scoff, yet the true student will read between the lines and gain wisdom. If the light is in you, the light which is engraved in the Tablets will respond.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 09:35 AM


I have no doubt that Gene was in the service of the oligarchy in shaping the group think of the body politic toward their desired ends. He inserted many pantheistic etc. RELIGIOUS themes and elements into his creations. Certainly he conditioned the planet to accept the "ET's" as at least possibly benign to saviors and/or good-cop/bad-cop critters. This fits the scenario of the Biblical GREAT DECEPTION quite well--like a hand in glove.

He had a VERY POWERFUL impact on how the planet's populace now construe REALITY--certainly influencing even their PERCEPTIONS of what is real and what is true. No small feat.

That he has led millions down the yellow brick road to global oligarchy deceptions is a whole 'nother issue.


posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

This fits the scenario of the Biblical GREAT DECEPTION quite well--like a hand in glove.

Actually it doesn't but I can see why exoteric Christians might think so.

But that's another issue as you say.

edit on 10-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:03 PM
I'm a Trek fan. I have been since I could walk and talk. I'll be at the midnight showing of the next movie! I used to have a uniform in my closet and some Vulcan ears laying around ...

Concerning Gene's ability to "predict" future technology:

I think it works the other way around. I think Gene was creative and came up with awesome technological devices, and as kids people watched in wonder. Star Trek inspired people to become astronauts and scientists, and when they were grown up -- they saw to it to make Gene's vision reality.

Look at our iPads ... PADD anyone? Someone, somewhere obviously watched Star Trek and saw to it that we could have the cool tablets like on ST:TNG

Another interesting connection would be Stargate. Has anyone noticed something coincidental about the symbol/chevron for Earth?

It has the same triangle/arrow shape...

I have a feeling that there really is somthing connecting all of this stuff behind the scenes.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:11 PM
SNF! Thanks for taking the time to pull this stuff together, I enjoyed the time it took to read it. Most of it I had never heard, it is really appreciated!

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:14 PM
As well as "Deep Space 9" and "Seven of Nine" and 9 cast members for ST:TNG it seems that "nine" is a very embeded archetype. Even the Beatles used the number 9 in the song, "Revolution 9" on their White Album.

And of course there's that oldie "Love Potion Number 9" ...

The song describes a man seeking help to find love, so he talks to a Gypsy who determines, by means of palmistry, that he needs "love potion number 9".


So we have a new-age channeling group called "The Nine" and we see the number nine littered all through our music and popular culture. It's entirely possible that the archetype is somehow unconciously being placed.

I think we should focus our attention on these channelers and their messages.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:21 PM
This just gets weirder and weirder...

I googled "The Council of Nine" and the Wikipedia article relates to Greek mythology. What I find interesting is that it's based on the story of Promethus (sci-fi movie anyone?) and the council of nine formed "Pandora" (another sci-fi movie anyone?)


To punish mankind, Zeus and eight other deities gathered to form the Council of Nine. The council members were Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon and Zeus.

Together this council created Pandora, and sent her, as a gift, to Epimetheus. Epimetheus was also given Pandora's Box, and told to never open it. Curiosity got the better of Pandora and she opened the box, releasing all of the misfortunes of Mankind.


It's almost like there is some kind of inside gag or something amongst sci-fi writers and creative people in general over the usage of the number nine.

Maybe I should always use the number 9 ...

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Dolores Cannon said star trek is real in one of her many presentations...

edit on 10-4-2013 by Spacespider because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:04 PM
This post is magnificent. The vision this man put forth has excited me since I was about 7. I'm going to read this in detail later. Thank you very much for putting this up.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:06 PM
Regarding Star Trek fandom, same here. The point you bring up about the PADD, very good, I never thought of it. You are right, is it chicken or the egg. Likely many people did store information in the back of their head and applied in their technological fields in the 80's through till now.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:18 PM
Great thread on a great contributor to society!

I think in the act of creativity or attempting to imagine the future you cannot help but to be right about some of it. Though Roddenberry had access to the best private and public minds available in the day with many only too willing to volunteer their own visions of the possible future.

Either way his works were and still are a great compilation of agreed upon visions and beautifully summarize the direction of scientific ambition and mankind's awakening to a potential greater community.

Love it! Can't wait to see what else you uncover about this enigmatic man.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Atlantican

Though Roddenberry had access to the best private and public minds available in the day with many only too willing to volunteer their own visions of the possible future.

No doubt. But access like that is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Oops, wrong sci-fi metaphor!

What I meant to say is, inspiration is not from the conscious mind. It's from the collective unconscious. When an artist has psychic access to the collective unconscious, the archetypal patterns enter the mind of the artist. That's the only access an artist needs. The artist is then a mere vehicle for something larger than himself.

"The biographies of great artists make it abundantly clear that the creative urge is often so imperious that it battens on their humanity and yokes everything to the service of the work, even at the cost of health and ordinary human happiness. The unborn work in the psyche of the artist is a force of nature that achieves its end either with tyrannical might or with the subtle cunning of nature herself, quite regardless of the personal fate of the man who is its vehicle." -Carl Gustav Jung

edit on 10-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
I'm a Trek fan. I have been since I could walk and talk. I'll be at the midnight showing of the next movie! I used to have a uniform in my closet and some Vulcan ears laying around ...

Concerning Gene's ability to "predict" future technology:

I think it works the other way around. I think Gene was creative and came up with awesome technological devices, and as kids people watched in wonder. Star Trek inspired people to become astronauts and scientists, and when they were grown up -- they saw to it to make Gene's vision reality.

Look at our iPads ... PADD anyone? Someone, somewhere obviously watched Star Trek and saw to it that we could have the cool tablets like on ST:TNG

Another interesting connection would be Stargate. Has anyone noticed something coincidental about the symbol/chevron for Earth?

It has the same triangle/arrow shape...

I have a feeling that there really is somthing connecting all of this stuff behind the scenes.

The vision of the I Pad was more down to another great visionary Sir Arthur C Clarke (2001 A Space Odyssey etc ) as shown here:-

The things he predicted way back in the 1940's are common place today. One example being the communication satelite.

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