a reply to:
No more fan fiction rubbish please!!!!!
I honestly hope someone re-does seasons 6 7 8, maybe even season 4 & 5.
I watched the last episode again, it was literally horrific television.
It is nothing but seksi CGI for an hour, By Ja Ja Binks' Beard! It's now tacky one liners and great camera angles for a Targeryian pop MTV music
video. I know I have been saying this in this thread for 3 seasons, but things have just gotten that bad.
The sitting on a tiny hill for how long?
The WW getting Naval aircraft landing ship chains to lift Vicerion when Great Other or NK or whatever the heck he is can actually just lift his arms
up to worg them.
Not to mention now all of a sudden they can walk under water, hook chains around a dragon but they couldn't step in water to cross 10 meters across to
the A-Team?
Ayra is no longer a character, she is just ninja girl power caricature of her former self.
LF has been reduced to Stalking Sansa like Trump stalked Hillary at that Debate
ugh anyway I could go on, but second watch it was damn awful!!! full of vapid nothingness. Their show runners, directors, editors and script writers
should be not just sacked but dragged through the streets of Dubrovnik whilst cow shlt is summarily thrown at them
Phew, that feels better. I'm sure you all hate me for being a book purist. I really wasn't until they diverted the script texture from the books.
So I picked up the books again last night, I am now re reading them again. The intricacies of Essos, the cultures, gods, creatures and magics belong
in my imagination, not on HBO anymore.
Anyhoo, Let's enjoy the setting of a friendly wager. Whoever wins, will receive "King or Queen of Geek " accolades for a year.
Who will rule the iron throne/rule Westeros at the end ?
My guess is for the book ending ( you can guess either book or TV or both)
OK- Dany will NEVER sit on the Iron Throne. (SORRY!) Her prophecy in the House of the Undying foretold this imo.
Tyrion asked her for her successor, she will name Jon, granted this was on TV, but it was a foreshadowing in a show that has lost all it's direction
so I figure Martin planned it in his outline.
I think she becomes a dragon or fire or a comet gong back to the stars. There is something to do with Magic returning to the world with her dragons
and the WW that means we can't forget there is a "game" going on outside of the main characters reaching for the Iron Throne.
Dragon control by Valerians came from the Shadow people, Quaithe being shadow is also guiding Dany saying "remember who you are" , Oleana said "Be a
Who sits on the throne doesn't matter so much as the Ying and Yang balance of magic and man, fire and ice. This is Jon and Dany's role, not the Iron
Jon is the prince that was promised, he is Fire and Ice. She is just fire.
Jon has already named his successor...Sansa, he is already dead remember.
Sana will be Queen. She may even end up with a Targaeryion...Gendry Baratheon has 1/6 (or something ) Targ in him if he gets it on with her.
GRRM is not about the obvious. Dany and Jon happily ever after will never happen.
I'm ok with Queen Sansa.
~runs away~
edit on 22-8-2017 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)