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Vatican Prophecy, the End of Religion, and Shift to Universal Consciousness

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posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by BDBinc

I agree with your conclusion, IMHO.

To the OP: As so many others have stated, your threads, are by far the most interesting well thought out I have read when following this site. You must have authored these thoughts long before joining ATS and not just a few days... I am sure.

Even though I am new to the site, and am aware, this is not the best way to start off, but here goes....
I have read your introduction and your Dreams/ Prediction, even though you were opposed to the second thread being moved to this forum, as apposed to the Prediction forum. I must say that your introduction was brilliant and well thought out. You were successful to have turned into a thread, even though it has been done before, I sense your reasoning has more behind it than meets they eye. Why not share your experiences under the UFO forum and only sent them by PM to those interested? Don't you know all ATS are interested. Or was it divide and conquer? Were you worried to be debunked by the ones that actually had these experiences/as well? You are quite articulate and it seems to me that the question from the members are answered systematically almost as if anticipated/studied. Are you doing a theses? Is this the experiment to prove your point? Just some questions that have crossed my mind.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by BornOfSin
reply to post by gsmith524

The Annunaki are extradimensional. By this; the only aspect of the 'Galactic' view of the Annunaki that rings true is that Nibiru IS coming, but it's actually not within our dimensional universe.

Also it appears you have made the fundamental misinterpretation associated with the 'detached self' perspective of religious belief that an end to religion in its current form is the end of spirituality. This couldn't be further from the truth.

An end (as with all dualities of balance within the construct of the universe) is also a new beginning, which is why it's referred to as a 'shift' or end of the religious era. It is not the abandonment of 'God', rather a deeper understanding of 'Gods' true nature as it has always been.

If you'd like to know why it is so important that we; as a race; make the shift to a higher consciousness; read my last reply post before this one.
edit on 1-3-2013 by BornOfSin because: Addition

Just a couple of days ago, I was listening to a very interesting program concerning Niburu Planet X (The Second Sun, hidden behind the sun..) according to Gordon James Gianninoto, you might want to look him up as he speaks about Niburu and Annunaki.. Planet Niburu is within our dimensional universe and from what I partially gathered ( I need to pay more attention to the broadcast..) there is an association between that planet and a shifting of earth poles; Here is a link I found where this gentleman is interviewed by George Noory from CoastToCoast AM radio. Very good show and he proceeds to talk a bit about the Annunaki as well; I don't believe he sees them as favourable creatures though; Here is the link:

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by BornOfSin
reply to post by alienDNA

The big problem with me being 'Schizophrenic' alienDNA; is that my first encounter with these lights happened with my girlfriend present.

Also that I have taken many people down there, all of which have had experience with seeing these lights. Many of which actually communicated with them too.

So I guess every one of us would be crazy having the exact same shared illusions?

Ah, excursion from the local psych ward.

sorry OP couldn't resist it. No offense meant.

But seriously, I would give my eye teeth for the experiences you claim to be having.

A lot earlier in this thread, I asked that you send em over to the east a bit, I think you dismissed this. Actually, it would be awsome if you could. Once again, here are the rough co-ords 151 and a bit east by 25 or so south. If they got ot that point I'm sure they would find my enquiring mind.

Keep this coming OP and ignore the rude people. sure, they are entitled to their opinion but rudeness should not be tolerated.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Fimbulvetr
reply to post by BornOfSin

And that's just it. If there were to be a 'God' of sorts, the only 'rational' answer would be some sort of universal energy pattern that was (perhaps) self-aware.. or rather, each individual component (i.e. each person, plant, etc) was aware of all the others (had they been so finely trained).

Metachlorians are mentioned in Episode 1 as having a specific 'count' in the blood. I don't know that there has to be any sort of rambunctious DNA.. but I do believe the mind is capable of delivering incredible results if it were so taught to do them.

In essence, a 'God' that is a universal energy, one that we flow into and out of, covers the basics for all major religions. It also means we don't need a specific institution to pay money for forgiveness to.

I've been wondering why more people hadn't picked up on the fact that not only in Star Wars do planets [in general] live as a 'planetary' species on the galactic-scene**, but also that they don't seem to be having religious in-fighting. It's almost all political. There doesn't seem to be a high amount of racism, it's more about controlling resources and consolidating power for the new Empire.

ANYWAY, back to the point.. mental acuity, prowess, and ability are all [in theory] related to tapping into the patterns outside of our 3-D senses. Taking away the Sci-Fi backdrop to it, thus explains the Force. It isn't good or evil, it's both. It's in everything, resonates in all creation. Oh, George Lucas.. please don't tell me you're Illuminati

** For you SW nerds out there that may want to bring up Naboo, the land-dwellers that actually use space-craft are considered Naboo. The water-dwelling species that Jar-Jar ends up representing use an entirely different ecology and therefore technology, than the Naboo. Other than 'Ugh, those guys again..' sort of mentality, there doesn't seem to be a planetary war going on there, or a difference of religious beliefs, or even much of a political struggle. Just slightly irritated co-existence.

Co-Existence without religion, I might add.
edit on 3-3-2013 by Fimbulvetr because: (no reason given)

Star Wars is fake, yet you believe it and use it as reality? It's Kaballah and every belief that you stated above is from Jewish occultic mysticism - straight out of Babylon. Do you not see that? Their holy books are preached to you along with all other occultic and esoteric beliefs, in every hour and plot line that you hear and watch on tv and films. So, instead of listening to God's words in our Bibles, you soak up occultic beliefs without even understanding that it's being done. Their books are just given voices and their created images speak - straight into your mind and heart. So few even want to contemplate exactly what tv, radio and film has done in a mere fifty years. It's converted a large Christian population into children of hell. They now reject Jesus Christ and His commandments, and spout their Jewish beliefs. How did the Jews teachers and leaders take prisoner and rule over their populations? By making their converts twice the children of hell. Nothing has changed. Esoterics own and produce what you consume, and now you not only believe it but preach it. But yet, I bet that you would say that you aren't "religious". This applies to all of us. The only difference between us and our moral Christian great grandparebts is the introduction of speaking images. We dropped our Bibles and sucked in the beasts words.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by BornOfSin

You could very well be right. Of course it may be me that is being deceived, I acknowledge that. But I fail to see why they would go to such efforts to try and help me attach to a higher consciousness, to enslave me?

A variant of the "Stockholm Syndrome." It's easier to control humans when they have an attachment to the controller. It's a pretty classic maneuver for everyone from wife-beaters to terrorists to slave masters. The attachment makes the controlled WANT to do the bidding of the controller. It seems to often work both ways, with the controller eventually reaching a point where he thinks he can't live (and sometimes actually can't survive) without the controlled, though, so it's a double edged sword for the controller as well if he allows it to get out of hand. After all, what is a slave master without his slaves? Answer: just another laborer.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:10 PM
Most interesting thread, thank goodness you seem to be replying again. I got to the post when you said you will no longer reply and though NOOOO. Have now jumped to the end without reading much in between.

I have really wanted to just ask you since I begin to read this thread a real question " Why you? do you know why you have been given this information. Do you know why they talk to you really? I am assuming you've questioned them. I'm wondering if you can answer this. I could be experiencing a slight envy towards you

Basic concept you talk of sits well with me, I have no great understanding on any religion man made. 'I've always felt there's more. Much more. I also understand they would not want to hurt humans. It sort of erks me to constantly read 'aliens bad, they will kill us, enslave us, use us, eat us. Alien propaganda spread buy churches, TPTB.

So again thank you for the information and reading you've given (although there's a bit I don't understand) So lastly just to remind you of the question Do you know why they've chosen you? If you have answered this already sorry I've missed it.

ETA: ok I didn't see this post

" From what I am aware of; most contact is made because of an agenda investment in the bloodline. I asked about my bloodline and they told me to look at my mums history'

Do you think they ment to follow the history as to find a relation with a type of employment or could it be more of how your blood is made up, blood type, DNA and all that technical stuff. I find the RH - and RH + concept an interesting topic too. Does it have any relevance to what you've been told or have they mentioned it?
edit on 3-3-2013 by feelingconnected because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2013 by feelingconnected because: spelling

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I agree, but that still doesn't explain why they would try to trick us when they could just as easily enslave us without the trickery.

Ask yourself the question instead of discarding it.
You can come up with a multitude of reasons like:
- They are no aliens, they are human beings using hidden tech to pass as aliens.
- They are in fact not numerous enough to enslave us by brute force.
- There other alien species watching and they wouldn't allow enslavement. So, they use deceit to be able to argue (in front of these other species) that we CHOSE to follow them (the path they set as truth).


Plus, I'm pretty sure religion has given billions the illusion of free-will already, so what purpose would it serve them to do it all over again? If they wanted to enslave us, wouldn't they just keep the deception going instead of changing things up and giving us information that truly sets us free?

Born Of sin said it himself: To present you a religion more in adequation to the level of our knowledge/understanding of the world and 'reality'.

BUT, if we accept that some beings are 'guiding' (more like controlling) our 'spiritual' evolution (the evolution of our mind/psyche), then we have to realize that they're always using lies and deceit to prevent us to really look for the truth.

If you see someone that you wanna control starting to question the story you told him to be the truth, you quickly feed him a new one (with some new elements that seem or are closer to the truth, but you twist them to suits your agenda.) to prevent him from finding one (or several) you don't want him to find. Truths that threaten the power/control you have over him.

What agenda could they be pushing by telling us that we are the light of life? How is that information evil in any way?

It's evil if that's a lie. If they are NOT benevolent beings but malevolent ones. They could try to pass as being of light using the illusion that they give you some liberating truths when in fact they are simply feeding different BS. Just new concepts and ideas more in adequation with our time and our level of questionning.
But they're still the ones feeding you the story... And you don't know if it's true or not. You have to BELIEVE it.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by BornOfSin

The major issue that I originally found within the Bible and its teachings is that 'God' created us with intelligent, analytical and scientific minds, but then asks us to have 'faith' in the things we cannot understand even when they are contradicted by what we know to be true within the pursuits of our intelligent mind.

Do you have children?
What seems true in the mind of a child is subjective to the rate of perceptive maturity.
We are born with intelligent & analytical minds, yet we acquire understanding through experience.

Being created with capability is one thing, but working it out to its full potential within prudent parameters along a properly complimenting timeline is another.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by 1Agnostic1

If they're going to enslave us, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. If they are as advanced as the OP says, we don't have a chance in hell against them. Why go through the effort of tricking us when they could have gotten the same result without the trickery?

What if the Annunaki left text behind that already contained the truth, yet after they left those in power changed it to mean something else for their own benefit? I think the OP outlined that possibility and I do think it is possible.

I'm on the fence with this honestly, but I'm leaning more toward benevolent because if they actually did contact this guy, then they outlined the "light of life" exactly how I have seen it for some time. The message really resonates with my own beliefs.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

What made you think they are benevolent?
What about the contradictions in the post.

Do you think this planet does not have controllers?

Since the OP still hasn't replied as to why HE said they are controllers and then said that they aren't .
This is important truth, we have controllers and they have been it he said as much. I feel our real light and love has not been manifested in this world due to manipulation of just such ideas as "survival of the fittest" competition and not cooperation etc.
Light,peace and love

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by BDBinc

Because I see no reason for them to be malevolent. If they are a malevolent species they would have never made it far enough into their development to achieve what the OP outlines. They would have killed each other long before then.

We aren't even close to achieving FTL travel or anti-gravity/inertia technology, yet we're on the brink of destroying ourselves and the world along with us. I don't see how an aggressive species could have made it that far if they were evil and sadistic.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Again, the fact that you're using Quantum Physics/Mechanics (like numerous other gurus out there) proves to me that you are either mislead or a liar.
You may believe or make people believe that Quantum Mechanics depicts reality and is true science but I know better.
I don't say that telekinesis, telepathy and other, yet different (and usually seen as paranormal and non-deserving of scientific studies) interactions with our environment and others are impossible and/or false.
I say entaglement (the concept you use in your OP to try and demonstrate the existence of a Collective and Universal Consciousness), non-locality and uncertainty principles... and most of the concept postulated by QM as being true are not and are lies.

So, if the beings you claim to be in contact with, present them (at least entanglement) as facts, they are lying to you... Or are simple human beings pretending to have a knowledge they don't... Or it's just you and you don't know better.
A more evolved species would KNOW these concepts are simply ridiculous and not scientific at all.

It's like the PEOPLE who wrote the bible(s) and ANY religious book. They were either too stupid to realize all the contradictions and illogical claims they were writing about or thought it'll be good enough to deceive stupid/ignorant people.

In short, you're preaching/doing (whether you realize it or not) the very thing you (pretend to) denounce.

And again, as for faith, that is EXACTLY what you demonstrate towards the words/teachings of these beings and ask from us.
You can play the hypocrite and say: "I don't ask you to believe me, I just present claims (there are NOT information nor facts since you provide NO PROOF at all)". but that's exactly what you desire/hope for when writing this thread. Because if you didn't WANT people to believe in what you're saying, you wouldn't be here sharing it and speaking at length about it.

You don't even incite people to think for themselves since you don't demonstrate logically or empirically anything. You just present a(n appealing for this audience) story composed of different claims, nothing else.

What you present to us is, like it or not, a religion and not even a new one. This is mystic paganism known today under the name 'New Age Religion'.

To conclude, your definition of faith is wrong. Again, faith is "the belief in something without OR against proof of the contrary."
You completely put aside the "WITHOUT proof" part to focus on the "against proof of the contrary" by saying it's just an unshakable belief.
This allows you to claim you're not 'guilty' of the same stupidity you pretend to reject.

I could even explain to you that the definition of faith I just gave is, in fact the definition of "belief" by opposition to "knowledge", that trust is believing (therefore a form of faith) and that faith is simply a belief attached to a set of ideas, rules and concepts (what is called a belief system), not simply a single belief on a single concept/idea...

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by 1Agnostic1

Do you have a deep understanding of QM? Do you understand the processes scientists have gone through in order to present the QM theory? If not, then how can you determine whether it is true or false?

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

"If they are a malevolent species they would have never made it far enough into their development to achieve what the OP SAYS."
OK so its only because of what the OP said.
They would have killed each other long before then, Why? Only idiots would completely destroy their food source.

With their control we aren't even close to achieving FTL travel or anti-gravity/inertia technology, yet we're on the brink of destroying ourselves and the world along with us.
" I don't see how an aggressive species could have made it that far if they were evil and sadistic"
Really ?Why?
Being evil and sadistic would not make you stupid.
Evil and cruel has got nothing to do with how you develop technology.
I am sorry to point out your reasoning is deeply flawed.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by 1Agnostic1

If they're going to enslave us, there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. If they are as advanced as the OP says, we don't have a chance in hell against them. Why go through the effort of tricking us when they could have gotten the same result without the trickery?

You're assuming what the OP says to be the truth is... the truth.
First, that he actually 'met' and conversed with UFOs and then, that they told him (at least part of) the truth.
Read the possible reasons for these 'beings' to lie I gave you in my previous reply to you again.

"What if the Annunaki left text behind that already contained the truth, yet after they left those in power changed it to mean something else for their own benefit? I think the OP outlined that possibility and I do think it is possible."

We cannot draw any meaningful/logical conclusion out of assumptions. And the more there are assumptions the less information you truly possess. Therefore the less likely your idea is to be (close to) the truth.
And here there are only that: assumptions and claims. No PROOF of ANYTHING.

I'm on the fence with this honestly, but I'm leaning more toward benevolent because if they actually did contact this guy, then they outlined the "light of life" exactly how I have seen it for some time. The message really resonates with my own beliefs.

So, they must be benevolent because you like what they're saying... But yet give no proof.
And what if your beliefs are wrong and have been influenced by them already without you realising it?
ALL the new gurus spew the same BS and present it in a convincing way. In a way that appeals to all our desires (and fears) and that is a reflection of human's questionning in these times.

You know, when you want to control someone, you have three ways of doing so: By the use of fear or by the use of faked benevolence... Or by the use of a mix of both (think Religions).
Faked benevolence is, if more time consumming and difficult, more powerful since those you convince we'll go out of their way to please you and spread your words.
Think about that while you're on the fence.
edit on 3-3-2013 by 1Agnostic1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by 1Agnostic1

Do you have a deep understanding of QM? Do you understand the processes scientists have gone through in order to present the QM theory?

If you look at my post history, the vast majority of them are from 2 months ago (when I signed up) and are in their vast majority about QM.
Read them if you're interested in science, cosmology, physics, QM, the universe, the quantum level of reality...

And that's why I bothered to post a reply on this thread in the first place.
The use of QM's concept to back up 'spiritual' ideas/concepts and the New Age religion is highly irritating to me.

ALL the new gurus out there, those who pretend to disclose truths are in fact feeding us lies. They are all shills and disinfo agents... Or misguided enough to pose no threat to the PTB.
There are some truths but in a mountain of BS. Truths that you are evident (even if opposed by a majority of people like the fact there are intelligent extraterrestrial life in the universe) anyway. But they build lies upon and around these truths to confuse and control us.

They feed us a story (or several) to stop us from asking these questions further and by ourselves. Because we tend to stop looking for the truth when we think we have (discovered) it already. That's one of the goal of religions, btw.

edit on 3-3-2013 by 1Agnostic1 because: edit

edit on 3-3-2013 by 1Agnostic1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by BDBinc

My opinion is my own, it isn't based on anything other than my own perception of the information given. Do I believe without a doubt that aliens left writings behind thousands of years ago? No, that's why I said it was "possible", and it most definitely is in my opinion.

How could an evil race of aliens bent on domination make it off their home planet, much less light years away from it? If they desire power and money then how could they have gotten past each other? We can't even go a year without some kind of war happening between ourselves.

If they are power hungry then why do they have an infinite supply of zero-point energy? Something like that would never make it past the first patent office on Earth.

I still don't see any reason for them to try to trick us. If they really did create religion in order to keep us blind and confused then why are they all of a sudden change it around right before they get here? Seems kind of counter-productive if you ask me.

edit on 3-3-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by BDBinc

With all due respect; you are another person that I wasn't originally bothering to answer for the simple fact that your arguments are weak opinion that aren't backed with intelligent reasoning. This is a prime example because, once again you produced an array of flimsy arguments most based on semantics and an attempt to force words into my mouth with no intelligent reasoning.

Firstly, I am being enslaved? Nobody of a religious faith can make this argument. Period. I have already pointed out how religious faith can easily (much more so) be considered enslavement of the mind, but just for you, I'll repeat myself. Religion is a well constructed enslavement of the mind, and when carried out properly it is near impenetrable in that its entire premise requires a blind devotion to faith that defies logic and reasonable thinking. So there is no way that someone in the rigid confines of such a paradigm can make claim against someone else. It is downright hypocrisy plain and simple.

By this I could easily have argued from the start that I was attempting to 'free' you from mental slavery. I never made this claim and therefore to push such a claim of slavery on my paradigm makes you look blind to your own state. So forget the slavery argument. It's ridiculous and weak.

The second argument about 'serving their purpose', you have taken my quoted sentence out of the context of the hypothesis of reason sentence that proceeded it; so that it; conveniently, strengthen another weakly constructed argument. Why did you not address the reasoning that I presented instead of trying to poke holes in it using semantics? Proves you had no intelligent counter and therefore should have said nothing.

The next part is quite interesting. So what you are meaning to tell me is this; Over the modern history of man where Christianity and other religion has had the predominant control over the every day domain of man, been a motivating factor in just about every war throughout a history, causing people to kill and hate in it's name ... That an unseen and largely unknown race of beings hiding in a background were actually responsible for the current ugly state of affairs with man, and your religious beliefs have nothing to do with it??? Blaming it on them?? From behind the scenes, they were that effective. While religion in its primary role played no part and struggled to be effective to its nature. Please, did you even stop to realise how ridiculous that statement sounds.

Religious division is the primary motivating factor for a majority of the hate in this world. You cant for one second sit there and tell me that the hate is actually distributed behind the scenes by a group that most of the world haven't even heard of. This is the weakest argument you've made so far.

In the last part; *Sighs* You have no idea what you are talking about, but having a background in psychology I will attempt to explain ...

We are born savage beings that needs to be taught civility and love. It is NOT the other way around as you ideologically believe. Simple experiment. Put two babies in one cot, harmoniously co-existing, then introduce 1 biscuit to one of the babies. Watch what happens. You are delusional if you think we are born naturally loving divine beings or that such hatred and competition does not exist in us a fundamental level from birth. We need to be taught unity. And the simple fact of the matter that is being proven over the years is that religion does not teach unity, it can only ever teach the ideology of unity, which is not the same thing. The only true unity can come through attachment.

And no; there is absolutely no contradiction, again an argument in semantics born of having no real intelligent counterpoint to anything I've given you:

You basically just said to me that teaching is forced knowledge. That giving an understanding to someone is the same as knowing it for them. This is not the case.

Do we predetermine the future of our children by sending them to school? This is a narrow self-serving argument which makes no senses.

they seeded the competition greed is good and all the other harmful ideas man has developed

Did they seed this in the babies? *Sighs*

I hope you start trusting the thought feeling you are being deceived (and deceiving).

Again this is opinion which gives no support of reason. If you're going to make opinionated remarks you need to back them up with solid rationale. You never do this, just provide opinion as fact with nothing to reason it. It is rather fitting by that fact that you said 'I hope you start trusting' as this is the only possible way your arguments could be taken as valid.

With all due respect, unless you reply with something truly substantial in your next post, I wont be bothering to reply as it's like trying to teach physics to a cat.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by 1Agnostic1

I never said what the OP claims is truth! When did I say that? All I'm saying is that his message about God and light really resonates with beliefs that I already had long before this thread was ever made, nothing more.

I didn't assume anything. I never said that aliens actually did that, I just said that it is possible, not truth. I also never said that they were without a doubt benevolent, there you go putting words in my mouth again.

Stop assuming that I take his word as fact because I don't, I just like to leave possibilities open. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
edit on 3-3-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

The way you formulate your sentences, I assumed you believed it. My bad.
Still, it doesn't change the content of my post.
Also, I edited my previous and added some ideas.

And the fact that Born Of Sin doesn't reply to my posts and the points I make should make you even more suspicious... He has nothing to say to counter the arguments I make.

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