You know, as Im reading, many thoughts or responses to various comments come to mind.
Firstly, just because someone doesnt "Live" or "walk" with jesus has no bearing or decision on whether or not someones soul will be "saved". If youre
a good person, if you do good things and be caring, kind, loving, and considerate in your life, i DO NOT see you being tormented in hell just because
you didnt "accept" jesus. HIs message revolved around being a SPIRITUAL, balanced, well rounded individual with compassion and dedicaton for the
greater good. His teaching, in my experience with my own path, have been greatly skewed and misinterpreted. Therefore i leave the bible and adopt his
attitude the best that i can.
Religion is different from spirituality, Religion is a boxed in set of beliefs held to be the actual way towards a suposedly happy and healthy life.
It is a manmade concept and word.
Spirituality however, is a path of your individual journey completely different, sometimes inersecting, with others. I am spiritual. I collect good
tidings through my actions and thoughts and constantly word on my OWN self.
I dont box my spirit in with religious rules and set beliefs passed down, rewritten, changed, altered words. I dont condemn others for not having or
adopting my own set beliefs and decide theyre going to hell.
Heaven and hell are only shown to you when you drop your ego. The ego is the intermediary between your soul. It gives you your identity on this
dimension and with it comes all the feelings, thoughts, and emotions based on learned events here. It is what giving you connectivity between this
dimension and your spirit. Heaven and hell, depending on your life, is shown to you during various reasons during life such as meditation, near
death, death, significant events, etc.
When you die, it is my belief that your ego fails and gets let go. When you do, you realize Through your actual spirit self and analyze your life,
hence life flashing before eyes etc. If youve hurt people in your life, you feel their pain through interconnectedness we all have. Your veil gets
removed and you see what the consequences of your actions have on a higher lvl. This could be both good or bad, hence heaven or hell.
Now as for the op, I see so many claiming to be but never put up the answers to questions, or veer, sidetrack, or just outright bs their way through.
I see a whole gambit of personalities replying to your post. Some very astute, some open, and some still sadly closed to the knowledge that within
EVERYTHING lies truth and more to learn. They are closed, and though may or may not have experience in what they feel or say, still fail to beieve
that even if things are how they say, maybe theres more to it. we are diverse, so is the universe, and so are other dimensions. another failed attempt
by humankind to realize that just because we know something, does not mean there isnt more to learn.
I resonate with many here on the fact that what you say seems oddly intriguing and wish to know more. I believe there is an ultimate design plan in
progress and it will take me to my death, whenever that comes, to fin out the truth. until then i will keep cultivating my spirit, and learn all that
i can. I want the whole picture.
Now op, was there a process to getting an answer back initially? Did you go out there and ask? or did they just show up? What are the overall feeling
you feel when you communicate either telepthically or visually with them?
And for those of you that claim to KNOW the answer to what 99% of us dont know.....either youre really special or really ignorant. That is the exact
embodiment of what i think is destroying our race. The whole I know therefore all of you are wrong tactic. Rise above there are too many things to
learn to ever have such a strong conviction about something as to call others wrong.
For one to learn something, there are two paths. To learn from the truth, or to sift through lies and find the truth. Ill give you an example, An old
lady, never having been done wrong in her life is although, good, kind, and sweet, is also gullible to the tales of a salesman, or user. An old lady,
having seen it all through lessone, knows what to watch for and knows how to find the truth in her dealings. Point being, maybe theyre priming us with
hard earned lessons. i mean, they havent interfered on any major scale to correct any of this but continue to spread KNOWLEDGE to those who have a
special ear. In an optimist by nature and ive been through the school of people who use, and take advantage of to know clearly how to spot them. I
learned through trial and error.
edit on 4-3-2013 by mactheaxe because: (no reason given)