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vampire sightings

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posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 10:18 PM
hey pyrofist, get this 1 through vamps don't get attached or protect us we are lunch pure and simple, get lost in the mountains of romania and you'll find out too

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:13 PM
OK, I think before I tell my story I should give a small bit of back ground. Please bare with me as I have never told this to anyone other than close family. I come from a long line of gifted, and the strongest is past through the females. As a child I thought it was normal and that everyone had it. I talked with the animals I lived around, I saw spirits and sometimes talked with them, I knew things and saw things all the time and my special friends that were different from us. We lived in Kentucky on my grandmothers farm back then. My mother became frightened one day and I was told to never be with them again . She told me that our gifts were evil if God didn't tell us to use them and that I should learn to ignore them. I was too young to understand most of what she said to me but she made sure to repeat it many times as I grew up and added more as she felt I was old enough, she has to this day never told me everything. As a teen I wanted to know as much as possible but she knew I was up to something and has since refused to tell me anything more.
My friends kept a distance after that due to my mother watching me closer so I only saw them on occasion. I learned to keep it a secret even from my siblings since they might slip and tell mom. My mother was always worried about me because I had no fear of anything at all, was curious about everything, stubborn when I set my mind to doing something and bold enough to go after what I wanted.

Then One night The dark one came. I was 4 or 5 at the time so my memory should be fuzzy but it is still clear. My mother had called me in for the night, it was already very dark but I had not noticed. I had just come into the breezeway and was sitting on the step in front of the door taking off my shoes when I felt something very different, I looked around as I was sensing what direction it was coming from. It seamed to be everywhere at first then I felt it come into the house from the basement. For the first time in my life I felt fear, the closer he came to me the stronger the fear grew. When I saw the him finally as he came up the basement steps, moving with such grace that he seemed cat-like all I could think of was this must be a monster. Our eyes locked and he grinned at me, I felt such malice from him and I knew he was going to do something to me and I could do nothing. Terror took me over then and I tried to scream but I was suddenly being choked and could not breath or move at all. He looked amused and continued toward me and I knew this was it, I lost consciousness then. The next thing I knew I was alone still sitting on the step the light turned on and my mother opened the door, as soon as she saw me she was yelling that I was late for dinner and it was now bedtime. After that night I was afraid of the dark and I could not use my gifts as I had before, He had done something to me and I could feel like a veil between me and my sight and other gifts.
I have had much trouble due to this and I am still trying to work around this obstacle.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 01:12 PM
I probably sound like a lunatic now but I don't care. I am so tired of hiding it and this veil is the biggest pain in the you know what, I have daughters that all have gifts so now the strongest line has been past on to the next gen..

I will never for get his eyes, that unusual smile, his cloths and the way his hair looked. After all these years I am no longer afraid and would very much like to speak to him even if it is my last conversation, I already know my time is short as I have seen the end and all the options for it.
I have had many visits throughout my life, some good some bad but all have brought me to where I am today. A wife and mother living here in Georgia traveling the world (Bogota is my recent favorite) and beginning to do my arts again. I know I should have done more and been more but I chose to stay away from the greater things, even though I long for them I am happy enough.

If anyone wants to know more about him the let me know.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by redhits

ok so ive heard a lot of theories about vampires and i dont blieve most and many ppl bleive the theory about how vampires started with dracula well in mi class the other day we brought up a topic about it and how it started in london in say, the 16 and 1500s and its theory tht came from ppl having rabies it was really common back then and easily catchable it was caused from bites in animals and spread to humans, which caused them to stay in the dark, they didnt like looking at thier own reflections, and they were very sexually active when they were bit, and caused them to bite spreading to other ppl which is very logical, but about the whole immortality thing is a theory bcuz natturally after they were bit they died within a week or so,as a teen i have a lot of things tht range from sensitivity to sunlight, but ive had it since i was little i as well like the dark and stay up till the early morning. Im just saying that bcuz i wanted ppl to hear another theory, but this one is more logical then most and the bite taking an affect ovr their bodies from the time they r bit until they die, im no expert but its some pretty good evidence that i felt like one wld like to be enlightened on a more scientific fact about it but i have no reference as to if it is true or not. I do believe that vampires might exist but im not sure i wldnt b absolutely sure until i saw it...

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 03:07 PM
I think you can make yourself believe just about anything with enough persistence. I went to a vampire site and many of the things they mentioned made me start thinking I could in fact be a psi vamp. Accidently draining energy without realizing what I'm doing. I've seen a number of other supernatural things. I'm not evil. I even go to church every week. However I'm also currently having a problem with my one eye tooth growing longer and sharper. In a club I was in back a number of months ago, I thought I sensed something different about a girl in the club. She seemed strangely attracted to me as well. I saw her again on another night, when I approached her that time, she actually bit me. Nothing too hard that drew blood or anything but it wasn't what I was expecting. You can make yourself believe almost anything if you really want to. Ok, need to stop posting, severe thunderstorm approaching now.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:27 AM
I wanted to know if it was possible that vampires could communicate through your dreams. I have only encountered a vampire once which I previously wrote about. But now that I have become more fixated on them, I've had strange things happen to me in my dreams. I feel like I'm being watched or I'm watching someone. My dreams feel to real to be normal, I can touch, smell, even taste things in my dreams. Though you could say they were just all subconscious occurrences, I've been able to feel touch things I have never had before.
I had a dream a couple night ago that really shook me. I think it was linked to what I've been doing in my spare time. I have been recently scanning chat rooms and other sites to see if I could catch a trail on a real vampire. But thats always hard to do online. Anyway, I finally thought I caught a real vampire, well he didn't admit it, but I kind of sensed it. You know when you just have the gut feeling, even though it is through the computer I had been talking with him for a while. I finally got the courage to ask him but he denied it. Though I still couldn't completely believe he was human.
Anyway, I went to sleep like normal. It was around 3 am and I had just got done trying to research the signs of a vampire. I normally take an hour to fall asleep, but to my happy surprise I went to sleep quickly. I don't remember wut my dream was about before the encounter but I do know it was totally different. I just remember the scene changing instantly and then a figure had me by the throat, he was behind me and he simply whispered "Leave me alone" and that was it. I woke up in an instant, crying for some reason and shaking. I would have just disregarded it but I could remember so clearly the feel of his hard chest against my back, the strength of his hands wrapped around my neck, the feel of his irregular breath against my neck. I have never been held, never had a boyfriend, but that feeling in his embrace, no matter how threatening it was supposed to be, it was amazing, but still frightening. I had no previous memory of any close contact of a person before. I'm not a real touchy person. But it felt so real, it was amazing.
I have stopped trying to find him in chat rooms, but ever since that night I still feel like I'm being watched in my dreams. And I went to a psychic, just a day ago, he said I have really strong energy while I sleep. That I help souls cross over in my dreams, and that I have a dark figure there who I should watch out for. I went to two different psychics in the same day and they both said the same things without me ever mentioning it.
It's kinda scary, but exciting. I don't know wether to believe it's a vampire or I have the biggest imagination in the world and it even screws up psychics. But I just want to know if anyone else has thoughts on vampires linking through dreams.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:13 PM
I have nightmares throughout the night. It'll be one and then just completely change to some other horrible idea. I'd like to know what's causing it but I don't really know how to go about that. I just have a couple questions for you Just Believe, if you wouldn't mind obliging. I'm wondering how you knew that this person wasn't normal on this chat. Did he/she/it say something or a few things that got you suspicious? I wonder if you would talk with me on msn? If so, please write back to this reply.

Thank You


posted on May, 9 2009 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Bella-x

Hey bella,
I'm Nicole x
I am very interested in your story you must tell me everything have you tryed talking to him again did he reply this time
this is amazing
i'm....vampire...well obssesed you could say i will spend my life trying to find them i want to meet one if not become one
i love them you are so very lucky no many vampires trust humens enough to let the precence none lol you take this chance and make the most of it your very lucky
so tell me have use had an actually convo yet?
i am new to this as you may be able to tell
so please anyone with any storys likes bella's please let me no!!
love always Nikkix

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Just Believe

i have also had many dreams about vampires nothing like that though i talk to them in my dream the convo just seems to drift until finaly im awake but im interested in your incounter if you will
what chat rooms did you do on ?? how did you no he was not ..."normal"
if you could send me a message with your msn adress we could talk on there if you would like and could you give me a list of the chat sites you went on /???

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 02:51 PM
Hi There

If you have read my other post then you know what im talking about,

He's been back and he ow stays for longer, but every time i go to talk to him something happens and he vanishes

But a few days ago i went for a drive with my moms and her new husband and the place we went to was so pretty mountains filled with lush deep ever green trees and mist on the tops of all the high mountains which spread out very far with the sun just coming out (i wount say where i was, so please dont ask where it was but it was early in the morning so it was just getting light but light enough to see everything clear) Ok so i decided to record out the window of my car to show my friend where i went. So i recorded it without looking at what i was doing listening to my mp3.

So that night my friend came over and i showed her the clip while i got us some drinks when i heard her yell at me, i rushed to her and she told me to watch the video

In the video (and the car is on a duel carriage way at the time so doing about 60mph minimum) and there is a figure of a person running along side the car i was in. its so clear it looks and i am sure! it looks like 'Him' or a guy of the same structure in a black hoody and there is this one part where theres a fence and 'it' jumps over it so high but it is absolutely a human. end of. and im almost sure its 'him'

so have i found proof of a vampire or a 'Super being'?

Ahh i dont know but is so clear and it is deffo a human and a boy by its stance

Please comment back im so confused right now


Bells xx

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 05:12 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but could we get to see this piece of video?

I'm interested.



posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:32 PM

I would really like to see this video also.
What do ya say?


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by Bella-x

wow bella
i would really like to see this video as well i have been looking for some kind of proof of vampires basically my hole life so could you please show me and you should really try talking to him again just tell him you mean no harm and that its okay tell him you just want to talk to him to no why it is you that he chosen lol please try and make this beautiful man talk
and please show me the video please

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 02:18 AM
That video sounds amazing! I wouldn't have thought he/it would have been so open to be caught on tape, thats pretty cool. Kinda creepy that you were being followed though ^^;; I wish you luck with your crazy cool stalker.

If anyone wants to discuss dreams i put my email up in my profile, I would love to talk more about them an I have a few of my favorite sites I can give out.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 06:30 PM
I personally believe that vampires are just energy drainers. They could be more that just that, but in the olden days, blood was your energy. Have you ever been around someone and felt really exhausted, or worn out, or perhaps tired? It's just a thought. I don't know if vampires are real, but there have been an awful amount of sightings in the past. They probably are. Why aren't we sure? Think about it, if you were hunting, would tell the prey that you existed? Probably not. I think that they'd rather stay secret. As for the t.v mumbo jumbo, I've never seen a vampire, so it could be real, but why would garlic affect them? I think that sunlight might drain their energy and make them feel sick, maybe they are albinos. They come out in the night, they have pale skin and red eyes, they very well could be part albino.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:19 PM
vampires do exist. Trust me I know. vampires dont have razor sharp teeth, vampires just have stronger abilities mostly of the sensory part of their bodies, strength that can't be explained, better sight than a human thats for sure. Vampires dont turn to ash in the sun. The reason sunlight is avoided is because the pale skin is more niticable than persay a human with white skin. but the daylight, is not a fear vampires have. Vampires sleep very little, imortal beings dont need to sleep, but its a habbit. Just like breathing, which is also unessisary. It's a hereditary, and can be passed on through a bite. Vampires are beautiful and have the most unexplainable eyes that draw you in. This is too capture prey. Vampires are everywhere, you just dont notice how close they are. You might even be friends with one right now.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 12:19 PM
vampires do exist. Trust me I know. vampires dont have razor sharp teeth, vampires just have stronger abilities mostly of the sensory part of their bodies, strength that can't be explained, better sight than a human thats for sure. Vampires dont turn to ash in the sun. The reason sunlight is avoided is because the pale skin is more niticable than persay a human with white skin. but the daylight, is not a fear vampires have. Vampires sleep very little, imortal beings dont need to sleep, but its a habbit. Just like breathing, which is also unessisary. It's a hereditary, and can be passed on through a bite. Vampires are beautiful and have the most unexplainable eyes that draw you in. This is too capture prey. Vampires are everywhere, you just dont notice how close they are. You might even be friends with one right now.

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Bella-x
Hi There

If you have read my other post then you know what im talking about,

He's been back and he ow stays for longer, but every time i go to talk to him something happens and he vanishes

But a few days ago i went for a drive with my moms and her new husband and the place we went to was so pretty mountains filled with lush deep ever green trees and mist on the tops of all the high mountains which spread out very far with the sun just coming out (i wount say where i was, so please dont ask where it was but it was early in the morning so it was just getting light but light enough to see everything clear) Ok so i decided to record out the window of my car to show my friend where i went. So i recorded it without looking at what i was doing listening to my mp3.

So that night my friend came over and i showed her the clip while i got us some drinks when i heard her yell at me, i rushed to her and she told me to watch the video

In the video (and the car is on a duel carriage way at the time so doing about 60mph minimum) and there is a figure of a person running along side the car i was in. its so clear it looks and i am sure! it looks like 'Him' or a guy of the same structure in a black hoody and there is this one part where theres a fence and 'it' jumps over it so high but it is absolutely a human. end of. and im almost sure its 'him'

so have i found proof of a vampire or a 'Super being'?

Ahh i dont know but is so clear and it is deffo a human and a boy by its stance

Please comment back im so confused right now


Bells xx

Can you please post the video so we can see it too?

posted on Jun, 3 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by xfouxbeaux
vampires do exist. Trust me I know. vampires dont have razor sharp teeth, vampires just have stronger abilities mostly of the sensory part of their bodies, strength that can't be explained, better sight than a human thats for sure. Vampires dont turn to ash in the sun. The reason sunlight is avoided is because the pale skin is more niticable than persay a human with white skin. but the daylight, is not a fear vampires have. Vampires sleep very little, imortal beings dont need to sleep, but its a habbit. Just like breathing, which is also unessisary. It's a hereditary, and can be passed on through a bite. Vampires are beautiful and have the most unexplainable eyes that draw you in. This is too capture prey. Vampires are everywhere, you just dont notice how close they are. You might even be friends with one right now.

Do you have anything to qualify your claim? (You say you know that vampires exist.) Other members have posted their experiences or stories. I was just curious as to what your story is. Are you saying you are a vampire or that you know of one? Thank you.

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 06:43 PM
to the person with the dream of being choked.
have you ever practiced wicca?

I know of many people who have had dreams of being choked by a creature or a person that seems to be off in some way.

they have all practiced wicca and spell writing and I was just wondering if your dream would be linked to that.

I'm probably far to late to be posting about it.

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