posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 08:26 PM
hey i am not insisting that i am a vampire but if people could give me their thoughts on it that would be great! um were to begin...
Yes here...
1. i have many traits of a vampire some run in my family and some dont oh and its only the females and only on my mothers side of the family ex:
grandmother, mother, me, a few of my aunts, and a few of my cousins.
2.traits that run in my family are abnormaly pale skin, have unusualy sharp canine teeth
3. because of this all my friends call me 'vampire' or 'vampire teethed' and there is even this one boy who is so afraid of me that he screams
every time im within a ten foot radius of him and calls me 'vampire lady'
it really ticks me off! all my friends are always like 'bite me!' because they want me to turn them into vampires and i insist that i am not a
vampire but they always ignore me
4. traits that dont run in my family include but i have them are love to stay up in the dark, sensitivity to light, being able to hear above and below
the normal hearing range, very anti-social faster and stronger than most people, sense of smell is better than most, always were black *am goth but
still...its technically still a vampire trait*, servere headaches in light
5. i have special vampire 'powers' including seeing aura, reading minds, visions, etc. visions in 2 ways one being in my sleep, and the other being
that if i look at a person i can sometimes see their past and future and deepest secrets.
6. i have encountered a vampire once, ok this is the case senario: me, my babysitter and her boyfriend, and my brother were playing in the snow on the
streets *its a road thats not traveled on alot* and out of nowhere this guy popped up about 10 feet away from us, it scared my babysitter so badly,
and he walked toward us. he mde no eye contact with any one at first but as he walked past me he looked into my eyes and i suddenly became
immobilized, but not out of fear it was like i was being forced to stay still, his eyes were black and filled with hatred and yet it seemed like he
was somewhat curious that i wasnt afraid like most people are. i saw some of his past and future and i saw his darkest secrets, secrets that i didnt
like and secrets that led me to know more about him. his aura was black with red tints meaning that he was most likely a very evil person. he looked
only about 17 or 18 years of age and the strange part was i couldnt read his mind and in all the snow he only left 3 sets of footprints and seconds
after he looked away from me he was out of sight again. to this day i still wonder about the mysterys of him and he obviously loathed me for unknown
reasons yet he paid no attention to anyone else. and ever since then i always feel like someones watching me , its creepy when you think about it!
P.S. this happened in December of 2008 in pennsylvania F.Y.I oddly i am still not scared by vampires for the fact that i may be one
7. reply to this message with your opinion! please! i like knowing what other people think of me and my comments! think about my encounter and about
my abilities when our eyes met it was like he was looking deep into my soul and it was the strangest yet coolest thng that ever happened to me! so
like give me feedback or something with your opinions on everything i wrote/typed i admire vampires an deverything about them good and evil vampires,
*that sounded better in my head* i have no idea why i admire evil vampires but...oh well i guess and i have done research on vampires for like 2 years
now and just to say another power is that i can see things most others cannot like spirits and things! cool, i know! its strange being so different
than everyone else i only have 29 characters left to write with so im trying to use them all. oh i figured out that that guys name was Randy i think
and i think he has a twin brother named Ricky *also an evil vampire* and is enemies with 7 people at least that he knows of
give me your opinion