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vampire sightings

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posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 11:53 PM
I am aware that most of you will not beleave me (which is a good thing), but I am a real vampire. I am most definitely not some sort of idiot regular person who decided that sense I'm pale or the sun gives me headaches I'm a vampire nor am I one those who walk about in black, have fake teeth in there mouthes, and decided that they should drank the blood of there own kind. I mostly glad that there so many fakes out there in this day and age because it makes a real vampire such as my self harder to find. If you are curious about my kind I will do my best to answer what questions I can.

also I am 376 years old, and yes I will burn up in sun.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by DarknessForever
I am aware that most of you will not beleave me (which is a good thing), but I am a real vampire. I am most definitely not some sort of idiot regular person who decided that sense I'm pale or the sun gives me headaches I'm a vampire nor am I one those who walk about in black, have fake teeth in there mouthes, and decided that they should drank the blood of there own kind. I mostly glad that there so many fakes out there in this day and age because it makes a real vampire such as my self harder to find. If you are curious about my kind I will do my best to answer what questions I can.

also I am 376 years old, and yes I will burn up in sun.
Ok, I'll bite (no pun intended).

Were you born a vampire, or were you "turned" by another vampire as most folklore suggests? If the latter, can you describe the circumstances surrounding this event (ie: year, location, relation to vampire- if any, subsequent contact with vampire, etc.).

Thanks in advance for your response. And if we ever cross paths, please refrain from draining me.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 10:49 AM


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 12:06 PM


posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 02:27 PM

If you can't add something productive or worth reading to the thread, then please refrain from posting.

Thank you.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM
I've been reading this section for some time and I must admit that I don't believe in vampire as an ageless being sustaining only on blood.There are so many myths out there and I find them very interesting but to search for something that doesn't exist is a waste of time. I mean it does sound just doubtful to me that some people claim to be over 300 years old. There is no way of fooling the nature. Everything and everybody has to age, there is no virus, change or myth which can prevent that. I admit there are ways of prolonging a human life, but trying to find an answer in vamparism, I think we're reaching for stars here. What I am saying is that maybe some people enjoy playing games, so don't believe everything you read.Anyway internet is suppose to keep us amused and that is what's happening here. People try to make up stories, legends of things they don't understand or they cannot explain and some people try to pretend to be something they're not, just to feel important.All I am trying to say is I don't believe until I see.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by DarknessForever

If I u2u'd you the names of some prominent US vampires do you think you could confirm or deny their existence?

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by DarknessForever
I am aware that most of you will not beleave me (which is a good thing), but I am a real vampire. I am most definitely not some sort of idiot regular person who decided that sense I'm pale or the sun gives me headaches I'm a vampire nor am I one those who walk about in black, have fake teeth in there mouthes, and decided that they should drank the blood of there own kind. I mostly glad that there so many fakes out there in this day and age because it makes a real vampire such as my self harder to find. If you are curious about my kind I will do my best to answer what questions I can.

also I am 376 years old, and yes I will burn up in sun.

That is interesting, are both of your parents vampires? Do you like to be alone? If you walk by people can you see their aura? Or perhaps read their thoughts? And my last question for now is, can you shapeshift?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Rasputin13

I was not born a vampire (which is imposable because all vampires are sterile) I was turned into one.

I was turned in 1664, I was living in Birmingham England at the time and I had a fiance named Beth who I loved vary much. I found out she was seeing another man behind my back, but when I confronted her she left me. My broken heart drove me insane, and I would often wonder the streets drinking. One day late at night while drunk, I came across a ledge. I jumped off trying to end my misery. This was unsuccessful, instead I had greatly injured myself, I knew this because I could not feel or move my legs anymore. When I began calling out for help a vampire named Marcellino (who had been stalking me for some time, as a meal.) jumped off the same ledge and landed gently beside me. He was laughing hysterically he said "what sort of fool runs right off a ledge." I told him about my fiance. He just told me that no woman is worth dieing for and that if she really doesn't love me why would I want to be with her. I told him how I needed help and how I could not move my legs. He told me that I would never walk again and that the only way that he could help me is by ether killing me and drinking my blood, or by turning me into a vampire like him. I chose vampirism, so then he cut open his wrist and let me drink from it. I felt the blood change me slowly draining me and stopping my heart, I literally died. I awoke the next day feeling better and stronger than ever. I stayed with Marcellino in his home in London, he taught me how to find and stalk my pray. As for Beth, I drained her for what she did to me.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 08:21 PM
I don't care if you are bs-ing or not......this is much more interesting to read than all the doom and gloom threads....

If there is anything you personally want to share with us to enlighten us as to maybe some of the myths and if they are true or not that would be appreciated...

Thanks for posting this...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Oh God you have to be kidding me. What the F is this? What proof do you have besides creating wild stories that you are a vampire? I don't believe this.

I'm not denying the existence of blood lusting people but nobody lives forever. There is no transformation. Some people are psycho.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 10:00 PM
I get a kick out of saying I'm a reformed vampire because I had to have my teeth filed. I'm also fair complected and my eyes are sensitive to bright light.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 05:37 PM
very interesting post here, never thought that I will read further,
but I've decided to give it a go and ask a few questions our" vampire". I am a sceptic and do not easily believe everything I read, but also I like to challenge and be challenged. So what would I like to ask a vampire if I found one? Well, I would be more interested in his experience of living through the centuries, seeing the world change and progress must be very interesting. So if you don't mind could you answer my questions, please. I don't want to be rude, I am just curious, but if there is a truth out there and somebody actually lived for more than three centuries, could you please tell me what was your favourite era and how on earth did you cope with the life itself? I mean it's a fancy idea to live for so long, unchanged, but I myself ( must say Iam still young) get really tired of all this sometimes. But on the other hand you must know a lot, you must have seen and met so many people, kings and queens, you must remember what they looked like. Who was a person you admired the most and how did you managed to go through without being detected by other people and have they ever asked : "hang on , he is kinda different." I presume you do not eat normal food if you do could you explain how is that posssible, because according the "legend" your internal organs are supposed to be disfunctional. So if you could give a little review of your life and life around you, how all these years going by have changed you and what would you say it's the most important thing in the life if you figure that out . Sorry for all the intrusion of your privacy but I am just seeking for the truth about this world and life. However, if you are a faker, please do not replay.Thanks

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 12:25 PM
Ah yes, here we have another claim.

I do actually have a question or two for you sir. What countries have you lived in and did you happen to live in the US in the couple decades before the Great Depression?

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 03:38 PM
hay my name is liam and belive me we exist

i was born 1948 i wasnt all ways a vampire i was turned at the age of 16 i have been sixteen for a while now as u can imgine

in 1964 i was at home it was very late in to the night i was with my mum and my two younger brothers

when but later that night out house caught alight i was the only one who survived my mum and two younger brothers died sleeping i had run out side but i had a lot of harmful chemical's and smoke in my lungs and a 6 inche hole in my gut i was bleed to death on the sidewalk near are home i started coughing when i saw this dark pair of boots beside me i turned over and looked up and there was a man standing there look down strangley at me he said his name was Camuel du Coudray he asked me if i was afraid i repleyed yes he spoke in a quiet voice dont be my soon u have been brave enougth for one night and asked me if i wanted to live i replyed live so he put his hand to my mouth and said bite i did i cud feel the blood dancing wth my tastebuds it was such a rush and then my body started to swerve from control i awoke the next mornin to find my self healed and alive but in a strange place it turned out i was at Camuel estat in frace as soon as i told me what had happed we snuck back to england in a ferry in 1965 he taught me everything how to hunt to stay silent in the shadows and most ofall how to survive he was like the father i never got to met then 1986 came around and i awoke one night to find Camuel gone i sespect he went back to attend things at his estate but i belive he is all ways keeping a close eye but now a days we cant hunt and feed as much as we like and the reason we dont come out is cos u humans fear us u are scared of wat we can do and u know it so these days i try to limit my kill to once maybe twice a mounth widespread ofcourse wudnt want to make it to ovbuse now would we and as for that born in to the vampire family its total b-s as you would say and no i havent turned anyone as of yet i try to keep to myself to myself and if u have any qeustions id be happy to answer them

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by DarknessForever
I am aware that most of you will not beleave me (which is a good thing), but I am a real vampire. I am most definitely not some sort of idiot regular person who decided that sense I'm pale or the sun gives me headaches I'm a vampire nor am I one those who walk about in black, have fake teeth in there mouthes, and decided that they should drank the blood of there own kind. I mostly glad that there so many fakes out there in this day and age because it makes a real vampire such as my self harder to find. If you are curious about my kind I will do my best to answer what questions I can.

also I am 376 years old, and yes I will burn up in sun.

There are plenty real vampires out there that drink blood. Blood addiction is a real thing, I don't think people realize that. They simply check before hand if you HIV, and drink away. Blood addiction is usually caused by a a lack of iron in your own blood. It's very popular in a lot of cities all across the world, especially the united states.

One thing though, none of them are 376 years old.
You aren't a "real" vampire.

[edit on 19-9-2009 by FouL-LiveR]

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by DarknessForever

hello mr. vampire.
to tell you im extremely fascinated by the idea of actual existing vampires. im not saying i dont belive but its actually hard to believe when i havent seen any and in scientific facts they believe that there is no such thing as bloodsucking, special ability superhuman beings. as we call it "VAMPIRES." But as they say you dont have to see it in order to believe it. but i do belive they exist out there and im just hoping to meet one face-to-face. i know that sounds strange like shouldnt i be scared but technically i will embrace. i would like to be turned as you say and live as an immortal.
i have a couple questions for you though if i may ask?
i have other questions but for now its just these. only too see and hope you would reply to them.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by liam1948


i am a believer of vampires existing. but your story really doesnt catch my eye but anyway are you a female or male ? your name sounds feminine and if your a male please excuse my poor judgement. i have questions if i may ask you, im very curious.
how old are you?
where do you currently reside ?
and have you ever came across humans who have asked you to turn them and what was your reply ?
would you ever turn somone or just feed on their veins ?
and as in the legends do you burn in the sunlight ?
do you live among humans as seen inmovies or do you keep to yourself in the wilderness, moving from place to place ?
i hope you reply im curios as i said .

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Hello Liam,
your post is very intriguing. Can help myself but ask a few questions.I suppose you are still living in England then. All I want to ask is, do you have to kill people to survive, or can you just drink their blood and let them go. Because if you kill you have to move quite frequently. So if you would like to explain to me how it really works I 'd would apprieciate it.

posted on Sep, 19 2009 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Gemwolf

If you can't add something productive or worth reading to the thread, then please refrain from posting.

Thank you.

Why are people posting here deliberately hoaxing as vampires, as it is obvious to most of us (after hundreds of years grammar should be a piece of cake, not to mention coming out of the "casket" on a message board)?
Is this thread for sightings in crypto, or for claims and should be put in hoaxes?
I post a lighthearted remark and it's removed. I see other posts here far worse that are insulting yet remain.
Something productive or worth reading?
After so many pages, there isn't much left to post except a bunch of posers claiming to be immortal, and to me..THAT is offensive, ignorant, and should be removed.
If we TRULY deny ignorance here..these clowns are laughing at US.
Yep, I'm gonna get the "prove it" thrown at me that real vampires don't exist.
I'm all for keeping a thread on track, intelligently. When you don't, it makes a mockery of what ATS strives to be.
THAT is why I posted what I did before...and I stand by what I posted.
This thread has become laughable at best.
Perhaps my post here is non-productive, or not deemed worth reading..but at least I'm trying to keep some sense of intelligence when I post and not make a mockery of this site or it's members.You want to read about posers- go to vampirefreaks.

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