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The revolution will bring about so many fabulous changes. For example, never again will our US currency be defaced with portraits of ugly dead men. All bills will feature pictures of cute girls.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
I asked whether or not you chose to be straight. I'm not talking about whether you follow thru on it, I'm talking about in your mind, have you ever been attracted to another male. Yes or no.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONIf you've always been attracted to females as far back as you remember, that means that it's not a choice.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONEither it came "natural" to you, or at some point you were equally attracted to both men and women, but 'chose' women for whatever reason.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON I'm asking for you, which of these statements is true.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONAs for that finding the Lord comment, sorry, I don't believe that.
And I sincerely believe that He did not make you that way. I really do.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONAnd that's why I feel sorry for you. Because you have no idea. If you base so much of your life on God, and you say that God would not create someone gay, I know for a fact you are wrong.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONYou don't have to believe me, as I said you will find out some day. I have no doubt when that day comes, you'll find some way to justify your beliefs, much the same way people did when they found out men don't have one less rib than women, or any of the other stories told by the bible which have been proven wrong by science.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONAs for your other comments trying to justify the sins you commit every day, that's a shame.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON Don't hold people up to one standard while you follow a completely different standard. If God doesn't want you to be sinful, don't be sinful. If you are by your own admissions sinful, don't talk down and criticize other people for being "sinful" either.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTONYou are not preaching God's ideals, you are just preaching your own. You try to justify your sins while saying someone else's 'sins' are worse on the sin-o-meter. It's not a choice to be gay, but it is a choice whether to smoke, or drink But hey, even if you choose to sin, God still loves you!
The revolution will bring about so many fabulous changes. For example, never again will our US currency be defaced with portraits of ugly dead men. All bills will feature pictures of cute girls.
And how is this? If thier is no God then you were just DNA'd in to being gay? Think about it, even if you do not believe in the God of Christianity, but if you believe in a Creator, then you would have to wonder why something was created that could not Pass the Genes of the species. It goes against nature. As Grady points out, it is a perversion of the natural laws in which I believe God created. It doesnt make you a bad person, you can be agreat person, but I can not condone the sin.
There is NO degree to sin, and only one is UNFORGIVEABLE, and no murder is not that sin. Drinking might be a sin to you, but it is not ine to me becuase Christ drank wine and if drinking wine is a sin, than Christianity is moot, the whole thing. Christ was sinless and dies to pay for my sin, your sin, everyones sin....
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
It's convenient of you to leave off some of the other portions of those "manifestoes," such as this great line:
But keep taking them seriously, Grady. It's obvious most of them are either completely deranged, or almost comical in nature.
I'm not sure if anyone else pointed it out, but notice the site it comes from:
What's the INOOHR stand for?
International Organization of Heterosexual Rights.
I thought you were more educated than to buy into such simple-minded propaganda Grady, I guess I was wrong.
Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Of which i refuted, unless of course you skipped over that. Even if God created us in his image, he would have undoubtably granted a pyschological and biological failsafe that contested any act of homosexuality; being that nature has manifested homosexual animals and homosexuality in man, it's clear to say that either God did not create man, or God simply #ed up.
You mean Jesus, oh which there is not historical evidence to conclude that such a man walked the face of this Earth....
I still want my answer.
Originally posted by edsinger
Well when I hit puberty the same as you, I liked the female shapes, smells and yes giggles. You mean you right then knew at this same time? You days in the shower at school were spent looking in the shower? I dont believe that, something triggered your preference.
Think about it, even if you do not believe in the God of Christianity, but if you believe in a Creator, then you would have to wonder why something was created that could not Pass the Genes of the species. It goes against nature.
Originally posted by edsinger
Homosexual animals? Come on you can do better than that! Show me one MALE dog with a female in heat that woud rather have a male...just one.
Thing is you do not see anything wrong with it and want all people to accept it as normal in which it is not.
I explained as best I could how you have warped Gods word
Look I admitted my sins, you havent. I recognize my sin, you dont. thats the difference.
Animal sexual behavior takes many different forms; even within the same species, researchers have drawn parallels between this and homosexuality, bisexuality, intersexuality and transgender behavior in humans. The presence of same-sex sexual behavior was not 'officially' observed on a large scale until recent times, possibly due to observational bias caused by social attitudes to same-sex sexual behavior. It appears to be widespread amongst birds, mammals and the apes. Some researchers believe it to have its origin in male social organization and social dominance, similar to the dominance traits shown in prison sexuality.
As for Jesus, let me ask you this , show any historical evidence to conclude that such a man never walked the face of this Earth. YOu can find many writings form other than Christians that show Jesus os Galilee walked the earth and was real, even the Jews recognize this..
Show me one MALE dog with a female in heat that woud rather have a male...just one.
Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
So, instead of continuing to attack me, why not add to the substance of the thread.
Originally posted by edsinger
Well I guess we did and I will admit when I am wrong, I didnt know we sold nerve agents, I just thought blister agents...I was wrong.
And also saddam was a threat to the US, in his support for world terrorism and thats enough for me.
Umm, guess what? There's alot more to this life than simply procreating. We have plenty of people on this earth, we as a species are growing at an alarming rate, how do you know that people were not created gay to help stem this growth? Actually that's what I personally believe in, that's why I will never have sex with a woman, or have a child with a women, even though I would like to. I believe I was created gay for a reason, and that reason probably is to NOT procreate. So I'm not gonna go against who I am just because I would like a child of my own. At best I'll adopt, or simply have to go without. But I won't be bringing a child of my own into this world, I know that much.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
As for KT, please don't tell me what to do. It is NOT a choice.
Same thing I said to edsinger. Did you choose to be straight Krazy Jethro?
Originally posted by ZeroDeep
You lucky bastard
I'm straight and single ! I love girl on girl action, how can you not !
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
But as for the choice issue, it's really speculation either way.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
It's that vicious circle which we all share
Straight guys hit on gay girls
Gay girls hit on straight girls
Straight girls hit on gay guys
And gay guys hit on straight guys
Originally posted by ZeroDeep
How are we sinners? I want a praxeological discource on the disposition of man to sin; your constant redundant rambling that man is sinfull i nature is annoying now, nothing but empty words.
Originally posted by W_HAMILTON
It's "disgusting," most people don't accept you, you run the risk of your family disowning you, or your friends not speaking to you ... you have religious folks preaching how you are sinful and going to hell ... you have your government advocating laws to discriminate against you ... you may suffer harassment ... you have people out there who would kill you for being gay.
What a great benefits package you get when you "choose" to be gay huh?