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If It's Our Constitutional Right to Overthrow Corrupt Government, Why Don't We Do It?

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:34 PM
We should try to fix the problems our country has, not cause a war to erupt in it. If people would open their eyes instead of being set in their ways they could see what is wrong. The system we have is workable if some things would change. The Federal government can't be handing out money to communities for every little project they want. Something needs to be done with the medical system in this country. I say socialized medicine so people get healed. For profit medicine doesn't work. There are lots of things that can change, one of them being that people in California are getting up to 123 thousand for pensions. Why were agreements even made for pensions like that. thirty thousand is enough for a pension on top of Social Security After a certain point pensions should level off, the person isn't working anymore, why are we paying them this much.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:47 PM

I sigh because of how many times I see the same responses on here with the same wrong assumptions.

Just wrong.

First thing that is wrong.

1. Things aren't bad enough for a revolution.

If things, now, aren't bad enough for a revolution, then things back in 1776 certainly were nowhere close to near the criteria needed. The United States shouldn't even exist right now based on this notion. Taxes back then were miniscule compared to today, but it wasn't the amount that mattered - it was the fact that you were being taxed altogether. Now those same taxes and literally a thousand others litter our daily lives plastered onto everything we use, do, purchase, win - or hell - even the things we pass on after we die.

The police state we live in today is manifested ten times more than the presence of British troops prior to the Revolution. Not only do we have the constant police forces that have become our self appointed protectors, but we also now have military patrols on our own soil. We also have no control over the actions of our military, what wars they go to, regardless of if it is for our "protection" or for the imperialism of the increased expansionism of the new U.S. Empire.

Things today are 10 times worse in all forms than back then. There are differences in cultural identities, but they matter very little to the overall picture of the fact of the matter.

The second common wrong in this situation:

2. Peaceful Revolution / Voting will work just like Iceland / Gandhi / Ect.

Americans are not devout Indian spiritual worshipers. The people of Iceland were not brainfed a mash of ideas to keep them in a slumber of obedience and calming state of blissful acceptance. Neither of them were as overall ignorant as Americans are as a whole, and no other country can match the ignorance, laziness, and unwillingness to sacrifice of the common American.

Moreso than any other people on the planet, Americans have been raised and fed the ideas that sloth is a good thing and materialism is the true god of the universe. They have been bribed into ignorance by fads of cheaply made technology and narcissistic status enhancing products. To most Americans, the type of car you drive will be a deciding factor on how much you are liked as a person. Whether or not your nose is perfectly in shape with the rest of your face might be the deciding factor to if you ever start a family. But in America, those things can all be fixed and it is because of that that the people can be so easily bribed to be ignorant.


Not once. Not ever.

Recognize this and accept it. Unless these niceties are yanked from people and they are forced to recognized the world around them at face value, there will be no revolution. Period. But when these things are taken - the violence embedded into their brains as second nature that we have all been eased to accept in our lives - will take hold and violence will erupt.

And violence is a natural state for humans so why fight it? It is also successful most of the time. The only reason people don't like it is because they are afraid. They are afraid they might die and to be afraid of your own death for a goal of of something so great is very selfish indeed.

And the last wrong I must point out:

3. They have bigger guns.

No. This isn't "wrong", but they can't use those guns, at least not without paying a major price. A crucial mistake that many losers in revolutions have done is they committed acts of wonton violence against citizenry not involved in the actual war. Civilian causalities if you will. The more civilian casualties the offending party committed, the more the civilians joined the war effort, redeveloped better strategy, and got even more soldiers than they could have handled should that have never done the civilian casualties.

Should the government choose to use their "big guns", such weapons come with very high collateral damage. Just look at the Iraq War civilian causalities. All of their low yield and grounds weapons are readily available to the public. Either way - it is a win-win situation for the war effort. They use the bigger guns, the revolution gets a bigger force. They don't, the revolution has an easier battle and less casualties.

Revolution will come. But the first act of any such revolution will come when the group responsible correlates the destruction of cable and satellite provider locations around the country - and I am completely serious about that. To begin rehabilitation, one must cut off the main source of the drug, and though there are many other sources - television remains the biggest poison that injects into the minds of the ignorant today- and they continue to believe all that they hear.

Hopefully, that day will be soon.

edit on 31-8-2012 by gwydionblack because: spelling

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:25 PM

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the Public Treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the Public Treasury with a result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy always followed by dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence:

From Bondage to Spiritual Faith
From Spiritual Faith to Great Courage
From Courage to Liberty
From Liberty to Abundance
From Abundance to Selfishness
From Selfishness to Complacency
From Complacency to Apathy
From Apathy to Dependency
From Dependency back into Bondage

We don`t do it because we are apathetic and dependent on the 1% and the powers that be for our very existence.We are apathetic to the point that we are satisfied with the crumbs from the table rather than to stand up and fight to take our table back.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Before we forget,there is an entire world being headed up under a tyrannical system,not just the USA. Some would agree that what we are experiencing is the battle between good and evil,with evil (sin:greed,theft,murder,etc,...) having it's fateful cataclysmic conclusion as it plays out.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places."~Eph.6:10

Maybe instead of focusing entirely on the problems in this world we should leave some time to think about a hereafter.
That's all I'm saying.

We don't want to be like TPTB,for while they may be gaining the whole world,are they risking their very souls?

"Again, the devil took him up into an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
And said unto him, All these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me."~Matt.4:8-9

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:06 AM

To begin rehabilitation, one must cut off the main source of the drug, and though there are many other sources - television remains the biggest poison that injects into the minds of the ignorant today- and they continue to believe all that they hear.
reply to post by gwydionblack

I think you're right about that!

And also,locally,groups could work towards getting the fluoride out of the water!!!!!
It is being done successfully in some places I've heard.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:14 AM
People are too lazy to act out. Most Americas are braindead zombies walking around shopping malls, eating and shopping - America's two past times as George Carlin put it. If we could wake people up to what's really going on, if we could somehow intercept the news they DO watch - however infrequently - maybe we could open some minds. It worked in V for Vendetta.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by On the Edge

A major part of America's problem is it's tendency to fall back on scripture whenever things start to get a little shaky. The original idea to separate Church from State may have been a good one, but what's the point of even suggesting such a separation exists, if half of you are going to vote people in on the strength of their religious convictions?

The Bible is not an apocryphal work to the Constitution. Or a decider of who has political worthiness or not. It's just another tool to keep people polarised favourably towards a political agenda. And when religion is used to define political polarisation, things get out of hand. So stop it. There's no Biblical answer to any of today's socio economic abuses. No Bronze age wisdom will help us out of this evolutionary hole we're digging.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by BadBeast

I won't derail this thread with debates about the Bible or belief in God.

My post was heartfelt and may add something for those who see things from a perspective other than your own.

If it doesn't pertain to you,that's fine by me.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
I was under the impression that the money backing both parties comes out of the same pocket, at least at a lever where the candidates are very public.

I've said it many times and I say it again. If these two parties are not to your liking, whatever the reason. Vote for someone else. It's pointless and not so democratic to try change a party that does not suit you.

The public needs to turn their attention to lower tiers, where politics happen away from the media. I am willing to bet, if voter fraud happens its there, where people who do not tow the party line of the briefcase holder are weeded out early.

Do not vote for the party.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by glitchinthematrix
I've been mulling this over for a few days now. I know it's completely crazy, but it must not be too nutzoid of a thought if there is a provision for it in the Constitution. ATS, why do y'all think this is or is not possible? Obviously it would take some intense organization that is really beyond my comprehension, but I'm just curious why this doesn't seem to be a viable option for "We the People" whose rights are being taken one by one, who no longer really own much of anything, who work to carry the super rich and put money in their pockets day and night.

Is there anyone or group with a strong enough character to not become corrupt themselves? How long would it take to establish a new government? Would we be able to take back jobs? Would we become employees of the new government? Would all the Top Secret information finally be disclosed? As American people, are not all these things ours by birthright per the Constitution?

I know it's a simple-minded concept that would become really complicated really fast. If the percentage is 99% to 1%...kinda seems like the odds should always be in our favor. This is just some thoughts...not a serious concept. I just wondered what kind of thoughts and ideas you all might have.

Well, I'm thinking you're not the guy to start them off..

The reason we are not in revolt is, it ain't that bad. Yet. Things would have to be pretty bad to prefer fighting and killing .Americans are a comfortable lot. If those in control are smart, they won't let that comfort level slip to much. Because that's when people start getting revolutionary.

If you're just hell bent on getting this started, I'd say you had better think about it. Let's just say in our wildest imaginations it was successful. Hot damn. We got a revolution. Say good bye to normal. Say hello to tragedy, death, blood and carnage.

You realize of course, the only way this could happen is from within the military. It could be a coup d e tat. It could be ex military in the street with local militia support.

But I don't think to many are committed to the blood and bullets. It just ain't that bad yet.

Good question though.

As far as taking back jobs and stuff. You got quite an agenda there. But you know working for the government is not all that bad. I know people got good jobs there. Secret information, how do you know it's true? I'm not so sure the Constitution gave birth rights. I do however like the way you point out that 99 to 1 are good odds.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:05 AM
A revolution happens during a change in the zeitgeist of the revolutionaries, at minimum. A revolt attempts to change the leadership while keeping the institutions essentially the same. Revolts never work long term.

Revolution means that many people see reality in a way that can't be administered to by the current system.

Revolution requires a means of sustinance for the revolutionaries after the connection with the system has been broken.

Without some kind of miraculous mass epiphany, the revolution would only come after many people dropped off the grid and the government leaned on them harder and harder.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by vexati0n

Our gov't is running drugs through Mexico, but making them "illegal" here.

Eric Holder.

There's no chance to fix this gov't.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by jeantherapy
A lot of people would probably settle for protecting and enforcing the constitution we already have; but we have seen how the Supreme Court feels about our constitution as well as all the congresspeople and senators that have voted against protecting the "rights" it's supposed to guarantee.

Then we're back basically to trying hard as individuals to vote for people who are willing to fund the things you want, including enforcing and strengthening the Constitution. It doesn't require a revolution. Just more people giving a crap.

P.S. -- Not me, of course. I've been around too long and seen too much stuff to believe it to be anything but theater. Hand puppetry. Magic acts. Long ago the government went from being a protector of citizen's rights to a crooked slot machine that now frequently "loses" billions of dollars into the pockets of its manipulators. But rolling out the guillotines has never really worked. We just all need to keep clapping to keep Tinkerbell alive by believing in it, because nobody knows or wants the alternative.

edit on 1-9-2012 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by glitchinthematrix
I've been mulling this over for a few days now. I know it's completely crazy, but it must not be too nutzoid of a thought if there is a provision for it in the Constitution. ATS, why do y'all think this is or is not possible? Obviously it would take some intense organization that is really beyond my comprehension, but I'm just curious why this doesn't seem to be a viable option for "We the People" whose rights are being taken one by one, who no longer really own much of anything, who work to carry the super rich and put money in their pockets day and night.

Is there anyone or group with a strong enough character to not become corrupt themselves? How long would it take to establish a new government? Would we be able to take back jobs? Would we become employees of the new government? Would all the Top Secret information finally be disclosed? As American people, are not all these things ours by birthright per the Constitution?

I know it's a simple-minded concept that would become really complicated really fast. If the percentage is 99% to 1%...kinda seems like the odds should always be in our favor. This is just some thoughts...not a serious concept. I just wondered what kind of thoughts and ideas you all might have.

Because the concept of our government being "totally corrupt" isn't "totally true" for the most part state and local governments operate on a much more personal level.

What people hate is how the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is currently ineffective. The single GREATEST change to give back more power to the states is the repeal of the 17th amendment. Senators as envisioned by our founding fathers were to be ELECTED by state governments not popular vote, When it was made a popular vote it took away the power from the states and gave it to the 2 national parties (DEM/GOP).

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:25 AM
Most men live lives of quiet desperation.......
Point being they do not talk about it......
Communication between citizens is at all time lows.....
We do not talk to each other.....we do not care about each other either....our empathy has been destroyed with misery all around us.
\life is now so difficult that other people are deemed competition first before thought of as allies or friends..............

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by sicksonezer0

The govt dont invent half of the things that we like or use, they are made by people with great imaginations.the govt and TPTB just exploit those things Imo. There is nothing to stop us having things we enjoy if we overthrow a corrupt govt. but maybe we would have less of the things we dont enjoy. I think its a common mistake people make in their thinking that we would have # lives if we took down these corrupt bastards that rule the world.
edit on 1-9-2012 by ThePeopleParty because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Expat888

i believe it is in the WATER. think about it, Flouride was added to the drinking water in concentration camps in the early 40's to keep the populations from rising up! do your homework, DONT DRINK THE WATER, well as much as possible anyway, i dont. ever wonder why other european nations dont flouridate their water?? come on people, the tools are EVERYWHERE on the net to engage in an effective insurection. use the Brains you were given and find a solution! i think the biggest problem is that the average American is scared to go against the modern Military and rightfully so. but we CANNOT effect change without sacrafice! DONT HIDE behind your families, speak your minds, let your angers and frustrations out ( in a constructive manner) and stay the course, steel yourselves!

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by sensible1
reply to post by jeantherapy

Yeah it just so happens you "woke up" by coincidence when a black man took office... How amazing the timing...
You racists are all the same... The KKK said they burned crosses for "religious" reasons... Here in the south, the rebels still say that the civil war was fought over "states rights.." Welll thankfully , there is a higher power to answer to..

Whatever will you guys who scream "RACISM!" at every drop of the hat Do with all your free time once the marxist and his collectivist entourage are back on the street??????????

Aren't you sick of it already?
Tell you what; We'll trade you straight across Gen Colin Powell for the current prez. And throw in Condi Rice as sec of state. If skin color matters so much to you!

( Who's the real Racists here? The people who are not dissuaded from disliking the man for his policies because of his skin color? or the people who blindly support the man because of his skin color to makeup for all past racism in America???..

edit on 1-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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edit on 1-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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edit on 1-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:09 AM
Let's get a few things clear.

I, Glitch, am a woman. I'm not your buddy, or fella or whatever. I know it's normal to assume most conspiracy geeks are dudes, but not in this case. I'll try and update my avatar soon and put pink or something in it. LOL! I hate pink.

If you come up in the last 6 pages of the thread talking bout how this isn't in the Constitution, or it's from the Declaration of Independence instead, blah blah blah. You look like a dumba**....#1 for not reading the thread, and #2 because this was resolved ON THE FIRST PAGE of the thread. Yes, I got my historical documents mixed up and I can't edit the thread I'm the ultimate ding dong here. You can stop bringing it to light every other post now. Thanks.

I, in no way, am attempting to organize a revolution on any scale. I certainly don't think I would be cut out for such a vocation. Furthermore, I know nothing of being a leader on a large scale. I'm not an activist. I'm more like the person who paints the signs for the activists to hold.

Clarity out of the way, I would truly like to thank those of you who have taken the time to contribute to this thread. Your responses have both surprised and impressed me and even brought me hope. No change though.
Peace, brothers and sisters.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 11:48 AM
1. there is, unfortunately, no constitutional right. i think the declaration of independence talks of this but not the outdated constitution.
2. with the massive unrestrained diversity in this country it would be nearly impossible to create an effective new government. the longevity of this government lends some legitimacy in peoples eyes. a new government would not have this and the various societal supported separatist groups would constantly rebel. groups like the aryan nation, NCLR and NAACP should have been crush decades ago. simply put, unrestrained diversity without a national unifier, typically and unfortunately a foreign enemy, is a recipe for eventual disaster.
3. most Americans would rather just sit on their butts and complain.
4. until china takes over i doubt the world could financially handle a new US civil war.
5. again the constitution does not grant this right. actually, the outdated document really does not say a whole lot.

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