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If It's Our Constitutional Right to Overthrow Corrupt Government, Why Don't We Do It?

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:48 PM

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

A lot of people would probably settle for protecting and enforcing the constitution we already have; but we have seen how the Supreme Court feels about our constitution as well as all the congresspeople and senators that have voted against protecting the "rights" it's supposed to guarantee.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by Dnepropetrovsk

The op clearly mistyped, I thought it had been all cleared up that really the title should say Declaration of Independence?

Then it is equally flawed. The declaration of independence was just that a declaration of our independence our rights come from the constitution.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n
You backwards backwoods intolerant American Taliban need to start convincing people with actual reason, or shut up and go back to your shacks. Threatening the public peace with your fantasies about revolution isn't going to get us anywhere.

Why do you think you can convince people with insults? Your posts have been full of them and that contradicts your claim that reason must be employed to make an argument.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Dnepropetrovsk

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by Dnepropetrovsk

The op clearly mistyped, I thought it had been all cleared up that really the title should say Declaration of Independence?

Then it is equally flawed. The declaration of independence was just that a declaration of our independence our rights come from the constitution.

Technically no, our rights derive from our "Creator" (which could mean whatever you want it to mean, since it's a free country). The Constitution does not "grant" rights, since Government does not have the power to grant rights. The Constitution delegates specific powers and responsibilities to the various parts of the Federal Government. It is worded so that anything not specifically mentioned in the Constitution is presumed to be a right or a power left to the States or to the People themselves.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:53 PM
Not enough Americans want to overthrow anything. It a small minority....such as the OP...that thinks it could happen. It cant, it wont.

The people as a WHOLE would want it and they dont.....even tho the OP thinks we should (and thats 1 single opinion) Like Mr Paul speaking at the RNC..or getting "nominated from the floor'...if enough Americans wnat soemthing it absoluteuly CAN happen. They didnt...and it didnt...nor will this small group overthrow the government.

Its in the numbers and the numbers are a small as a whole...things will continue in this craziness...

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Dnepropetrovsk

Then it is equally flawed. The declaration of independence was just that a declaration of our independence our rights come from the constitution.

Your rights come from your ability to assert and defend them, not from some piece of paper that clearly doesn't mean anything in our "great" nation. The police are not protecting your constitutional rights and there has been some indication that our president might like to give up further constitutional rights at the request of the UN.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by sensible1

Why do you keep accusing me of being racist? I will state for you what I have stated many other times in other discussions. All humans are the same race. All humans have the same capacity for good and evil. My message is one of unification and not of division, we must abandon all divisive terms like African American - if you are a citizen you are American plain and simple. You can take pride in your country without taking pride in your government. Greedy people that don't care what effects their actions have run the governments of the world over, we know this. I live in the US that is why I focus on our particular corrupt government.

You are completely full of crap! You KNOW I meant why focus on THIS current US administration, when Bush and Cheney ran an oil company, started a war in Iraq when our enemy was in afghanistan, and raised the oil prices to their current high rate so they could reap the benefits of halliburtons NO BID contracts to sell oil, food, and fuel at fraudulently high prices to the US gov't. They were fined for price gouging food and fuel to our troops... Not thats curruption to the core... But thats not what gets you out of your seat... no... its that guys skin pigmwent, and his name... That is called RACISM. No way is the current gov. more currupt than govs. past... The only difference is race.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Originally posted by vexati0n
You backwards backwoods intolerant American Taliban need to start convincing people with actual reason, or shut up and go back to your shacks. Threatening the public peace with your fantasies about revolution isn't going to get us anywhere.

Why do you think you can convince people with insults? Your posts have been full of them and that contradicts your claim that reason must be employed to make an argument.

It isn't my intention or desire to convince anyone of anything. I'm stating my opinions, which are basically that A) Actual "Revolution" is as unlikely as it would be useless and futile; and B) Teatards are uneducated goons who lack a basic Human ability to reason, as demonstrated by their 3 year history of failing to understand basic civics, history, and economics.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n

Originally posted by Dnepropetrovsk

Originally posted by jeantherapy
reply to post by Dnepropetrovsk

The op clearly mistyped, I thought it had been all cleared up that really the title should say Declaration of Independence?

Then it is equally flawed. The declaration of independence was just that a declaration of our independence our rights come from the constitution.

Technically no, our rights derive from our "Creator" (which could mean whatever you want it to mean, since it's a free country). The Constitution does not "grant" rights,

I never said it granted our rights I said our rights come from the constitution, post the bill of rights without quoting the constitution.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by sensible1

Why focus on the current administration? Uh, because they are in office? We have had an immoral lousy president ever since I have been alive - why I am going to go back now and bash Reagan for being a scum - the guy is dead and buried. And try as you might, you will never force a racist attitude upon me. I am learning to dislike people who fail to "deny ignorance" as you have.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:08 PM
It's not a crazy notion at all. The Declaration of Independence says it clearly, "That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government….”

I personally would consider it a relevant time to take such action. Obviously, you don't want to overthrow the government just to overthrow it, and you can't do it without a plan. However, I believe it is clearly within the best interests of the people of the world, to do so. Honor has been replaced with greed, and lust for power. The highest levels of government are not operating for the best interests of the country. This is obvious when you look closely at all the details. You can see that the highest ranking members, would probably have it in their best interests, if WE weren't here, or to keep us in a state of so called "blissful" ignorance. Their biggest threat, is that people are learning, and overall we as a species are getting smarter, at least most of us. But we are at the point where, we know many things the government is doing, that are in direct violation of the Declaration of Independence and the constitution. Harassment and murder are just notes on a to-do list of government ways of maintaining power.

Its disgusting, to think that we went from a dream to a nightmare in under 300 years. This was supposed to be "The New World", Land of the free. Yeah, right.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

I'm down. Lead the movement. While I'm down to help with a movement, I have no idea how to start one that will actually gather momentum.

"Revolution, the only solution,

The armed response of an entire nation,

Revolution, the only solution,

We've taken all your #, now it's time for restitution.

Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,

Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,

Watch them all fall down." ~an excerpt from a system of a down song called P.L.U.C.K.

Technically he's talking about the Armenian genocide, but it applies broadly.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by FeatherofMaat
Because America is populated by mostly stupid people. They believe the "news" pundits and what the media tells us. As a result, we are two Nations masquerading as one. We shouldn't be, but we are. The PTB have been 100% successful in dividing us. As long as we think, "if we just get rid of the TeaBags" or :if we just get rid of the LibTards" America will die. It's almost dead now. So, put aside any government overthrow with your little popguns against a modern military until we stop it. However, I never see it happening. We need to man up, divide into two Nations, and call it a day.

Take your newly minted fresh batch of revolutionary: common "stupid people"; put them in the seats of government and have somebody (Soros/Rochefeller et al...) throw their first million dollars at them see how many"stick to their altruism". and you are back to:"this congressional seat sponsored by" "bravo sports drink"( its got electrolytes!)
Power corrupts.
I could see if the individual states went more right or left and people were free to move about. .

"Libtards" get California along with Jane Fonda, and gov "moonbeam" and we'll take Idaho, Texas, Montanna and Wyoming

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: too many conjunctions("ands")

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by jeantherapy

Yeah it just so happens you "woke up" by coincidence when a black man took office... How amazing the timing...
You racists are all the same... The KKK said they burned crosses for "religious" reasons... Here in the south, the rebels still say that the civil war was fought over "states rights.." Welll thankfully , there is a higher power to answer to..

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n

Originally posted by jeantherapy

Originally posted by vexati0n
You backwards backwoods intolerant American Taliban need to start convincing people with actual reason, or shut up and go back to your shacks. Threatening the public peace with your fantasies about revolution isn't going to get us anywhere.

Why do you think you can convince people with insults? Your posts have been full of them and that contradicts your claim that reason must be employed to make an argument.

It isn't my intention or desire to convince anyone of anything. I'm stating my opinions, which are basically that A) Actual "Revolution" is as unlikely as it would be useless and futile; and B) Teatards are uneducated goons who lack a basic Human ability to reason, as demonstrated by their 3 year history of failing to understand basic civics, history, and economics.

I'm sorry; I starred this p.o.crap reply quoted above by accident...

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by glitchinthematrix
I've been mulling this over for a few days now. I know it's completely crazy, but it must not be too nutzoid of a thought if there is a provision for it in the Constitution. ATS, why do y'all think this is or is not possible? Obviously it would take some intense organization that is really beyond my comprehension, but I'm just curious why this doesn't seem to be a viable option for "We the People" whose rights are being taken one by one, who no longer really own much of anything, who work to carry the super rich and put money in their pockets day and night.

Is there anyone or group with a strong enough character to not become corrupt themselves? How long would it take to establish a new government? Would we be able to take back jobs? Would we become employees of the new government? Would all the Top Secret information finally be disclosed? As American people, are not all these things ours by birthright per the Constitution?

I know it's a simple-minded concept that would become really complicated really fast. If the percentage is 99% to 1%...kinda seems like the odds should always be in our favor. This is just some thoughts...not a serious concept. I just wondered what kind of thoughts and ideas you all might have.
There is no amendment in the US Constitution to allow the citizens to overthrow the government. In the Declaration of Independence, a provision does exist to throw off such government and provide new guards to their future security. Thomas Jefferson got that idea from his studies of the Jewish thinker Maimonides (RAMBAM) .

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by sensible1
reply to post by jeantherapy

Yeah it just so happens you "woke up" by coincidence when a black man took office... How amazing the timing...
You racists are all the same... The KKK said they burned crosses for "religious" reasons... Here in the south, the rebels still say that the civil war was fought over "states rights.." Welll thankfully , there is a higher power to answer to..

You are indeed the racist, it is you that cannot ignore a man's skin color, which is irrelevant in a discussion of morality. You have called him a "black man". Well I for one have never seen a black man, I have seen many shades of brown and refuse to even use these types of terms to describe another human. The problem exists with you.. "Here in the south" - well I guess that explains it.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by glitchinthematrix

You only have to look at the Occupy movement to see how any attempt to end the corruption is suppressed and subverted not just by those in power, but by the average person in the street - by those being oppressed and having their rights removed. If you rock the boat you'll quickly be thrown overboard, so the system is self-policing.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 02:59 PM
If It's Our Constitutional Right to Overthrow Corrupt Government, Why Don't We Do It?


95% of us live in cities. Stockpiles will eventually run out and city dwellers are not known for being self sufficient

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